My Recent Talk at the UK House of Parliament

NOTE:  We had some difficulty with the links to this talk which we have now mostly fixed.  There's no video, but audio for the whole event is now uploaded to this site as are the PDFs links to which are provided below. 

My recent talk at the House of Parliament was recorded and has just been put up on their website.  A video of the talk itself, a PDF of the slides, and an audio (MP3) recording of the Q&A session are all available.

I have only watched the video and have not yet listened to the Q&A, so I don't know if that portion came out at all.  (I imagine that the questions themselves will not have been captured well by the single microphone at the front, so hopefully I remembered to restate the questions like a good presenter should).

But the video is certainly passably good for a single camera perched on a table off to the side.  If you flip through the slides as I talk, it's not too hard to follow along, although the slides cannot be seen at all on the mini-screen.

(Links to everything below)

The event was well-attended, the room was full, the questions were numerous and excellent, and we went right to the end of the allotted time before we had to terminate the Q&A so that a few of us could finally head across the street for a pint.

Here's the direct link to the video:  [Note:  Video is unavailable at this time due to techncial issues]

Here's a link to the audio for the Presentation and for the Q&A:  Link to Q&A 

A PDF of the slides I used can be found for download at the bottom of this post.


One more picture of myself and a couple of new friends (looking from the presenter's area towards the back):

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

The video from about 7:00 to 23:00 is messed up - frozen. 

I am having the same problem… the video downloads fine, but the video stops about 6:32 minutes into the video, and picks up again and the stops about 23 minutes in. 

can this be fixed.

I am having the same problem… the video downloads fine, but the video stops about 6:32 minutes into the video, and picks up again and the stops about 23 minutes in. 

can this be fixed.

 Almost finished listening to the mp3, have to say I’m amazed at the Q&A performance… the ability to rapidly think on your feet and give a considered response… the depth of information contained in the answers.




Haven’t listened to it yet, but when I d/l the Q&A mp3 and then imported it into iTunes, the program lists the genre of the audio file as being “blues”…  Somebody making a statement about the info contained therein?  Tongue out
Viva – Sager

OOOPS … the camera was James’, he handed it to me about 30 seconds before Chris started to speak, and I had about 5 seconds training. For some reason the camera can only video for something like 22 mins before it has to be restarted, which I did … just as the questions started the battery seemed to fail, so I used my own camera for the Q&A, though at 1.9GB I’m not sure how to upload the file as I’m only allowed 500 Mbytes per week to the site James uses, also my camera was filming in HDTV widescreen format which won’t upload to that site.

the uploaded file seems to be flawed
it downloads fine as others indicate
00:00-06:26    [duration: 06:26]    start title, then video start
06:27-23:25    [duration: 16:58]    frozen frame
23:26-25:21    [duration: 01:55]    black, then continues video
25:22-32:37    [duration: 07:15]    frozen frame
32:38-32:41    [duration: 00:03]    black, then end title
we only manage to see about 08:20 of the video…

Amazing, I very much look forward to the watch/listen. Very impressive, maybe one day our country will be as interested.

CLSA’s Chris Wood with 6 minute CNCB video saying sovereign debt crisis will roll through UK first, and then hits the US within 5 years.
As for his background, he called the subprime crisis in 2005, so a bit early but way ahead of the pack.

Bummer to hear about the video file.  Just FYI, the audio file includes the whole talk, not just the Q&A, so you can try that way at least.

I tried to go on the UK House of Commons web site to look at their archive tapings of Chris’s talk but didn’t know the actual date and location. If someone knows this we may be able to find the UK taped version of Chris’s talk.

It was very difficult to hear the questions being asked. Other than that a fine speech.
Can’t wait to see what Chris has to say/write about the entire experience.

same experience…cut ot around 11 and couln’t get it to play again…rats!~

As someone who was in attendance at the above gathering,I would like to commend you Chris on the candidness and clarity of your presentation and  arguments covering such a diverse and complicated subject matter and how you managed the Q & A session.

It was also fortunate for me that as we chatted before the presentation we were served tea in the house (no mean feat for a commoner such as I).

Thanks for the visit to the UK and keep up the good work


Disappointing that the files are corrupted, or not there.
Links for the PDF and the mp3 are not working.

The video stops at about 6 minutes in.

Unfortunatly the have taken the files down from the server. Does anyone have a copy they can load somewhere?

Well,  I’ve emailed the folks at APPGOPO to see if they can either send me the files so I can have my team work on them or if they would be willing to reload them.
Haven’t heard back and now it looks like the files are taken down(?) so things are not looking very promising at present.  My hope is that the files are only temporarily down because they are being reloaded.  We’ll see.

It would be a shame if we couldn’t get the files produced somehow.

On an another note, when I gave substantially the same presentation to the Bristol Council someone in the audience offered to provide reasonable financial support to get this version produced.  So that could happen pretty soon, like within 3 weeks or so if I can line up our schedules around here.

Alternatively, I will deliver a roughly similar talk at New Paltz (NY) in April and I am exploring having that one professionally taped with at least 2 cameras.  This won’t be cheap, but I’d really like to have this material captured and available.

Sorry about the mix-ups and issues witht he current production.  Perhaps the LSE event will be up soon and be of reasonable quality?




I have the MP3 and PDF files.  Where should I send them as email attachments?


  • Jim

Hey, I just “fixed” the issue by uploading a MP3 of the entire presentation + Q&A that was graciously provided to us by fellow member JRB.
You can get to it by the links in the post above or by following this link.

Also I uploaded the PDFs  which you can access by downloading the attachment found at teh very bottom of the post itself.

I think this is the best we can do at this time, and it is far better than nothing!  Please let me know if this works, or not.