Market Update: Comforting Lies

As pre-context for my response to the topic here stirred up (once again) by Granny’s indelicate wording and decidedly victim-oriented diatribe, I will readily admit that this site cannot be all things to all people. Nor does it aspire to be.
The good news is that I am immune to the demand that I be all things to all people. That was never my goal, nor my desire in life. I speak to those who can hear and are ready to hear. Those people are my tribe.
Further, our tribe consists of people who readily do whatever work needs to be done, when it needs to be done.
They don’t loudly proclaim that the floor needs sweeping, they don’t angrily demand that the seminar leaders sweep the floor beneath their lifted feet, they quietly grab a broom and start sweeping the whole room. They do this because they noticed the floor was not to their standard of cleanliness. They do it because it needs doing, not with the hope that someone will notice and lavish praise upon them.
This is a character trait in some people and, in my experience of life, these are quite often the most conventionally successful people. They build businesses, relationships and communities.
Lately I have found Granny’s signal-to-noise ratio to have slipped well below the level that adds to this community. At best her outbursts provide a platform for having a teachable community moment, but otherwise I find them divisive, and distracting.
On balance I find this thread is poorer for this conversation, even though, as with every grenade-tossing event, there are some harvestable fragments.
westcoastjan said:

I read A LOT of websites. It is rare to find the kind of civilized discourse that is found here. It is also rare to find a community like this that has the kind of long term connection among members that we have here. We can't let TPTB win by the divide and conquer they use successfully just about everywhere.
I agree Jan, this is a rare online community. It's a treasure and worth preserving. But I don't believe it's TPTB at work here creating division. In this particular instance this is just Granny's style. It's who she is, it's who she's been, and therefore it's who she is going to be in the future. I have detected exactly zero moments of self-reflection on Granny's part where she came back after an outburst having thought things through and owned any part of it. It's always someone or something on the outside that she finds abrasive. Every push-back to her style is met with a wall of JADE-ing (Justify, Argue, Defend, Explain) and/or wildly inappropriate deflection ("Oh, this is just men beating up on women again!") I can state this with certainty; if Granny is the same in person as she is online she wouldn't last long as a member of my physical community. We're all doers here, all hard workers, and we accomplish incredible amounts each day without complaint. We own our failures and we don't demand more free labor from others to meet our personal needs. As Gottman's work pointed out, a good relationship has a minimum of 5 positive encounters for every negative encounter or 'corrective' bit of feedback. I am acutely aware of Granny's displeasure at my choice of free content. I am very aware that she skipped right over the part where I explained I came from very humble beginnings, that I lived on $5/week at one point in my life, and that I worked very hard to get where I am. All of which I understand as her prior wounds and so I don't take that personally. Still I am in a position of leadership here and I care deeply that the conversations are on track, welcoming, and open-minded. So when I read Granny's latest set of angry posts I cringed, knowing that they would be more repellent than attractive to a newcomer. Creating a safe container for online conversations is no easy feat, and attacking, abrasive tones are the opposite of safe. I'm all for diversity and love being challenged, but I'm also keenly alert to the idea that some people are additive to a group's level of energy and functioning and some are subtractive. Some are nourishing, others depleting. To be honest, once again I came away from Granny's latest outbursts feeling quite deflated and annoyed; not so much properly challenged as inappropriately flogged. Certainly no gratitude was on display, no positives to be found at all in any recent comments. Just a solid wall of complaining. I see Sparky defending that as "just Granny's style" but style matters in life. As surely as Granny has every right to be the way she is, I have a right to decide it's not my cup of tea. This part bears repeating; the offer has been made, quite nicely, and very civilly many times to Granny; if you find content missing from this site, then please create it. Without exception, she has declined every offer preferring instead to pick up the cat o' nine tails and flail away from time to time. I presume the desired effect is to shame/goad Adam and I into creating the sort of content that she wishes to see here. Besides the fact that such an approach is rarely effective in life, were Adam and I to try and satisfy every complainant, it would not reveal a dedication to diversity, it would be a decision to adapt ourselves to someone else's wounding. That never works out over the long-term in personal relationships and it's an especially poor practice for any community that seeks to grow and thrive. Eventually you succumb to the tyranny of tiny wounds, nobody able to say or do anything for fear of setting off one of the many roving land mines. DTrammel said:
I also know from experience the time and effort it takes to write content, find or create photos, or graphs, diagrams or all the other things that go into making posts on complicated subjects. I can't imagine the effort to create videos. I've made posts that took me hours to create and probably took minutes to read. The depth of information that you need to teach all of the skills to live in a world that is economically and environmentally collapsing is huge. Its not just write a few articles and take a few pictures. Its also not something that gets done if people don't step up and contribute. Its awful easy to complain "Why don't you cover this subject more". I've had that complaint a lot of times. My response is always, take the time and effort to research those things that interest you, AND then write it up and share it. But I've had people flat out tell me, "I don't have the time to do that." Too often, people expect others to do the hard work for them.
I confess, after being tolerant of "granny's style" for a while, this last one pushed me past an inner line and I am now resenting Granny's failure to appreciate the obvious hard work Adam and I put in here. I work right at the edge of what's humanly possible and give away nearly all of that for free. It's still not enough for her type. It's never enough, which now strikes me as both grating and ungracious. Adam Taggart said:
In the just past week, Chris and I have recorded/published interviews with Sergey Young (technology's promise & risks), Neil Howe (the 4th turning), Grant Williams/Mike Maloney & Charles Hugh Smith (the Fed), five daily coronavirus update videos, and the video above with New Harbor (markets).
As a reminder, that content Adam referred to was offered to the world free, free, free, freefreefreefreefree and free. Without properly adding it up that's around 7 hours of video content produced. And that was just in one week. Some people struggle to put out 5 minutes of content a week. To put a humorous spin on it all, whenever people come around to complain that Adam and I aren't doing enough for them, it reminds me of this scene: [embed][/embed] So here's the deal, my bottom line, I get to choose my relationships in life, both in my physical and my online community. There's no requirement that I put up with depleting sorts especially at the expense of spending quality time with nourishing relationships. This community is best served by those, like DTrammel, who quietly pick up the broom and sweep because that's what needs doing. Everybody should feel free to make any sorts of suggestions about new content. But refusing to do any actual work yourself while telling Adam and I we are not doing enough for you won't get you much besides an invitation to let yourself out. This is a precious community and it deserves our very best selves to show up and contribute. I am grateful for the majority of members who show up, bring their best, and weave the ropes that hold us together. Thanks for listening. And remember, it's possible the Romans weren't all bad.

