Neil Howe: Expect Creative Destruction In This Fourth Turning

I can’t really tell, but I think it’s been gradual, the past three decades.

I think the Globalists used Sweden as a petri dish experiment for their efforts to destroy a Nation’s sovereignty through unbridled mass immigration. The Swedes are so nice, and maybe a bit naive, that most didn’t see what was coming. Even when their daughters started getting raped at higher and higher frequency, the response was fairly muted as the masses fell in line with the SJW teachings.
Preservation of National Sovereignty is preservation of the marketplace of ideas as it relates to governance and society. The Globalists hate this as it stands in the way of their desires to promote a WW technocracy with one money system and complete narrative control on every level, an Orwellian wonder world. Sweden may already be lost but the US needs to learn from it.

For black people too? [sic]


(OK, last one)

Why do you have to invent a dictator style intentional community when we already have thousands of years of experience everywhere building out non-dictator based harmonious communities, and also such communities already exist in some places?
Successful communities have existed thousands of times and some can joined even now. Each person or family gets his or her private plot of land. If they work hard, they eat well. If they dont, then they dont eat well. Meanwhile voluntary relationships spontaneously form as skills come together to solve problems.
Why do you have to create a dictatorship or feudal system or plantation system where one person owns all the land and controls everyone? When has such communistic or feudalistic or plantation system worked out well? Why are you trying to create a dictatorship?
Some of us believe that freedom and liberty originates with private ownership rights of land and possessions. From my own studies of history and law during law school, I learned that Rome was great because absolute ownership rights existed and the job of government was to honor and enforce private ownership. Your mentioned problems of some people not working melt away when you have private ownership rights and private law wherein there is no dictator.
Perhaps intentional community development efforts need to explore this at the basic level. In my own corner of the universe some of us (myself) own land outright (but pay low taxes to a town) but some of us have long term leases (30 years for example) from landlords and work hard to selfishly create and consume wealth.
When I drafted a community agreement for an intentional community, there was an initial land buyer, but each member had absolute dominion of their own plot of land within the community. I dont understand the requirement or need for “share and share alike” for all wealth creation … Why try to create a situation that clearly does not work long term?

One crisis to another and everywhere are examples of a World NOT worth living in. I will proceed but where we end up, nobody knows. We MUST tactically return pharmaceuticals and other critical Industries and define who are allies truly are. I think China got a little to greedy, haven’t we all. This is a GREAT article for thought at

Good to see the podcasts return to the TuneIn Radio Pro App with this one (05-April being the last). Also since you have mentioned where all your podcasts are available to listen/download from can you mention TuneIn Radio Pro as another source in that list?

America is a consumer economy heavily dependent on China. War is not a winnable move for America. The USA must understand that war is not an option. America is the last dinosaur.

Dave Fairfax wrote:
“It is really interesting to hear how the broad sweep of history has influenced the thinking of each generation of people. We are all individuals, we are - all of us - programmed by our environment; parents, teachers, social circle, government. You would think that would make every generation the same. And yet, that’s not what happens. Why do we think that is? I certainly don’t know.”
I have been thinking about this recently but in the context of democrat vs republican thinking.
The one thing that is constant is change.
Different generations are programmed in different ways by all of the influencers mentioned. Some influencers have a big effect, like parents. I can’t imagine new parents raising their children the way their parents raised them. And these parents grew up rebelling against their parents, which made them different. Schooling changes with time, which coincides with generations passing through the official educational machine. There is peer pressure, which changes with time. There is technology, which is changing rapidly and is having a marked influence on current generations.
So, how do people within a generation decide on whether they are either democrat or republican? Is it really just family influence?

Hey Guys, will this help your discussion?
Race and ethnicity in the United States is a complex topic because the United States of America has a racially and ethnically diverse population.[1] At the federal level, race and ethnicity have been categorized separately.
The most recent United States Census officially recognized five racial categories (White American, Black or African American, American Indians and Alaska Native, Asian American, and Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander) as well as people of two or more races.[2][3][4] The Census Bureau also classified respondents as “Hispanic or Latino” or “Not Hispanic or Latino”, identifying Hispanic and Latino as an ethnicity (not a race), which comprises the largest minority group in the nation.[2][3][5] The United States Supreme Court unanimously held that “race” is not limited to Census designations on the “race question” but extends to all ethnicities, and thus can include Jewish, Arab, Hungarian, Laotian, Zulu, etc.[6] The Census also asked an “Ancestry Question,” which covers the broader notion of ethnicity, in the 2000 Census long form and the American Community Survey; the question will return in the 2020 Census.[7]
As of July 2016, White Americans are the racial majority. African Americans are the largest racial minority, comprising an estimated 12.7% of the population. Hispanic and Latino Americans are the largest ethnic minority, comprising an estimated 17.8% of the population.[8] The White, non-Hispanic or Latino population make up 61.3% of the nation’s total, with the total White population (including White Hispanics and Latinos) being 76.
the mpls police might get disbanded. This to me sounds like the beginnings of a movement towards new institutions that was mentioned in the podcast. If they can pull it off it would be the replacement of a long standing institution that no longer serves its populace. I see this as that demand for social cohesion. I can’t remember what they said in the podcast exactly. It was high demand for institutions and low demand for individuals or something like that.

Well Chris, sounds like its clear you need to next interview Walter Scheidel. I snagged the boot and started reading already.

Boom! From this boomer . What she said. ?

Great podcast! Those were some tough but interesting questions to ask! Overall, wonderful conversation and it shed some light on everything going on right now.
Gary. Spa