Natural Immunity Stronger Than Vaccine Alone

Just responding to a couple of points I saw in this discussion.

  1. I think anyone holding out for Novavax, at least in the US, should probably give up on that idea. I expect it will be a long time (years) before it is available here, if ever. TPTB have decided that mRNA/DNA vaccines are the way to go. Funny how Novavax keeps getting delayed for various reasons, even though their trial data sounds damn good. Yet Pfizer, Moderna, J&J have no problems acquiring materials needed to produce their vaccines. Expect that to continue. This is unfortunate because Novavax is the vaccine I would be interested in getting if we had it as an option.
  2. Both “vaxxers” and “anti-vaxxers” are intolerant in my experience. Over the past couple of weeks I’ve been attacked by both sides for comments I’ve made on twitter. If you’re not 100% on board with getting vaccinated (or mention adverse effects, ivermectin etc) the “vaxxers” will descend on you, but if you dare question the efficacy of ivermectin or say you’re considering getting a vaccine the other side will attack with equal vigor. I haven’t gotten a vaccine yet, have a stash of “horse dewormer” (LOL), but am considering getting the Pfizer shot, so I pretty much antagonize everyone.

One of the issues I’m dealing with and contemplating getting the J&J (with the the precautions in an attempt to block it) is the treatment I know I would receive if I ended up in the hospital for something else.
I’m sure come fall there will be a lot of unvaxxed flu cases that turn into Covid, not because they are but because the unvaxxed will get put on the Covid floor and the vaxxed will be put on a regular floor.

Even if you rule out putting everyone at greater risk and the increased medical cost our society is bearing, it is simply untrue that the anti vax crowd is doing absolutely nothing to vaccinated people.
Since the vaxxed can still get it and spread it, it is the vaxxed that are the asymptotic super spreaders. Not sure how an unvaxxed individual is having any different physical effect on you than a vaxxed individual. Now mentally, since the talking heads/PTB have told you to be afraid, be very very afraid, I can see how you might be affected. Really you didn’t give blood because others weren’t wearing masks? Even fully vaxxed you are that fearful of spending 30 minutes around other people? That is the root of this whole issue! Why have “they” made us so afraid?
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This needs attention
 first of it’s kind case I think;

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Oh, my god.
I’ll have to post a reply to this later.
Right now, I am shocked speechless.

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You know the funny thing is, Ive never heard an actual human being express these sentiments. I mean, Im sure they exist but is it really a sentiment that reflects the views of a significant number of people?
I've never heard this directly either. However, I see similar comments all the time on twitter, in the comments section of on-line articles, and on facebook. This leads me to wonder - is this the kind of viewpoint that many people hold but aren't willing to express in person? Are these comments from troll accounts just stirring up trouble? Or more sinisterly, accounts paid for by pharma (or Gates or whoever) to shame people into getting vaxxed and/or further the divisions in society? I'm not sure anymore, but what I can say is that I have some friends - people I know in real life - who've written stuff on social media that is not quite this extreme but is not far from it. It is not difficult for me to believe that their true feelings are closer to those expressed in the Toronto Star. And that is very disturbing.
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I absolutely believe that segregation is back, its never truly fallen out of favor though. But to Les Phelps’ point, those of us who don’t get vaccinated ARE choosing that fate. Its not biological, except for the stubbornness maybe. And everyday there are fewer of us, than there are of them because once you choose to get the jab, you can’t UN-choose it. Come what may.
I am prepared to weather this storm to wait for the population wide longitudinal study to conclude. I have prepared my mind, my finances, and my heart for the worst case scenario just to get to that five year mark where we can confidently say all this was overblown nonsense and get back to life. That is to say, I am prepared to lose everything I have and become a filthy beggar (a fate many are not in a position to choose themselves). But the country was certainly divided before, particularly politically. Media collaborated with one thought group to push a narrative that the other side was full of ignorant rubes. No matter what evidence you present, their side of which Seattle is more representative than fringe, believes you are a tin foil hat wearing ignorant kook. So there are many people in this country who have already seen it, have experienced it, and saw all the signs of the same thing happening again for this crisis.
This is the winnowing of the population. The true 1% who are resilient versus those who cave to the pressure and are bought off by the donuts. I’m not sure there’s any mortal keeping score though, so the reward probably won’t be had in this life, which makes it an even tougher path to CHOOSE. I suspect even Chris will get the jab at some point and those of us who don’t will again be left to wander blind grasping to faith alone that we will be vindicated. Hopefully it never comes to that, but that’s where I see all this going.
Most people here will fall waiting for the evidence to get here before the economic or social pressure builds to a crescendo and leaves them behind to salvage what they can of their lives. Trusted voices fall ever day for various reasons, and they will here too.
I’ll be interested in who the remnants turn out to be after the dust settles. Whose rhetoric meets their mettle, I bet there’s fewer than anyone think.