Chris and Adam I am deeply sorry for my participation in this thread. Based on the data including this post there were only 4 posts out of 81 directly related to the original post.
This thread was hijacked by one person for no good reason I can see. It is normal for threads to digress and sometimes go off the reservation but this was an utter waste of bandwidth. It has to be terribly disappointing for those "rich white guys " who come here for your reporting on the economy and markets to see this thread. It certainly isn’t inviting.
This site has changed little in terms of content over the last 13 years. You 2 are definitely focused on the economy in all its manifestations. While I have never owned a stock as I have mentioned your insight into economic issues has been invaluable to me personally. I have been able to share not only this site but specific info you have provided with family and friends. In 2009 a friend and I offered the Crash Course to our community. We did it in 2 separate viewings at our coop conference center. We had 25 people show up each time and at the end we simply said “well now what?”
We ended up with a group of over 40 who met every 2 weeks for 2 years to discuss sustainability. Ideas were shared , resources were shared and bonds were formed. We found out about the Transition Town movement here. (would not have otherwise perhaps) . We spoke with the city horticulturalist about edible landscapes, we talked to the mayor about an energy descent plan, we initiated talks with organizations in the city and the mayor about local currency, We had Paul Glover come and speak about Ithaca hours, a talk attended by about 100 people including the mayor. There is more but you get the point.
Me and my community have benefited greatly from the work you have done, and offered for free. I have never been a subscriber but have seen a few premium content articles a friend shared with me. Over the years I drifted in and out of the site as I focused on crypto and there wasn’t much here on that that I found particularly useful. Then it was on the radar and i joined so I could join the discussion.
I am here now and may drift again as my and the world situation changes.
I also read a lot of other websites and have yet to find one as broad and as deep as this one. You have created a masterpiece. It is not perfect but it is a huge job and it will evolve and get better over time. Everyone can find something here that is useful. They may not find everything useful, I certainly don’t) but that is part of being a hunter gatherer.
Again my apologies for distracting from your message and for the length of this post. I am grateful for everything you do and am in awe of your coverage of the pandemic. You have unique talents, and far, did I say far more patience than I do.
All the best and keep on keepin on

