Merry Christmas, from 2031 (Part I)

I find the argument that canisters of thermite being discretely placed throughout the offices to be fairly difficult to pull off without raising suspicion. Always a nosy Karen in an office wondering "watcha doin?"
I can't figure out if you are here to deceive or if you really are mired in cognitive dissonance Don'tknow.. but you appear unaware of important information that sheds light on how 9/11 was pulled off; 1) 2) The elevator renovation project was happening at night... giving access to the main support columns inside the buildings. Nothing to see here....  

Sorry, but I have to piggyback here. I never thought about asking around here for insight on this issue, but a lot of folks here have researched this topic.
Years ago, I found testimony on YouTube of someone who was alleging that thermite was put into place during a long weekend for renovations. Now, that specific story is out there, but there was additional information that was unique. I mistakenly didn’t download the video, and never found it again.
The informant talked about computer software that he helped develop that could trace and track “deep state” budget expenditures. Reminded me of Catherine Austin Fitts Community Wizard. He enumerated a bunch of schemes and scandals the data of which was lost in WTC7. Anyways, the YouTube video was an image of a compact disc with some writing on it, and his voiceover.
If anybody has any leads, thanks in advance.


I’m just telling you what I know about explosives, and of commercial buildings, construction, building materials, demolition, building operations, electrical grids and how those systems react when messed with. Its engineering basics. The chemistry is too nuanced for me but the paper JimH presented shows that the samples were taken all around a few blocks away, and all showed the same composition. None of it suggests thermite was used other than as a secondary reaction.
But to be honest, I really don’t care about the twin towers or whether it was a planned demolition or an act of terror from a rogue anarchist or religious zealot. I’ve never dug into it and don’t plan to. The result was the same and I could not and still can not do anything to change it. I’m just saying there are explanations that are more benign and boring than shaped charges and manufactured thermite. My reputation and credibility are sullied enough that there’s nothing to lose by telling you so do what you want with that information. I’m just here for the news.

As far as building 7 goes, I was pretty sure it was severely damaged from the collapse of the two big towers and was torn down as a result, not that it was destroyed that day.
Building 7 was not severely damaged from the collapse of the towers. There was a minor fire in Building 7 that was burning itself out. And zero question it came down within several hours of the towers falling because the BBC reported it that afternoon. All while the building was clearly still standing at that moment behind the BBC anchor. Why was BBC reporting that it had come down when it hadn't happened yet? Pictures available of its collapse show picture perfect controlled demolition - freefall speed (this can be very accurately calculated because it was filmed and we know how tall the building was) and perfectly symmetrical. Only possible if it was expertly wired for demo in advance. Building 7 is the gateway into the 911 rabbit hole for many. Excellent documentaries about it.

Dontknow wrote,

As far as building 7 goes, I was pretty sure it was severely damaged from the collapse of the two big towers and was torn down as a result, not that it was destroyed that day.
Gee, that expresses a mind boggling level of NOT KNOWING ANYTHING! Whatever the mechanism, WTC7 collapsed on 9.11.01. And when he says “torn down” (NOT on 9-11, but some future day, I guess?) implies that people tore it down. Amazing! What people? What day? And how do you explain the date and time-stamped video from 9.11.01 showing WTC7 collapsing? And what about all the witnesses who were there (thousands of them) who said it came down on 9.11.01? This conversation is a waste of time with someone so uninformed. Besides it’s all been argued before based on the facts. No need to go over it again for unfacts. But this conversation should be instructive for all those optimists here who are SURE the truth about Covid and the vaccines will eventually come out. My eyes tell me the truth doesn’t ALWAYS come out, even in big conspiracies (if you mean the truth is accepted by the majority not just a small number of contrarians). The 9.11 truth is “out” but the majority doesn’t see it or accept it, so it’s not really “out.”
As far as building 7 goes, I was pretty sure it was severely damaged from the collapse of the two big towers and was torn down as a result, not that it was destroyed that day.
Yeah. Not what happened. Building 7 fell on 9/11, in its own footprint, as a result of what looked like an office fire. Here's a fun video of some Fox News folks who "got word" that Building 7 fell - about a minute before it fell. You can see it falling in its own footprint, albeit from a distance. The 9/11 winners: the national security state that got all sorts of new powers to spy on everyone, everywhere. "No Privacy For You!" I'm not as upset by 9/11 as Jim & the others, but it appears as though events during this "national security event" were just as contrived as they have been during this recent pandemic. "No Treatments For You!" Just that 9/11 was only US. Pandemic was global. Isn't that interesting?

