No Discernable Relationship between Vaccines and Cases

You asked:

As I've asked elsewhere, how do you know it's not the unvaccinated who will be culled in this globalist conspiracy?
If that were the case there would not be this wild-eyed desperation to push vaccines on us, or indeed any vaccines at all. The biggest vaccine pushers in the world such as Bill Gates are also depopulation fanatics, which are like two whole dots to connect. I have always wondered where I would make my last stand, and now I know. Anyone who tries to force this jab on me will be blown straight to hell where he belongs. BFYTW

So, apart from the unvaccinated hardliners like yourself, it will be the globalists, the Chinese, the Iranians, the Russians and the Africans left when this is all over? Iā€™d bet on the Russians and Chinese at that stage.

The biggest vaccine pushers in the world such as Bill Gates are also depopulation fanatics, which are like two whole dots to connect.
Maybe Bill Gates wants to give everyone a sporting chance before he releases the second virus, the one that does the culling?

Sand_puppy, thank you for sharing so eloquently your sanity.

Maybe Bill Gates wants to give everyone a sporting chance before he releases the second virus, the one that does the culling?
So from what I understand, vitamin D appears to have antiviral effects against a whole range of viruses. If I were jabbed, I'd make sure my vit-D level was good. If I were un-jabbed, I'd make sure my vit-D level was good. And by good, I mean > 50 ng/ml.

Les, itā€™s all connected, and Chris has recently posted a couple of good Three E topic videos. The Three Eā€™s are old news for us old timers, and presumably weā€™ve been preparing accordingly. Itā€™s just that the covid, pandemic, piss poor public policies, including the vaccine mandate thatā€™s got a whole lot of folks riled up, including me are all major pressures on the Three Eā€™s.
Keep stacking, keep planting, keep networking.


Thatā€™s quite the loaded phrasing to use for someone who just wants to preserve the native function of their immune system Sean. Just using the term, ā€œunvaccinatedā€ makes it seem like this group is missing something that they need. This term by itself is loaded. Are they missing something? I donā€™t happen to think so. There is a very long list of known negatives for the injections, with more entering the known category every week (reference the UK week 42 bombshell regarding poor formation of N-antibodies in the case of the vaccinated + infected). The one positive appears to be protection from the worst outcomes of a Covid-19 infection, for some period of time, in some people.
And then we are ā€œhardlinersā€. This is pretty loaded with negative connotation;

hardliner - Dictionary Definition : Search domain vocabulary.com ā€ŗ dictionary ā€ŗ hardliner hardliner: 1 n a conservative who is uncompromising Type of: conservative , conservativist a person who is reluctant to accept changes and new ideas
As a person who does interdisciplinary science research for a living, my take on these new gene therapy "vaccines" has been very cautionary from the start, even though the King of Conservatism, Donald Trump, touted them and still does. We all have to make our own decisions. I will not take the mRNA vaccine. I'm with Casey on this one. I won't though throw shade on you Sean, either directly or through passive:aggressive language phrasing, regarding your decision. We are at the end of the day in this boat together... do take your Vitamin D3.

So Jim, I have a case report from a double-vaxxed friend of mine. He got COVID about 6 weeks (or so) ago. Used ivermectin, monoclonals, and a collection of other things. Got over it in roughly a week. Seemed a bit tougher for him than for my sister.
Anyhow, just yesterday he was going to fly international, got a PCR test, and it came back positive. He reported malaise and fatigue, but no other symptoms. Is this just ā€œleftoversā€ from the infection 6 weeks ago? Or a reinfection? I told him about the nucleocapsid issue, and encouraged him to take more vitamin D. And nasal irrigation. (He was all over the nasal irrigation - if it was just fragments, hopefully the nasal irrigation will wash it out. Theoretically.). And heā€™s already doing ivermectin & more monoclonals too. Fit, in shape, athletic, 50-something.
So a re-infection? Or just fragments? Unfortunately, the PCR test didnā€™t come with a cycle threshold number on it so we canā€™t be sure.


Lots of possible answers to what is going on. Maybe he has the flu and tested positive for Covid-19 based on, as you say, fragments and a high cycle PCR test. Maybe it is a re-infection, which would be a bad, but not unsurprising find given the UK week 42 bombshell. For now ā€¦ itā€™sā€¦ you know the word; anecdotal.


I dont like being referred to as a ā€œhardlinerā€ either. I think it implies some things that arent true. Since when did wanting to be left alone to live in peace make you a ā€œhardlinerā€?
In my world those who are pushing people to do something they dont want to do are the ā€œhardlinersā€. People who are making the decision to exclude people from society or shun long time friends over a personal medical decision would strike me as the extremists in this equation.


The ā€œhardlinersā€ would be the people left over when the globalistsā€™ manufactured plague had killed off everyone who took the Covid-19 vaccines. Feel free to be offended by my choice of words when laying out a hypothetical scenario in a mocking tone.

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The FLCCC net alliance have a one page summary of the clinical trials evidence for Ivermectin in covid-19.

Iā€™m sure it will upset many people, who are emotionally and otherwise invested in the narrative that the vaccine greatly reduces the viral transmissions.

Best of Luck. Itā€™s easier for one who is self-employed as I am, well only to a degree. Iā€™m still locked out of most gigs as a performing songwriter, but I have some book projects I can do sitting at my desk surrounded by trees. However, I do fear that without pretty general non-compliance, civilization itself disappears. The people orchestrating the current biofascist coup are not civilized. They are repeating the mistakes of their Nazi forbearers who combined technical virtuosity with a kind of infantilized view of the world. They will probably not back off their agenda till they are met with overwhelming force of some kind. With enough non-compliance, we might see what has preceded the fall of tyrants traditionally. The military and law enforcement side with the people. Right now I think a lot of law enforcement and military people are getting pretty fed up with being asked to attack the Consitution they swore to defend. Hope springs eternal. Of course, if we delay till they start deploying AI robots with lazer guided munitions, it will decrease our chances of success. Every day that passes by the job gets harder.

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Iā€™m pleased to see/hear states that are not authoritarian about vaccine mandates like Florida, actively offering employment to health care providers, police, first responders, truckers, etc. who lost their jobs in other states due to refusing to comply with vaccine mandates.