My Most Important Video Yet

I’m with Catt. Swearing is like farting. We probably all do it, but it would be best to keep it as private as possible, and lapsing into it in public should be slightly embarrassing, as it has been throughout most of civilized history. I find both needless distractions during the discussion of serious issues.
That being said, if Chris wants to break wind on his videos, I’ll still watch, and remain grateful for the information and anal-ysis. We’re all free to choose here, and I think a 16 year old can understand that excellent information can come with a slightly louche behavioral wrapping from time-to-time. I certainly can’t sign up with those encouraging Chris to swear more, however. What would be accomplished by that? Still, Chris’ choice to make. It’s his site, and I remain grateful.


Hi treebeard - I think we’ve resolved your account issue. Please reach out via PM if it’s still not working!

Thanks Jan, that sure explains a lot. You find and post a lot of amazing stuff.
I think you should start a new thread with this Denninger post.


Back when 911 was being talked about it seemed absolutely clear that “they” were lying about what really happened. The official story is so full of holes that you would have to be an idiot to buy it, or so I thought.
Then everyone stopped talking about it saying that it doesn’t matter anymore. I was flabbergasted and angry. I warned everyone for years after that that if we allowed “them” to get away with a lie this big then what they do next from here on out is going to even worse.
We can’t let them get away with the lies anymore!


The CDC et. al. does have a treatment. It’s the vaccine. The people that are filling up the ICUs are people that have not received the vaccine. They’re not people that have been vaccinated. If you get the vaccine, you’re not likely to get sick enough to go to the hospital. A study shows that if you get a booster the likelihood of even getting an infection goes back down to less than 5%. But again, non-vaccinated people have filled up the ICUs.
Where is the data that masks don’t work. We get angry with Dr. Fauci for flip-flopping on the masks, but hasn’t Chris done exactly the same thing? When was the last time that Chris recommended wearing a mask, or using a mask properly? Why can’t we prosecute Chris for changing his tune on masks? Did you know that schools without a mask mandate have a 5x rate of spread than those that don’t. Teachers have begun dying … again, it’s those who don’t wear masks … and aren’t vaccinated.
Obese and elderly people aren’t the people in the ICUs anymore. That’s Old Data. Show me what is going on with our children in maskless schools right now. What about comorbidities like blood type, blood sugar/insulin issues (not just diabetes), or sleep apnea (which members of my family have even with healthy body weight). What about “healthy” people that have that condition they don’t know about? Did you know that some people think they are invincible? Is that a disease? Let’s just go after the fatties, right? Sorry, that was harsh. I mean let’s just sort them out for special attention, protection … with something that might help them … masks.
What about those poor people that get a larger viral load, thus a much worse case, because they’re not wearing a mask? I thought Chris cared about them.
What is happening to people that get covid, have no symptoms, and then months down the line get brain issues. That’s another thing Chris used to talk a lot about. Now, silence.
The vaccine works better than an early treatment. In fact, it is an early treatment. Hundreds of millions of people have received them since last summer’s trials (those people are still being followed). Wanna know what the largest data point out of them is? They’re not dying of covid. No, not really that much. The ICU nurse really wanted me to understand that.
Where are all the people filling the ICUs because they are having vaccine complications? You know what’s nice about the vaccine? I know what’s in it. It aint filled with junk like the coronavirus itself. It methodology was worked on in labs for decades, tested on aminals. It’s been human tested for over a year now, and studies show you don’t tend to get Any long term covid vaccine syndromes. None. In fact, as I said before, with a booster, you don’t even tend to get covid.
But the CDC is evil because it made something that works that upsets your sense of Up and Down? Right? Or is the FDA too now, since it now too approves.
My cousin and my niece ARE “front line heroes”. What are we? Oh yeah, keyboard warriors. Internet Researchers. BTW. If you’re not making new data, you’re not doing research, You’re Studying. And if you don’t know how to study well, been passed the torch from someone who knows, just like in any other field, you’re probably making lots of mistakes you have no idea you’re making. Probably lots of “duh” moments once you realize, once someone explains things properly, that you have no idea you’re making.
Our sociopathic health organizations have saved hundreds of thousands of lives, and perhaps 3 times that from the collateral damage. They are “front line heroes”. How many people are dying because they’re being discouraged from taking the vaccine?
Seriously, you went there? “front line heroes”? These are the kind of people you have collected here Chris? Jesus. I wouldn’t want to actually do something wrong with these folk, they might storm my place of work and try to hang me from a rope.
What has been clear for 9 months is there are vaccines that work. In warp speed they arrived. Remember how great our sociopathic health leadership was back then? It wasn’t big pharma, it was big fat government’s hand that did it, right?
Which news sources are making the most profit out of all of them? Have you ever noticed all the new news sources out there of that type? Must be profitable to want to get in on that. But I digress.
Do you know that one sign of sociopathy is maligning good people as bad?
So Dave. Automatically you understood everything going on in that man’s head? Maybe he really didn’t want to get into it with you. But go ahead, boost that ego over the poor vulnerable stranger. In fact, to his defense, I happen to have learned once that if you get near your light source you will have more light reflected back to you from objects on a plane, like a street, than if you’re standing over them. Keys aren’t flat like coins. Just a little observation that isn’t about feeding your ego might enlighten you. I’m sorry his BMW made you feel inadequate (why mention it)?
My hands aren’t tied behind my back. I just got a Moderna booster on Monday. Felt like I had both hands tied up behind me on Tuesday, felt fine again on Wednesday. Hands much freer than before, thank you!
Covid is avoidable. So many countries have saved countless lives because they avoided it. Chris used to say “It didn’t have to be this way” “Wear a mask” “Keep your distance”. Look at what these countries are doing. He was right. … Now he’s wrong?
Might be an ego issue again? I mean, that whole Sweden thing, remember that? How many times have we been at herd immunity now? Or there’s so many people that have had this that we must be close to herd immunity by now! I have a friend that had been crunching stats for local hospitals in the Austin area. A couple of times he made that declaration too, “we’re nearing herd immunity”! (He wears a high quality mask, was vaccinated early on, and is now leaving the Austin area for another state because he can see the difference between up and down, but I digress again). Both times I pointed out to him what is probably happening is that people are getting smart again, masking up better, not going out as much. Every time we get complacent, think it’s past because we want it to sooo much, those numbers go up until we wake up and get back in line, not because we’ve become immune.
I think what is happening is the slower part of the herd is getting eaten.
Leaky vaccines don’t matter if the boat still floats. Leaky vaccines don’t leak if you get yourself a booster shot. Leaky vaccines sounds like a marketing slogan for remdesivir. Remember who promoted that?
There are so many opportunities for mutation in the trillions by trillions in replications that corona has gone through that there will be stronger variants. The real key to stopping the variants is to stop the spread of the virus. Vaccines that with boosters take the infection rate down to 5% will bring the R0 back down to below 1 and stop the virus. Add some good masking on there, cut out unnecessary crowding, it’ll happen at a very nice pace. If you leave it up to innate immunity then you have a spread, maskless nose to maskless mouth, large deadly viral inoculum smatter on to epithelial cells in the nose and mouth that have no protection, no memory, no idea what is coming for them. The suffering is avoidable.


