I find it so hard to believe that there wasn’t a single person with integrity in this group of perhaps 30 or more people. If only a single one of these people stood up and told the truth, then perhaps millions of peoples lives would not have been extinguished, tens or maybe hundreds of millions or even billions of people might not have been damaged as well and the global economies would not have wasted and lost trillions in value. The value loss in trust of authority and within society is basically incalculable. Individuals, families, businesses, society, whole economies were deeply impacted by the mess these people caused.
Just imagine. Only a single voice, early in this charade could have exposed this deep corruption. I can’t say for sure but without all the shenanigans, the whole COVID debacle might have ended within 6 months with far less damage to persons, the economy and society had nothing been done except to advise vitamin d and try to stay healthy.
Doing nothing could not have been worse than what was actually done.
I suppose once they started on this path, they could not turn back from the dark side. These are mostly smart educated people, how could they not expect that eventually their lies and corruption wouldn’t be exposed. It’s unreal the actual stupidity and malice in this group.
GIven all the very clear evidence, do you think the Lancet will ever retract the Proximal Origins paper or is that too much of an admission? Certainly the reputation of that journal as well as several others and many prominent people has been permanently destroyed. Of course, we’ve also learned that medical research and medical journals only publish material that suits their desired outcome. It’s clear that medical studies as squashed or manipulated (study participants can be deleted for example) if they don’t show any predicted or desired outcome or even worse - negative outcomes where the side effects are worse than the disease…
I want to connect some more dots that perhaps have been connected previously. THEY knew this came from the lab but they didn’t know which permutation of many that they created escaped. I believe the lab escape was either in error or was released intentionally by China to mess up the US election process.
I’m sure that the bat lady and others have created many different synthetic sars viruses. The first one got out somehow, intentionally or by escape. Errors in labs are far too easy to occur and for sure this sort of research to create synthetic viruses for fun and for scientific reasons to publish papers and get government funding needs to stop immediately.
What is also clear is that the ‘vaccine’ was created in parallel with each and every synthetic virus that was in development. Why do I say this?
In January 2020, China released the genetic code for the initial virus. Within 2 days, Pfizer and Moderna had their solution to that virus which ended up being the Warp Speed Vaccine process initiated by President Trump. This virus mutated several times naturally or even perhaps coaxed by the poor treatments on offer at the time to eventually become Delta which was actually far more harmful. Delta would be a natural virus from the environment, a mutation of a mutation of many more mutations caused by natural selection. It did far more harm and damage than the original virus and previous mutations.
Sometime later, only a few months, if I recall correctly a group of what was initially described as 3 or 4 Chinese Diplomats were the first to be infected or detected with the initial Omicron variant in Zimbabwe, just above South Africa where is was sequenced and reported. It didn’t take long for the pharma companies to come up with their vaccine for the safer ‘white hat Omicron virus’ as they probably had this vaccine (useless btw) ready as part of their research years previously.
Pharma never created a Delta or other harmful variant vaccine as that takes too long a time. But they had the initial ‘vaccine’ and the Omicron vaccines ready quickly. I don’t believe the mRNA vaccine development can be so quick. These ahd to be have been created and synthesized over months or years prior.
As a conclusion, if a new MRNA solution comes out in close timing with a new virus or disease, you should feel confident they were created at the same time.
It didn’t have to be this way. Do you still remember how the world used to be in 2019? Sure it wasn’t perfect but it was far better than the dystopia that is creeping ever closer to us.