JimH it was sweet of you to state you want Granny to stay. But it is entirely Granny’s choice whether she decides to bring her manners to the table or not. It seems Adam and Chris have contacted her about the nature of some of her posts, but to no avail.
But the issue here is not just about Granny’s wish to see a broader range of topics. It is also about an accumulation of negative and pointed comments she has made over time, against individuals and demographic groups, and includes the criticism she posted in this thread.
It is important to separate the issues. As I alluded to in my previous comment, I don’t believe it is the PP members who are responsible for the great financial divide in society, therefore these members should not be criticized. And making negative comments about the ‘well to do’ and ‘white men’, whether they are PP members or not, serves no useful purpose here. Granny is not the only one who has done this.
Comments which attack groups within the PP community based on their demographic or financial status, or whether they are fortunate enough to avoid others during the pandemic, create a poisonous atmosphere and serve to divide this group. These comments affect not only the group or individual being criticized, they also affect me.
A few months ago I heard a radio talk show host come on the air, very angry about an incident that had happened the day before. She told her listeners that her 5 year old son had come home from Kindergarten in a very bad mood. Sensing that he was upset, she asked him what was wrong. He replied that his teacher had told him that he was worthless and was going to grow up to be a loser. She said he was nothing, because he was white and he was a boy. Five years old!!
It is important for everyone in the PP community to be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their demographic and their financial position, and whether the site content speaks to them in every instance.

DaveF said, "How can you expect rich white men to understand the situation you see so clearly? Doesn't that just sound crazy on its face? Yes, it does. Just as crazy as a white person trying to understand what a black person sees, etc. etc."
Empathy is the way that people understand others situations. Some people develop it during childhood or adolescence, others need to make more of an effort to see or experience what life is like for people different to themselves.
I believe Granny's been trying to raise awareness of and facilitate discussions concerning a minority perspective for quite some time on the PP site. IMO it has been discouraged, sometimes ridiculed, and generally poorly received by a vocal contingent of PP members. How many others with alternative, dissenting views or that differ from the PP majority profile will be discouraged from participating in and/or joining PP?
I've been seeing this lately too, something of an "us and them" attitude... if you make suggestions (e.g. for different or broader content) then you must be criticising. And you aren't one of "us" any longer. I don't think it's always been this way. Under pressure, most of us take firmer positions, or find it more difficult to see another's PoV. It's at those times that we need to be aware of our own motivations and actions. Mindfulness and other "meta" techniques can really help.
The PP team can and will likely drive many more visitors to the site and increase their membership among their target audience. But many will come and go, finding that it is not a good "fit". This approach may pay the PP bills, but may not build a "world worth inheriting" where diversity and alternative PoV are valued.
I believe it would be a missed opportunity if a diverse range of people and opinions were discouraged from posting and providing content here. There's good research that a well-informed and diverse group makes much better decisions than any one individual, even an expert. Diverse groups bring new ideas to the table that would otherwise not have been thought of. So many advantages to everyone. But it's not necessarily comfortable. It takes good-will, plus a willingness to listen and learn, by all participants. It takes a belief that we have something in common, and are striving for something similar. That we can and want to help each other. There's some discussion of this in Prosper, on the importance of communities and social assets. But lately that value has been missing in some of the discussions here. The tone and attitude of administrators, moderators and (to a lesser extent) frequent posters, will determine the direction the site takes: towards diversity, tolerance and encouragement of different opinions and "social cohesion". Or towards homogeneity and a very different type of social cohesion. Watch this space.
I remember Rob Hopkins, John Michael Greer, and I think Carolyn Baker and Sharon Astyk chimed in on it too. (... I thought it was such an invaluable topic, I had printed most of it.) Basically, in the rush to achieve "consensus" in communities and ecovillages, an important aspect was being railroaded and discouraged. That of "dissensus"...
That sounds fascinating Linda. I'd love to hear or read about that discussion. I live in a community where all decisions are made by consensus. It's awesome and also really challenging. We are all continuously learning what it really means, how to be inclusive, how to ensure that all voices are heard (and when to make quick decisions with a smaller group, such as recently when bushfires came very close to us a few times).

