Narrative Keepers in a Panic!

breaking Another Big Ally Steps Up


When Journalists Had Integrity.

I have been keeping a spreadsheet of people in my circle. I’m up to 74 now, including 2 teenagers who have passed in their sleep. I thought that at least if all the data I was looking at was fraudulent then at least I could look at the “real world” around me to see if it reflected the online data world.
I often wonder if I know more because I am listening, and am aware of the issues. I still think people who are unaware, would possibly still think there is nothing wrong. Some of the people on this list who are having health issues are completely oblivious to any possible vaccine link. I mean it never even enters their mind. Its quite a thing to observe people in this mindset. I really do think they are in some form of hypnosis. They probably think I am just crazy. The propaganda machine is actually quite incredible. I consider myself to be living in a parallel universe, and I can’t enter into theirs, nor do I want to.
I know of 1 person who died of covid. He was in a dementia unit in his 80’s. He was transferred to hospital where he died. RIP Royce.

Fall Out Signs Are Clear

2 days ago a colleague of my husband had a stroke… Doctors were able to remove the large blood clot from his brain. His department is at the 1 year mark of coerced vaccination. The number of “sudden medical emergency” and heart attacks are disturbing.