Mattias Desmet on Mass Formation

I think you mean melt quartz with coal.


Speaks for itself


Thanks for that–an extraordinary (or not) document of the times. A few things we can say for sure is that the writer (1) does not subscribe to/read anything on PP, FLCCC, or similar sites; (2) is the first on line to get vaccines for herself or her children, whose unmasked faces she has not seen for almost 2 years; (3) appears to have zero doubts about vaccine efficacy or safety; (4) knows little about early treatment and almost certainly disparages “horse paste”; and (5) would loudly cheer the rounding up and imprisonment of the vile and selfish unvaxxed and unboosted.
What would it take to snap her out of her hypnosis/psychosis?
a. Fauci, Gates, Wolensky, “Joe Biden,” Tedros, Pfizer, Moderna, all admitting on the same day that the whole vaccine thing was a disaster from Day One and that they apologize? (Not gonna happen).
b. Severe injury to herself or her children, 15 mins after getting jabbed? (We don’t want to wish that on her or her kids, but would that do it? Maybe not, as we have seen videos of people with half their faces paralyzed like melting candles, or tweeting on the sudden death of a jabbed nephew, saying that they would get jabbed all over again.
c. How about reading RFK Jr’s book and fact-checking the well-documented allegations to see whether they are true? (Not going to happen; too much cognitive dissonance, and Elizabeth Warren wants to ban a somewhat similar book by Mercola, so RFK’s misinformation bible must be bad, bad, bad…where’s the Ronsanol?)


Just Awesome

That really was inspiring…He seemed like such a nice person…Thank you both for letting us in on all that information…Keep us posted on his book…It will be on my list to get…

Pp Member’s Books On Mass Formation

Although he doesn’t seem to mention them here, PP member TrumanV has published a couple books on mass formation:
I am about half way through his translation of Psychology of Crowds; he is an excellent and entertaining writer.


any idea what it is about?

how much CO2 does air contain?

CAF is very negative about deSmet. It talks about “blame the victime” and if I am not mistaken even "controlled opposition. 
Moreover, by now she is also disgusted with Malone in connection with Breggin.

Read to much ‘TomLuongo’ ? ? #Davos

not all jews are bankers. Mossad is MI6, the old Brittish money. They who did Nordstream.

Mattias Being Punished By The University Of Ghent

“Professor of Clinical Psychology Mattias Desmet is no longer the responsible teacher for the Culture and Social Criticism course and his handbook ‘Psychology of totalitarianism’ is no longer used as teaching material. Ghent University made this decision on the basis of an investigation that was started after Desmet had told lies about a conspiracy theory during an interview with the American Alex Jones. According to Professor Desmet himself, Ghent University’s decision was taken "on the basis of some negative reactions without having thoroughly analysed the book.”
He will defend himself in an interview with Russell Brand
For those who can read Dutch, or are skilled in the use of google translate or chatGPT, here is the link to an article

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