First, I wanted to clarify something, you included this below:
DaveF said, “How can you expect rich white men to understand the situation you see so clearly? Doesn’t that just sound crazy on its face? Yes, it does. Just as crazy as a white person trying to understand what a black person sees, etc. etc.”
and attributed it to DaveF. He did do the first sentence, but I wrote the “Yes, it does. Just as crazy as a white person trying to understand what a black person sees, etc. etc." from my previous reply (#42) “Re: Granny, Dave, and Adam” and I’ve included the section from whence it came:
“Now you have the chance to do so too. You can make a difference. Like all things worthwhile, it will require a fair amount of effort. Alternatively, you might just be content to only complain, trying to prod someone else into doing the heavy lifting. This is put up or shut up time, Granny. You have a unique perspective. How can you expect rich white men to understand the situation you see so clearly? Doesn’t that just sound crazy on its face?”
Yes, it does. Just as crazy as a white person trying to understand what a black person sees, etc. etc.”
I did try to include the info on dissensus, but my 2 previous attempts didn’t post, so I’m going to try breaking it up…
Added: Tried again with no luck, I’ll try again later, I need to head to my garden…

MontanaNative, I generally appreciate your posts but I am stunned by your offensive, misogynistic post. Your timing and placement could not be worse given the above discussions concerning balanced representation on the site. Several folks here interpreted the request for balance as a slam against “wealthy white middle-aged/older males”. IMO, that was incorrect and was never the intention. Your post speaks to the imbalance and lack of respect and tolerance those not representing the majority on this site.
IMO, the comment accompanying the photo is misogynist and suggests violence against women. This will not promote healing or productive discussion on the site. I’m sure it runs contrary to PP posting guidelines and rules as well.
Truly discouraging. :frowning:

I see that Adam has removed the photo. Thank you Adam for your swift and appropriate response.

Win some and lose some…it’s all perspective in the end. Cheers.

Hi Dave,
I don’t agree with your (and others’) assessment of Granny’s intent or methods concerning her requests (“demands” or “complaints”) for alternative/additional PP content. Then again, I haven’t been privy to the nearly decade-long history (apparently contentious) that underlies the exasperation you and others appear to have with Granny and her posts.
Yes, you and others were somewhat encouraging–challenging–Granny to create and contribute content concerning her interests, and you expressed willingness to read it. IMO, this encouragement was severely tempered by and embedded in extensive criticisms from many within the “tribe”.
Moving on…
I can’t speak for Granny re: your suggested PP site enhancements to the Forums and whether these proposed changes would facilitate content creation from her. My understanding is that she has decided to put her time and energy elsewhere.
I appreciate and agree with your suggestions for enhancing the Forums’ functionality. I have no idea what it would take in terms of level of effort and costs. If modified as you suggest, then I would be willing to create and post regular content. Given the Forums’ current limitations, I don’t think it would be especially productive or useful for me post under the Forums until your suggested enhancements were made.
The PP site search function is also in desperate need of enhancement. There is more than a decade of great content languishing, buried on the site with no effective means of finding or organizing it. Regarding the PP Wikis, there may already be a mechanism or process in place to refresh and/or add to content. I just don’t know if/how this can be accomplished, so I would appreciate any information or assistance anyone can provide in this regard.
I hope to receive a return phone call from Adam soon and will discuss these proposed site enhancements as well as other matters with him. If you or others could facilitate or support these site enhancement requests, that might move them up a bit on Adam’s already massive “to-do” list.
Thanks Dave. :slight_smile:

It’s a small suggestion, but given the huge work involved in building and maintaining a site, I’m wondering if something fairly simple like the addition of a site directory would help with finding older forums? My only experience with site maintenance is with my humble old basic html sites for our small community, but if it doesn’t have to look pretty, an alphabetized directory might be a possible interim step? Depends very much on the platform and template this one is built on, how quick this would be.

I’d like to provide clarification re: your comment in which you said, “Certainly no gratitude [from Granny] was on display, no positives to be found at all in any recent comments. Just a solid wall of complaining. I see Sparky defending that as “just Granny’s style” but style matters in life. “ (Source)
Granny did express gratitude, “I too agree the videos are beneficial, giving away the book is generous and have gotten great value from the site over almost 10 years.” (Source)
Admittedly, it is not Granny’s “style” to be effusive in her expressions of gratitude, so I wouldn’t expect her to express her gratitude in terms of the near reverence that others have expressed for you Chris, Adam and the PP team. But she has, in fact, expressed gratitude in this thread and elsewhere.
Regarding Granny’s “style”, I said, “Granny is unapologetically feisty and a bit rough-around-the-edges. Several PP members have voiced their appreciation of these qualities and Granny’s comments and perspectives. Unfortunately, Granny sometimes uses language that triggers a negative response (e.g., “pandering”). When that happens some PP members predictably pile-on, IMO especially if they perceive any hint of criticism of Chris, Adam or PP.” (Source)
Additionally I said, “Yes, she might chose her words more carefully as she sometimes uses “trigger” words (e.g., “pandering”) or phrases (“I know what you’re thinking.”) which invite pushback and, unfortunately detracts from her core message.” (Source)
I wasn’t defending or providing excuses for Granny’s “style”. I was stating my observations regarding her use of language and its impact. I agree: style matters.
After nearly a decade of apparently contentious communications with Granny, there seems to be an inability to separate the message from the messenger. This contentiousness predates my time with PP, so I’m not privy to all that has transpired. Sadly, as in a dead marriage, I don’t think it can be salvaged. So Granny’s decision to put her time and energy to use elsewhere is probably best for all concerned.
My impression is that Granny’s insistence and urgency (“complaints” and “demands”) came from a place of caring. Consider that she perhaps embodied the voice of “dissensus”. LindaT said, ”[John Michael Greer paraphrase] …a person that isn’t in agreement and is the voice of dissensus might be seeing a current problem/issue or one that could very well occur, and is trying to alert the fellow community or group members. Kind of like the “don’t kill the messenger” dynamic.” (Source)
Chris, you said, “On balance I find this thread is poorer for this conversation, even though, as with every grenade-tossing event, there are some harvestable fragments.”
I have a different perspective. I found this thread enormously rich with information and insights into the people and culture that comprise the PP community. I and at least some others have learned a great deal from this somewhat difficult but ultimately beneficial conversation.
Thanks for the opportunity to comment.
Onward! :slight_smile:

Hi Adam,
I can see Granny’s post (comment 666558) in the recent “Comments” sidebar, entitled “Sparky1 et al my goodby post”. The timestamp shows her comment was posted 3 hours ago. For some reason, I cannot find/open it. Has it been deleted? If so, why?? I would like it restored. Can you assist? Thanks!