Denalizen, Please say the CDC and AMA are wrong, and that I should be able to choose Ivermectin if I wish. Then I’ll read the rest of your post. Otherwise I’ll just consider you a troll.
The suppression of Ivermectin is the most evil thing I have ever seen, it is the clarifying lens that makes most of what is going on clear.


New Jersey has Mask Mandates. It just does.
New Jersey has a high rate of vaccination. It just does.
Congratulations on living in New Jersey. You should be Proud.

I will, if you will say “Vaccines are safe and very effective”. If not, In the interest in keeping a clearer message about what I believe has proof of saving people, I’m not going to stray from message. I’m not going to dilute the best known thing. Vaccines are safe and Very effective.
Are you aware that the reason why Ivermectin isn’t being promoted is because when it has been used in humans in the past it was in doses separated by 6 months? That’s how you use it as a dewormer. I know because when the liquid version for hogs was easier to get I used to dilute it and give it to my dogs, for heartworm. When I learned how to do that years and years ago, it was very very clear that any overdose can take you down, but quick. Then horse paste came out cause people only own a few horses, and they don’t turn them over for slaughter as much as a hog. Is anyone that is recommending you take that informing you that the dispersion in horse paste is not monitored, nor really required … cause it’s meant to be taken all at once … By a Horse. Is anyone telling you to make damn sure you dilute that stuff and make damn sure it’s dispersed before you get your portion. … Nope. Know why?? Cause you don’t know what you don’t know. The vaccine has been engineered and studied For It’s Purpose for 2 decades. And ivermectin just hasn’t had any work done on it. The papers that are submitted Are Not Making It Through The Peer Review Process. You know, when people that are in the know come out and say “you’d better make sure you dilute and disperse that”. People have killed hogs with ivermectin, lots of em. Won’t find that in research papers.
I am upset that there has not been more of an emphasis on treatments. Very upset. I think lives could have been saved that way too. But what is going on is for some reason people are seeing balance in denigrating the vaccines in retribution.
What is clear to me is Both sides are so weak in their denigrating each other, and we’re all very much worse for it.

