Narrative Keepers in a Panic!

Maybe I’m nitpicking here, but I have one minor reservation with the video. If the evidence for the magnetic skin symptoms is not solid, I feel like they could have omitted it and still delivered a very strong message by listing all the other symptoms which do have a more solid foundation.
Maybe I’m being paranoid, but I’m increasingly worried about “red herrings” being inserted into this kind of alternative media to be used to discredit it. I’m just not sure if the magnetic skin is such a red herring or a legit symptom.
Needless to say, these kinds of videos are doing great work to bring the broader issues of mRNA gene therapy “vaccines” to common knowledge.

This is hearsay for me in that I haven’t searched studies to confirm, but I remember hearing that the lipid nanoparticles (the PEG suspension encapsulating the mRNA strands) are able to traverse the blood-brain barrier. If true, and if the cells begin manufacturing spike proteins in the brain tissue, and if that causes damaging inflammation, then we may be looking at a time bomb for neurological diseases in addition to the cardiovascular diseases.


NFL lineman suggests COVID ‘vaccines’ to blame after college basketball player collapses; NFL player DeMarcus Walker tweeted, ‘It gotta be these vaccines.’ BINGO, DeMarcus, you get the prize!”

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Interestingly enough, I shared this video with my brother-in-law and it prompted some good email discussion and thoughts, which ended up prompting me to write this substack article:
I am still trying to find the right balance between grace and disdain. It’s not an easy road for sure.


In addition to player worries, I can well imagine that all owners of professional sports teams would be increasingly nervous, and ditto for their insurers. Just imagine if an incident like Damar’s happens during the Super Bowl! ? The lawyers of course will be drooling…


Great Article Goes From Damar Hamlin, Through Studies On Myocarditis Risk, To Pfizer Trial Irregularities

Brings the safety questions front and center. Worth reading and sharing.


Great Blog post, Dr. Sharp. Some additional perspective on the response, In my religious tradition, repentance precedes redemption. Repentance, the Greek term, metanoia, involves having a change of heart. One must recognize having done wrong or been mistaken, be truly sorry for the harm to the other, and then resolve to act differently in the future. Thus, while I agree that mercy is better than reproach or worse, vengeance, an acknowledgment of the truth is necessary first. Without it, we are in danger of simply enabling, I believe this concept of repentance before redemption has been attempted in societies where great harms have been addressed by Truth and Reconciliation initiatives.


Excellent article! I highly recommend it. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.

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That’s some very good thoughts there. I fully agree.
My admonition, mostly to myself, is to try to fall into the “fight fire with fire” pit, where I feel myself pulled to want to shame/ridicule/ostracize and I don’t believe that is the right way forward (at least for me).
The challenge is: I believe that I am to have a heart posture of being willing to offer forgiveness freely, but that DOES NOT mean that I blind myself to the consequences of others’ choices, nor does it mean that I grant them carte-blanc to just repeat those same troubles.
All good thoughts. Thanks!


Getting To The Heart Of The Matter

Why don’t we see boxers drop from hits to the chest? Full grown adults have been hitting each other since before we knew how to speak.


Spike Proteins - In The Ground And Air?

Do spike proteins die with a body (ie do they need living tissue to keep regenerating)? While we’re burying so many dead people with vax injuries and also talking about bringing back the natural resilience of our land, how do the spike proteins of our dead affect the ground (or air when burned for cremation) – more chemicals of which we should be aware? Would those dead bodies with spike proteins also be affecting our embalmers even if they didn’t get the CV shots (shedding process)?

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No worries. The spike protein is a biological nightmare in a living body, but it’s otherwise just another protein.
We could worry far more about prions, which are so durable they ‘survive’ autoclaving to retain their nastiness. Despite all that, they haven’t taken over the world either.


Forbes Denier Mr Lee Jumps On Jeff Beck Questioners

One Mr. Lee writing Forbes (which named Pfizer company of the year) has a piece attacking the “anti waxers”. He presented himself is a brain with superpowers but in fact, he has to be asked if it’s Ignorance or malfeasance that motivates him. As to the subject of Jeff Becks sudden and unexpected death from TB in the brain well–hasn’t it been demonstrated that it’s possible he’s another victim by this article? It’s Science!
Patterns of protein expression in infectious meningitis": a cerebrospinal fluid protein array analysis
BTW there’s a great interview with Dr Malone by Gary Null at search the archive.

