Moving Forward with SARS-CoV-2

In my view, you don’t need to apologize for posting a partial clip such as this. There is no context in which these words are acceptable when he’s speaking about his own citizens. Even if he had been referring only about denying passports for international travel, that wouldn’t make this right either. And let’s be realistic, mandating the Covid shots for one group of people is only the beginning…

That is a really inspiring video.
I especially liked the quote from Gandhi.

Civil disobedience becomes a sacred duty when the state has become lawless or corrupt.

Trudeau is using bully tactics from when he was a nightclub bouncer, like when he “accidentally” back-jabbed his elbow into the stomach of a (female) fellow Member of Parliament in a ruckus. Throw the election mob a cheap bone, like last time was legalizing marijuana. But this time he is super sneaky and clever because when he proclaims “no-one who is unvaxed can fly” – and the vaxed great majority cheer – what they haven’t figured out yet is that they will all have to have and carry and show vaccine passports too! To prove they are vaxed! And they’ve just agreed to it!

Talking about dissent, check this out. This is an interesting article with really interesting clips.
People in San Diego are no longer “presenting their grievances to a public tribunal.” They are telling that tribunal that “consent to being governed has been withdrawn.”
Interesting Video Clips
It is about time.

Hi Dr Chris Martenson,
Many thanks for your great contribution in these dark and foggy times.
I hope your prediction is correct but reading an article of Geert Vanden Bossche I feel that I may not be so optimist. Have you read it? Here are some excerpts:
“Innate immunity critically contributes to protecting a population from Covid-19. This is why children and healthy people (i.e., not immune suppressed and without underlying disease) are enjoying a significant degree of protection from Covid-19 disease. Natural, innate antibodies (Abs) and Natural Killer (NK) cells can target non-mutable common structures in otherwise highly mutating viruses and hence, deal with all Sars-CoV-2 variants (1). However, as they merely serve a first line of immune defense and have relatively low affinity, they’re not armed well enough to deal with high concentrations of pathogens (1, 2, 3). Although our innate immune defense system can be considered a very potent natural bioweapon against Sars-CoV-2, it is populated by Abs that can readily be outcompeted by spike protein (S)-specific Abs. This is because the binding affinity of antigen (Ag)-specific Abs for a specific antigen is much higher than the affinity of innate, polyreactive Abs for the same antigen (the latter primarily bind to multiple surface-expressed binding sites(*1) through multivalent interactions (*2); 3, 6, 7). This biophysical phenomenon already explains why morbidity and mortality rates tend to increase with increased infectious viral pressure (e.g., due to enhanced intrinsic infectiousness of the circulating virus or due to overcrowding, mass gatherings, close contacts etc., especially if combined with poor hygiene and housing conditions). Such rising infection rate was also at the origin of the important 2nd wave of disease and death that particularly struck young people during the Influenza pandemic of 1918 (8). To my knowledge, none of the current mathematical models studying the viral evolutionary and transmission dynamics of the COVID-19 pandemic has taken into the equation the susceptibility of our innate immune defense to enhanced viral infectiousness…”
“…Acquired immunity protects against a diversified spectrum of Sars-CoV-2 variants. This is likely due to ‘adjuvant’-mediated ‘antigen spread’ as a result of profound immune stimulation caused by natural disease (personal communication(*6)). Whereas this implies that acquired anti-Sars-CoV-2 immunity can deal with a number of distinct immune escape variants, it is unlikely that it will also be able to deal with an antigenic shift causing ‘escape neutralization’ as, for example, described for the lambda variant (11). For Influenza virus, for example, it has been well documented that vaccines, especially if adjuvanted, may still work against antigenic variants that have been subject to antigenic drift but not against variants that result from an antigenic shift (12, 13)…”
“…That viral resistance to S-specific neutralizing Abs may occur is anything but a myth. To my knowledge, the most compelling example of a variant capable of escaping neutralizing anti-S Abs is the lambda variant of Sars-CoV-2. This variant has incorporated an important change in the N-terminal domain (NTD) of its spike protein. This antigenic shift causes the virus to become resistant to neutralizing Abs. The change is caused by a deletion mutation and prevents neutralizing Abs from binding to the receptor-binding domain (RBD) of S (11). Thanks to this mutation, the lambda variant may gain a substantial competitive advantage if the virus is suddenly put under substantial and widespread S-directed immune pressure. A prominent surge in cases (as has been observed, for example, in several South American countries) may lead to a dramatic increase in S-directed immune pressure, especially in healthy people who become rapidly re-exposed to the virus as a result of a steep increase in infectious pressure. This explains how all of a sudden an immune escape mutant that is capable of resisting S-specific antibodies can rapidly become predominant in populations that experience a substantial surge in cases…”
“…Occurrence of viral resistance to the C-19 vaccines implies that neutralizing Abs do no longer bind to Sars-CoV-2. Natural, variant-nonspecific Abs in vaccinees would, therefore, no longer be suppressed (*9). This is to say that individuals who acquired protection towards Sars-CoV-2, be it as a result of vaccination or recovery from previous disease, will lose that protection and merely be left with the protective capacity provided by their natural, variant-nonspecific Abs. As variants capable of resisting anti-S Abs may still be very infectious, the infectious pressure in countries/ regions with densely populated communities could rapidly build up again after a previous surge…”
Again many thanks for your great support.