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This is one of those “duh” moments.
C’mon folks. Say it with me! “Duuuhhhh!”

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Ivermectin proposes many potentials effects to treat a range of diseases, with its antimicrobial, antiviral, and anti-cancer properties as a wonder drug. It is highly effective against many microorganisms including some viruses. In this comprehensive systematic review, antiviral effects of ivermectin are summarized including in vitro and in vivo studies over the past 50 years. Several studies reported antiviral effects of ivermectin on RNA viruses such as Zika, dengue, yellow fever, West Nile, Hendra, Newcastle, Venezuelan equine encephalitis, chikungunya, Semliki Forest, Sindbis, Avian influenza A, Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome, Human immunodeficiency virus type 1, and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. Furthermore, there are some studies showing antiviral effects of ivermectin against DNA viruses such as Equine herpes type 1, BK polyomavirus, pseudorabies, porcine circovirus 2, and bovine herpesvirus 1. Ivermectin plays a role in several biological mechanisms, therefore it could serve as a potential candidate in the treatment of a wide range of viruses including COVID-19 as well as other types of positive-sense single-stranded RNA viruses. In vivo studies of animal models revealed a broad range of antiviral effects of ivermectin, however, clinical trials are necessary to appraise the potential efficacy of ivermectin in clinical setting.

Vaccine-injured Eric Clapton’s new release.[embed][/embed]


I have been trying not to comment on the non-member side of this website lately, but you have provided me a call to action.
You typed so many words and said next to nothing. I won’t even begin to argue you point by point, but here’s what I gleaned from your post:
Americans (only demographic I have actual access to), and most significantly all the aging boomers, are too afraid of a virus with over a 99.5% recovery rate across all age groups to see beyond their fear.
You all speak of “we need to get this virus under control, everyone needs to get vaccinated” but I have some news for you:
This virus, and its emerging and future variants, are not going anywhere. Try and avoid it, you will have a very isolated and lonely life.
90% of all humans will get this virus, you can’t hide from it, you can’t expect to avoid it, SARS-CoV2 is coming for you and you better be ready.
I’ve had it, my wife has had it, my two young kids have had it.
We all lived, and now I’m laughing at all of you who live in fear from this as I used to until about 10 months ago.
I also laugh at you people who think I must get vaccinated. Nope. Never gonna happen.
I laugh at my boomer parents who are overweight, eat like shit, are vitamin D deficient and get no exercise. They thought two doses of Pfizer is all it would take to keep them alive. Let’s see how that works out for them come fall. I hope they do well because I love them, but they chose their own path and it is to be old, unhealthy and trusting of big pharma and the government to save them.
I laugh at my mom posting on FB daily about forcing the jab on others - so much so I had to unfriend her and dozens of others for the same reason.
I laugh at my joke of a government for just being a joke.
Specifically, denalizen, I am writing this reply to your post to laugh at you.
For the fact that you wasted your time and energy to parrot what the TV and their corporate sponsors want you to parrot. Lies, propoganda and free marketing for their graphene oxide mRNA potions. You are a dupe who relishes his corporate slavery. Enjoy it.
I wish there was some intellect and critical reasoning left in my country, sad to say that I can throw 100 rocks in all directions in my neighborhood and maybe hit one person with any brain left other than the programming their phones and TVs give them.
So I laugh and prepare for a world after this current bullshit. Because I have natural immunity now, and I can move on from the fear.


