NIH Emails Reveal Criminal Intent To Deceive The Public

For those who prefer to watch rather than read, Del Bigtree interviewed John Beaudoin Sr. back in January 2024:


The hubris, audacity & gall are truly staggering to witness


They can keep up their conversation, when they get adjoining jail cells.


I’d rather hear their last words from the dual head chopping guillotine. They don’t deserve to serve the rest of their days in a cell.


Poor woman. What a dreadful burden to bear – for life as it seems. HUGE kudos to her husband for his unwavering support.

I’ve had two AstraZeneca jabs and have had no side effects whatsoever – not that I’ve noticed, anyway. But after hearing this testimony and reading other reports, I do wonder when I’ll be hit by something. And not just me of course, but what about all the many hundreds of others in the city who got the AZ jab?

Ticking time bomb? Or will it pass?


We just heard this past Thursday that our nephew’s wife - a public school teacher, aged 39 - had a massive stroke last week. She is still in the hospital, for evaluation. She has no family history of stroke, and no co-morbidities that would set her up for one. Yet there it is.

Want to make a guess why a perfectly healthy, athletic 39-year old woman would have a stroke ?

While we talk to our relatives, I can’t help but say something.
Even though it will probably fall on deaf ears.

– Chuck



Autism was the practice run Chris. They still are getting away with it.

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And Julian Assange is STILL rotting in a cell

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Hotez?? Wasn’t he one of the supercilious bastards doing the jab pushing, the condemnation of “anti-vaxxers” etc etc. He now has Daszak in his sights and claiming to be all sciency and pulling the disinformation arrow on him?

I’m starting to lose count of Supercilious Bastards.
They are the Many, and we are but the Few.
Maybe it’s just me 
 But there’s more of them than we can shake a stick at.
Peter Hotez is just one example. There are hundreds more.

I guess maybe it’s hopeless, actually wishing for Justice.
At this point (since I dropped Anger Management prematurely :slightly_smiling_face:) 

I begin to wonder if Revenge is on the table.
Should it be?

– Chuck


We are millions, they are few. At some those that are awake but silent will push back and it wont be pretty. Look at the protests that have been going on around the world over the last few years. It’s just a shame that things have to get really bad before people get off their butts and do something. Complancy us huge here in Australia, but even here there were massive protests in 2021 against jab mandates. People will act when the time is right. As far as revenge goes, I personally couldn’t lay a hand on anyone. Violence only begets more violence. Karma will get them. Or God/Spirit/Whatever greater being you believe in.

Have you thought about the potential for harm from the CRISPR human gene editing efforts now underway? Sounds like potential for mass murder by disrupting a useful gene sequence?