MF Global (BIG brokerage) shares slump 64%

The share price of MF global has fallen off a cliff. If you have money there, get it out. Now.

SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- MF Global Ltd. shares slumped 64% on Monday amid a broad decline in other brokerage stocks. MF Global is a leading commodities broker. The stock was recently down 64% at $6.21 during midday trading, outpacing most other brokerage shares

I wish I could keep up with everything...right now I am merely trying to help dodge bullets and protect what you've got. If you have money at MF Global there's a pretty good sign here that something is badly wrong.

Last year I had money with a Futures outfit called Lind-Waldock. I saw their share price plunge one day and immediately wired my money out of there. In this business, shoot first and ask questions later.

I will now be screening the share prices of all brokerages carefully because our first clue that there's a problem always comes from the stock price. Press releases come later. Much later. Mine happen to be Ameritrade and Optionxpress. If you have one or more that you;d like to put on my watch list, just let me know. So far so good on mine....

Check out this ugliness....

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