Natural Immunity Stronger Than Vaccine Alone

Sounds like they gave her the vaccine while she was in the hospital???

This is quite rare and eight weeks makes it seem like it is connected to the first bout. She maybe didn’t quite clear it and could have had antibodies and still relapsed. It would be interesting to see if it was two different strains which is possible but extremely rare.

I HAVE seen people drop during training. Crap the Air Force has some fattie drop every year during the PT test. Next thing you know you have to answer all these questions next year before testing. We don’t know what went on before the video we were shown. I am not willing to chalk it up to anything at this point. BTW no, I have not gotten the clot shot and don’t plan on getting it.
Heat stroke happens and it can be fatal.


Israel is already commencing 3rd Covid shots for ages 12+. As expected, this phase will render those ‘fully vaccinated’ back to ‘unvaccinated’ without the booster shot, with respect to their level of restrictions.

The only requirement for receiving the booster shot is having received the second dose of the vaccine at least five months prior. Those who do not receive a booster shot will no longer be considered vaccinated as it relates to restrictions if more than six months have elapsed since their second shot, coronavirus czar Salman Zarka said. That change will go into effect on October 1.

this will eventually makes more and more unvaccinated ppl


First we see nursing homes having their own little epidemics post vax;
Later what do we learn? B- and T-cell immune responses elicited by the ComirnatyÂź COVID-19 vaccine in nursing-home residents .....The Comirnaty COVID-19 vaccine elicits robust SARS-CoV-2 S antibody responses in nursing-home residents. Nevertheless, the rate and frequency of detectable SARS-CoV-2 IFN-Îł T-cell responses after vaccination was lower in nursing-home residents than in controls.
Oooops... sorry about the suppressed CD8 cell response post vax... don't look over there.. looky here at all these Spikey B-cell antibodies! That dang immune system is just so freak'in complicated.

I mean this whole vaccine scam - was nothing but a big $$ scam; if you were going to offer something that doesn’t work, why not just inject saline? I bet that was part of the distribution.

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The 8 day thing may not apply to Delta. Need a follow up interview to see how he is dealing with that, perhaps blitz immediately instead of waiting.
Excellent interview


This is an excellent video. I particularly like the sections from 24 minutes to 30 minutes and especially from 30 minutes on, where he describes how the progression of a covid infection is like clockwork (he was in close contact time wise with his patients). With something like a week from initial infection the disease seems to go away then at an exact time (I forget, maybe at the 7th day) the hyper-immune response kicks in lungs get shot, and he treats that as a regular severe allergy by giving steroid (pregnisone) and antihistamine (promethazine) to knock down the hyperimmune response.
By the way- you can buy pregnisone acetate (5mg tablets) from the same Indian suppliers that sell ivermectin.
I wonder if a strong type inhaler (epinephrine, or a less strong derivative in some cases) can deliver the needed steroid directly into the lungs in lieu of pregnisone (what do you think SP?) Also, this is probably the reason why CM reported that asthma is not a co-morbidity and in fact asthmatics have slightly higher survival (due to their frequent use of inhalers delivering steroid right into their lungs when they need it for the immune hyper reaction that occurs later).
Regarding antihistamine needed with the steroid, would pseudofed work as well as promethazine? Pseudofed is very strong, works well for my allergies.
Without commenting on all the terrain building materials and FLCC guidance often talked about here, I am referring only to the sudden reaction that occurs about 7 days on which this doctor focuses on for success with his 5,000 patients far away from western medicine and far away from a hospital (kind of like being in a locked down city without medical care and only a regular over the counter drugs to rely on in the US). He has had great success with steroids and antihistamines at that crucial lung killing stage where the hyperimmune shock sets in


How long until youtube removes it?


Fantastic interview,
much of that what Dr Chetty explains corresponds with my experience. In particular the early intervention and “
on using HCQ
 only those that started on day 1 or 2 that seemed/did not to progress into stage 2 of the illness
 non those (day 1 - 2) of my patients on HCQ had that reaction
Also his explanation for something I am just now getting aware of. Yes, I remember that 1 week after I recovered from my short 2 days un-wellbeing – when I thought all is over - I started having light stomach discomfort and “very loose movement” that that kept going on for 5-6 days. That perfectly fits to what Dr. Chetty explained “
 after 7th day some patients developed Gastrointestinal symptoms
 due to affinity for ACE receptors in the gut
”. Just Wow

Anyhow, on one side it is fantastically refreshing to see how a passionate physician deciphered the illness and helped so many people
 but unfortunately, soon after that sadness about the arrogance of the medical – political system and the ignorance and gaslighting of a large part of the masses kicks in.


So I’m a bit skeptical about this, but if true, perhaps the message is getting out.


A more recent interview with him is at entitled The Early Treatment of the Delta


Of course this will just be used as another stick with which to beat the never-vaxed, as I doubt the two categories will be kept separate by TPTB.


I understood it was because the first shot did not produce enough neutralizing ABs in proportion to the amount of binding ABs produced, which meant it was potentially dangerous. So if enough time elapses before the third shot, why wouldn’t two shots be required again?


Do you have the actual link to video? that is terrifying
 really scary to be on roads if this is really happening :frowning:

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Pseudoephedrine is a decongestant not an antihistamine. Most common antihistamines are Zyrtec, Claritin, Benadryl and chlorpheniramine.


Please send! Wow.


This is how you do it! Take all the vaxed, spikey protein selection pressure enhanced young viral replicators and put them together in closed quarters for days on end. Talk about optimizing the kinetics for more fit mutant strains to emerge as they get passed back and forth! Genius!
Don’t forget this simple picture of what is happening;