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Jim H.,
Most people know of the case of Korematsu v. U.S. They don’t know it by name. They only know of the circumstances surrounding it.
At the beginning of World War II, people of Japanese ancestry on the West Coast were rounded up and put in detention camps. In the case of Korematsu v. U.S., this mass incarceration was challenged all the way to the United States Supreme Court due to obvious Constitutional concerns. The Supreme Court upheld the detentions.
Presently legal scholars generally regard the Korematsu case as having been decided incorrectly.
Little good did that, the post hoc condemnations of the decision, do for Fred Korematsu and his fellow detainees.
And that is the problem. In times of irrational fear, the courts should stand stalwart in the protection of citizenry. Unfortunately, they rarely do.
Great Constitutional advances (for instance, Brown vs. Board of education; ending racially segregated schools in the United States) often occur when their is growing popular support for the advance. That is fine. But what happens when the courts must face down widespread public irrationality.
Unfortunately, when that happens you too often get cowardly decisions such the Korematsu decision.
There is a reason for this beyond simple mass hysteria.
Often judicial appointments are politically based. They are not necessarily based upon legal acumen and strength of character.
I encountered some very fine and courageous judges in my career. I also encountered some complete and total buffoons.
That, unfortunately, is the nature of any human system.

Hi Chris, the ongoing decent into psychosis by so many around the world is not too surprising when put into context with some of the subject matters you have already covered. I suspect some people are manifesting the behavior of projection. They are unable to confront what is actually disturbing them and project their irritation onto a target, sometimes violently. I submit that so many people in the world today live in conditions both inwardly and outwardly that are so contrary to our physical evolution in ‘Dunbar limited’ tribes, (and all those hardwired buttons that go with it), that we are profoundly damaged mentally and emotionally. The many current ‘troubles’ are pushing people over the edge into madness, and they have no tools or help to see it. Also as you have reported, their may be some who see this as to their own advantage. History shows that this always goes over badly, as outlined by Peter Turchin’s ‘Secular Cycles’, but few of us common folk can see this large a view.
If you have not done so already it might be nice if you could interview Robert B. Cialdini, author of ‘Influence, The Psychology of Persuasion’, to find out just what buttons he sees as being pushed given the current chaos.

I made my decision as well and I don’t expect to ever find a reason to change it now. The problem is, I now have NO trust in the people who are supplying the data on which the decision was made. I no longer believe this thing was EVER about a health crisis so no matter what data are supplied by the 3-letter agencies and their tools in academia/technology/government I simply no no longer trust it. I’m not playing, even if it means a shortened, rough life. But I’d rather die free than be controlled in either mind or body. If someone had told me 3 years ago that I would even doubt the narrative of 9/11 I would have just laughed at them, probably with a good dose of pity as well. But now I’ve come to distrust all of the narratives we are fed and so I am simply walking away, not playing anymore. Maybe one day we’ll meet up, you never know

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I could have written this. Every. Single. Word.

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Those who survive and remain strong in their convictions will be a group more bonded than any blood bond could hope for. The survivors of gulag and persecution are more revered than any others and history proves that those who endure great hardship are the writers of history and thought leaders of the future.
Those willing to face that storm should read “Man’s search for meaning” by Victor Frankl. He lived it, and discusses the mentality of the survivor versus those who gave up.
I plan to survive, but everyone is the hero of their own adventure and I know I have a breaking point. So I guess I HOPE I see you on the other side of this chokepoint of history.

