Natural Immunity Stronger Than Vaccine Alone
Since the Covid vaccines effectively contained and sterilized the virus in vivo and prevented the worldwide pandemic from turning endemic, we should try it with Pope Fauci’s old favorite too.

My 28 yo daughter proved this to be true. Now, she has no idea what shot the hospital gave her, but she now has reduced heart capacity, to the point where she may now require a pacemaker. She was a super athlete in high school, unfortunately didn’t keep it going to college… but that’s another story.
We had booked a 2 week cruise that was supposed to leave Feb 2021. That cruise was rescheduled for Feb of 2022. Looks like they are requiring Vax to even board the cruise. My wife is under dr orders to not get the vax, because of other health issues. This puts us bind, because so far, they are stating either get the vax or abandon the money paid. I’m going to be looking for a FL attorney to sue the cruise line and organization that set up the cruise. In my mind, it’s a change of terms and conditions that were not present when we booked the cruise.

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The title of your post suggests two cases of Covid-19… which of course would be rare based on what we are learning about the strength and persistence of natural immunity, at least in comparison to vaccine-induced antibody immunity. But, then you mention “a shot”. What shot? One of the mRNA vaccines? So, she had Covid-19 before, then got vaccinated, then got a breakthrough infection? Is that the picture you are painting? If so that is very different vs. having Covid-19 twice with no vaccine in between. Thank you, Jim

Given what we know about natural immunity’s longevity and the waning vaccine efficacy, a breakthrough infection like PhilH has mentioned suggests the vaccine DOES in fact override natural immune response.

Chris Martenson,
Have you heard of this study on vitamin D ?

I challenged you all to design a plan to eradicate 90% of humanity. It’s time to hand in your homework.
What have you got? Too hard?
OK. Your next assignment is a lot easier. Devise a counter-strategy.
Hint: We do what they tell us. We sit on our arses. And then we don’t do what they tell us. We don’t get up again and go to work. Too tired. And too chaotically human.
What must have become blindingly obvious to the most lumpen is that this is is Not a Game. This is the Real Thing.
Humans, Your Planet is being invaded.
No it doesn’t involve Hollywood style shoot-em-ups. (Hollywood is fantasy) You don’t get to dictate to the enemy how to fight. Especially if they are hive-minded and think that they are here to save us from ourselves.
Ref: Dr. David Jacobs, “Walking Among Us”, Clif+high, and your very own eyes.
Ultimately Freya saves us. She said that anyone who sells his freedoms is not one of Us. He is a Bastard and we must drive him and his mother from our lands.
Ref: Our Oera Linda.

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Chris, I generally agree with you, but not on this one (at least not without reading the article itself in the Toronto paper). Quoting statements from Twitter in a story about the divide over vaccination is not hate speech by the paper, and it is fair and in fact usefully informative to report it (you yourself have reported it, or at least reported the report of it). If I say, “I have a neighbor who hates black people,” that’s not hate speech on my part. Even if I say, “My neighbor said to me last night, ‘I hate black people,’” that’s not hate speech on my part. Considering the censorship you’ve experienced on YouTube, you may want to think carefully about calling for the censorship and employment termination of others over reporting the facts regarding challenging issues.

Good God!!! Vitamin D is lethal. Got to get the clot-shot!!!
(Hint: Take K2 with the vitamin D, problem fixed.)

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Has anyone seen data on immunity after infection following one dose of vaxxx?
Could this could be a “safer” way to acquire natural immunity?

Did you notice that the article right under that tells you to take VitD? Crazy…

According to this report from India, the soldiers collapsed after an endurance run in hot weather, not from vaccination.

I heard tell that the details were sent on a five mile run and 5(?) dropped dead from heart attack. That shouldn’t happen. They were “vaxxed” of cause.
Ref: Clif High.

If they are running at a fast pace in high heat and humidity wearing full battle rattle I could see it being an issue. This is quite a few people to lose in one incident but how much water were they provided, what kind of conditioning do they have etc…

Severe weather my asshole. I was in the military and did plenty of hot extreme weather runs - and they know exactly how hydrated you are. and how much heat you can tolerate and what your conditioning is. Not saying someone cant drop. But if more than one - it is highly highly suspect. Because no one runs when they are that uncomfortable or not properly conditioned or hydrated. Either way these people have been physically vetted, and are young. I can assure you it is highly suspect when you have more than one individual collapse. Especially requiring hospitalization. I have seen people drop from heat and never once need hospitalization. For young conditioned people with plenty of experience, to have this many drop and require hospitalization, and one die, leads me to believe its not weather related. especially they just coincidentally just happened to be vaxxed recently. Nope - I call bullshit. I am not this dumb. and neither are our troops or other country’s troops

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First event was literally a non event for her. Her dr tested her for antibodies and confirmed she had covid and recovered. About 8 weeks later, she got it again. I only mentioned the shot, because she said they gave her something in the hospital, but she didn’t ask what it was. Her second go around was much worse. The shot was given while she was in the hospital. She said her arm really hurt, and things got worse after the shot. Irrespective, she wore a heart monitor for several weeks, and they are contemplating a pace maker.

Jon Rappaport discovers that face masks (Made in China) are laced with carbon nano-particles and other slow acting poisons.
(The carbon nano particles have been shown to enter the brains of mice and reduce anxiety in a similar way to Toxoplasmosis.)
Freya was right; where Lydas children can bend a tree and kill a lion, Finda’s children cannot bend a tree, but where Lyda kills one lion, Finda kills ten.
If you won’t take carbon in the vial, perhaps they can get it into your body through your lungs.

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Why would your accept any injection from someone who wants to reduce the worlds population? Dr. Zelenko
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The military normally takes all kinds of precautions.
They do NOT want their service members dropping like flies.
It is bad publicity… because that kind of word would get out.
I am going to assume that they made it past basic training and were in the field.
I am fairly certain that if there were 5 members who got into trouble and 1 died (if I read that correctly), then there was probably something else at play.
I find it very easy to gloss over the subject and say it was the heat (easy and plausible explanation) without showing any kind of evidence one way or the other.
Show the shot records… if it was fairly recent, then maybe there is something else going on here and someone should look a little deeper.
That is too many at one time to be considered “normal” or even “weather related”.

Im pushing 50 and I can run 5 miles in gear even in summer heat. Theres no WAY that its normal for a bunch of 20 year olds to drop like that.
They’re clotting up and dying. My guess is we’re going to see alot more of that going forward and when flu season hits its going to get wild. Can you say “cytokine storm”?

My first thought when watching that was “mass casualty training” different stations with different “injuries”… but usually they have aid pack ready and waiting for those exercises.
A hot and humid run? Maybe, but that’d be a pretty malicious commander to keep a breakoff pace like that. The other thing was they were all in the barracks or near their facilities. They weren’t in the field on a boots and utes mud run.
Not sure if the Indian (or Pakistani/Bangladeshi/Nepali) army is mandating vaccination at this time. They have a critically low civilian acceptance rate already. I’m thinking training, but it doesn’t completely make sense to my western mind.