Very powerful Blaggers - thanks for that.
Doctors need to decide where to draw the line, and they need to organize and support each other. In Germany, approximately 40% of doctors are withdrawing from this vaccine program. Apparently some are looking at the adverse events data and deciding the risks don’t outweigh the benefits, and are not in agreement with vaccinating healthy people who are not at great risk, and are posting these views on their websites.
Somewhere in this thread there are newspaper reports relating to the stats on German doctors:
Frank Grimm on Twitter: “In Germany, more than 23.000 doctors stopped give the vaccines. At the beginning we had 52.600 practicioners giving the vaccine. So over half stopped. That’s a massive change.” / Twitter

Just read this on Twitter.

Mask mandates: rich people telling working class people what to wear. Critical Race Theory: rich people telling working class people what to think. Climate change: rich people telling working class people how to live. There's a pattern emerging here. ?

This is why Canada has a graphic designer as Health Minister and journalist/actress as a Finance Minister. And the PM is of course drama teacher. What could possibly go wrong??!!!

This line keeps coming to mind for me throughout this vaccine frenzy period.
Somehow each of us has been blessed by finding this community. We are on the leading edge of information, while everyone else seems to lag months behind. Eventually, everything we know or are seeing will become common knowledge and the fury from the vaccinated will echo through the heavens. All these mandates, and laws and restrictions against the unvaccinated are born entirely out of ignorance. Willful ignorance in many cases, but ignorance none-the-less. The travel bans, the restaurant bans, the shutting the unvaccinated up in their homes and barring the doors… its all ultimately protective of that group, though it feels like discrimination it is very likely the thing that will save a great many people after all is said and done. Though gratitude is not the idea that comes to mind for it all, I can imagine the vaccinated will face a catastrophic decimation over the next few months and the number of emergencies that occur as a result will cripple the system. Vaccinated pilots dying mid flight, drivers dying mid commute. Businesses failing for lack of healthy management or payroll teams. There are many situations where the vaccinated will have the privilege of being the only victims. So while they FEEL they are punishing the rest of us, I THINK they are doing us a favor. Objectively.

John Micheal Greer has opined about this dynamic of the Aristocratic class telling the blue collar types that they must change their wicked ways while the Aristocrats either do worse themselves or benefit from the suffering of the blue collars.
Its one of the reasons he thinks the coming “civil war” actions will be poor-vs-middle class rather than poor-vs-rich.
This middle class guy is going “grey man” as much as possible because I don’t want the wrath directed at me.

