My Most Important Video Yet

I got my booster. Why don’t you boost your study/reading skills?

Did you read the article I linked. There are mask mandates in your schools. There are mask mandates in NJ.
Here in the US the people in Hospitals are unvaccinated. The last I checked which was weeks ago, the Israelis threw out the old study, it was flawed, and a new study has shown that the booster brings the efficacy of the vaccine against infection to 95%.

I live in New Jersey. I know exactly what is happening here. Don’t believe everything you read in the papers.
And as far as Israel is concerned I am getting my stats right from the WHO site.
Infections are climbing to record levels, deaths are also climbing.
Israeli doctors are admitting that most of the infections are in vaccinated people.


I wasted considerable time trying to engage with Denalizen with data driven arguments. What I got back was 1) ignoring my data, 2) an increasing stream of unbacked assertions, unquestioned media reports and eventually anger and vitriole 3) flooding multiple threads with what escalated into rage filled rants.
I suggest a better strategy is to not engage. Or, if you must, a simple “Thank you for your thoughts”.
No offense to you Denalizen, but you aren’t adding anything to the discussion here. As you can tell, nobody has been convinced by your arguments and there’s probably been some flaring tempers behind the keyboard on the part of many of us, including, perhaps, you. I don’t think that serves you or the rest of us.


““We known knowns and we have known unknowns” ~ Iraq War lord”
No, that was Donald Rumsfeld. But, I suppose he could be considered a war lord. Certainly a war monger.


The technology behind the vaccine is not new, not in any sense. It has been in the works for over 20 years. mRNA virus delivery has been worked on, engineered, in biotech 2x as long as the Apollo program. It’s been used before, many times. The delivery method has been used in both animals and humans, long before covid.
What is new is the mRNA of the spike protein being delivered this way. And you get the spike protein with the virus, along with a ton of other junk.
There is Absolutely no SIGNIFICANT data (of p value < .05) nor even close that the spike proteins made by the vaccine are “hanging around” or doing damage elsewhere in the body. There is lots and lots of data, Hundreds of Papers have been published proving that SARS-COV-2 is killing people and causing significant damage in those that survive it (p value < 0.0001).
That is Real Data. It’s more than a hypothesis, It’s a Fact. In fact with that many papers we can conclude a Theory of SARS-COV-2.
There is significant data that the vaccines are saving lives. There is no significant (P VALUE < .05) that the vaccines are causing great harm to larger than a handful of people in a million.
Until Significant data comes in that overturns that, lets stay within those boundaries with our “theories” and “research”. Nothing has overturned the fact that vaccines work, and that they are safe. Nothing truly peer reviewed, according to research and competent studied scientific interpretation has knocked that down. Nothing.
The vaccine is saving lives.


I must be adding something because other people that are afraid to interact here because of folks like you denigrating them are thanking me in private. Lots of them.

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I am going to end with a:
“Thank you for your thoughts.”
As quercus-bilcolor suggests.
I agree that the vaccines seem to reduce the number of serious cases for a short window of time. The evidence seems to support that. But that is about it. The safety issues appear serious but are not being seriously investigated. Not enough in my mind to justify the risk.
“Thank you for your thoughts.”


CLAIM: The newest Israeli data on COVID-19 infections indicate a complete vaccine failure on every level. The data from Israel shows that nearly all serious cases and deaths are among the vaccinated.

AP’S ASSESSMENT: Missing context. The claim ignores the fact that Israel has only a fraction of the COVID-19 cases that it had in January, before vaccines were widespread. Furthermore, the majority of adults in Israel are now vaccinated with two Pfizer shots. No vaccine is perfect at preventing breakthrough cases, but the data shows vaccines are reducing the number of people who are severely ill, hospitalized or die from the virus.

THE FACTS: Israel was one of the first countries to vaccinate a huge swath of its population against COVID-19. Health officials around the world have been watching to see how the country fares against COVID-19 variants and how effective the Pfizer vaccine works at protecting the population.

