My Most Important Video Yet

I think to focus back on point and less of this bashing stuff.
Dave, you have surmised what I have drawn from denalizen position. It seems pretty baseless, and these are the exact people that we hope to orient in fact and not myth. It is not possible when people have an incredibly strong biased. It does not sound they are truly interested in debating but only asserting. And it is nice that we were offered a link to article on Daily Kos but it lacks merit. I dont believe anyone here has ever posted a link to media sites as a matter of fact, unless it had a reference source of some bases. you will not find references except " according to experts" default phrase in the MSM - or a liberal biased play along site. The reason I say liberal ( as we are not really right or left ) is because they are echoing MSM. They are playing along in the complicity. We try not to focus on this, because every single article from those sites , including CNN, are not completely always playing along.

Denali-zen you’re losing your mind over your inability to convert anyone to your orthodoxy. You’ve already made your choice, so if you’re happy with it, and the vaccine is so protective then what do you have to fear from this kooky sect of horse paste eaters? There’s an underlying desperation in you that belies serious fear. Did you see some scary data that disturbed your isolated worldview? Did the reality dawn on you that the only ones with free will left are the unvaccinated? That you can’t unmake your decision? That if we’re right, then you have a very limited time left? That you are now trapped in a (short) lifelong cycle of vaccination and boosters while your internal organs are obliterated by the spike proteins? That the waning efficacy and increasing death rates among the vaccinated are indicative of an ineffective vaccine with high health risks? Did some mean person with thousands of hours worth of research and data tell you you’re wrong and CNN didn’t give you the answer in your talking points?
We’re all really sorry you feel bad. Its okay to be scared. We’re really gonna miss you here when you’re gone. Just want you to know that.


The actual paper is a bit odd there are only 20 participants with 4 sets of 5 getting different doses and one of those having recovered from Covid and 2 having gotten the mRNA booster shot so difficult to compare with the stnd 1 shot J&J vaccination. There is maybe 100x difference amongst the results from different participants and they average the results. Maybe someone can spend a bit more time looking over the study, but to me it leaves a lot of questions, though maybe but I wouldn’t bet my life on it?

That health matters should be private.
I'd accept that position in regard to diseases or disorders that are not contagious. But someone's behaviour in regard to a disease that is contagious and sometimes deadly is a community concern, not just a private matter.
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private EVEN if the disease is contagious otherwise let’s get right down to it and start marking people with AIDS/HIV, Hepatitis, etc
 how many people have those 2 killed over the years? How about a big scarlet A or H to pin to their clothes? See how ridiculous it sounds when you fill in other diseases. This can slip into tyranny very quickly.


Many of the challenges of this CV situation center around data. Which sources for the most current, accurate data? I’m not a doctor but now spend a LOT of time listening to them. How much can I actually understand with my high school education? What are our biases doing just now? Is this here info or mis-info, or a confusing mix? Is it actionable? It’s a lot of mental grappling! And there is always more. Thanks be for the ones who are qualified to read the studies and can communicate well about them, and do so despite personal and professional costs. My deep respect and gratitude.
The other challenge is inward. Can I stay with what I know in the face of almost seamless mis-and-dis-information so passionately delivered? Listening to CBC (the long-venerated Canadian National Radio) the other morning while they did a little snippet about “horse medicine”, I hit shock and despair over the misleading, incorrect content. We grew up respecting the CBC as a good, balanced source. Nope. Not since news of the Wu-Flu arrived.
Later I realized that thanks to many incredible online sources and my own perseverance I actually know more than the CBC about Ivermectin. I could school that crew for hours with fascinating history, amazing results around the world both before and after CV, and with references to incredibly intelligent, qualified people who treat and heal CV cases all the time.
No need to defer to those who have not learned what I have.
And then there is knowing what I don’t know, also fun. A big one in that department is what will happen to the jabbed, with their novel altered immune systems, later on. Another is what will happen to my un-jabbed life, job and finances.
For now, I do know:

  • These “vaccines” have not been proven safe in human trials.
  • Actually, they have killed at least tens of thousands and inflicted horrifying injuries on yet more people. Blood clots in the brain? Heart failure? Paralysis? Constant seizing? Sounds like a great intervention! Maybe next year

