Natural Immunity Stronger Than Vaccine Alone

Dr. Ryan Cole nails it.
“We made a promise in 1947 after WWII that we never again would experiment on humanity or coerce anybody against their will and literally this is what we are seeing. There were N@zi nurses and doctors hung for doing exactly what we’re doing to humanity right now saying “you will participate in an experiment or you will loose your job”.”

They don’t protect from infection, not from transmission, nor do they keep symptoms down. The virus, like all viruses throughout history, have mutated at least 6 to 8 times and some research says 15 to 20 times since inception.
Natural immunity takes this all in stride as nature intended. Experimental GMO injections are well past any useful application but hey…we got warehouses full of the stuff so we must mandate it before we lose all that money.

Yes, what you say about the cities in IL would also go for the big cities in MN. I wouldn’t even drive through Minneapolis right now. Here on the fringes, though, folks act more like they do in South Dakota, where people are assumed to be smart enough to make personal decisions for themselves. I hope you find the same tolerance and sanity in TN. If the state government here starts noticing us, I’ll probably move across the border, too.

If am going to inhale this critter at some point, I’d prefer to work my way up to it. Especially if naturally immunity is 6-13X better than the Vacx.
Probably some of this already happening via masking, but hey is administering a minimal yet sufficient enough dose to lead the body to develop immunity a crazy idea?

its called inoculation. And i would line up for this long before the current jab. This is really what all vaccination is based upon. What we did with smallpox was not vaccination it was inoculation , and it is exactly what you call crazy. So no , completely logical and completely sane.

I looked for evidence (papers, etc) about the decline in CD8 that Dr Cole was talking about. I didn’t find anything. If he is correct, we’ll see an increase in both cancer, and all those formerly-latent viruses which will now get out of control.
This “drop in CD8 levels post-shot” hypothesis is probably the most worrisome thing I’ve seen. Assuming it is correct.
I am reminded of my friend who got the Pfizer shot, and promptly saw his PSA level jump quite alarmingly. Maybe that wasn’t a false positive after all.
Reminder: annual cancer mortality for 55-64: 263/100k, which is #1 on the list for that age group. That’s 4 times more dangerous than COVID: 65/100k, assuming a 20% annual attack rate, No Treatments For You, and the “SC2-2020” version of the virus.
“In order to reduce your mortality for COVID, we need to increase your risk for cancer.”
It is probably a good idea to study this one more. Even a small increase in cancer risk would make this shot a bad idea for many age groups.
What a relief that the companies have no liability.

I’ve been looking for the article describing CD8 cells being inhibited by the vaccine — I found this:

Lab founder shows damage COVID jab’s spike protein inflicts on vital organs
  which led me to this:   “The response of innate immune cells to TLR4 and TLR7/8 ligands was lower after BNT162b2 vaccination, while fungi-induced cytokine responses were stronger. In conclusion, the mRNA BNT162b2 vaccine induces complex functional reprogramming of innate immune responses, which should be considered in the development and use of this new class of vaccines.”     Does the “informed consent” sheet say anything about “complex functional reprogramming of innate immune responses”?
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May I know the link to this video pls? Thanks.

May I know the link to this video pls? Thanks  

Natural infection is definitely to be favoured because that’s what nature is all about and hence the better natural immune response efficacy. The trick is getting enough virus load to trigger proper anti-body production. I believe this is why we see reinfections and breakthrough infections (dose too low). Also too much virus load will even compromise the healthy, that’s why there are outliers in the data, young and healthy on the ICU. In fact this is what happens everyday, the uncontrolled spread of unspecified amounts of virus in the population. We “just” need to make it controlled and specified/tuned.
I’m not a medic, but giving everybody an inhaler with just enough virus to trigger proper immune response for a given person might be a real miracle solution indeed.
Anyway, make sure your terrain is prepared, if you are immune comprised or have co-morbidities/high age the risk/benefit of natural infection might not work out well and a jab might be a better bet. This gift to the world from the CCP is no joke, it’s not the end of the world either.
Btw for those that know I was dealing with covid, today I feel much better, I believe my body cleared it and after a week of hardly any effect my daily niacin triggered a flush again (signal?). Smell is gone, but so is anxiety and confidence is at all time high, ready to rock&roll again!

Primary Care_MD,
Interesting find there in that second paper. It looks like from that paper that fewer cytokines were produced after the vaccine than normal.

