New Coronavirus Ro of 4.1 = Massive Contagion Risk

I’ll search thru the Sandpuppy posts, and watch the vids I haven’t seen yet. The oxygen tank is something I hadn’t considered and would have never thought of, so much thanks.

Thank you, and thank God there are intelligent analysts with a head for data and nothing to sell, like yourself, who are willing to speak truth to power. You will quite possibly save hundreds or thousands of lives if the study you highlight is anywhere near accurate.

Also Mike Shedlock, another blogger and great analyst, has covered a lot of ground on this topic:
Mark B

Now you have a longer data set you should try curve fitting based on the rate of change to extrapolate a correct r0. Look at the percentage change each virus cycle based on the official numbers. If we assume the full numbers aren’t being reported, you can still base it on severe cases if you add an assumption of say 10 or 20% rate of severe cases, which are the ones being confirmed and reported.
Just use the confirmed cases as a sample group for total infections, and then look at how much it is going up. There are too many variables to get an accurate number for any analysis, for example time span of virus cycle, initial start date, lack of reporting and so on. I’m just using this as a rough figure to plan my response for infections in country.

I’m going with “Wuhu Flu.” (Patent pending)
<You have to laugh to keep from crying>

What do you (Especially Dr Martenson) think about this link.
seems to suggest this is man made to target humans with parts of HIV RNA. Combine this with the preference for males that Chris describes and its truly chilling.

This research article is kind of convincing. The inserted HIV-1 sequences in the new virus did not come from bat soup.

…you know that telephoto camera lens effect they use in film to mess with the perspective in a trippy kind of way when the protagonist has some major revelation That Changes Everything?
If this story (HIV genetic material in nCoV, engineered bioweapon) is true… egad, That Changes Everything…

Yes, the man was researching the spike glycoprotein.
General info from zerehedge…

It explain a lot of things. Perfect spreading. Death rate between 3% to 10% so it can keep spreading. Asymptomatic. Long incubation, hiv drugs more effective. Etc.
With that said i don’t think it is a bio weapon. If it is than the development was at an early stage when it got out. This is uncontrollable hence not suited for warfare. To me this is more of a research virus for medical studies that got leaked out.
I talked to my mom about this. She said for the past few weeks, china social media said it came from Canada. Two researchers stole samples and transported to china Bio lab in Wuhan where it was leaked out. It Chinese social media rumors, tho.

I have been checking in at r/wuhan_flu (thanks Chris) and have seen a lot of good discussions. I went there to check for updates tonight and it has been “quarantined “ for “false information”. Anyone know of another reddit sub that hasn’t been taken over and “cleansed”?

OK, does the progression of this disease have any similarities whatsoever with HIV? That idea just seems preposterous on it’s face.

If correct, let us pray for summer…
If the hypothesis is correct, then control is straight forward :

1. Put on more clothes to make body really warm,

2. maintain room temperature at least above 23C,

3. do exercise for 30 minutes daily, make sure you really sweat.
Let me tell you a legend happened in HK over a hundred years ago.
HK was infected by an unknown epidemic. In frustration, people (including
the sick) came to the street and watched the “Fire Dragon” dance. As a
miracle or due to the intense heat, many sick recovered and the epidemic

I’m having to travel a lot domestically right now. Hardly anyone in the airports are wearing masks. Effective immediately I’m wearing a mask on all flights and using diluted colloidal silver eye drops. I’m on high dose vitamin C, and taking elderberry and raw garlic regularly. I’m also focusing on eating healthy and not drinking at all while on the road. Everything I can do to give my immune system the best chance possible to avoid this. They won’t shut down airports until sustained human to human transmission within the US is confirmed and by the time that happens it’ll be two weeks too late to contain it. The nightmare scenario is a carrier attending the Super Bowl.

Dr Materson,
In the spreadsheet that you show in the video, what is your estimation of the virus cycle?
Thank you!

Okay folks lets take a big picture look. When I put “coronavirus” in my search bar only official websites come up. PP is not one of the top searches. Apparently reddit has been scrubbed. There may be those who don't like Chris telling the truth and raining on the money-ed media toes. George Orwell said “truth is treason in an empire of lies.” Something tells me its only a matter of time before PP gets the “official” your wading in our pool speech. Sooo how can we support PP and keep it from going dark? Do we need to be concerned about that? Anyone? Thanks
  1. There is no evidence that the Chinese military or that anyone in China made this.
  2. The idea is that someone with restrictive lab access (with records of such) made this and that it got out of control. Because America is in an undeclared war with China, I expect an information propaganda to obscure the reality somehow on this point.
  3. If you think that a biomaterial mistake is bad, just wait until an autonomous killing machine gets out of custody. And, later on, self assembling/manufacturing killing machines.
  4. In my opinion, all such problems lead to the same solution: sustainable/resilient small community development. Such community focuses on knowledge and control of its immediate environment and resources. A carbon life form on a carbon planet cannot be overcome by silicon life form or by bio-games if well settled into its niche.
    We need to spend our energies on our neighborhoods and small community. No time for speculation or theories because regardless of the truth, CNN/MSNBC/CIA/FBI/NSA/FACEBOOK/GOOGLE/DOD control the story and you cannot fight them. They thrive on fights and have massive weapons to succeed. We need enough information to build our defenses, and walk away. The winners are the non-TWP (television watching people) who refuse to engage in their fights. They need us more than we need them if our communities are set up and thriving.
    After this virus episode tapers off I hope that the new members of this website take a close look at what CM is doing to build resilient small community. That is the real, long term value of this website, in my opinion. This virus episode is merely an example of what kind of high power analyses CM and CM’s extended group offers members…

Look at this link
Serious study from the Lancet

Watch for yourself. My guess from watching most of them is that Wuhan is descending into chaos and a huge humanitarian crisis is underway.

People are dropping dead in china. They are dying on the streets. China hospital are filled with the dead and sicks. If US hospitals are overwhelmed the last place you want to be is in a hospital.
It is estimated (computer model) well over 100k infected in china.
Supply chains have been broken. Dead and infected people don’t go to work. Expect prices to increase all across the board.

I joined Twitter today in hopes of following the pandemic better. Zerohedge’s latest post to their website is concerning the possible " HIV insertions" into the Virus. This is getting creepy…