  • Ivermectin has been proven incredibly effective and safe in treating CV infections.
  • Medical professionals around the world are using it and many other treatments to cure CV - not every case, but so many more than those who do not.
  • This knowledge is being heavily censored by “health authorities”.
  • They would rather strip me of even the right to make a living than provide us with proven CV treatments.
    That will do, for starters. How much more do I need to know?
    Since BC, Canada is about to institute jab-passports, I’ve been watching this:

    Lots of Delta V cases, very slight increase in hospitalizations and deaths 6 weeks later.
    FLCCC for Ivermectin in brief
    Random amazing medical professional

The definition: “contagious, and sometimes deadly” fits influenza perfectly. Should the same rules be applied to influenza? RSV? How about the bacterial infections?
There’s two choices here:

  1. Mandated vaccinations for every respiratory disease under the sun, with strict enforcement by government & business - I call this the “Third Reich” approach.
  2. educate people - encourage them to stay home when they have symptoms. To a 95% degree - at least for COVID - only symptomatic people spread the infection. I call this the “Western Democratic” approach.
    Who benefits most from the Third Reich Approach?
    Vaccine stakeholders. They stand to make 100 billion. Per year. If we adopt Third Reich policies.
    Me - I prefer educating people. The Democratic approach. No Third Reich for Me. But the Stakeholders won’t be happy. Profits will plunge. We can’t have that.

It is amazing to me that normally conservative people can be morphed into unreasonable, petulant, abusive a-holes all over a jab. The pros relentlessly badger the cons using emotional rhetoric to assert themselves. This argument is laden with “concern for others” and the “need to be responsible.” Often these people are the very ones who flaunt the rules- much like N Pig-lo maskless political rally and OBO’s BD bash.
I will relay three stories I know personally through friends and family.
Unvaccinated wife of vac. husband and vac. kids catches CV from one of the kids. She unwisely listens to them and decides to avoid IVM except for a 1/2 dose initially. (BTW she felt better in 12 hours.) Winds up in hospital w Remdesivir and MCA infusion. Has returned home and seems slowly to be getting better. Listened to them and refused life saving treatment.
This person’s story becomes the rallying cry of the vac. group,“See if she was vac. wouldn’t have gone to the hospital! You need to get vac! I don’t understand what possible reason you’d have not to get it! " (Forgetting the numerous scientific articles and interviews with Dr. Malone, Dr. Yeadon, etc. I sent you)
Three of said vacs. have done interesting actions.
One who is quite elderly goes out and meets with friends at least twice a week. in restaurants, etc. No Zn, no vit. C, no nothing
refuses IVM prevention.
Another takes a trip with friends on a plane, and chooses to quarantine 10 days when gets home to “not possible expose anyone.” Asymptomatic; no known exposure. Two days into quarantine goes to volunteer job at homeless shelter. No Zn, no vit. C, etc.
The third is in all vac. household. Husband tests pos., has fever, cough, runny nose. Spouse tests negative so far. Given steroids by MD and antibiotic. They’ve decided to attend the college football game as they have season tickets. When reminded symptomatic people need to isolate, states,“It’ll be fine.” Starting on some vitamins now, but refuses IVM.
So it would seem not only are the politicians hypocrites but the average vacs as well. They believe they all have a hall pass on common sense and normal disease control measures because,” I’m vaccinated!!"



Well, people are dumb. and probably cant do the math to dose this. But even with this having an upset stomach is not a deal breaker. So dont use this because it sends people to the ER? but some how all the Vaccination adverse events are not causing gun shot victims to get treatment. You see the problem here right away.
But to that end , if horse meds are not to be used on humans, then start prescribing " with simple dosing for idiots" for humans. If you don’t this is what will happen. AND a stomach ache and visit t the ER is not any different than consequences of not taking the meds. The risk of adverse event does not outweigh the risk of the benefit. oh wait that only applies to the vaccine
 what the F*&( was I thinking.


List of companies requiring the vaccine.


All these observations are true because the spike Is the disease.
Whether one get the spike from the virus, (Assuming such a beast exists), or from the clot-shot which programs the bodies cells to produce the spike is moot.
Consider how the “China dun it” fear porn narrative might have been promulgated in order to “nudge” everyone to get the clot-shot, and become sterile.
All they would have needed to do was mix a florin cleavage sequence and an Aids sequence and what-ever else they came up with into the sample. Then when the sequences were analysed, lo, wow! such a lethal “virus”! In fact we were seeing contamination.
Scary! Got to volunteer to become an evolutionary dead-end.


