Natural Immunity Stronger Than Vaccine Alone

Chris isn’t your theory about the delta wave blowing through and giving essentially everyone immunity in a couple of months only going to be accurate if the people who are getting covid after getting vaccinated then have long lasting immunity. In other words, we know natural immunity is durable and long lasting. Do we know the same for those who recovered from a case after the jab? Haven’t seen data on this. Anyone? Thanks.

I totally agree Mirroredname.
That’s the question I’ve been posing to my fully vaxed friends…at least those who are open to discussion.
“In 3 months time what are you going to do when your C19 App pings stating that your next booster must be delivered in 48 hours otherwise you lose all privilege’s”?
It’s interesting watching the penny drop.
For extra impact add pings for next years flu shot, polio booster, some weird virus found in Africa that might make it to your country.
We’ve made our difficult decision to not get vaxed. They’re ‘on deck next’.

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Thank you Chris for covering the latest Israelian study on natural immunity. It was the cherry on the cake today. I tested positive for Covid last Tuesday after having a few days of symptoms. I have a prepared terrain so I did not sweat it really and having Ivermectin at hand made me even more confident I will see this trough. I must say it has affected me a bit more than I anticipated, after the coughing and runny nose eased after a few days, I felt quite weak, had an urge to sleep a lot for a few days and developed some mild headache. Today is rather good, headache ceased, feeling better but noticed my smell is gone after trying to get some fish from the fridge.
Anyway, I have good hopes the infection was severe enough to establish some good immunity and I will have all arguments to counter any silly discussions from pro-vaxxers on me not taking a jab. At least for the coming 6 months I will not be needing it at all, I have the best protection mother Nature could provide and I am grateful enough not to jeopardize it for the bonus of some Pfizer crook.
I basically got what I silently wished for and can only hope more will have the same opportunity if they are up for it.
Stay safe & sane everbody.

Hi Blaggers,
See this all the time now. Vaxxed friends simply denying the third booster especially if they got Covid after they got jabbed. Also there is a starting realisation that vaxxed people are adding more to the spreading than unvaxxed, this is a very interesting development. We need a lot of empathy to welcome these vaxx regretters, for most it was simply a dumb, uninformed decision for a deceptive incentive. That is kicking in slowly but steadily now.

You wrote:

See this all the time now. Vaxxed friends simply denying the third booster especially if they got Covid after they got jabbed.
Our overlords may end up with a tough choice. 1) Give up the endless boosters and settle for forcing the remainder of the population to get the vaccine, or, 2) Try to force the endless booster shots. My gut feeling is that they choose 2) for two reasons. One, they simply don't have the common sense to back off Two, the real purpose is to subjugate the population even if that means putting down a rebellion with force.

Dear Blaggers ~ it takes real courage to say no to the vaccine. The more I come to know about the very serious side effects with zero responsibility of companies making it, the more I know that is the right decision. Add in the underlying tyranny and it is even more apparent in my opinion that this is not about “health of the community,” it is a using a disaster to take advantage of implementing policies to further severely reduce our civil rights, as they did during 911.

Hi Mike,
We should strive for exposing more data making the mentioned option 2 impossible, for now it is certainly what the narrative is all about.
I’m with Chris that I hope Delta is as nasty a spreader as it seems, sweeping through the population quicker than we can imagine and establishing effectively herd immunity. Administering leaky jabs becomes than insane, it still could be pushed but then we should be able to gather a greater crowd to stand up.
I can see why there is a hurry to push things through (like the bogus rushed FDA approval).

Well done all who offer our thread contrarian viewpoints. You save me from bigotry.
I wholeheartedly disagree with you, but I value your viewpoints.
Last night I fell asleep listening once again to Dr. David Jacob’s book, “Walking Among Us”.
I have yet to find a chink in his narrative. (OK, one very small quibble. Genes do not code for morphology, but that error is understandable, given the common hype about the wonders of genetics) credit: Dr. Bruce Lipton, Dr. Rupert Sheldrake.

Universities should be refuges for disagreeable geniuses, they have become havens for agreeable mid-wits. Dr. Edward Dutton.
I am content if I can follow the bouncing ball. The Tropical sun has been unkind to my brain.  

Chris, maybe someone already answered this or you otherwise found out. The reason the Israeli study included only persons with one jab and not two is because in Israel if you had already had the infection, the protocol was to receive only one shot.

I have a family of shags sitting on my yacht tender, flapping their wings to keep warm in the cold of an early spring morning. They voice their opinions with clown honks.
It’s good to be alive.