Elevator overhauls happen roughly every 30 years in commercial buildings and one built in the 1970’s would have needed one desperately by 2001 so this is more coincidence than conspiracy to me. I’m sure Otis or Thyssen Krupp or whoevers’ techs who were there inspecting the shaft would have said something about explosive charges set inside the shaft. For ammonium nitrate, you need a LOT of it to create the explosive force necessary to breach the three+ foot thick core concrete. For C4 you need a LOT of it in a sheering charge to serve that purpose. You’d need a LOT of dynamite, or a LOT of PETN or a LOT of TNT. It would be pretty tough to sneak that stuff into an elevator shaft. Besides that, explosive shock waves take the path of least resistance and there would have been a noticeable mushroom cloud above the building as a result of such a charge as the shockwave travelled up the elevator shaft and blew out the shaft pressurization fans or vents. Or you would have seen it blow out windows in a full 360 degrees at the floors nearest the base of the elevator shaft. Or probably both.
Look, I don’t care what you all convince yourselves of about 9/11. I’m sure the CIA had a hand in recruiting, training, and unleashing the attackers. I just don’t think the conspiracy about explosives has any merit.
But I waver between believing the government is an incompetent farce and a malevolent villain so all motive is likely, even the false bravado of claiming awareness of the attack and doing nothing to stop it. Better to look nefarious than incompetent, and better to be incompetent than impotent.
But I don’t disagree that it looked like a false flag.

My emotions are completely in check, I really don’t have a dog in this fight. If you’re reading that into my comments its only through your own lens.
DF kat43 et al,
Facts are what they are, if it came down on 9/11 that’s what happened. The seismic damage and a structure fire in that building so close to a recovery effort of the twin towers would have made it a hazard so yes they probably tore it down, explosives are a legitimate and quick way to do that.
I think you all take a half step back though. I posited a theory and the emotional response from the herd is getting a bit close to a belief system. I’m just offering some industry insider knowledge to give you different perspective on the explanation. If you can disprove that, great, but I’m not attacking you or giving the government a pass on any of what happened as a result, but I can’t do anything about it. Just like today, with covid.

That is compelling motive for sure. If you find the thermite piece I’d love to see it.

Lots of people here have done “COVID-level-intensity” research into 9/11. They get emotional about it. Not me. I just saw the puzzle of building 7, which made no sense.
Here’s the official narrative. Doug likes to quote it. That’s how I know it is the official narrative. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has released its long-awaited report on the collapse of World Trade 7 following the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. "Our take-home message today is that the reason for the collapse of World Trade Center 7 is no longer a mystery," NIST lead investigator Shyam Sunder told journalists at this morning's press conference in Gaithersburg, Md. "WTC 7 collapsed because of fires fueled by office furnishings. It did not collapse from explosives or from diesel fuel fires."
Notice that - according to the official narrative - building 7 wasn't "taken down" by anyone. It fell on its own. Burning paper & desks are what took down the skyscraper - on the day of the attack. In its own footprint. How many cases of "office fire takes down skyscraper" have you heard of? But boy did the national security state get new powers. And bigger budgets for everyone! Woohoo! "Two planes, but three buildings." "Office fires can take down skyscrapers!" (n=1) [edit] In a very real sense, 9/11 was the event that made it very easy for many at this site to suspect - early on - that "something was wrong" with the official narrative on COVID19.

The truth about what happened on 9/11 is basically unactionable info to me; there are so many red flags suggesting the official narrative is not correct. But I can’t do anything about that now and it wouldn’t probably help me that much even if I knew the entire truth of that event. So I just don’t focus on it. For better or worse.
Covid and vaccines are still an ongoing issue; and I think there’s even a chance that a more truthful understanding of all of this (ie Covid was a lab leak from GoF research; the vaccines have massive injury rates in the short term; and we don’t know their long term effects but it pays to be concerned there too) may gain mainstream traction. CM’s work has been a beacon, and RFK’s book being #2 on Amazon gives one hope. The overwhelming number of vaccine injuries gives hope that people will believe what they’re seeing rather than what they’re being told. It’s still an ongoing struggle, so new information, especially about vaccine injuries as we face pressure for boosters from now, is simply more actionable in my opinion.