Funny you bring those two up.
Last time I was at the doctors office, aside from being asked when I would be jabbed, I was asked to take an HIV and a hepatitis test.
I asked if my behavior in life warranted such a clinical ask, and was told everyone is now being asked to take both of these tests as a standard procedure.
What? Because they care, right?
I sense something else may be going on with these tests.


Dr. Campbell mentions anti-virals in the video here, but dismisses them for lack of use.
The obvious response to his statistics comparing illness with and without the vaccines is:
WHEN you get the disease, treat it quickly and get rid of it, likely in a day or two, before it gets serious enough to do any of this damage.


I’m betting that these religious exemptions will only apply to the Abrahamists.
It is a foundational precept of our ancient Freyan religion that Freedom is our highest Value. Obviously, Forcing us to take this clot-shot would go against everything that we hold to be Sacred.
Freya, our intermediary between us and the ineffable Wr-alda, has instructed us to teach this to our children morning, noon and night until they dream of it in their sleep.
Our religion is still alive as can be seen throughout the Saxon world. For instance, my Mother, a nominal Catholic, used to drum into my head, “If everybody is sticking their head in the fire, are you going to stick your head in the fire too?”
An obvious appeal to my freedom and autonomy; and she had never heard of Freya. But She was in my mother’s blood and hence in mine.
Ref: Our Oera Linda.


.So we need to adopt a different strategy. We need to make the monster show itself, not to those of us who can already see it, but to the New Normal masses, the Covidian cultists. We need to make Jim Jones drop the peace-and-love crap, move into the jungle, and break out the Kool-Aid. We need to make Charles Manson put down his guitar, cancel orgy-time, and go homicidal hippie. This is how you take down a cult from within. You do not try to thwart its progress; you push it toward its logical conclusion. You make it manifest its full expression, because that it when it implodes, and dies. You do not do that by being polite, conciliatory, or avoiding conflict. You do that by generating as much internal conflict within the cult as you can.

In other words, we need to make GloboCap (and its minions) go openly totalitarian 
 because it can’t. If it could, it would have done so already. Global capitalism cannot function that way. Going openly totalitarian will cause it to implode 
 no, not global capitalism itself, but this totalitarian version of it. In fact, this is starting to happen already. It needs the simulation of “reality,” and “democracy,” and “normality,” to keep the masses docile. So we need to attack that simulation. We need to hammer on it until it cracks, and the monster hiding within in appears.

That is the weakness of the system 
 the New Normal totalitarianism will not work if the masses perceive it as totalitarianism, as a political/ideological program, rather than as “a response to a deadly pandemic.” So we need to make it visible as totalitarianism. We need to force the New Normals to see it as what it is. I do not mean that we need to explain it to them. They are beyond the reach of explanations. I mean that we need to make them see it, feel it, tangibly, inescapably, until they recognize what they are collaborating with.

Stop arguing with them on their terms, and instead directly attack their “reality.” When they start jabbering about the virus, the variants, the “vaccines,” and all the other Covid cult-speak, do not get sucked into their narrative. Do not respond as if they were rational. Respond as if they were talking about “Xenu,” “body thetans,” “Helter Skelter,” or any other cultoid nonsense, because that it is exactly what it is. Same goes for their rules and restrictions, the “face coverings,” the “social distancing,” and so on. Stop arguing against them on the grounds that they don’t work. Of course they don’t work, but that is not the point (and arguing that way sucks you into their “reality”). Oppose them because of what they are, a collection of bizarre compliance rituals performed to cement allegiance to the cult and create a general atmosphere of “deadly pandemic.”

There are many ways to go about doing this, i.e., generating internal conflict. I have been doing it my way, others are doing it theirs. If you’re one of them, thank you. If you’re not, start. Do it however and wherever you can. Make the New Normals face the monster, the monster they are feeding 
 the monster they have become.


