More Evidence Covid-19 May NOT Be Natural

I do not know these people but read this here:
"My daughter has a Great Dane puppy and her breeder who is in Aspen, Colorado was very ill in August, hospitalized with fever, GI symptoms , cough and not breathing well so after three days of staying at home isolating himself from his mother and partner, he was hospitalized for not being able to breathe well and being very ill. This was mid August, infectious disease came in, isolated him and started testing him , everything from HIV, hantavirus, bubonic plague, tulerimia, flu strains etc (not SARS or MERs though) and couldn’t figure it out. He was put on a C PAP and was discharged four days later when his breathing was normalized.
He recovered, months went by until very recently, the MD’s who saved his life at the hospital starting putting 2+2 together, and said why don’t use get an antibody test, so he did, his test was done via LabCorp. He has not been ill since. His test came back positive with a high antibody count!
Now , again his illness was MID AUGUST!!! And, while he only travels domestically via car to deliver Dane’s , the only one country he picks up Dane’s from for his Dane rescue is Italy!!! And he does this on a pretty regular basis, picking them up at the airport coming in from Italy.
I feel this is VERY important information, I know he went into a database but I have no further detail on what they plan to do with this information, his MD’s are satisfied they finally got to the bottom of what they called a “baffling illness”.

Last night I finsihed watching, and with a lot of pausing and rewinding, typed a rough transcript of an interview of Dr. Dr Mikovits on YouTube. I posted it in 2 different parts. The last paragraph from the Part 2 addresses your question:
“She said in 1999 she was working in Fort Dietrick. Her job was “to teach Ebola how to infect human cells without killing them. Ebola couldn’t infect human cells until we took it in the laboratories.”
Nurses and doctors making webcam videos talking about the “CDC’s guidance for certifying COVID-deaths”. Why would they get pressured to do that, to shew the numbers?” Fear is a great way to control people and sometimes people’s ability to think for themselves is paralyzed if frightened enough and that’s not where I want people to be, I want people to say we’re gonna get through this, I’m gonna listen to different sources, gonna think for myself.
$13,000 from Medicare if you call it COVID-19 right now. If a patient goes on a ventilator, they get $39,000, and you’ve killed them with the ventilator because you gave them the wrong treatment.
Italy has a very old population, they’re very sick with inflammatory disorders they got at the beginning of 2019 an untested new form of influenza vaccine that had four different strains of influenza including the highly pathogenic H1N1 that vaccine was grown in a cell line a dog cell line dogs have lots of coronaviruses and that’s why they’re not testing there you could just say oh it was that."

Edward Szall of TruNews does a second interview with Dr. Judy Mikovitz and she reveals some interesting things to consider regarding SARS-COV2 and COVID19.

“Vitamin D Supplementation Could Possibly Improve Clinical Outcomes of Patients Infected with Coronavirus-2019 (COVID-19)”
Vitamin D and COVID 19
Vitamin D and Race/Ethnicity
And consider ARBs (losartan) and ACEIs in addition to HCQ
Look at Table 2 on p. 29

CRISPR is a far more complex technique than necessary and generally leaves a mark. Inserts can be easily put into a known sequenced virus using the technique of directed mutagenesis that was developed by Mike Smith who received the Nobel Prize in 1993. The gain of function coronavirus made at UNC in 2015 was totally synthetic, put together from 6 pieces of DNA. Such DNA pieces can even be ordered from biological supply houses.

The Wuhan military games ran from October 18-27. The problem I have with considering that to be the source is that after 4-6 weeks i.e. early December the disease should be exploding with pneumonia cases worldwide. The French patient is a singular instance and does not fit into the Wuhan origin time frame. The viral sequence from that specimen urgently needs to be sequenced.
The only way I can acceptably fit the games origin (and the French patient) into the pandemic is that it was a primary infection and rarely caused pneumonia. I have found all kinds of anecdotal evidence from world contacts of having severe flu in December/January prior to covid spread. In this hypothesis covid-19 would be a second infection of the virus or it’s relative. This is highly speculative.
Now if you’re a conspiracy theorist check this video from 36:40 to 37:50, note the dramatic ending and the premiere date of the video.

