My Most Important Video Yet

Please look up the word “pedantic”.
For those of you who need data on drain bamage:
The British have a few studies that show, not suggest, brain shrinkage.
There is also a growing notation of post-covid social disorders, more and more people with anger and behavior issues showing up post-covid. But you filter out that kind of news here. Cause covid no bad … vaccine good!! Urrrrr!
BTW, if your kids gets the shot … er, I mean knocked up (or knocks someone else up) you’ll have to leave Texas to get that taken care of. Cause you’re not free to chose in Tejas anymore. In fact, don’t tell me about it, cause I could use the bounty money. I want to buy a houseboat.

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Isreali data in perspective:


Fact checking is done when the truth is being denied. It is like when someone says “this is not a lie”, you know that you are about to hear a lie. They wouldn’t have to say that if it truly wasn’t a lie.
Me thinks they doth protest too much!


“What will it mean to be an American, a European or a member of Western Civilization in general after these deeply treasured beliefs become but quaint relics of the past?”
Personal privacy: I have assumed for a long time that I have lost it long ago, at some point in the early Internet days. It doesn’t cease to surprise me that so many people assume that they still have it. I suppose it’s because they assume that Big Brother cares about the same things they care personally. Big Brother cares mostly about one thing: how much money they can suck out of you, and for that, they rarely need any individual data. Big Data is what Big Brother likes, and he has as much of it as Big Brother could possibly dream of.
Free speech: Only those that get to talk in public can have something that may resemble free speech. What about all the people that don’t get a say? In these days of mass media and big influencers, free speech is just about what a really small number of people may or may not say. And there is so much agreement among them, depending on which team they joined, that you can safely assume that free speech died quite a while ago.
Bodily autonomy: In our polluted planet? Chris, you know better than that. There’s plenty of poison already in our bodies that we didn’t want in our bodies, but is there regardless.
So if you ask me, it means living as we do today.


Do you suppose SARS COV 2 is causing brain damage via its Prions, which it uses to attache itself firmly to the human ACE2 receptor? The S1/S2 spike-proteins of the virus all have a Prion Domain built into them in order to make them able to infect people. In fact, the SARS COV 2 virus is the ONLY coronavirus to have such Prion Domains…of all of its kind. The other 33, or so, don’t have any Prion Domains.
We know the dangers of Prions and how they cause brain wasting diseases and are eventually fatal…taking about 4 years from infection to kill.
We also know that this virus has about five Prions in each of the spike domains…and that these are synthetic prions, which were added to the virus via Gain of Function efforts.
If the SARS COV 2 virus normally infects people via the nose and lungs…it would explain why autopsies of those who died from diseases, like “Mad Cow,” show the loss of gray matter closest to the nasal passages first…from where the damage proceeds.
Or, do you think the SARS COV 2 is causing the brain damage via its vascular damage in the brain, as the result of ACE2 blockage and the resulting restriction of blood flow to the cells of the brain?


At present there will be no jabs for me or my wife. We’ll keep our prophylactics, and treatments handy. If the inventor of the mRNA technology Robert Malone has serious issues with the vaccines, that’s good enough for me. Yes there is evidence the vaccines reduce severe illness and mortality but at what cost? They are called “experimental” for a reason. The CDC in their cautions say ADE is a real possibility. I respect other’s choice to take the vaccines but we’ll hold off until PROVEN safe and effective. We will NOT be forced or coerced into getting the jabs.


Thanks for your postings. I agree with much of what you have said and have been particularly concerned about:
"What I finding here is an echo room full of reactive unthinking self-isolating sheep, parroting everything Chris says, supporting it, and anything contradictory being censored “thanks for your opinion”
I think Chris has a real problem here with an environment that is toxic to open and rational discussion. I have let my subscription lapse out of what I have seen growing here.
Best Regards,


There is no good that can come from this disease. Vaxxed or not, you don’t want it. One of the things we worried early on - was not just if you survived but how much it messed you up. I do believe that Covid messes people up. and Vaxxing does not look proven to protect you from this in the long run. And then the same can be said , as we dont know what the long-run is on safety of the vaccine. We are really in a lose lose situation. If one chooses the side to not vax, does not mean that we are comfortable saying its just a cold, even if you live. The data is still out on this. But if we are just talking deaths, the data looks no better with the vax than without , so in “my opinion” why mess with something else that is unknown. and there are also plenty of known risks with that too. The vaccine to me is like throwing the baby out with the bath water.
The scariest part of this thing , is, it is not natural. I believe, based on what we know, it was developed partially in NC and later gain of function was farmed out to wuhan to try an and protect the US players from criminal actions.
So, I can only imagine this is not a common cold. and only hope to use things to boost my immune system to minimize the damage caused by the virus.
John and Denal, This site may not be for you. You are always welcome to debate, and use evidence to support that. And you are welcome to state your beliefs , if you state them as such and not as fact. We challenge science with science all the time here - it is not a fixed finite thing. And I see nowhere one here has told anyone f off because one chose to vax or not vax. We have both on this site - as we have people of different political persuasion as well. But, dont try convincing someone here that they are stupid for vaxing or not vaxing with non facts. There is no right or wrong. I am the camp that vax is the worst of the two evils. AND actually a lot worse. And to that end, if you look back at all Chris’ information and data that he has presented from day one, he was way way way out ahead of the curve. It almost looks like he is sitting with some sort of crystal ball. Unfortunately, if you are analytical and dont have your head buried in your ass, it doesn’t take a crystal ball to predict the future in this event.