You are trying too hard to cut through the data and the science to understand what you don’t understand won’t understand.
You are right, the vaccine is effective ( I use this word loosely ) It has been shown to keep people from severe infection and hospitalization. Yes it absolutely does this for about 6 mos - and then all hell breaks loose. The people who spoke about the problems with the vaccine specifically outlined this. It is not that it wont protect you at all. Its like making a deal with the devil to be guaranteed 6 more mos, you give up living even 7 mos. This is not a deal. Once you understand the lack of durability , we can just begin to speak about the risk of the side-effects from the vaccine. I personally dont even see this as a discussion and that these dont warrant for some people if the vaccine protection was forever. But If you are virtually at life expectancy ( about 79 years now ) or older You have zero to risk - I say take it… (only 1:10 people live to 90) Or if you older than 70 or so and have several co-morbidities, I say take it.
As for the mask and Chris recommendations, is simply based on what we have learned over the time. We all have seen fauci’s paper on masks from the 1918 flu. So, there is definitely a downside to wearing masks , as there are psychological studies showing the downside as well. Just as anything, does the reward out-way the risk? this is a variable that is changing for all of us. We did not officially know if this was airborne early on. If that is the case, yes masks “reduce” dont eliminate transmission. Reducing was thing to do early on as we did not know how this would impact our hospital loads. We know much more - and this actually endemic now. It is wide spread in the population and this behavior will not make the virus go away, as it would if we were trying to contain a local outbreak. You have zero perspective on the entire situation and lack context to your whole thought process.
And no, the leaky vaccine does not stop transmission , please read the CDC statement on this even. So, I am not sure where you get that science - and no the new wave and variant is not caused by the unvaxxed - It is following our rules - as you can see in Israel. Further when fake new tells you its only unvaxxed in the hospital - they are playing on the numbers - we know this for fact. from their own criteria ( you are not considered vaxxed until 14 days after you got your second vax ) you can see what that will do to vax deaths. Also, early on you remember the CDC own statement - “if you were in hospice with kidney disease and you died due to kidney disease, and you tested positive for corona virus , you were included” these are real ways they counted. And clearly distort the numbers and they were using 45 cycles for the pcr tests. a banana would test positive and did. They have manipulated the data and testing to suit their needs. In fact people who went to the hospital and were vaccinated , were not even tested for covid and would therefore not be added to infected vaccinated patients. Doctors admissions show this to again be fact.
I really cannot say much more here. I do not think you can grasp much.
The vaccines are not tested. and the testing that was done shows some horrible stuff. Also, we know that , with corona virus , you can become reinfected often and multiple times This virtually goes aside from the whole purpose of a vaccination - and why we have never had one for the cold before - the same goes for ADE… it was known and shown in corona virus - Not made up no imaginary. They jumped the cliff here , and you are following. I am sure you are vaccinated. I wish you a good life. Keep watching the news because that is all facts.


Great video, why not share it on a great platform?

Lets encourage Odysee, a platform that doesn’t deplatform:

I for one avoid Youtube and prioritize Odysee and BitChute.

"The vaccine has been engineered and studied For It's Purpose for 2 decades"
Huh? None of these vaccines even existed two years ago, and the approval process was extraordinarily fast compared to normal. Long-term safety data on any of these vaccines is by definition not available. A long time has not passed. And it can take a long time to get things right. The first attempts at a polio vaccine, for instance, resulted in giving the recipients polio. The RSV vaccine killed several vaccinated infants later exposed to the wild virus. Problems often don't show up for years with new treatments or new vaccines. I'm generally not against vaccines. But not all vaccines are the same in terms of safety or effectiveness. Let alone new ones. For myself, too many unknowns, too many signals of possible problems to want to rush. Sometimes wait and see is the wisest response. And to pretend that these vaccines have any sort of "proven" safety is just plain false. "We simply don't know" is the most generous statement that we can make about their safety. I am subject to a vaccine mandate at work. It violates my sense of right and wrong in almost every conceivable way. Sometimes, taking a stand is the only thing you can do. This is one of those times for me.

This all started back when Sars COV 1 outbroke ( is that a word? broke out?)
Yes, they tried a vaccine then for sars and again for mers. they had started gain of function studies ( fauci name all over it ) then. patents were filed. Yes , all this definitely is 2 decades in the making. The mrna tech is not new. It may new for use of vaccines. But this has been long in the plan. 2 decades.