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I’m not sure if it was GVDB or RMalone who suggested an old-tech vaccine (basically an attenuated virus) which is (more or less) what the “low inoculum” measles party technique is focused on getting - broad exposure to all the bits and pieces of the virus, so your immune system constructs long term immunity. Preferably delivered orally, so it makes the antibodies in the same place where the virus will attack.
If that got tested for a reasonably long period, I’d be up for that sort of vaccine. I’d prefer it to the “measles party” actually. Better control over the dosing.
Especially if it weren’t mandated. And the manufacturer had liability. And it had an all-cause-mortality benefit visible in the trial data. And immunity lasted for at least 2 years. And if NIH starts recommending vitamin D.
Why Vitamin D? If they can’t even get the simple vitamin D thing right (note that Fauci himself takes it - but can’t quite bring his organization to recommend it to the Plebes), why on earth should I trust them with anything more complicated?

I love this story. I know plenty of vacconated people who did it simply out of convenience and now are getting dragged into a persecution. Others are more enthusiastic but few are militant directly to me anyway. I have a reputation I think so I’m not such an easy target. But at my company too there’s reluctance to enforce any mandates and no talk of layoffs either. Being a smaller company, all talent ends up being poached bylarger operations so loyalty is the only thing that keeps many of us in the trenches, but that knife cuts two ways and so far my company has shown loyalty to its people too. And that is definitely a bright spot in this dim world. Tomorrow is promised to no one, but today I know my company is still with me.
I’m glad to hear there’s more out there too.

Rae S. said:

We have considered moving but to where? I’ve lived here so long I don’t know where people are sane and live in a nice middle space.
Rae, I moved to the Midwest seven years ago, after spending most of my adult life in Seattle and Portland. I've never met a nicer group of people, and now that I've grown to know the place I would never move back to the coast. I live near the border between Lincoln County MN and Brookings County SD. It's surprisingly multi-racial, but that was only surprising to me because of all the things people told me about the area before I moved here. I'm sure there are heated conversations about politics, vaccines, and anything else you can think of behind closed doors, but voting records say that half of the people lean left, half right, and most of the people I've talked to sit very close to the middle. And the best part is that housing is insanely cheap, compared to Seattle. I bought a small three-bedroom house for about 50k, in a beautiful small town. Brookings is more expensive, but they're crying for workers, because there's a lot of manufacturing there. Take a look at the area on - if you move here, everyone you meet will welcome you, whether you're vaccinated or not.

So do we accept the evidence this short video of the Indian Army dropping like flies after being needle-crafted?

This is my personal journey through this virus.
I am a 70 year old in a health care setting. I have been for years keeping my terrain up as well as possible with Vit D, Zinc, moderate exercise and other good health habits. February 2020 I was exposed to the virus and had a significant but non hospitalized case of Covid 19. This was confirmed by both PCE and anitbody tests. After a 5 week recovery I returned to work and decided to also get the vaccine (two doses)…with a reaction of 24 hours of fever and fatigue both times.
Based on my understanding of natural immunity I returned to work with the confidence that I was in a much safer condition that those without this immunity. This was before any vaccine was even available to me. My decision to also get the vaccine was a crap shoot based on my age. I told my kids that I was voluntarily participating in a field study of this new drug and if I didn’t survive well that at least I had lived a good life.
Now after 18 months your report on this Israeli study confirms my gut level decisions.
Thanks for all you do.
By the way, after returning to work without the sword of Damocles hanging over my head I saw vividly how much fear porn there was in the news cycle and how susceptible most of patients were to it. The mass hysteria work you did recently is superb. Another thanks.

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I hope the day comes when these people can be brought before the court and tried for hate crimes! I’ve heard this sort of thing first hand and still can’t see how people get to that place of justified hate.

The Midwest is not as homogenous as people might think. I’m in IL, but only two more weeks (thank God), moving to TN.
IL is for the most part unbearable due to the krass influence of liberal politics. Yes, out in IL boonies, you will find more reasonable attitudes, but that doesn’t prevent the whole state being screwed royally by Chicago / Springfield politicians.
For me, it’s good-bye Midwest.

Should the vaccinated surrender their driver’s licences? After all, road accidents are at a 40 year high.
Credit: Clif High.
Oh. And industrial accidents are at a 60 year high.
What say the actuaries?
EDIT: Be careful out there on the roads. This could be happening.

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It is beginning to appear to be a major issue driving requirements for vaxxed. I saw a video of guy who passed out after being vaxxed and just about ran over 2 guys standing behind a boat on a trailer in the middle of the road in front of boat business.
In most states, you have to be free of fainting and seizures for “6” mos before driving again. Meaning in many states, these people are not eligible to drive for at least 6 mos after their most recent episode. ( it is criminal to violate )
So yeah, No Driver license for you… VAXXED.

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Indian media has (in my view - correctly) this as a fake video based on a real event where a group of soldiers undertook a 10km run in field kit during high heat/humidity. Looking at video they have removed soldiers pants/shirts to reduce heat stress. Don’t see this as a likely response to vax attack.