Just got around to watching the video from a few days ago on the furin insert. It left me with some questions:

  1. Do inserts happen in nature? If so, how? And how often?
  2. On the circular chart of coronaviruses, what happened at the nearest bit of pink, that seemed to create a high furin score out of the blue? Was that another insert? Don’t know if that info is available, would be interesting to see.

I can only tell you what I know, I am a pharmacist in South Carolina and my pharmacy has thousands of doses. The board of pharmacy in sc made the pharmacists count the hydroxychroquine and lock it up in the c2 cabinet.they then threatened that we could not dispense this medication unless the dr indicated on the prescription whether the patient had an autoimmune disease or a positive Covid diagnosis. This would have led to a 7 to 10 day delay here in sc since our tests usually take that long. I have not dispensed one prescription for Covid. I still have thousands of doses. I cannot understand why even the boards of pharmacy are trying to regulate hydroxychloroquine. It seems very they want this crisis be worse than it already is? By the way my pharmacy services long term care homes including assisted living facilities and special needs homes.

I am trying to find the video in which CM explained the difference between effective doses, toxic doses and lethal doses and how, as drugs are tested, where the various levels of drug dose given would fit into the three categories. I think it was also in the same video, that he explained what the QT/QTc interval is and its possible significance as an indicator of heart issues.
I am not sure when it came out. I have been searching back through the videos, but I cannot find it. Can help me by giving me the link?
Thanks Richard

“Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes… the ones who see things differently — they’re not fond of rules… You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things… they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.
— Steve Jobs, 1997”
Chris, Adam, and all non-trolls fellow PP forum contributors: take this as a compliment.

Appreciate the experience of Sharon Coe, a pharmacist in South Carolina (post #47 above) about the way that there is 1) an abundance of HCQ, and 2) that the drug is locked up in the controlled substance safe.

This is my expereince now also.  We see coordinated actions to PREVENT outpatient use of HCQ (in early illness) that is consistent and very intense and has now fairly generalized to most states (not just the “blue” ones).

In Virginia, the pharmacist will not let me prescribe HCQ for myself (though I could prescribe any other non-controlled drug for myself), I must have a paper prescription pad and write on it “Diagnosis:  COVID-19” and attach a copy of a positive PCR test for COVID as a part of the “prescription documentation.” (State labs take 3-4 days to return this result.)

In many states, the pharmacist is required to “exercise professional judgment as to the accuracy of the diagnosis,” to refuse to fill “inappropriate prescriptions,” and to report “inappropriate prescribing practices” to the state medical boards for consideration of disciplinary action (removing the doctors license to practice medicine).  Even a successful defense of a board investigation will cost the doctor some $10,000 and many months of sleepless nights. 

Look up your state’s laws in the National Alliance of State Pharmacy Associations compilation.

So here’s a new technique. “My best friend Suzie got COVID 12 years ago.” [implication: pretty clearly, it probably wasn’t China’s fault since it was way before Bat Lady got her grant. And it had nothing to do with GOF research either!]
Notice these stories all have one thing in common. They do not address the issue of GOF research, the money sent off to Bat Lady, the coverup at the Wuhan Institute, the uniform coverup by the GOF researchers, and the pandemic we are experiencing today, with all the nutty symptoms that absolutely unlike any corona virus we’ve seen. Clotting? Sheesh.
The facts on the ground remain unchallenged. I’m still waiting for someone to tell me how those inserts happen in nature.
And by tell, I don’t mean a story. Or you asking me to “prove” anything. If you don’t show up with a paper, I’m not interested. Save your stories about Suzie for someone who cares.
Likewise, telling Chris he needs a nap, you’ve followed him for a long time but you’re oh-so-disappointed in his recent fall from grace, or providing some really fancy argumentation - that deserves an instant troll marker. Issue: there are currently so many, its hard to remember who said what.
Adam. I’m thinking we really do need to tag these trolls. Let’s see, how to do this right?
I have it! Troll-tag-votes can only be applied by members! And only seen by members!
And if the troll-candidate proves themselves to be un-troll-like over time, you can remove your troll-tag-vote.
Do we imagine a troll will sign up to be a member? Well if they are that enthusiastic about supporting the site, maybe we give them the benefit of the doubt.
[We could flip things around to be more “positive” – apply a “likely genuine” tags applied by members, seen only by members, for the people you know are reasonable. That’s probably too much work.]