There are no mask mandates in effect in New Jersey at this time. Although, I had no problem with them when they were in effect. But they don’t exist now and haven’t existed for quite some time.
And if people want to get vaccinated and do it with informed consent - that is fine. Of course, there has been dearth of information about the risks of the vaccinations and so there has not really been informed consent. That has been very unfortunate since people are now resisting based on word of mouth of adverse events - rather than government candor.
But there are vaccination mandates all over the place. They include teachers, state workers, university students. As Robert Malone says vaccinating people under 40 just doesn’t make sense, the risks to healthy people under 40 are just too minimal to justify the vaccine.
Moreover, if you look at the Israeli data, high vaccination rates have no effect at all on infection. Last week their infection rate broke their weekly record for infection despite an extraordinary level of vaccination. And now most of the people being hospitalized are fully vaccinated while the Israeli death rate from Covid 19 is climbing.
So I am not proud of proud of what is happening in New Jersey at all. I am deeply ashamed of it. There is no justification for what is happening, either scientifically or morally.


Greetings to PP,
In the 9/2/21 Youtube interview between Dr. Mobeen Syed and Dr. Darrel DeMello, at around minute mark 21:20, DeMello describes ‘two types of COVID’ cases he has seen in his practice. The first ‘respiratory’ type affects the lungs, and the second type is ‘constitutional’ or what he calls ‘central nervous system’ and gut.
This was news to me! It had never occurred to me that I might have had COVID last year, but I was suddenly convinced that I had! I was completely taken aback - to my own severe illness that occurred during the second and third week of January 2020 - in which I was stricken first with a strange vertigo, headache, body ache, fever, and then a few days later it moved into extreme nausea and paroxysmal vomiting, diarrhea, cold sweats. The total course of illness lasted about 10 days. I thought it was a severe food poisoning or abdominal flu, but it did not affect my lungs. We now know that COVID was circulating much earlier, and we now know that a small percentage of cases are ‘constitutional’.
In January 2020 I had been commuting to a job near the San Jose Int’l Airport, and meeting with people who were flying in from all over the country and from Europe. In the first week of January I had attended two large parties that were also attended by travelers. I learned from Chris Martenson about the Wuhan situation on January 23rd and made the decision on that day to cancel a major meeting and quit my job!
I work in medical industry, and this meeting was a long-planned audit date – to give notice on a Friday and not attend that audit on Monday was a reputation killing decision. I now think it was the right decision, and I feel very grateful to Chris Martenson for his early warning as I now suspect that I could have infected a lot of other people.
I have spent the last 19 months holed up at home gardening, sewing masks, taking a cocktail of supplements, and reading all I can about emerging COVID trends. How silly of me to not have realized sooner about my illness.
The problem now is that I have been suffering from classic long-haul maladies, but the clinics that have popped up to treat long-haulers require new patients to have been tested positive. I was never tested, and in April 2021 I took the J&J jab.
Can someone advise whether there is an antibody test available that would identify whether I had been infected with COVID before I was jabbed? I understand that the test could be confounded by the vaccine, but there are a lot of people like myself who need to know!
PS. It occurs to me that people who were previously infected but untested may be confounding the effectiveness data for vaccines.
PPS. I witnessed the youtube debacle, that last PP video was taken down as I was watching it and posting comments… my comments were being deleted in real time! I am concerned that the potential loss of youtube revenue stream could be an existential threat to PP and am belatedly renewing my moral and financial support. I have renewed my subscription today.


Hi Chris,
Will we be able to still see these videos behind the paywall (that you post on YouCensor) if your YouCensor channel gets taken down? I hope so…you post some great material out in the open, would be a shame to lose it…

vaccine associated enhanced respiratory disease (VAERD)

"As an expanded number of coronavirus vaccines enter human clinical trials, in addition to understanding their efficacy in preventing severe SARS-CoV-2-related disease, a key outcome that will be receiving outsized scrutiny will be whether these vaccines contribute to lung immunopathology upon natural viral infection. Since the emergence of life-threatening severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) almost 20 years ago and subsequently Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) in 2012, numerous vaccines have been developed and tested in experimental animals to combat these lethal coronavirus-associated respiratory syndromes. An unexpected and concerning feature of several of these is the appearance of lung immunopathology that is seen in animals receiving certain types of vaccines. This result is especially concerning given that vaccine associated enhanced respiratory disease (VAERD) was seen in human vaccine trials against the ubiquitous airway pathogen respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Although we must be mindful of potentially disappointing outcomes, a careful assessment of vaccine design, immunobiology, and clinical and experimental outcomes published thus far suggests that VAERD may not represent a major threat to ongoing vaccination efforts." "We known knowns and we have known unknowns" ~ Iraq War lord
Of course we never DID find the WMDs....Don't miss your booster