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Among other things he has been in agreement that natural immunity is very good indeed. His courage under fire is near saintly
he has been threatened in every possible way. Starting at around 4:20 min he discusses the attacks on him and why he is glad he stood by the truth to help others. Heartbreaking to me, he is a gentle genius

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i have been and continually am verbally assaulted by vaxx true believers. the assault always comes with a comment about being a trump ass licker.
i always remind them that the shot they so dearly love is a result of operation warp speed and trump

We will get through this. Remains to be seen how much of what is will get sacrificed on the altar of the current psychosis – or whether this touches off a cascade of failures in the economy/culture/etc. and leads to a massive dislocation (USA breaks into regionally balkanized states, etc.)

But all through it folks like us will have the chance to survive, and then lead the remnant forth from the wreckage into the next world. It’ll be the younger ones that build, but it’ll be elders like us who lead (or advise – I always wanted to be the consigliere, never the don)

May Fortune favor us all

VIVA – Sager

I appreciate your comments about Seattle, I live here and the intolerance is off the charts. Even towards teens, with no understanding of anything useful. With a 70% vaccination rate, we should be Denmark right now! But we are back in the trenches talking about if kids should even be in school and how a child should be fitted for a n95.
We have considered moving but to where? I’ve lived here so long I don’t know where people are sane and live in a nice middle space.

We need an uplifting story, so I will tell you all one. There are about 1000 people in the factory where I reside, highly technical work. In WA, the Governor made a mandate whereby the vaxed did not have to wear masks indoors, but the unvaxed did. This was in place up until this week, when, thanks to Delta, ALL now are back to indoor masking at work. During the few months of Jab Crow, you would readily (at least I thought) tell who was with you in unjabbedness by simply observing who was wearing a mask when they passed you in the hall, and who was not.
About a week ago, just at the end of Jab Crow, I ended up with one of the younger managers - a person I have really grown to like and respect over the last three years - alone in a conference room after a meeting. In the meeting beforehand I had noted that five of the eight attendees were masked
 meaning the unvaxed seeminly outnumbered the vaxed. Heartening, at least in terms of the potential for my own company imposing a vax mandate in a time when they can’t even hire enough employees to begin with.
I asked the manager, “do you mind my asking, are you masked by choice or because you are not vaccinated”. He engaged immediately with some emotion in his voice
 “I don’t tell anyone, but I am vaccinated. I wear a mask in support of my employees who are not vaccinated
 I hate this policy and how it separates people”. I was stunned. My level of respect for this guy, already high, went through the roof. This made my day, my week
 my month. We discussed my views, which are that people should have freedom to choose, and that there are lots of reasons to choose not to, which include knowledge of early treatments and prophylaxis, which can and will benefit both vaxed and unvaxed. I told the manager that I was working on an exposition of the science against the mandate, and he told me that he would sign it!!! Holy cow. Now I don’t know if I want to involve others or make it seem like I am a labor organizer
 still thinking this through
 but the fact that I have a vax’ed ally is an important realization.
We can build a coalition that includes vax’ed. The booster issue is becoming divisive among the vax’ed
 it will bring more over to the Freedom and Choice side. We have to hold the line NOW. We have to fight NOW. We have to make the case against mandates and for sanity NOW. We have to tell our neighbors about young people succumbing to myocarditis as a result of vax NOW. We need to make a sign and join a protest NOW.
As my story illustrates
 we need to maintain empathy for the vaxed
 some of them are not so deep into the psy-op narrative that they can’t be reached. Boosters should be the hill that the globalist elites die on.

Now we know who would be the ones to turn in Anne Frank and sign up to be the guards at the camps. Ever wonder what side of history you would have come down on back in the day? I think we have our answers now. There is only one side wishing illness and death on the other side in this debate.

On some apps for the vaccine passport, there are 8 empty spaces for future booster shots. If a person doesn’t keep up with the forthcoming boosters, then one is considered “unvaxed.” As I read through and watch many videos regarding the boosters, many people are appropriately cynical and angry, declaring they will NOT be getting any more vaccine shots.
Think there will be ever increasing allies in the fight against chronic shots and chronic attempts to install tyranny as the new “norm.”

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coh, I agree with #2, and was waiting for Novavax, but am coming to the same conclusion. My understanding is it that is going through trials, just not in the US (it’s easier to do on brown people in other countries, I wonder why). It would be ironic to have to go to another country - if they let you in - to get it.