Natural Immunity Stronger Than Vaccine Alone

Yes I was thinking the same about the packed stands at the US tennis Open last night — presumably all vaxed, as the event is in NY, and not a mask among them.


NO, I’m not talking about the S-Protein.
I’m talking about the notion that one has to take personal responsibility re: medical freedom or medical totalitarianism. It’s really no secret in the Tyrant community that you have to control a medical system, or the food system to control a population. The easiest way to frighten people is a threat to their health! Fear is essential to total control. It’s an old playbook. Duh.
They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
-Benjamin Franklin
The injections have been shown to have limited medical value except in a small and specific population of the vulnerable. Since the injections have little health value, AND since the Authorities, especially in English speaking countries seem to have all the same lockstep (goosestep) vaccine policies, it is fair to ask “what’s going on here”?
It’s time to remember the consequences of appeasement. It’s time for visible passive resistance . A button would do just fine to get the message across.
That’s what a citizen can do. The stakes are way huge. Delay will have great costs. Right now, personal health integrity and freedom of speech are getting steamrolled.
“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”
- Samuel Adams


in case you cannot get the link, I have the video downloaded. In case PM me, I an send via wetransfer.


Chris, I live in Saskatoon Saskatchewan Canada. And things are not good here. Universities and corporations are now mandating injections (can’t call them the other thing) with threat of losing your employment and ability to attend school if you resist. Sask is not the only province to have mandated this. We do not hear of science or trials or actual breakdown of numbers. It’s an incredible place we’ve come to. Never would I have believed my Canada would fall in such a way.
Ps. I faithfully watch your videos and follow your channel, have for years and years. I am a paywall customer and respect your delivery of actual facts and science.
Pray for us here in the north


On the off-chance that you are who you say you are; I think that this video might be the source.

Indeed, such attitude reminded me about the horror that was the 2.28 Massacre back in Taiwan, and the subsequent “White Terror” that’s the longest martial laws in history for 38 years.
BTW Christ, about improving our terrains, well just like a healthy soils need vibrant soil microbiome diversity, perhaps we can look into prebiotics and probiotics forms of whole foods that address gut microbiota dysbiosis, within the context of Covid-19.


Well, this post may be buried deep in the pile, but wanted to update you all on what I’ve experienced since this video posted.
First, I’m 63 years old, male, no co-morbidities, not vaxed. I’ve been on Vit. D and C, elderberry, NAC, Quecertin (sp), zinc, baby aspirin daily, for months. I’ve been on IVM (human pills) weekly at ~.2mg/kg for about 6 weeks. As data was seemingly getting undermined for IVM prophylactic (Dr. Kory got it, studies questioned) and with Delta raging, I was considering the J&J, given my age. See post 30 above. Had an appointment to get the J&J on August 23rd; but read more about survival rate vs age, the waning effect of the vax, and that it didn’t immunize (I knew that from the beginning from reading EUAs), and knew of possible AEs. But pressure from family/friends… Didn’t go for jab.
Then, Sunday evening 8/29, it started: sore throat, cough, chills, then fever, body aches. I immediately doubled IVM dose, and Monday am got tested. Positive for Covid. To my great surprise, my commercial ER doc and nurse were not vaxed and the Doctor had just recovered from Covid - no shaming involved; only confirmation of my reading. He gave me a steroid shot, azithromycin, and monoclonal antibody infusion, that day. I started on HCQ, dexamethasone, azith, fluvoxamine and budesonide on Tuesday. Since about noon on Tuesday, all symptoms have dissipated. No fever, no breathing issues, no cough, SpO2 in high 90s. My wife (vaxed) seems fine and we will both be tested later this week. Hoping for two negative tests. I feel lucky, yet also a bit vindicated from all my reading here. Thank you.


Within the context of the gut microbiota dysbiosis-hyper response immune system- cytokine storms triad, ivermectin functions as an antibiotic breaks the negative feedback loops by temporary distorting all gut microbiota, including the helpful ones. However it’s use isn’t without risks, especially when there’s healthier and sustainable alternative. Furthermore, considering your chronological age, your immunosenescence can be evolutionarily adaptive within the right context, however you need to regulate and support it with healthy gut microbiota while avoid systemic chronic low grade cytotoxicity.

