Monday Market Watch

Is it possible that what’s happening today is simply being orchestrated to scare/convince any congresspeople who were on the fence that they really need to put this through?

If the PPT (plunge protection team) can push things up, then they can certainly push things down…

We just inform our readers (independent financial advisors) about chapter 17 of your excellent crash course. Our conclusion: energy will be the NEXT big issue (if we "survive" THIS crisis) and it could be a good idea to weight it in a portfolio.

Kind Regards

Gerhard Führing

publisher FONDS professionell


first off, many thanks for the series Chris, i have been glued to the current financial fiascoe for the last year, i am not a money man or investor, just a good hard working UK citizen. If I saw this coming a year ago why was action not taken back then, everyone at work said i was mad, ha ha ha.

Steve - sitting back and enjoying the ride, not much else i can do realy

Thanks Chris, your a top guy

chris i am just guessing here but in trying to figure the markets i think we have to think from the top down. how is the stategy that the international banking cartel is employing benefiting them? one thing is pretty obvious there is a great amount of bank consolidation, which for the international bankers is a primary goal." competition is sin" jd rockefeller.

as far as the transfer of wealth which is also primary it is natural to get the low hanging fruit. which always means increasing debt. certainly pension funds, 401ks etc would seem to be choice targets. they already got the social security fund. their final goal a one world order would be much more appetizing than complete economic meltdown.can you say financial terrorism



maybe why they are jerking the rug from under the second fasftest growing economy in the world. where i live half the year india. just the musings of an old conspiracy wacko. maybe i am wrong. any ideas?

oh my other question which has been driving me crazy for a few weeks


yep that’s my ex gov gotta love him toobad it wasnt him istead of mccain it would have been a lot more humorous

whoooo pig sooooieeee

If the other central banks around the world are also inflating won’t that help avoid a dollar collapse?

Thank you and that makes sense. A few points:

  • So the Fed printed $630Billion cash. Maybe I'm naive but ... that's not good.
  • What does this do to the value of bonds? If national like China and Japan owns bonds, what does this do to their confidence?
  • If this infusion of cash is not helping, why would the $700B cash infusion help? The main difference is that the banks balance sheets will improve but is that going to help interbank lending?
Thanks again!

Let’s all say it together:

"World Government - World Currency"! That’s the next big sell to the sheeple of the world

Printing more money expands the money supply and devalues the dollar. It increases inflation and as a result, if you hold a bond, when it matures and you get your money back that money has less purchasing power. In a normal market such an activity would require bonds to trade at higher yield in order to earn a little more money on the bond. However, today’s market is behaving in panic mode where people want bonds to guarantee their money is safe. People are willing to take a loss for the security that the bond offers. Long term when things settle down, printing all this means that interest rates will eventually have to rise to fight off the inflation it will create. Otherwise the Asians won’t buy any more bonds and this country won’t be able to borrow any more money. Any bailout or cash infusion uses new money because our Gov’t bank account is already overdrawn $9.5 trillion. It’s all bad news for the value of your dollar. Get ready for $6/gallon gas and $5/gallon milk.

Bailout bill fails! 2:07pm

Soros must be having a field day… if the markets can break the fed banks, buh bye…

WOW !!

Who said congress was ****

You were wondering why the market was doing what it did this morning? Well, maybe the world hadn’t bought into this looting scheme the way everybody thought they would! It seems that congress may have listened to the masses (mark your calendar for a first!) and the world knew it. Since we’re not the only banking system in the world with these kinds of troubles it appears that the other nations are looking out for themselves this time around.
500 points down at mid-day trading! Say goodbye to the almighty dollar!

This was definitely unexpected. Everyone for and against the bill expected it to pass. What now? This looks like some scheme to let the market tumble, blame democrats, and then garner more support than ever by scaring people.

Why does gold shoot up and silver drops?

Fox news is going insane. No mention of paulson, no mention of the evils in this bill. No mention that the middle class was screwed. All they are doing is demonizing the democrats and terrorizing people. This bill is not dead. It will pass on the second go. shock doctrin at its best.

There is no mention of the real reasons this was rejected. They are telling everyone that congress fought like kids over hurt feelings. They literally compared it to a high school argument. The masses are being led to believe that this bill was the only thing that could save us. Watching mass media is depressing.

With Gold being the investment of choice considering the markets…and the US treas. already taking action to limit public supply and ownership…and…considering the confiscation that occured in the 30’s…wouldn’t it be reasonable to conclude that Gold-Silver confiscation is "ON THE TABLE" as every other depression era manuvere is attempted and failed(ing)…as this financial system comes to its end…What possibale scenario could play out regarding confiscation…? Whats the best way(s) to advert confiscation…?


Would you please help us understand why a public (taxpayer) "bailout" of huge financial corporations that have benefited enormously from their own games, is the best way to deal with the economy at this time? Why couldn’t those who were paid billions and got into this jam, not be accountable for getting out of it?

Here is a quote from Nuriel Roubini’s site this morning: "…the Treasury plan is a disgrace: a bailout of reckless bankers,
lenders and investors that provides little direct debt relief to
borrowers and financially stressed households and that will come at a
very high cost to the US taxpayer. And the plan does nothing to resolve
the severe stress in money markets and interbank markets that are now
close to a systemic meltdown. It is pathetic that Congress did not
consult any of the many professional economists that have presented -
many on the RGE Monitor Finance blog forum

  • alternative plans that were more fair and efficient and less costly
    ways to resolve this crisis. This is again a case of privatizing the
    gains and socializing the losses; a bailout and socialism for the rich,
    the well-connected and Wall Street. And it is a scandal that even
    Congressional Democrats have fallen for this Treasury scam that does
    little to resolve the debt burden of millions of distressed home owners."

"Privaztizing gains and socializing the losses." Yep. That about sums it up for me.

Eager to hear your response.


How so? More Democrats voted for this bill than Republicans. Since the bill didn’t pass, and more Republicans voted against this bill, shouldn’t the blame be on the Republicans?


see how your rep voted


yes good point jdb123

in the last update of the patriot act they slipped in a provision that any transaction for gold paid for with plastic or check gets reported to them i dont know if that includes silver.

so i would assume that they saw this coming.

we are dealing with a family that has been at this for centuries

anybody remember the law to tighten up the bankruptcy laws?

they control the money they know th effects of every little movement.

they have the most powerful computers in the world.

jackson beat them in the 1830’s they came back with a vengance.

this is a chess game and they are many moves ahead of us.

we took a pawn today but they still have us in check