Surprisingly, the production of the monocyte-derived cytokines TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-1Ra tended to be lower after stimulation of PBMCs from vaccinated individuals with either the standard SARS-CoV-2 strain or heterologous Toll-like receptor ligands
From my understanding this means that vaccinated individuals are less able to fight off infection as their bodies don't mount as effective an immune response. While the cytokine STORM is bad, cytokines are critical to the bodies coordination of the immune response so fewer of them means slower reaction and the virus/infection runs away with it. Not a good thing if this is the case. Further reading confirms this finding.
The induction of tolerance towards stimulation with TLR7/8 (R848) or TLR4 (LPS) ligands by BNT162b2 vaccination may indicate a more balanced inflammatory reaction during infection with SARS-CoV-2, and one could speculate whether such effect may be thus useful to regulate the potential over-inflammation in COVID-19, one of the main causes of death (Tang et al., 2020). On the other hand, inhibition of innate immune responses may diminish anti-viral responses. Type I interferons also play a central role in the pathogenesis and response against viral infections, including COVID-19 (Hadjadj et al., 2020). With this in mind, we also assessed the production of IFN-α by immune cells of the volunteers after vaccination. Although the concentrations of IFN-α were below the detection limit of the assay for most of the stimuli, we observed a significant reduction in the production if IFN-α secreted after stimulation with poly I:C and R848 after the administration of the second dose of the vaccine (Figure 1H, 1I). This may hamper the initial innate immune response against the virus, as defects in TLR7 have been shown to result in and increased susceptibility to COVID-19 in young males (Van Der Made et al., 2020). These results collectively demonstrate that the effects of the BNT162b2 vaccine go beyond the adaptive immune system and can also modulate innate immune responses.
It seems in the singular focus of the drug companies to target the SARS-CoV-2 they tore the security doors off the immune system allowing everything else in too. Great find and terrible news!

Speaking of the effects of vaccination;

This may hamper the initial innate immune response against the virus
For kids, this is why they don't get Covid-19 in the first place.

Thank you @000, if I had time I would listen in on any of the podcasts featuring Dr. Malone. Luckily I had some nano-particle induced free time as of lately so I took a shot on your suggestion.
I also took your advice to start after 1:10 into the conversation and frankly the closing remarks from Dr. Malone have the ultimate punchline.
Some remarkable findings:
BioNtech (they produced the mRNA shot Pfizer took a license on) are apparently founded by the German government, the same government that has brought forward PCR for Covid inventor Drosten.
Moderna seems also government subsidized (NIH has a stake?).
Both references imply there are governmental actors that will benefit dearly from the whole vaxx frenzy, nothing surprising or new, but interesting to get this mentioned in the open by Dr. Malone.
What struck me most was the “fallacy” we are in, the so called Noble Lie :
Dr. Malone identifies some of the Noble Lies as follows:

  1. Herd immunity will enable us to open up our economies (false, but must been uphold)
  2. (Only) Vaccins will get us to herd immunity (false, but must been uphold)
  3. Vaccins are perfectly safe (false, but must be uphold)
    It’s clear to see the linking pin in the jab, Dr. Malone steadily refers to them as gene therapy. He does not say they are totally unsafe, he’s realistic and sees the risk/benefit to certain cohorts but he does oppose the first two lies firmly. The jab is leaky, so no herd immunity even if you jab every multi-cell organism in the country for the rest of their life monthly twice (this is paraphrasing…) and even without the false hope herd immunity we can live our lives and open up the economy.
    The narrative needs to break at some point, for now, it is just jam stuck in a groove of this broken record.

pgb, it’s easy to rant against you, but I won’t.