Inserts do occur naturally. Recombination between two distinct yet related RNA viruses can occur when there is double infection. The mechanism is not as well understood as DNA recombination. So one virus can, in essence, transfer it’s insert. The limiting factor is probably the chance of double infection. Starting from a coinfection there will be many changes in the trillions of progeny.

I’ve seen them too - a member for 3 weeks is giving Chris advice on how not to mess up and I thought ROFLMAO -from now on I think I’ll just reply with that.

Dancing feathers and fur may fool a trout. But riddles, rhetoric and clever tirades are not so well received here. I vote for the label of “court jester”. Someone who is silly and receives little attention other than as an amusement. Fairy dust and glittery unicorn shit can’t hide the true essence of a subject. Bullshit is bullshit whether its disguised or not. Just sayin.

I’m not quite sure what you mean by feathers and trout and unicorn excrement.
My core ask: I want a way to tag people I think are trolls, so I can see-and-then-ignore what they say going forward. A secondary request: sharing these tags might be useful.
But regardless of sharing, I really just want to be able tag lame posters so I use my “filter brainpower” just once. Especially when we get deluged the way we are now.
It would also give me a feeling of agency. This would probably reduce the amount of troll-feeding I do, since I’d feel as though I “took action” at least of a sort.

Dave - fur and feathers are used to make fly hooks. They attract trout when fly fishing. Get em on a hook and reel them in, just like humans.
I have no idea what a feeling of agency feels like or is? You are clever and want to debate the trolls. I sometimes have a hard time figuring out what relevant point they are trying to make. Verbose commentary, in my opinion is pretty useless. Just me, get to the dam point.

I have a great deal of respect for the many very knowledgeable, gifted and passionate PP members who post here regularly. However, I’m not at all in favor of creating some snarky labeling protocol for presumed “trolls”.
IMO, too much time, energy and precious PP site real estate is being expended on “outing” or jousting with suspected “trolls”. It begins to look more like sport than productive purpose.
This has the potential to discourage people–especially new PP members–from venturing forth to provide an opinion, experience or insight without being impaled upon the pointy dry wit, intellectual prowess or research finesse of those with ample time and motivation to engage in such lengthy debate. I can tell you this is, in fact, happening as some PP members have sent me PMs regarding their experiences in this regard.
Personally, I literally do not have the time or motivation to read through the lengthy diatribes, perform extensive research and craft acceptably hard-hitting responses to narrowly-focused comments. I know: As suggested by/to others, if I don’t agree or am not “up” to the task or fight, then I can just leave. How many other members are posting less or not at all, mentally checking-out, and/or re-evaluating their ongoing PP participation and membership?
We have PP moderators in Adam and Chris. If either of them take offense regarding comments made regarding the validity of Chris’ well-researched videos, PP articles or other content, then they are certainly capable of responding. If after one posts or responds to a comment with which they disagree, they should state their argument, counterargument or perspective and move on. If anyone feels that a PP member is running afoul of the PP rules and guidelines, then say so, cite the specific guideline, and, if necessary, send Adam or Chris an alert re: the PP member and their offending comment(s).
Truly, the best, most effective way of dealing with and neutralizing a presumed troll is to IGNORE them.
Sorry if I seem a bit short tempered regarding this. But I’ve watched with dismay over the past several weeks the decline in civility, quality and tolerance of different views among a vocal but dominant few commenters within the PP online community. I would hate to see this vibrant site and community devolve into a cultish hive of groupthink hunters of suspected trolls and other “malicious” characters hiding behind every post.
My garden, critters, family and life are calling now.
'Later… :-/