We get our fill of the “ other side” of the story the rest of the day through the MSM. If you listen to both the MSM and what you read here then go and compare them you see where you really fit.


Admin: Comment removed for violation of the no personal insults rule.
Chris M: User blocked for having a really unfavorable noise to signal ratio.


The AP is part of the Trusted News Initiative - that is Censors and Liars.
The partners currently within the TNI are: AP, AFP; BBC, CBC/Radio-Canada, European Broadcasting Union (EBU),Facebook, Financial Times, First Draft, Google/YouTube, The Hindu, Microsoft , Reuters, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, Twitter, The Washington Post.


I recall a professor from a university ( studies propaganda ) clearly defined what propaganda and by his definition, all the MSM is nothing but propaganda. I will try to source that info.
But, I can assure you if you expect the same view as the MSM here, you will definitely not find it. Why because its not science based or based on fact of any kind. It is nothing but $$$$$ machine with brainwashing tactics. to support the $$$$$ machine of the powers that be.


Patiently waiting for better options. One that is actually safe and effective unlike the current offerings. Ideally one that that doesn’t need boosters, targets more of the virus, offers sterilizing immunity, ect. Good news is there are more innovations on the way, not so bad news is we have to be patient and wait for the data to give clarity. Until I get a better read on things I’m going to error on the side of precaution. That means social distancing, common sense, wearing a quality mask and keeping a healthy lifestyle for myself and family and most importantly holding off on questionable vaccinations. I don’t expect everyone to handle this uncertainty the same way, but I’m personally taking responsibility for my own health regardless of what other people think or do in these uncertain times. I will never trust those who professes to have all the right answers or obstructs the reasonable search for truth.


I agree, we dont need both sides here although people can come here and state their opinion and the comment stands. The same cannot be said for any mainstream site in existence. I can’t go on youtube/facebook/twitter et al. and say the complete opposite of what the mainstream narrative is pushing. Most mainstream ‘news’ sites disabled their comments sections because nobody believed anything they reported and were openly calling out their lies.
The fact that somebody like denalizen and a few others CAN express themselves freely here just demonstrates who is tolerant and who is not. Who is open to having discussions and who isnt. Who is searching for truth and who is dedicated to lies.
Denalizen, I cant go to sites that reflect your world view and express myself there the way you can here. I hope, if nothing else, the significance of that sinks in somewhere.


thuber said:

Patiently waiting for better options.
Amen. I don't even care if it is effective - it could be purported to be probably effective and I would take it. I just want it to be safe. But I am not seeing that. Even worse, I am not seeing any attempt to delineate the exact parameters of the problem. If I knew it was causing problems because it was administered incorrectly - as John Campbell suggests. That could be fixed. If it was causing problems only to people with certain preexisting medical problems. I could then evaluate its safety for myself. But I am being told there are no problems at all with the vaccine. I know better. Until they start being honest, I have no choice but to refuse.

Hmmm, sometimes it is better to shut up I guess. I’m missing some basic politeness on both sides. On the other hand, I wouldn’t be surprised either if the negative sentiment is instigated by certain entities that have some issues with other views than the mainstream narrative. Could we please, please stop being impolite and stop fulminating against each other?
I don’t say Denalizen is here to wreak havoc to this otherwise peaceful forum. But expect to get more and more of these fruitless exchanges. As of now, PP ‘rs should be aware that they, and this forum are in the crosshairs of others. Tread carefully, be respectful, use data, investigations. Once an open discussion is not possible, do not let yourself be drawn into a fight. During my boxing “career”, picking a fight in the ring was the easiest way to defeat your opponent, they become irrational, forget their defense and techniques, and presto! Yet another win.
It is clear to me that some people here are not here for discussion about information and other scientific views. That is their prerogative, no need to try to convince the by SHOUTING…
And Denalizen, the AP link you shared is fundamentally flawed: comparing case count in the winter with case count in the summer is a big no-no for seasonal viruses. The statement that the casecount under the vaccinated reflects the vaccination degree basically means that the vaccines are not effective anymore…


Doug, you are thinking about Doug.
Don’t forget ‘they’ have at least 60k social media troll accounts to work with.
Personally, I don’t mind a little trolling, let’s you keep up with the other side a little bit.
“this forum are in the crosshairs of others” – surely true, always DYODD!


Don’t take it from the horse; take it from the horse’s mouth!


Yours truly is working his little ass off trying to bring sanity to a redeemable, worthwhile little country which is deeply in unrepayable debt, full of people beginning to wake up to realities, talking about home gardening, home schooling, … the whole nine yards of PP … these people (though in some ways 50 years behind and still thinking of themselves as peons in a rigged Colonialist system) … these people are starting to awaken.
And I’m in the trenches trying to wake them.
There are lawsuits brewing. There are people here who know within a few minutes everything I see on PP that relates to their local situation. Jeez. Wonder how THAT could happen?
Don’t worry, Chris. Nothing behind the paywall is getting shared or copied or broadcast. I’m just doing a bit of local work here, that’s all.
Here’s something I just posted to a local group. Hopefully the PP crowd can appreciate how important a bit of grass-roots effort can be. These are good people here and I’ll do everything I can to help them. So, here’s my posting.

My thinking is that if you lose your fear, you can win the battle. Because their only real weapon is fear. If you gain knowledge, you will have power over your life. Because they depend on your ignorance. And if you become Resolute in your stand, there is no power on Earth that can move you. These are the times that depend on your fearlessness, your knowledge and your resolution. Have these, and be comforted. You are not alone.