Misleading posts on social media are now twisting data from Israel to falsely claim the country’s vaccination program is a failure due to the number of breakthrough cases of COVID-19 among the vaccinated. Medical professionals say Israel’s vaccine program is making remarkable progress against the virus.

“The vaccination campaign was hugely effective,” Dr. William A Petri, professor of infectious diseases at the University of Virginia, said of Israel’s efforts. “It’s really extraordinary how well these vaccines work.”

Experts say the country’s high vaccination rates are keeping case numbers down and reducing hospitalization and deaths even as the delta variant is provoking an uptick in infections. Data from Johns Hopkins University shows Israel documented 1,118 new cases on July 21 -- which is less than a tenth of the 11,934 new cases the country had at its peak on Jan. 27, before vaccines were widespread.

“It doesn’t mean vaccines don’t work,” Dr. Robert Cyril Bollinger, Johns Hopkins University professor of infectious diseases, said about Israel’s data. “They have very low rates after vaccination versus where they were before vaccination.”  
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You don’t have to change your mind. But if you’re not overwhelmed and confused for a little bit, you’re probably not learning anything.


That’s exactly what Chris is complaining about in this video, people like you censoring the discussion, teaching each other how to censor each other, not listen.
How did we get here??


I didn’t say the leaky vaccine stops transmission. What you’re forgetting is that the vaccine was engineered for the original SARS-COV-2, not the alpha variant, nor the delta variant. Because of Delta’s mutation it is able to bind with cell receptors at a much faster rate than previous variants, which means quicker path to reproduction. Exponential growth at those small and electrically fast (chemical bonding) speeds means at the end you have a virus that creates 1200x more copies of itself in an amount of time than the original. So yeah, more people are going to get it, they’re going to get larger viral loads, they’re going to get sicker faster.
But those with the vaccine have a backup of antibodies ready to go. Those infected but previously vaccinated are not getting long covid syndrome, likely because the fight starts and ends at the endothelial cells. While someone not infected loses that line, and the fallback is to fight deeper, systemic damage begins, perhaps damage that doesn’t show up until later, even if it’s just under normal wear and tear, the bodies ability repair damage taken out. Maybe stem cells missing or something.
Add in a booster, the efficacy goes up back up to 95%, no infection. The vaccine says “I’ve got your back” and it means it.
The one data point you are tossing aside is the people that are dying are not vaccinated. Whatever you think is killing them, whatever data manipulation you think the CDC is trying to trick us with, the people that are dying are not vaccinated.

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wrong platform bro!
go away, mask up and inject as many clotshots as you want. You have no data worth sharing. Your fear mongering is not welcome!!
yes, swearing is warranted at this time of our lives!


This thread is sending me into deja-vu. Wasn’t there another troll a few months ago that kept changing his screen name and arguing the MSM narrative with everyone? I think that he is back!


No O2 for Trolls. This one must get paid by the pound!


What I finding here is an echo room full of reactive unthinking self-isolating sheep, parroting everything Chris says, supporting it, and anything contradictory being censored “thanks for your opinion”.
The last two comments have been nothing but attempts at ad hominem attacks. “There’s that guy again”.
Not One Single address, discussion about what my point is here.
From the very beginning in this thread, I’ve said I get the ivermectin thing, I get the HCQ thing, DWZYBIN 1 and 2, the anger at Fauci.
But I’m being cast aside for Free Thinking that I cannot find anything that shows me conclusively, significantly (p value < .05) that the vaccine is not effective, and that it is proven to be harming people.
No Free thought here. Just a bunch of God Damned Hypocrisy.
Meanwhile people are dying because the truth (new and improved with a p value < .05 !) is being obfuscated with unregulated doses of horse and pig dewormer (Which I bought some, because I’m Not close minded … but there is no safety DATA on it … and I’m vaccinated. Boosted!)
Wanna talk about DWZYBIN 2, tell people over and over again exactly how to do it safely, or direct them.
But don’t tell me the vaccine is not safe at the same time and then scold me for trying to show it is. I’ll watch/read here. Free to express myself back. Or Hypocrisy? And my real concerns go unaddressed and ignored. Worse for intellectual discussions: Indifference.