Asthma is hyper immunity, especially when we consider the remodeling of upper respiratory tracts and endothelial cells during chronic deregulated autophagy, characterized by a lack of ketosis, not a lack of inhaler.

I hope you don’t disagree with your slight restatement of your subject line. Congrats and thanks for letting us know.
I just heard Joe Rogan is saying he threw it off in 3 days with Ivermectin, etc. I haven’t read the story myself, though, yet. I am hoping, very much, it is true.
BTW, where approx do you live? Nice to find a doctor to work with you instead of try to argue, I bet.


Media Melts Down After Joe Rogan Says He Recovered From Covid in 3 Days After Taking Ivermectin, Z-Pak (VIDEO)

Highly popular podcast host Joe Rogan on Wednesday announced he had to move his comedy tour schedule around because he came down with Covid on Saturday night. Rogan, 54, said he was “feeling weary” on Saturday evening and developed a fever and headache over night. “So we threw the kitchen sink at it, all kinds of meds,” Rogan said in a video post to his Instagram page. Rogan said he recovered in 3 days after taking monoclonal antibodies, Ivermectin, Z-pak, prednisone, IV vitamin drip.

TRENDING: Media Melts Down After Joe Rogan Says He Recovered From Covid in 3 Days After Taking Ivermectin, Z-Pak (VIDEO)

“…and here we are on Wednesday and I feel great. I really only had one bad day – Sunday sucked, but Monday was better, Tuesday felt better than Monday and today I feel good,” Rogan said. -- I'm looking for corrobration for other sources. What will they do about Joe? Will they "cancel" him? IRS audit him? Arrest him for illegal use of drugs? What? Enquiring minds want to know!  

Good for you! Many of us here are now jealous of your (likely) demonstrable natural immunity… on a rational scientific basis you are in the best possible shape going forward, notwithstanding ongoing efforts to coerce all of us, even people in your position, to get vax’ed for no apparent reason.


Why are you jealous over something that you can easily gain cross recognition from common betacoronaviruses?

"But it leaves me thinking of Sheldon Wolin :

Inverted totalitarianism is different from classical forms of totalitarianism. It does not find its expression in a demagogue or charismatic leader but in the faceless anonymity of the corporate state. Our inverted totalitarianism pays outward fealty to the facade of electoral politics, the Constitution, civil liberties, freedom of the press, the independence of the judiciary, and the iconography, traditions and language of American patriotism, but it has effectively seized all of the mechanisms of power to render the citizen impotent."


He could do even better with asymptomatic infection, if he proactively worked on optimizing his own gut microbiota.

I can use my prophylaxis regime + Ivermectin early treatment cocktail to reduce chance of long Covid >> 90% easily. Without exposure to any Vax side effects. This is a no brainer, based on THEIR data. The entire vax edifice of artifice is based on the simple denial of Ivermectin’s efficacy. That’s it. That’s the whole game.


Hey Johnson Tau, that’s an hour long video. Could you give me a summary of the important issue or at least a timestamp in the video where the information you’re referring to is located?
Also, you just joined today and you’ve been busy posting lot’s of links to this material. I’ll just say you haven’t got my trust yet.


North Dallas area; Highland Village, TX.

That’s “Tao”, and if you can’t even sit through an hour long interview, how can you possibly go through more than 80 papers crossing immunometabolism, psychoneuroimmnology, metabolic inflexiblity, gut microbiota dysbiosis, like I did before I signed up?
Discipline is freedom.

I can read the studies, but they are so far over my head, and even in videos much is above my pay grade, which is why I appreciate Chris and all those who assist PP. And there is so much information out there and I’m sort of greedy and want it all. Often people provide Cliff Notes. In my next life I will promise to do better in all the sciences. Johnson Tao, I will do the video, just don’t test me on my comprehension, OK.