I’ve been considering a different way of thinking about those who have taken that jab. In some sense, they are like our military (stay with me here). They have been pressed into service in yet another unwinnable war. Like a war against terror, or drugs, or communism, it’s another phony war that is being used to serve agendas of those in power. Some people did this out of conformity, some people did this out of economic necessity, but some actually did believe they were doing the right thing to protect their community. And like our soldiers in every war the US has been involved in the last 50 years, they are very quickly realizing the government has lied to them and things are not what they seemed. Our disgrace in Afghanistan only highlights that the people pushing the vax are are the same ones who left are own people and allies hanging out to dry. I think the people who had genuinely good intentions about getting the shot, and are now feeling betrayed by its failure and moving goalposts, represent the cohort we have the best chance of breaking through to. At the same time, everyone who gets it, I believe, deep down knows its dangerous. Even if they won’t consciously admit it. Therefore, the approach I have been taking is “oppose the war, but respect the warrior.” When a woman recently told me she (masked and jabbed) was afraid of me (masked and unjabbed), I responded by saying: “Thank you for getting the shot. You did what you thought was right, you risked your life by taking a potentially dangerous drug. You are braver than I am. I wish it worked as well as they said it did.” And I meant it. I had to honor her as a human who made a decision she thought was right, not just a dupe. I could see her synapses struggling as there is no pre-programmed response to this. She ended with, “well, we have to trust the scientists,” but I could see she didn’t have much conviction. Anyway, I encourage others to try this approach and see what happens.


 yeah freedom and rights like justice and integrity have always been illusions. More so since humanitarianism was invented and the term populism coined. People only seem to wake up and complain when their toes finally get stepped on.
A solution would require structural upheaval. An uprising of awareness and wisdom leading to honest audited government and accountable businesses. That wont happen in a world filled with uneducated gullable fools whose right to vote is earned by blowing out the candles on their eighteenth birthday cake.
Maybe it’s time to think a bit more deeply about political structure not just the minutia of endless singular injustices

You can forget this article, as it deliberately attempts to confuse the reader by pretending other coronavirus are the same as SARS COV 2, they are not.
When this article talks about T-Cell immunity, induced from “cell,” vaccines, for the SARS virus, and how these T-Cells hang around for 11 years
 they are attempting to make you think this is the same case with SARS COV 2. It is not.
First, the mRNA serums do not result in the forced cellular creation of a perfect reproduction of the actual SARS COV 2 spike-protein. The structure of the actual spike-protein, when compared to the serum induced spike-protein, only match each other fairly well in their PRION DOMAIN, located at the top of each spike. As for all the rest, there is no match. So, even though the serum spikes may goose the immune system to create antibodies targeted upon them, these antibodies will not be fully targeted upon native spikes to the same degree.
Second, if you desire long term antibodies, you need to produced B-Cells
not T-Cells.
The notion that one needs only a part of the immune system to work
and not all of it working together
 is not a good one.
If you continue to goose the immune system to create only T-Cells
 you will NEVER have a long term effect
 you will need to continually flood the body with new synthetic T-Cells which are constantly modified to target whatever mutation at hand
 and the body never achieves an normal immune memory for ANY version of a targeted pathogen. If the cells are constantly being killed off
 as they are infected by the constant influx of different mRNA serums, and those infected cells are not all killed of quickly (and some are not) they shall continue to create synthetic spikes for a long time (5 months has been seen). Imagine your blood being flooded with various serum spikes, meant to target variations of a pathogen, at all times
even after their limited effectiveness is completely gone. Each synthetic serum spike with its Prion Domain. Each just flowing about your body seeking the first ACE2 receptor it happens to come into contact with, then firmly bonding to it, causing the chemical balance of that unfortunate cell to be disrupted and to enlarge, as the “up-side down” Xmas tree of the serum spike sticks out from the host cell’s surface
to hinder smooth flow of the blood
and attract platelets, further blocking flow.
The goal of any vaccine is to create a complete immune response, not partial, and create the immune memory, which is so important. It is only because of the memory cells any long term immunity exists. It is why the antibodies, created in response to a pathogen are allowed to die off, once that target is handled. If this did not happen, your blood circulation would fail, by it being clogged up, and you would die.
Showing how DIFFERENT virus, with a DIFFERENT vaccine, produce wonderful T-Cell response
However, if you vaccine is an ACTUAL vaccine, using attenuated virus particles, it will cause the immune system to react with its entire capability, including the development of memory cells and antibodies with a much broader targeting system.
The mRNA serums do not do this, are not safe and effective, and
in fact
are dangerous----just for their PRIONS.


(I could see her synapses struggling as there is no pre-programmed response to this. She ended with, “well, we have to trust the scientists,”)
This! If I mention anything against the narrative, I’m met with a blank stare then the person starts repeating whatever CNN said like a parrot. If there’s a person next to them, they do the same thing, it’s weirdly twilight zone.