The CDC et. al. does have a treatment. It's the vaccine.
Vaccine isn't a treatment. Its a prophylaxis. Here's your first clue: If you have a breakout case in a vaccinated person, you can't give them "more vaccine" to improve their condition - although you could give them ivermectin, or one of the other 18 things for which there is evidence of efficacy.
Where is the data that masks don't work.
Right, so, turns out, it is on you to prove that cloth masks work. We can't use an intervention until we have evidence of efficacy. That's what NIH says all the time about ivermectin. "There is not enough evidence to recommend the use of Ivermectin in treating COVID19." So where is the Big Cloth Mask RCT?
What is happening to people that get covid, have no symptoms, and then months down the line get brain issues. That's another thing Chris used to talk a lot about. Now, silence.
Do you have data on this? I like data. Big fan of data.
The vaccine works better than an early treatment. In fact, it is an early treatment.
No. Vaccines are still a prophylaxis. Again - this stuff isn't hard. Words have meaning. Treatment != prophylaxis. You and your ICU nurse can do better than this.
Where are all the people filling the ICUs because they are having vaccine complications? You know what's nice about the vaccine? I know what's in it. It aint filled with junk like the coronavirus itself. It methodology was worked on in labs for decades, tested on aminals. It's been human tested for over a year now, and studies show you don't tend to get Any long term covid vaccine syndromes. None. In fact, as I said before, with a booster, you don't even tend to get covid.
I think its super awesome that you can make your own risk/benefit calculation and decide to take the shot, give the shot to your children, along with all the follow-on boosters, while I can make that same calculation for myself, and decide not to get the shot based on my own personal risk assessment. Its called Free Will. Liberals of old were all in on Free Will back in the day. Its why I had such great admiration for them. Does this sentiment still exist?

This site is about data and evidence. You have taken a lot of space here for your own posts without providing any evidence to support your claims other than one link to a mainstream news source. Sources please or be gone with you.


Oh, let me address your risk issue.
VAERS has an under-reporting ratio of (roughly) 100:1. (I can prove that to you if you have doubts. Just ask.)
There have been more than 12,000 deaths reported to VAERS over the past year associated with COVID19 vaccinations.
This suggests that there have been 1.2 million deaths (give or take) associated with the shots.
That’s 1:133. No doubt a bunch of the deaths are in really old fragile people. Just like with COVID19.
But as a result of this relatively alarming number, and as a result of the doubts that come from Pharma-controlled CDC/NIH/FDA/AMA’s sociopathic “No Treatments For You” policy, and as a result of PFE/MRNA having no manufacturer liabiity, this risk/benefit doesn’t work for me. I just don’t believe what these people say any longer.
After all, these are the guys who brought us Vioxx (50k people dead) and Fentinyl (500k people dead). I’d be stupid to trust them.
As a result, I’ll stick with quercetin/vitamin-D/melatonin/NAC, activity, 24 BMI, and the rest.
Hope that helps.


Thats your name right denialism?

whatever data manipulation you think the CDC is trying to trick us with, the people that are dying are not vaccinated.
yes, because they are counting vaxxed people as unvaxxed. So, the unvaxxed are dying but its not people who havent taken the shot ( again per your data manipulation tricks or not, you're right ) Just look at the Israel data. AND like you said you need the booster, why do you need the booster, because vaccinated are dying. You dont need a booster if vaccinated are not dying, do you? Enough said. goodbye.. and I mean that kindly along with all the other people who have made stupid statements in threads and on social media and end up dead from the vaccine or covid. oh excuse me, I mean the coincidental heart attack.
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