Money Map Press: Pyramid Scheme Video

The finish line that is.  I just wanted to be the 100th poster before this thread is laid to rest.  Looking forward to a word from the master and chief (…and now a word from our sponsor) Just a little tongue in cheek.
Nite all

wiggles ear lobe.



PS  I vote for "Cloture" !

[quote=rocketgirl2]@ Dogs---------LOL'z
You won't be laughing if he feeds you one of them thar radioactive peppers he's got growin'.

May I speak one last time on this topic but perhaps with a little different focus?
The underlying tone I hear when reading these video comments is fear. Fear that a treasured source of information and support might become corrupted like so many other sources. I know I am grateful for this site because I sense the underlying intent of those involved is positive. That's what keeps me coming back. Chris and his team are walking a fine line between expanding their message and making a living and being true to their values. Sound familiar to anyone? I suppose our tolerance for dishonesty and self-interest is pretty minimal given the catastrophe we see around us and feel in our own lives. We don't want to be abused here too.

I would like to suggest we support the Martenson team by letting them know when we feel they are crossing the line as some have here - support and feedback are not mutually exclusive after all. In that vein, I can only give my own reaction to the changes being made: they make me "squirmy". I don't doubt the intent, just the method. It's not easy to try to navigate in a truly new way; we tend to fall back into familiar patterns. It's going to be trial and error. As readers, we can help in the site's evolution by offering our constructive feedback and ideas. The comments I've read here generally are thoughtful and  expressed in a civil manner unlike some other sites. I think that is because like attracks like and it reflects the basic decency of its founder.

Ultimately, this discussion is a mirror for each of us as we struggle with anger, despair and a desire for a better way. Nobody is an expert because this is all new. We must change radically in order to have a chance for our species's survival. It's painful and full of detours and stumbles. Change and the unfamililar are uncomfortable but we dare not put it off any longer. For those who wish to, this site is a forum for experimenting with that change and I find that exciting and hopeful.

Thank you for the opportunity to speak.



Hi, I'm speaking on behalf of RG2 because she's not here anymore.  Someone threatened her with one of Dogs radioactive peppers which she immediately considered to be the SHTF moment and she bugged out to her doomstead.  
Thought you all should know.

Please don't pepper me.


Cheese and crackers anyone? Wine?

Stilton please.  With a nice Australian or Chilean Merlot.
Scratch that.  Single malt - Glenfarclas 25, Black Bowmore, Springbank 32 Local Barley or Highland Park 30.

Home made goat chevre and four buck Chuck is all it takes for me (2x$2). Well,… that and a California sunset with my wife of thirty years (with minimal interference from our three little guys).

Our opinions don't matter much.  What matters is what's in the pudding:  are there new members here who came here after seeing the video?  Does PP have any way of measuring that?  Does PP get any feedback from MoneyMap such as "79 customers said they watched the video and had the following questions?"  Yes, it won't happen overnight and it will likely happen in trickles, but that's where the real evaluation whether this was a well-done move is.

This morning I decided to watch this video to see what was causing the uproar.  Definately not my style and at least to me it felt like a creepy infomercial.  Once I decided I had seen enough (no navagation bars to fast forward or check time remaining), I closed the window and it hijacked my browser with the following dialog.

I could not click another tab and even if I closed this dialog, I got a sales pitch.  Ranks right up there with trying to trick you into seting a new home page.  Very uncool web practice and I would never do business with a site that acted in this way.  

In my opinion any association between Dr M and this site can only be detrimental to his reputation.

What is The Crash Course "Unpublished Chapter"? I'm interested in it but not all that other stuff in the offer. Has anyone here read it? Is it worth getting?

Nice!  Is is ironic. 

See my response in comment #21

How come Chris never told me about the unpublished chapter? I have an unpublished chapter of my secret biography everyone can have if you send me $20. It is a big chapter too and includes 10 things to do when you don’t know what to do. And if you order before monday I will include the bonus “how to pass gas at work without anyone knowing.” and a second bonus of 5,000 things never to eat if you want a flat stomach.
Cough up the unpublished chapter.
Unpublished chapters are usually a rehash of old topics. No one is missing anything. What can anyone say that would surprise me?
“have a great bank holiday…I mean labor day weekend”

I have cross posted my comment from

The more mental resources people put into their models the harder it is to budge them. Every energy site I visit the same tired old memes are trotted out. Yeah, yeah. Enough already. The climate is in crisis, oil extraction has peaked and the economy is hyperventilating on debt. More about what we know, about what we know, about what > > >etc. Typical Left brain territory. I just wish it would just shut up for a moment so the it can escape it’s hall of mirrors. Others who haven’t put any effort in at all say “Duh. Of course they have secret technologies just waiting to be trotted out! So what’s the problem?” Our target should be those who are between the extremes.