Thanks for your link.
Watching the speakers, I noticed one ask “Why don’t you look up?”
Here’s my model.
They aren’t humans. (Or, more accurately, not fully human)
But neither are they Mantids. A Mantid could control the whole crowd.
The Hubrids (our kin, by the way), can only control us if they act as a team. And they are afraid of our Rage. It is top-most in their thinking.
These Hubrids are single minded in implementing their Plan, which includes inserting implants into everyone.
They had their heads down in order to link up telepathically to try to calm the humans.
They were afraid.
Our task is to subvert the subverters. They are our Kin. We must bring to their attention that we are Fryans, Freya’s people; and that Freedom is our greatest Value.
Already they have distanced themselves from their creators, and refer to themselves as “Those like us.”
The disadvantage of colonialism is that eventually the colonists go native.

My response is regarding the point made in this video regarding the Israel data showing no additional protection against hospitalizations between the vaccinated and unvaccinated group which starts at 10:55 into the video.
In Ventura County, California the data appears to show this already.
The following breakthrough data is from 8/7/2021 to 8/18/2021.

There were 2,383 new COVID-19 cases in the unvaccinated and vaccinated population. Of which 640 occurred in vaccinated people for a breakthrough rate of 26.8% of the total new cases.
There were 51 hospitalizations of which 26 were vaccinated for a breakthrough hospitalization rate of 50.98%.
There were 12 deaths of which 6 were vaccinated for a breakthrough death rate of 50%.
SUMMARY FOR 8/7/2021 TO 8/18/2021:
Breakthrough Case Rate: 26.8%.
Breakthrough Hospitalizations Case Rate: 50.98%.
Breakthrough Deaths: 50%.
Data Source:
NOTE: The site does not provide historical data. I have been saving the data into a spreadsheet each day. There are gaps in the dates due to the County not providing data some days. The Hospitalizations available from the county are not "Total" rather they show "Current" numbers. This will skew the comparison for hospitalizations.
This data appears below:

Correct me if I’ve misread the data sheet. As I read it, Equimec is Ivermectin and Equimax is praziquantel.

journalist/actress as a Finance Minister
For the record, Chrystia Freeland's before-politics career as a journalist ranged wide and included, among other things, being a global editor-at-large for Reuters. being the United States managing editor at the Financial Times, and writing two books. She earned a bachelor's degree in Russian history from Harvard, and a master's in Slavonic studies from Oxford which she attended as a Rhodes scholar. She currently serves as Canada's deputy prime minister and finance minister.

Freeland the indoctrinated Rhodes Scholar has sold her soul to the WEF, along with Trudope, Morneau and many others in this thoroughly corrupted country. They are all traitors of the highest order.
There is so much more… I would be interested to see you name one good thing she has done for Canada and the Canadian people - and I mean of benefit to we the people - and not her crony stakeholder capitalism masters.

Chris: “If you have 65% of your population vaxed on average, and 64% of your hospitalizations are vaxed people, that means you’re not seeing any particular benefit from the jab”
My question: shouldn’t you use 78% vaccinated percentage (% of people 12+), or possibly even a higher percentage? Based on the data I’m seeing, the unvaxed have a much higher rate of severe illness. Something isn’t adding up.
Also, where does this “Israel data” come from? I went here: and wasn’t able to pull the same info.
Thanks! Love the content!

Jan, I read the first link you shared and was astounded that you’d consider a rant with so much hate and so little sound thinking to be credible as a reference for anything.

I did wonder if that would be caught before being erased from history. N.S.W. is near breaking point. I see the strain on their faces and now we in Victoria are getting the hysteria from the Gov.

Yes, you are quite correct about Chrystia Freeland’s background. While her academic credentials are impressive, they do beg the question as to how degrees in Russian history and Slavonic studies, along with a career in journalism, prepares one for a position as a federal minister in the Canadian Government. As Minister of Finance, a degree in Accounting, Economics, or Commerce, and related work experience would be more impressive. Indeed, federal Canadian finances and spending are completely out of control.
In any case, Chrystia Freeland’s positon as a member of the Board of Trustees of Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum is all I really need to know about her.
http://World Economic Forum Appoints New Members to Board of Trustees > Press releases | World Economic Forum (