First up, as a paying subscriber to PP, I do appreciate the NH updates. When I get to thinking I’m missing out on the easy-money Fed-fueled market melt-up, but then listening to Mike and John gives me a sense of relief that a chunk of my notional electronic wealth might have a chance of being there when I need it some day. Thank you Adam, Mike, & John for the warm fuzzies (or maybe it’s just my elderberry/rum/honey nightcap?)
As for all the other meaningless post and eye-poking going on here on this discussion thread, I think a bunch of people are really just needing a big hug and then should go outside and work on their garden. Pulling some weeds sure would be a better investment of their emotional and physical energy than keying in all this useless blather.
Honestly, if you don’t think a article by Adam or Chris doesn’t apply to you then don’t click on it, and don’t waste your time whining about how it doesn’t apply to you. And then the others coming by and whining about the whiner whining. OMG!!! Really?? Just tune it out, it’s not that hard. (OMG, did I really just whine about the 2nd whiner whining about the 1st whiner??? I’m such a loser.)
Over the past few months the PP membership has grown quite a bit and I’ve come to learn that as this 4th-turning shit storm approaches, there is certain names and avatars I scroll to and read their every word, and then there a some names and avatars that I just scroll on by. Really, your index finger with a downward motion on the wheel thingy is all it takes. Try it, works for me.
BTW, 2 for 1 free hugs in fly-over country, come and get em… and wet kisses are a one for dollar or three for $5.

Hi again Adam,
I tried to send Granny a PM but her name is not registering in the PP membership directory. Is she under Moderator review and/or has her membership posting privileges/account been removed? Thanks in advance for any information/assistance you can provide.

It looks like she’s blocked from posting, but you can still access PM by clicking the link at the top of one of her posts.

Granny, I think you have many concerns with the world out there and from what I have read your comments are good ones (to you) but you can’t fix your issues and are frustrated. Then again, Chris and Adam have put out some very important work of late. The Virus video’s are award winning stuff!!! In my opinion Chris and Adam have been working their asses off so I/we must give them their do. They are two human’s doing what’s best for them and us. I do not ever question their character. However, they must put the meat on the table and follow their dreams too. Over all, this is a well balanced sight. Lets say they spend a lot more time on the things you want, many want. I suspect Granny you already have a strong opinion on what your needs are and are doing them. So to stick a video or an article here and there would maybe not benefit everyone anyways. Often action requires cash to be spent so, maybe, while these video’s or letters would satisfy how to get through the next Depression, if you don’t have the land, tools, seeds, time or money, they wouldn’t be anymore useful than the video’s and letters now being put up. Frankly, I like hearing many voices so I don’t get stuck in my own Biases or get caught up in others Biases. I like my mind to float about and think for myself with no set in concrete beliefs. My God, nothing has happened that the so called experts predicted, not a thing (generally speaking). My overall point is the message: Chris and Adam have been consistent, and if what they produce can be monetized then I suspect it only makes up for the marginalized years when things were not so rosy. I never give a shit what people have or don’t. All I know is having more is a pain in the ass sometimes because you have to work it somehow and it usually means you have to spent some of it and in my life that usually means I’ve created a lot more work for myself than I have the time to do (I make the time though). What motivates me isn’t for me it’s for My Lady’s and my family. Everything we do is messaging to them, leaving them this stuff so they have something to manage that may feed all of them when were gone. That is my fear, that my family won’t have a roof over their heads, heat, food and clothing. That they won’t have the tools. All of this is in place and paid for, so we now just finish the Cabin. My Lady and I are so happy for all of this. We did this, we would have done this without this site but Man, got to give credit to Chris first as I gravitated to his early works (2008) and learned so much, I found Charles H. Smith who just opened every door for me with his superb writing and common sense approach. and now Adam, who is sincere and wrote you a respectful reply and that is Adam. Be honest Granny, you tried to get these double barrel shot gun responses! I have no issues with you, you are in every community, your beliefs are those of many who are just trying to figure it out. You get apposed because you don’t see that others are working harder than you and are doing it with actions and not the unpleasant ways of someone who isn’t happy at all with anything, even when the content is free. That’s not a pleasant thing to hear when you aspire to change the world or to live the life worth living. I do love the fact that we have had a lot more time to prepare than the words printed on this sight seemed to indicate. Not so much from Chris and Adam but from their guests. I just want one more year and then I am just pouring everything in gold/Platinum/Palladium, 20 more acres of wooded land across the road from me, and hopefully pass it along to my son’s. Naturally if we need it we’ll take it but that wasn’t our plan. My Lady and I practice what we preach too, but we just do it and let that be the example to our family. Thing is my Son’s, their wives and the Grandson’s come up every couple of weeks and pitch in. We have a rule, no working past 11am but we complete our projects. If done we help the others so we are in the heated pool by 11;30. Then again, they are NOT required to do a thing but they do. We love sticking a shovel in the ground, working on bettering everything and this will be our retirement years. It gets no better than this. Surely! Granny, we have busted our ass our whole lives, think of me as a poor kid too that managed things well. Besides, when I look back the poor years were the best. We had way more time together just sitting at the table playing Sorry with the kids. Long time ago but great memories came out of it. The strength of our family was formed during the lean years that seemed to persist a lot longer than we thought. The kids had to have the new Jordan’s and that was in the day when those shoes could bust the budget on the quick. I am not saying you are poor, from your writings you are clearly way more than that. You have decided to leave and that is unfortunate, I have enjoyed you here a long, long time and wish you would stay. In saying this I think you know best so go knowing you are respected, have value and hope you come back just as pissed off as you sometimes are. Granny, sometimes being angry is so counter productive. Look at the whole of the person more, see that their busting theirs asses too, know that they don’t know everything but know it isn’t for lack of trying. I think and I mean this, that this site needs to operate just as Adam and Chris operate it. Respect that they have their blood and guts poured into this, then go do what they talk about on these pages outside with their Lady’s, the very ones they go to for what they truly need. Above all, that’s where their LOYALTY lies and should be. I can say this honestly, no one here at PP is even close to what my Lady means to me and I don’t have any vested interest in anyone here, I come for the well written words and the podcasts of a diverse group of people to sharpen the edges of all the sabre’s I store in my gut and then make all my decisions based on the 4000 hours of research I pour into every day to try and prepare for what is going to happen in 3 to 6 hence. Love numbers/data. Granny, you got your pound of flesh and I’m not judging you at all. There is NO WAY anyone can clearly state you are this person or that. They think they know but they don’t, even me. I just don’t let things bother me that doesn’t concern me. Regards and Good Luck…Peace

