New Martenson Report for Subscribers

In this report I review the recent data to conclude that a recession is here right now. Don't wait to hear this fact much later on the's time to start spending and behaving like we are at the beginning of a pretty serious economic decline.

The Recession - It's Here And Now

Note: This report is for subscribers only.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Eagerly awaits chapter 20 for advice about how to "spend and behave like we are at the beginning of a pretty serious economic decline"

I’m pretty sure you, myself and every other regular on this site knows what to expect. Therefore, even if its never released, you still have all of the previous articles with all the advice.

WAIT - maybe there is something new? ha…

Chapter 20 is still coming, really folks.

The last few weeks have been incredibly hectic for Chris. The plan had been to get Ch. 20 out, and focus some time and effort figuring out how to best put the word out about the Crash Course.

Then we got hit with web site performance issues that nobody saw coming, and the need to upgrade to a new server suddenly became a time sink.

And just as all of this was going down, the economy started blowing up and the bailout bill took center stage.

Believe me, guys, Chris has been working his butt off lately. Ch. 20 will be done just as soon as humanly possible. The only thing that can make it happen sooner rather than later would be your cash donations! :slight_smile:


I know I really appreciate all the work he’s done. I think everybody else does as well. We can all be patient a little longer. Its not like he’s playing a serious game of Jenga! More like watching a serious game of Jenga, only its not a big pile of wood, its the economy that’s teetering on the brink.