See, there lies the problem. The media and the medical community, continues to look the other way. They don’t even want to ask or investigate if it is vaccine related. They know full well that if they start to ask questions and the answer is in fact the vaccines, they risk pitchforks and torches storming the castle gates.

Pfizer And Moderna Vaccines

I think one thing that is often overlooked with these jabs is that both the Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccines were developed in batches. Dr. Craig Pardekooper was one of the first I know of to research the Moderna Covid vaccine clinical trial data, and he was able to break this version down into 25 separate batches, 2 of which were batches that he discovered are known to kill people.
Through his research, he was also able to determine which batches seriously harmed people in clinical trials, and which ones were pretty much benign. What this also clearly states is that Moderna knew well in advance which batches seriously harmed people, and which ones did not (within days of receiving the shot), and they released everything for public consumption anyway (how criminal is that?). We now know that Pfizer’s Covid vaccine was also developed in batches, and although I have not yet seen any research on this one, I will just let the released Pfizer clinical trial data speak for itself (and that’s not good either).
However, my point is that not everyone who received the Pfizer or Moderna Covid vaccine received the exact same vaccine (i.e. out of 25 different batches means a 2 out 25 chance that one will receive the “kill shot”, but other batches are also responsible for serious side effects too, just not all of them). What all of this also means is that this is the primary reason the FDA wanted to hide the clinical trial data for the next 76 years…thankfully, we at least got a sneak peek at the first 3 months of these data).
This then may explain why most people who have received the shot are not (yet) negatively impacted. But you can be sure that those who are administering these shots are keeping track of who gets what shot and from which batch too (i.e. both Pfizer and Moderna cannot just kill everyone all at once as that would be far too obvious). So the big question then becomes, “how long before everyone has received the kill shot or one that seriously harms them?” If everyone gets 2 boosters per year then I calculate that to work out close to 12 years before everyone has had a shot from every batch…which again then brings us to that magical year of 2030.

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20 Year Old Colorado College Tennis Player Dies Unexpectedly In His Sleep

I know this is all normal. Don’t think for a minute the vaccines or boosters had anything to do with the sudden death of a super healthy 20 year old college tennis player. Nope, look elsewhere you conspiracy theorists.

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But too, damages to humans show up energetically in the vital energy or the elan vital, especially when there is a massive die off. What you die of affects the DNA. This vaccine is not natural. Members of any species who die affect the adaptive response. These new man-made Frankenstein creations are entering the matrix of the morphogenic field via the back door - death.
We do not know, and will not know for a while what the effects will actually be. And now according the new research many species are being contaminated with spike, such as white tailed deer, mule, deer, great apes, large cats, cats and dogs and many more.
Nature takes notice of these types of experiences. When a person dies of a disease which was not treatable in the past, it becomes a miasma, and lingers unresolved in the genes like T.B. and is marked in the DNA of family lines where the death occurred. It can show up in future generations as genetic weakness. In the case of T.B., it can show up as a weakness in the lungs, leaving a person more open to infections and disease. It’s as though nature puts a bookmark in the genes for resolving later.
What’s going on now with all the death from Covid and vaccines is going to show up in the future. And the healthy individuals carrying genes that provided health and well being are readily dying off in our young right now. This will have an effect, as those patterns will not have expression if the individual dies before being able to pass them along. This further weakens the available gene pool. You can make a genome sick before it finally collapses.

Think these are great questions to raise. Especially now that we don’t know what is actually in the mRNA sequences based on the latest revelations. As Chris pointed out, one letter off and it changes everything to unknowns. I am sure this is part of the “batches.”

Fauci’s Shameless Lies

I’ve been listening to Mr Martenson’s polite conservative treatises for well over a decade. What needs to be said is not what a liar Fauci is, but PROSECUTION. Criminal conspiracy, genocide, crimes against humanity, That is what Fauci is guilty of. Until people that have an audience speak the whole truth and demand Justice, there won’t be justice, and the more society will deteriorate.