My Most Important Video Yet

I for one do not appreciate seeing another member referred to as ‘an ass’. This is unacceptable behaviour, especially following a long stream of argumentative posts where you have hijacked this thread.
It would appear you have not been able to convince many people that the Covid shots are safe. Time to let it go. And time to find some manners when addressing others.


Or you might take it from a gunshot victim!! AKA, see what a little knowledge with no guidance does with real, normal, not able to read labels, or follow instructions, much less likely to have ever read a pre-press paper, much less anything peer-reviewed, humans? … not horses, people … and not horse people, but hospitals. I mean, dilute it before you shoot it man (we need better slogans). Things are not OK at the corral these days.

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Admin: Another rude, low quality, distracting comment removed.

I have been so heartened and refreshed by browsing the FB page of Ontario Businesses Against the Health Pass today. Just regular, ordinary, nothing-outwardly-special people waking up one by one and saying “That’s it, I’ve had enough. And what’s more, I’ll support your business because you’re saying that too.” People saying that they care about their constitutional rights and that they respect others’. That health matters should be private. That free choice matters. That personal integrity matters. That supporting each other matters.
It is just so cleansing after suffering through so many months of all the psychopathic, lying sh*t of TBTB.


Thank you for your heart-felt argument. I gave you a thumbs up for offering an alternative viewpoint, albeit one that I have heard many times from intransigent Believers.

"If the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?"
Here is my position. I was trained in the army, therefore if I hear a racket and the man's head in front of me explodes like a watermelon, do I need the names and addresses of everybody involved before acting? Do I need a statistical analysis of the situation? No. It's an ambush (Please note: That was an analogy. Do not argue that it is a real representation of the situation. Note2: Aliens don't do analogies) Our situation looks like that of an Alien Infiltration exercise, therefore we must react as if it was. Why would you accept a needle from someone who believes in population reduction?

…Vaccine related brain damage not to be underestimated ;/


Denalizen - sweetie, you’ve got enough content here to start your own channel, website, magazine, newspaper, media conglomerate, church congregation. Let us know when you’ve got it up and we’ll all come over and subscribe.


… this source of information will not be a factor:

A few years ago. He? got involved in a few threads and things went exactly like they are going now. Lots of assertions. Little to no data to back them up. Lots of strongly worded advice for people. Gradually raising the intensity until he got into angry ad homs and insults. It ended with him getting banned for quite a while.
I could see us heading in the same direction as I sat on the sidelines, so I gave a warning. Maybe I didn’t do it in the best way. But here we are. Next time, my warnings are by PM to the others on the thread.
You have a reputation here brother and it’s not a good one.
Edit: I’m guessing his original account was deleted, and he created a new one with the same user name. The current account is only 16 months old. Or maybe all of those incendiary comments were deleted and this all happened about a year ago.


So you think posting from the dailykos is going to convince anyone? Shit son, you might as well post Alex Jones. It is about as reliable. Can’t we all just agree that everyone is entitled to their own opinions? You will not convince anyone on here to change opinions by acting the way you are acting. You are talking AT us.

I wasn’t looking for info on T-cell immunity, only information on how much vaccination had already occurred in Africa (it sounds like not much). I wanted to compare this to actual cases of Covid (a number which is hard to discern from 10K miles away).
But this reference to fairly robust T-cell immunity in those vaccinated with current vaccines was a surprise. Can anyone add more information to this? Doesn’t this contradict the other evidence that the vaccines we have are non-sterilizing and don’t really prevent catching and transmitting delta? If T-cell immunity is, in fact, given with the vaccines, why doesn’t this seem to have helped those who have previously been vaccinated? And what is special about those who have natural immunity – they don’t seem to get delta, from what I understand?
Any additional information on this asssertion of t-cell immunity from vaccines would be appreciated. Any general information on Covid cases in various areas of Africa would be appreciated as well.


People aren’t wearing masks anymore.

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Did you read the article, Pops? No up-down with this one. Clear left-right bias. Sad.   Next.

Im just sitting here listening to a person who is in pain and lashing out. That kind of frustration and vitriol goes alot deeper than the issue of vaccinations.


thanks for sharing your observations because

... in which I was stricken first with a strange vertigo, headache, body ache, fever, and then a few days later it moved into extreme nausea and paroxysmal vomiting, diarrhea, cold sweats. The total course of illness lasted about 10 days. I thought it was a severe food poisoning or abdominal flu, but it did not affect my lungs.
because that describes surprisingly to a good extent what I had in September/Otober last year. Certainly, due to my quick actions it was quickly over. But the fact that I had no coughing nor sneezing dazzled me.
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producing T-Cell immunity seems unlikely given that declining efficacy is being observed. Perhaps the T-cell immunity was already present from a previous infection.

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Daily Kos, like alex jones, is not worth reading. Post scholarly articles not media regurgitation of .gov talking points.


Daily Floss, for a good cleaning between your ears.

Pretty obvious what’s going on here.
I personally would welcome an opposing voice to keep us on our toes, but that’s not what this is. I’m fairly new, but I’ve received nothing but respect from all members. This is the first time I’m seeing such disrespect, gaslighting, and insults to intelligence. It truly is possible to have respectful debate from both sides. I’m sorry to say I haven’t seen that here. But, no doubt in my mind a respectful neigh sayer would be returned the same respect that this community has shown me.


Ok. Here’s what I’m getting:
You think ivermectin overdoses are “clogging emergency rooms”
You don’t think ivermectin has efficacy in treating COVID19
You don’t believe in the merits of risk/benefit analysis for vaccination; everyone needs the shots, including babies who do not appear to be at risk.
You’re ok with NIH mandating cloth masks, without any Big Cloth Mask RCT to prove efficacy.
You are also ok with NIH NOT recommending various treatments, because there have been no Big RCTs for those treatments. (At least not Big Enough for NIH)
you think its pedantic for me to insist there is a substantive difference between a prophylactic and a treatment
you reference a study on brain shrinkage post COVID infection
Last, you notice “more and more people with anger and behavior issues showing up post-covid.”
Regarding brain shrinkage, I that that is probably true. I’d love to see that same analysis done on people treated with McCullough’s sequenced multidrug therapy vs an untreated patient group with the same underlying conditions and age. I’d bet that less virus = less brain shrinkage. There were hints of that in the study below: mild cases showed small changes in telomere lengths, while severe cases resulted in large changes. COVID (and the shot; same spike protein) = “artificial aging.” The study, led by Maria A. Blasco and whose first authors are Raúl Sánchez and Ana Guío-Carrión, postulates that telomere shortening as a consequence of the viral infection impedes tissue regeneration and that this is why a significant number of patients suffer prolonged sequelae.
I also agree that the inflammatory damage from infection (and from the shot too; same spike protein) can cause some severe anxiety, depression, and anger, and it can also exacerbate any pre-existing anxiety situations as well. The severity of the effects appear to reflect the viral load in the patient. Thus, untreated COVID is once again much worse than treated COVID in terms of the inflammatory damage done. More viral load = more spikes = more inflammation = more anxiety. Same true with the shot; more shots = more spikes = more inflammation = more anxiety. My favorite compound, niacin, might be helpful for people in both situations - post COVID, or post jab - as it helps to ameliorate the chemical cause of the anxiety, anger, and depression, which is effectively NAD+ deficiency (which then drives serotonin deficiency), caused by the inflammation.