Natural Immunity Stronger Than Vaccine Alone

Unfortunately, my Facebook has lit up the past two days with comments made by people I personally know saying, more or less, the exact same thing the Toronto Star did.
After seeing the fifth or sixth one, here was my snarky response …

Yesterday was a bad day ... I saw several posts from Durango folks that really opened my eyes.
I finally realized just how much of a burden a certain portion of our population is on our medical system and society at large. As such, I agree that the following people should be denied medical care:
- Those with Type 2 Diabetes or Heart Disease who partook in diet and lifestyle activities that we know lead to said diseases.
- Those with Lung Cancer who are, or were, smokers.
- Those who partook in unnecessary risky behaviors including, but not limited to: mountain biking, kayaking, rafting, and skiing.
- Those in car accidents who weren't wearing seat belts.
- Anyone who partook in immune suppressing behaviors during the cold/flu season and/or during a pandemic. Such behaviors include: eating sugar, drinking alcohol, and getting less than 7 hours of sleep.
It's time that as a society, we recognize these folks are a huge burden on our medical system and take up critical space in our ERs and ICUs that should be reserved for folks who didn't do these selfish things.
Oh wait, what is that you say, those are horrible and evil things to say. Guess what, YOU ARE CORRECT, they are horrible and evil and inhumane statements.
Now, go ahead, tell me why saying unvaccinated individuals should be denied medical care is any different.
I'm happy to report, it's actually getting a lot of positive traffic on Facebook today with only one negative response. That person did agree to check out FLCCCs newest fact sheet on totality of evidence for Ivermectin and, so far, hasn't responded to say its crazy. So, maybe she had a bit of a wake up call. -H

I try to prise open the Overton window.
Clif_high blows the entire Edifice apart. I cede the ground to him.
(Ha! I have the jump on him. He leaves Einstein’s “bent nothingness” conjecture intact. With that pillar, the Great Edifice of illusions remains.)

We have a ton of them moving across the river lately to get away from the mess in their state. All I can say is they better not mess up this state voting for the same crap that IL into the mess it is in.

Question for Chris- Is there any evidence for the vax erroding or interfering with natural immunity from a previous infection? I seem to remember maybe Geert saying something about that… Which is why I keep being surprised to see that you put natural immunity plus vax at the top of the list. I was under the impression that the vax could mess up natural immunity.
On T-Detect- I may have had Covid in January and/or March 2020, but that was before PCR testing was available. An anti-body test came back negative in Feb 2021. And I did the T-Detect in May 2021, which also came back negative. T-Detect was way beyond the window of accuracy. I also found the T-Detect to be sketchy, I was not confident that the lab knew what they needed to do to handle the sample correctly. And I had to drive 45 min away in order to get the blood draw, because I didn’t want to pay another $100 or so to get someone to come to me. I would really LOVE to know more about T-Cell immunity and whether there is any other way to determine if you ever had Covid. The only thing I am aware of is Dr. Patterson’s technique for long-haul Covid finding a “signature” in your macrophages (or something along those lines).
Jim H- I totally agree with you about finding vaxxed allies. Reaching those we can reach. I have been testing out how best to frame things so the pro-vaxxed can hear us. The best I’ve come up with is as follows:

  • Vax only has 1 mechanism of action against the virus (creating anti-bodies to the spike protein). But IVM has 5 anti-viral and 4 anti-inflammatory mechanisms of action, which makes it better at handling variants. Vaxxed folks may still need IVM as vax efficacy diminishes or as the virus mutates.
  • Same viral load for vaxxed and unvaxxed- makes me more cautious of vaxxed because they don't know they're sick. False sense of security means they put THEMSELVES and others at risk without realizing it. Circles back to point 1.
  • Vax does not protect against long haul. IVM does.
That's 3 reasons it's in their own interest to know something about IVM, which sidestep talking about things they may not be ready to hear if they are vaxxed like vax injury/death, ADE, or immune escape. Sticking to how it's in their own interest to know something about how to counteract the limitations of their chosen strategy seems to have had some success as I've been trying it. Davefairtex- totally with you on your post on nuance. Loved the line "I'm anti-anti-depressants." I had a good belly laugh with that one, thank you!
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There is stupidity from all sides over Covid 19. Here’s some thoughts.