There is stupidity from all sides over Covid 19.
Totally agree, and I would add the biggest stupidity is just eat cake and don't get your facts straight. A fallacy we all easily succumb to. Unfortunately it can't be missed in your thoughts either.
Did anyone ever think the governments of the world were going to get the solution right first time.
No, hell no. Of course not, they never will. However, after more than 18 months and some clear scientific insights you would have expected a change in narrative or altered approach. I grant them the first months of response, but they fucked up ever since. Even if they planned all this, which is hard to believe, they screw up big time. Your remark on "interactive seat warmers" strikes a chord, it's failing politics all over. There is hardly any real representation of the people, the short term money grabbers and career politicians metastasized.
Clearly most people think its better to be free than dead or better to be free and to hell with everyone else. Why should anyone be expected to do the right thing, like getting vaccinated, for their community.
I'm sure it a comforting thought, but the jab is not the right thing to do, it CAN be the right thing to do for some. If you are not clear on this, you are in too deep, this one is so obvious that for you fluvoxamine might not only be wise as a covid treatment to take.
  • Freedom... was does that mean anyway? Freedom to be an asshole or a danger to everyone else is not freedom at all. If freedom of speech means not saying anything to piss someone off then clearly freedom to be an asshole fits right into the same misunderstanding.
Well, you have expressed that right for sure, ain't you? In my book freedom is mostly the absence of someone else dictating what to do, having a choice in how to commence one's life. Living in a community, society comes with some rules and protocols so yes we need to adhere and sacrifice some of this freedom for security and comfort. Nothing what happens today has to do with health safety, this is hardly as deadly as advertised to all, so mandating a sacrifice from all to their bodies integrity is beyond comprehension. Unless some is tapping in the comfortable pharma dollars. Freedom is worth fighting for.
The vaccine isn't 100% risk-free and effective. No kidding. Where in the hell has everyone been living? Get you heads out of the sand. When was a vaccine for anything perfect? If you want guarantees, get yourself a padded cell, never go out into the street and for the love of God, don't ever drive a car
Get you heads out of the sand. Great remark! The jab is framed as a vaccin, but it isn't. No matter how you turn it, it is gen therapy based and moved deliberately outside this realm to prevent extensive diligence. A vaccin is never 100% risk-free, but it sure is effective most of the times. That's why we like vaccins in the first place. They do prevent decease, almost always, effectively because they are sterilizing. This jab, quackcine is actually a good word for it, is not sterilizing, it does prevent some infection certainly and demonstrable, not all, it allows for indication free spreading as much as an unvaxxed person (they would show symptoms and have to respect quarantaine rules) and it does not prevent catching the decease, getting ill and die. Your odds on not getting severely ill from Covid are slightly better though, your odds on adverse side effects too but those odds are not reported on for your comfort. And oh, your smart remark on getting in a car, the risk of a healthy person (no comorbidities) dying of a car crash in the US (per year) is about 10 fold the chance of having died of covid since the outbreak. Have a nice day and enjoy your vaccin passport privileges while you can. I had to close with this funny video, it just came to mind and is for all that I hope got a pad on the back and some supersized fries to go with that DeBlasio burger when they had their shot : VAXXS I can picture how they will marching in the street calling to get their third V A X X :-)
Looks like a 40% decline month to month in the vaccinated virus naive immunity.

Among never infected individuals who received the Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA vaccine, we found higher initial antibody levels followed by a faster decrease rate compared to patients who had been infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. As a corollary of that, the proportion of vaccinated individuals whose antibody levels drop below the threshold thought to be protective is increasing substantially by the fifth month, while it is uncommon in convalescent individuals.
A multifactor analysis shows the contributing issues:
In both populations, there was a strong association (p<0.001) between elapsed time and antibody titers: each month was associated with a mean decay factor of 0.623 [95% CI 0.599-0.649] in vaccinated patient, while for convalescent patients the decrease was only by a factor of 0.960 [95% CI 0.939-0.982]. Among the vaccinated, antibody titers decreased with older age (factor 0.790 [95% CI 0.644-0.969] for age≥60), chronic renal disease (factor 0.200 [95% CI 0.143-0.281]), underweight (factor 0.359 [95% CI 0.144-0.893] for BMI<18.5), solid malignancy (factor 0.642 [95% CI 0.494-0.834]), COPD (factor 0.643 [95% CI 0.479-0.863]), patients with diabetes mellitus (factor 0.720 [95% CI 0.579-0.894]), and hypertension (factor 0.786 [95% CI 0.639-0.966])
Note: second attempt since the site apparently went down for a little while and this never posted. Fingers crossed.

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helmadi, that article is so typically Newsweek.
It says:

Ivermectin is approved by the FDA for use in humans to treat certain parasitic worm infections. But federal regulators say there is no evidence it works on COVID-19 and warn that it can be dangerous in large doses. "People who take inappropriately high doses of ivermectin above FDA-recommended dosing may experience toxic effects," the CDC said. The effects range from nausea and vomiting to seizures, coma and death. The FDA said it has received "multiple reports of patients who have required medical support and been hospitalized after self-medicating with ivermectin intended for horses."
Complete rubbish. Pure disinformation. But millions of people will believe it. I doubt Newsweek will follow up if the patient recovers.

That’s, like, what: three reports? Two? Two is a multiple…

utter rubbish. It has a toxicity profile lower a lot lower than the majority of drugs. Inappropriate high dose? Yeah, right. You could take 100 times the required dose and you wont even need to be hospitalized. Its not multiple cases - and even as they state its because people are taking horse paste. Well if you prescribe the shit - people wont have to do math to figure out how much horse paste they require. But my undestanding of the only reported indecent was of some idiot who ingested a whole tube of horse paste. and did not die… in fact their support is nothing , he was observed. AND yes there are side-effects … all drugs have side effects, especially at higher doses. So, NO one has died. have they? oh death or coma? not even 1 in a billion doses this is utter crap.

They should tell us how many people had to be treated after self-medicating with other drugs during that time frame. Aspirin, tylenol, advil, etc…put it in context. I bet it’s far more than were treated for ivermectin-related problems, yet people don’t bat an eye.