Every blog post Chris and Adam does has a section right at the end of it for “Related Content”. Right now the current posts on the Covid19 outbreak all have a list of the recent posts related to that but that’s not always the case.
Look here at the DIY Garden post (at the point just before comments)
You see a host of related content, many done by PP members and others. Why not set up a way for people to submit those again?
A full website search that works might be a long way off but perhaps a limited mechanism that allows searching these posts would help.

Granny, we are on our own. I have been trying to figure out how to weather these storms since I found the Crash Course and The Transition Handbook, thinking will the ‘big one’ come in my lifetime?
It looks like we are there.
As for the info on the markets and especially the Fed, the information may not be as clearly actionable us bottom 49%, but you never know.
As for creating a world worth inheriting, I think that’s on us. What can we create that’s worth inheriting or maybe emulating?

(Last post on this subject for me.)
Whenever I go to estate sales with my sister, its funny to see what we each buy. She buys knick knacks and things she can turn into adornments for her flower beds. I tend to buy old books.
People my generation and older (I’m 62) tended to be readers and the books from our youth were more than the fluff so many are now. I mostly get gardening books, herbals and folk medicines, and old time skills.
I want to point out that I never expect one book to be the ultimate guide to everything. In fact I prefer a book which has focus, so that the author can explore the subject in depth.
I look at websites in the same way. Wikipedia may cover almost all subjects but they do it in the most surface of manners. Give me a website that only covers a few things, because that is one where the owners have expertise in.
Peak Prosperity is one such website. Trying to be all things, would make this (or any site) be of no things well.