  • Did anyone ever think the governments of the world were going to get the solution right first time. Have you seen how modern politics works or did you just wake up to its fecklessness mediocrity. Should we lambast everyone in charge or see the whole experience as a demonstration of the limits of modern government (democratic or social) and management in general. Of all the managers we have suffered under were any of them ever perfect. How many were really anything more than interactive seat warmers.
  • Clearly most people think its better to be free than dead or better to be free and to hell with everyone else. Why should anyone be expected to do the right thing, like getting vaccinated, for their community.
  • Freedom... was does that mean anyway? Freedom to be an asshole or a danger to everyone else is not freedom at all. If freedom of speech means not saying anything to piss someone off then clearly freedom to be an asshole fits right into the same misunderstanding.
  • The vaccine isn't 100% risk-free and effective. No kidding. Where in the hell has everyone been living? Get you heads out of the sand. When was a vaccine for anything perfect? If you want guarantees, get yourself a padded cell, never go out into the street and for the love of God, don't ever drive a car.
There's not an open mind in sight. The sheeple just follow the narrow opinion they like the most regardless of science. Maybe instead of pin-pointing consequences (aka stating the obvious) we should look at the system as a whole and ask ourselve "how we can fix it". Democracy is not some derivative of biblical utopia, it evolved from tribalism, dictatorship salted with religious doctrine and influence by sheer weight of numbers. Nevertheless, what do the sheeple and pundits do about it... complain, point fingers and then oscillate between political parties who ultimately tote the same establishment and institutionalized hard-line. How 'bout we change the constitution instead of just framing some outdated piece of paper and fawning over it blindly like religious nuts.

There is not a snowball’s chance in hell that I am going to take that shot “for the good of the community”. Most people who die of covid already have one foot in the grave. We have a government that refuses to make treatments available that other countries have used to TREAT covid patients with great success. Immunocompromised people can die of anything that would not hurt a normal person, not just covid but you think the rest of society should run off and bend over backwards for these people? You can keep your shot. Come back and talk to me when the fatality rate is up over 10% for healthy middle aged adults. I have served my “community” for years both as a military member and a volunteer firefighter. I know what risk is as well as service to community. I have done enough. I will NOT do this.
BTW our constitution is NOT just some “outdated piece of paper”. It is a set of beliefs that people sign up to die to protect. That is true dedication.


Caution: language warning.
Pgp wrote:

  • …Clearly most people think its better to be free than dead or better to be free and to hell with everyone else. Why should anyone be expected to do the right thing, like getting vaccinated, for their community.
  • Freedom... was does that mean anyway? Freedom to be an asshole or a danger to everyone else is not freedom at all. If freedom of speech means not saying anything to piss someone off then clearly freedom to be an asshole fits right into the same misunderstanding…
…How 'bout we change the constitution instead of just framing some outdated piece of paper and fawning over it blindly like religious nuts.

In one post you mock freedom, disregard the constitution, and place conformity and collectivism on a pedestal. The only things you forgot to attack were God and apple pie.
Looks to me like you are using your ‘freedom to be an asshole’ pretty liberally. Nothing more to be said, we are so completely opposed in our core wiring that no civil discussion is possible.
All I will say to you is that we’re not taking your poison shot and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it. You’re just going to have to live with the reality that not everyone thinks the way you do [ thank GOD for that ].


Great post!
I’d add unplanned out of wedlock pregnancy to your list.

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Reading over your post - it seems like you believe:

  • getting vaccinated is good for the community
  • "Freedom to be an asshole or a danger to everyone else is not freedom at all." I interpret this to mean, you believe that if someone is unvaxxed, you assume they are are a danger to the community; contrariwise, you believe the vaxxed are not a danger to the community; vaxxed = clean, unvaxxed = dirty & dangerous. Not an uncommon viewpoint.
  • you say the vaccine isn't perfect - because nothing is perfect. We should not expect perfection.
  • and then you say - "How 'bout we change the constitution instead of just framing some outdated piece of paper and fawning over it blindly like religious nuts."
So it sounds like you're for forced vaccination, using a non-sterilizing vaccine, that neither prevents transmission or infection, in order to "make the community safer." To you, this is "science", and those who don't subscribe to this "science" are close-minded sheeple. (Did I get that right?) And then you tell us that the lack of efficacy preventing transmission and infection for this specific set of vaccines is to be expected, because "nothing is perfect". You believe that the fault isn't in the vaccine's design. All vaccines are faulty in this way. It is normal for a vaccine to be imperfect and non-sterilizing. It is expected for them to lose efficacy after 6 months. [You might want to read up a bit more before making this claim. Just saying.] Lastly, you think the constitution needs some changes, and you believe that our founding fathers were wrong about some important things, and you have the fix for all of it, but you're keeping the details to yourself. And - the "religious nuts" comment suggests to me that you're an atheist. And you seem a little bit upset. Did I miss anything?

Good points Dave, of course the MO for these guys is to drop an inflammatory bomb and then disappear. I dont expect a discussion.
You’ll note the recurring mantra of “responsibility to the community” but they absolutely blank out in regards to the lack of responsibility and accountability of the drug companies.
So I’m supposed to give up my bodily integrity and put something in my body that I dont trust or believe in for the ‘good of the community’, but the huge multi-national drug companies dont have to part with any of their profits to compensate the people that they hurt and kill?
Communal responsibility for thee but not for me.