If you can disprove that, great, but I'm not attacking you or giving the government a pass on any of what happened as a result, but I can't do anything about it. Just like today, with covid.
I can and will work to disprove those who would try to explain away 9/11 as some benign thing... and it's very relevant now because we are living through a situation that, in terms of narrative control, and premeditation, has many parallels. Waking up my neighbors now about 9/11 is of little value... but waking them up to the possible damage they will be doing to their little kids by getting the mRNA "vaccinated"... now that's a different story. I can, we all can, play a role in ending this nightmare. 9/11 was a contrived narrative, in many ways parallel to Covid-19. prior to 9/11, PNAC stated the need for a "new Pearl Harbor" Arguing for a transformation of the American military to enable this domination and the extension of American hegemony into the 21st century, the PNAC report also recognized that such a transformation “is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.
Does history rhyme? You bet. In 2015, Peter Daszack stated, "Until an infectious disease crisis is very real, present, and at an emergency threshold, it is often ignored. To sustain the funding base beyond the crisis, we need to increase public understanding of the need for MCM's such as a pan-influenza or pan-coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media, and the economics follow the hype... " This background is discussed at length in the Dr. David Martin video Gregory linked to yesterday;  

I have worked for the federal government in the past. IN a position where i had great understanding of the workings , especially withing the intel side. I am never going to be certain of what happened with the world trade centers. But I can assure 1000000000% personally, from what I know to be fact and truth, the narrative and script given to the public is not even close to the truth. The only other thing I can say is that there way more that our government knows about everything , that would shockingly surprise the masses. And finally to that end, if the people where ever to learn what the government knows and how our lives are managed and manipulated by lies, the people would hang every single person in the US federal government and rightfully so.

So this is an interesting twist I hadn’t seen. Though I’m not sure it tells us anything more than they built a platform to give the pilots a visual indicator of where to aim the plane.
The details there were too thin to say it was full of explosives though. And as art students renting a floor, they would not have had a ceiling grid to begin with. A leased space usually gets gutted once a tenant moves out and the next one does a TI to lay it out to their specs, that usually includes ceiling grid, so the details about that aren’t compelling from where I sit.
But what is in those boxes would be interesting. It certainly would be a convenient cover to have a plane take credit for a bomb blast, but the hole doesn’t fit the shape they are suggesting explosives caused. The blast would be outward not folded inward as the images show. Also the windows around it aren’t broken or spiderwebbed like an explosive went from a confined space to the exterior, it looks like a plane hit the building from the outside.
But this story is suggesting Saudi Arabia collaborated with Mossad in retaliation for an action the US took to arrest spies that then led us to war in Afghanistan and later Iraq to get what? And to achieve what? Thats sort of circumnavigating the source of the problem. Its an intricate web to weave. It looks more like it was intended to launch a ground invasion from two fronts on Iran rather than anything either Iraq or Afghanistan had, which would itself resolve the issues Isreal has with Iran. That makes the US a patsy, not a co-conspirator.
But building access is not likely, floor wide access is. Even electrical rooms on the 91st floor. But no property manager would be dumb enough to give a great grand master key to the building to some temporary tenants who aren’t even doing a TI or leasing the space for more than an “art project”. This story doesn’t quite add up the way they’re selling it.
But it does look like they are the ground crew that guided the plane in to the right spot.

Well if that’s their official narrative, that’s fucking stupid. Mine is way better of an excuse and could have been given to them by any firefighter in the area or anywhere else. Again, I waiver between thinking the government is a nefarious evil, and an incompetent doofus, and comments like that make me think its the latter.
Edit: tho nordicjacks point, it seems like the government lying is more of a kneejerk reaction than a coverup. The plebes can’t handle the truth, or the government is so large and secretive that no part can ever really know if they have all the facts or not. Its more like they lie to coverup that they don’t know.
Edit 2: they lie to give you confidence that they are evil, not incompetent or impotent. They have to do SOMETHING, but they only manage to do it poorly, so they’d rather you believe they do it intentionally out of mallice because the truth is much more embarassing. This really just looks like an embarassing amount of incompetence masquerading as confidence. Even Covid. I think they just don’t know what the hell they’re doing or why and they need us dumb or afraid so they can keep doing it. I think they’re too scared that the rest of the world might catch on to the fact that our government is utterly and completely incompetent and that truth escaping would simply embolden other governments to take advantage. And I think every government is that way.
Thanks folks, I don’t think I’m worried anymore. I’m pretty sure we are being led by a bunch of ham fisted dimwits that will cry when you call them out or embarass them.

