More Harmful Than Helpful

Really, it seems the government agencies and medical/pharmaceutical complex have a twofold aim. One is to maximize profits for Pharma, the other is to kill as many Americans—and citizens of all Western democracies—as possible.
Been down this path a long time ago, and it is clear not both are possible at the same time. I'm still trying to connect the dots. Something else is going on.

Technocracy and dystopia?? ? money transfer and social engineering I think…

I believe newer research has shown nano-Curcumin to be the most efficiently absorbed rather than the dietary turmeric we use in foods.


There are so many things that attract me every day. Like Friday Night Funkin is a game that also brings a lot of exciting things to attract players fully.

I’m sure that laboratory-manipulated curcumin can be more easily absorbed, but my experience is that taking large doses of turmeric with a fat (like in whole milk) and black pepper gets the results I need and on the cheap. I just purchased a pound for under six bucks. Moreover, if it comes down to self reliance, I can produce the dietary fat that improves absorption.

Been down this path a long time ago, and it is clear not both are possible at the same time. I'm still trying to connect the dots. Something else is going on.
It isn’t clear to me that both are not possible. Amassing gargantuan wealth while reducing global population is totally in line with the globalist agendum. The climate summit in Glasgow featured a very interesting speech: He advocated a “military-style” campaign aimed at amassing “trillions—not billions—of dollars” which would be “at his disposal”—without clarifying who “he” is. So there’s some dots to connect, hey?
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Both consuner lab and peoples pharmacy warn about too much lead in some or most turneric. Processed curcumin better.

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While this references something in part 2 (the Indiana insurance company reporting a 40% increase in deaths), I like to share with as many as possible.

Steve Kirsch also listed other states's insurance companies fell into the 40% increase;
  A French insurance company refuses to give death benefits to jabbed man's family, calling his death a "suicide"; it was taken to court and the insurance company won:

Though, I do not believe insurers should pay for jabbed deaths, it is dangerous ground to state that it is essentially suicide. It is not suicide , it was a calculated risk. and lost. suicide is quite deliberate and not a calculated risk. They didn’t need to open this can of worms. They had all the contractually law with experimental medical already. The problem is if this is used as some sort of loose precedence here in the US, the insurance companies are on the hook. Most life insurance pays for suicides after 2 years of the policy. The reason is because its a mental illness, and many things can lead to this that were not present at time of policy purchase. And basically if you can hold off two years after buying a life insurance policy, before offing yourself, you really weren’t truly suicidal at the time of purchase.