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It’s still helpful to see what the thinking looks like among the “Science!!” followers. Even if no discussion actually takes place.
Agree 100% about Pfizer’s duties (or lack thereof) to our global community. “We wanna make $40 billion next year off these shots, come hell or high water.” FDA???! Surely you won’t get in the way of our money train? Right? “You’ll never work in this town again” if you do.
And that’s the benign interpretation.

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What’s your ideas to fix this, Negative Nelly?
I wouldn’t want you in my foxhole. First you’d shoot the enemy, then pull the pin and drop a grenade under us. Then complain about the survivors for crying out in pain.
I support your right to be a whiny bitch, but now have to tell you that you actually have nothing to add here while complaining we aren’t adding anything.
Sheesh, some people.

@Chris in the video you asked why they only listed natural immunity + 1 shot. What I can say about this is, that in germany you only need one shot of the vaccine (moderna, Pfizer, j&j or AstraZeneca) if you have had a proven infection and 6 months between infection and the vaccine to count as fully vaccinated here.
Maybe that’s the reason why the only took those into account for the study.

@yagasjai Question for Chris- Is there any evidence for the vax erroding or interfering with natural immunity from a previous infection? I seem to remember maybe Geert saying something about that... Which is why I keep being surprised to see that you put natural immunity plus vax at the top of the list. I was under the impression that the vax could mess up natural immunity.
Here's pro-vaxxer Dr. David Bauer, whose team in Britain analyzed antibody levels, explaining how "booster shots" will be necessary due to the double-vaxxed having 5-6x less neutralizing antibodies than the non-vaxxed:
Jim H- I totally agree with you about finding vaxxed allies. Reaching those we can reach. I have been testing out how best to frame things so the pro-vaxxed can hear us. The best I've come up with is as follows: Vax only has 1 mechanism of action against the virus (creating anti-bodies to the spike protein). But IVM has 5 anti-viral and 4 anti-inflammatory mechanisms of action, which makes it better at handling variants. Vaxxed folks may still need IVM as vax efficacy diminishes or as the virus mutates. Same viral load for vaxxed and unvaxxed- makes me more cautious of vaxxed because they don't know they're sick. False sense of security means they put THEMSELVES and others at risk without realizing it. Circles back to point 1. Vax does not protect against long haul. IVM does.
Great points. Add that natural antibodies aim for the entire virus, or at least highly-conserved pan-coronavirus antigens like the N (nucleocapsid) protein, providing a far more robust antibody-based protection. Also that T-cell-mediated immunity is just one type, artificially induced in a broad way by artificial spike proteins that only cover original Wuhan spike protein, but increasingly less mutated versions (starting with Delta only a few months in).
@pgp Did anyone ever think the governments of the world were going to get the solution right first time. Have you seen how modern politics works or did you just wake up to its fecklessness mediocrity. Should we lambast everyone in charge or see the whole experience as a demonstration of the limits of modern government (democratic or social) and management in general. Of all the managers we have suffered under were any of them ever perfect. How many were really anything more than interactive seat warmers.
Yeah, that's what we should've done after WWII, just politely explain to the Nazis why what they did was "a demonstration of the limits of modern government (democratic or social) and management in general".
The vaccine isn't 100% risk-free and effective. No kidding. Where in the hell has everyone been living? Get you heads out of the sand. When was a vaccine for anything perfect? If you want guarantees, get yourself a padded cell, never go out into the street and for the love of God, don't ever drive a car.
You gotta be kidding, right? Spike proteins were known to be pathogenic for many years prior to these quackcines, all previous coronavirus vaccines failed in animal models due to ADE, the manufacturers have 100% legal immunity, they have a long criminal history, yet they themselves always maintained that these "vaccines" don't prevent infection or transmission but only "lower symptoms", Moderna knew to start producing Spike protein mRNA "vaccines" before the plandemic even started, the quackcines were all built on the graves of millions of people who had to die unnecessarily by censoring the effective treatments so as to receive EUA, they continue to this day to suppress the very idea of treating those who get sick... CLEARLY, this is not a "vaccine" designed to help anyone other than those who profit from it... What more evidence do you need, sir??

Well it made ME chuckle?!

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Hi there,
I came across this article in a comment at
Wondering if folks have seen and have opinions about it.

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Thank you. Good explanation

Sorry to hear that YT is breaching its own country’s 1st amendment for the 100,000th. time. Why not just post videos on platforms that support free speech and put a sketchy notice on YT to signal where the video is to be found.
Also use selective mis-spelling or split words (vac sine) to defeat the bots. I know a retired doctor who does this on one of the social media with great success.
I don’t know how YT avoided anti-trust laws. It’s almost a world monopoly. But I digress.

This is quite long but very complete. And fascinating.
If you don’t have the time, go to 1:10:00 for the second hour. Rationality will return to your brain and a good elevator pitch can be had.

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