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Because nobody talks about WTC6.
Apparently, it’s farther outside the Overton Window than WTC7.
That hole goes pretty deep.


I thought this was so good, I considered writing a side chain fan-fiction piece, but I don’t have the talent or the time and I don’t want to distract from where you’re going with this. I think the distopia you outline is the direction the world is traveling in, but I see a lot of cross traffic ahead and hope the inertia gets redirected soon.
The Orwellian undertone of self-censorship rings loud in my ears. I took myself off facebook in 2016 when I realized screaming at a hurricane does nothing for the storm and less than nothing for me. I have built my life around the pursuit of freedom, but in service of that goal, I censor myself every day. The techno-solcialist distopia you sketched calls for overt self censorship with tight and obvious feedback loops. Our current version of capitalism achieves the same goal, but I’m not sure most of us fish recognize the water we swim in. I didn’t until reading your piece this morning and now my mind is trying to square the circle.
I have a deep concern for our environment and in my heart want to dedicate my life to preserving and restoring it. I enjoy nature and working with the land. I’ve made several unsuccessful attempts to align my income with those goals but have learned that, frankly, capitalism doesn’t generally reward those behaviors. No one had to ding my social credit score, but I eventually fell in line. I started a chemical distribution company and have been greatly rewarded selling precursors to toxins that will eventually end up on farmers fields and in ground water through industrial processes. I do all this as I drink tap water treated with all manner of hazardous chemicals. I occasionally drive through McDonalds in my SUV when my kids demand a happy meal and I’m too tired to cook. One or two nights a month I drink than is probably healthy to take the edge off of the cognitive dissonance required to balance a modern life with a longing for a better world. I as a human am striving and longing to do better, but I am a part of industrial capitalism. Without it, I die. Without me, it continues.
I guess my point is that although your picture of 2031 is dire: where people learn to love their captors, take their medicine and be happy for every boost in their social credit score…it’s not entirely unlike the world of the last 50 years. We just haven’t always seen it clearly. It’s hard for a fish to swim out of it’s aquarium.


Yes I totally get what you are saying. I agree too - we need to keep our eye on the COVID19 ball which is a constant 9/11 operation, this time on the entire world.
I was just relating a bit of Ancient PP History to the newer members in an attempt to bridge the gap between the new folks, and the old cranks who have seen this game before. They can get triggered sometimes though. Its like someone comes here and says, “well gosh, Fauci told me the vaccines are safe and effective. That’s why I’m getting a booster!” My buttons have been known to be pushed in that way, every now and then. :slight_smile:

Well if that's their official narrative, that's fucking stupid. Mine is way better of an excuse and could have been given to them by any firefighter in the area or anywhere else. Again, I waiver between thinking the government is a nefarious evil, and an incompetent doofus, and comments like that make me think its the latter.
Yes. That's their official narrative. I thought it was nutty too. I mean, who believes such things? Office fires taking down skyscrapers? But they said it with such a straight face. NIST. Popular mechanics.
I think they're too scared that the rest of the world might catch on to the fact that our government is utterly and completely incompetent and that truth escaping would simply embolden other governments to take advantage. And I think every government is that way. Thanks folks, I don't think I'm worried anymore. I'm pretty sure we are being led by a bunch of ham fisted dimwits that will cry when you call them out or embarass them.
Glad I could help. :)
Still. "No Treatments For You" has managed to kill off a bunch of people. So incompetent, or malicious - a lot of people have died unnecessarily. And they are doubling, tripling, and quadrupling down. And the 9/11 thing gave the government a whole lot more power. And vastly larger budgets.

I could post more information about 9-11.
But more information won’t help you, because of your timidity, AKA Cowardice.
3 members of the team that did 9-11 appeared on television for an interview, admitted their prior knowledge and their assigned tasks, and were neither indicted nor sub-poena’d.

The same general group of Criminals Murdered & Robbed Americans in 2000/2001 … then Robbed Americans again in 2008/9 … then Murdered & Robbed Americans again in 2020/2021.
My guess is, they won’t wait 12 years to Pillage America AGAIN.
If someone held a gun to your head, you could probably start naming names.
But you’re afraid to do that, which is actually part of the signature of the Crimes you are talking around the edges of.

I’m sorry to say it, but this is the worst thing I have ever read on PP