Moving Forward with SARS-CoV-2

Hat tip to goldrunner1 for sending me this great 27 minute interview with top Canadian Constitutional lawyer Rocco Galati. It is a must watch especially for Canadians. There is a heads up that a new lock down will be announced on Sept 21 which is the day after our federal election. The sources said it will go until April. I would not doubt that at all, so prepare accordingly people! They are going to make life as uncomfortable as possible for those resisting the jabs, passports and restrictions. Rocco calmly and rationally speaks to how he thinks they are getting more desperate and this is just more of the totalitarian fear propaganda to turn us against one another. If you are not already planning and organizing within your networks to survive the pending lock downs, it is time to get moving!
Galati will soon be launching a constitutional challenge against the feds and BC for emergency measures taken etc etc. More info can be found at these sites:

I found some more info on this…after looking at the israel website longer. I think this is a classic case of the simpson paradox. (A trend or result that is present when data is put into groups that reverses or disappears when the data is combined.)
Combined Data: Roughly 60% of hospitalized patients are fully vaxed. Roughly 60% of country is fully vaxed. Therefore, vaccination doesn’t appear to be doing much.
Data in groups: Each group has a significant reduction in severe covid (ranging from 23%-59%) with the largest groups (50-89) averaging around 32%


Chris seems to make the point that in the USA no-one will pay any of the bills if you get injured by a vaccine. I assume the UK or Canadian healthcare systems will pay for the medical treatment although other costs would still fall on the state and the individual. I think it’s possible that the higher uptake in the UK is partly due to patients trusting the NHS more than patients trust private insurers in the USA.
If this vaccine damage gets MSM coverage, I doubt that the NHS will retain the existing level of trust.

Hi Chris, did you see this new study? Any comments or thoughts on the study design?

Hmmm… should we ever consider The Lancet as a reliable source of information after all that what happen? To be honest I personally have reservations.