No Discernable Relationship between Vaccines and Cases

"Vaccinations have been tracked, and each one provides a well-defined dose."
Josh, does well defined dose mean a certain quantity of spike proteins produced? How can we say each person's body produces the equivalent number of spike proteins as someone else? Have you seen a presentation in detail by Moderna or Pfizer about how their jabs work? Its like its all top secret. How many pro-vaccine people understand the "science" they claim to believe in? It was a surprise to me the ones I have talked to were not even aware that the "vaccine" spike proteins are actually created by a person's own body. Has anyone ever published a paper on what percent of these spike proteins escape the immune system and circulate through all the organs of the body? It may be like an explosion of small simple organic compound spike proteins that penetrate all the body's filters and barriers.

This video is powerful itā€™s 17 minutes long but shows the mandates to have a leaky vaccine and ignoring the scientific evidence of natural immunity are starting to impact the very democracy that parliament stands for.
Members of the EU Parliament held a press conference today 22 Oct 2021, to express their opposition to the vaccine mandates and their concern over the loss of civil rights and freedom.


The main speaker makes a good point that the EUā€™s precious digital certificates are now actually hampering freedom of movement, one of the sacred pillars of the EU.


OK Sean thanks for answering my questions. I can say that I now know your reasons for taking the jab, but I cant say I understand the mental process that lead to those conclusions.
It might just be that we are wired different. As I said before I dont know whether your decision will be proven to be the right one or not. I have my perspective and it seems obvious to me but I try to always consider the possibility that I might be wrong.
In answer to your questions;
Two things:

1 Wouldn't releasing a bioweapon in Wuhan be the clumsiest possible way to get it to the US? 2 Is there a trade war between China and the US?
1. Maybe but it seems to have been very effective. I havent seen any blowback on them. If you consider that the purpose of a bio-weapon is to infect appears to have been introduced very effectively, and with little or no retaliation. When you also consider that they created the bio weapon for the purpose of infecting people, then lied about its origins [ and nature ], then took steps to protect themselves while infecting the rest of the world...its hard for me to believe that all of that was accidental. Ask this, if they wanted to release a bio-weapon and avoid retaliation, could that have been achieved more effectively than it has been? The answer is no. Then you have the involvement of the NIH, Peter Daszak, his emerging relationship with Fauci... the lies by Fauci to congress about all of those facts...? Thats alot of dirt, lies, collusion, and very suspicious activity surrounding this whole thing. 2. Not

I think I remember from my boy scout days that pine needle tea is high in vitamin C. that might explain its benefits.


The direct and personal links between Daszak, Fauci and the lab in Wuhan is one of the most interesting things revealed during all this. It shows that globalism is much further along than almost all of us thought. The direct Chinese links to the lab in Winnipeg is another big piece of the puzzle:
From The Scientist:

Canadian Official Reprimanded for Withholding Winnipeg Lab Info The House of Commons rebuked the president of the Canadian Public Health Agency for not turning over sensitive information pertaining to the dismissal of government scientists from the National Microbiology Laboratory.

So the vaxxes donā€™t prevent the problem, donā€™t prevent you from causing the problem in those you interact with, might lessen the effect somewhat and make a great deal of money for the powerful organization which promotes them and insists you accept their claims on faith. How is this different from selling indulgences?


If the vaccine prevents the hospitals overflowing then thatā€™s job-well-done. If the world were populated with fewer assholes and less brainless drones Covid-19 might have been stopped in a couple of months, without a vaccine.
It is the stupidity of people and their brainless devotion to denial or religion (not governments alone) that is to blame for the ongoing spread, vaccine inefficacy and mutation of the disease. Worse than the imbeciles are the people who corral and confuse the uneducated into believing all kinds of wild fiction, for the sake of fame or profit.
If covid-19 has proven anything it is that homo-sapiens are doomed to continue cycles of disease and economic collapseā€¦ If evolution had a voice it would say ā€œhumans reap what they sew, so deserve what they getā€.


Indeed indeed, a Dutch member of the European Parliament told us yesterday that vaccine adverse effects are next to non-existent. No wonder people do not connect their cancer or heart issues to the vaxxā€¦

Anyone have any info on this? A friend just told me he has heard on the radio that a European country is going to authorize the use of IVM to treat covid instead of pushing the vaccines. He couldnā€™t remember which one. Iā€™m guessing an eastern one but it would be good to know more.

Not to mention that it seems like perhaps 1-2% of injections are inadvertently made directly into the vascular system resulting in spike protein production in the vascular enodthelial cells (blood vessel lining cells) and/or internal organs.


The past several months, like many unvaccinated people, I have experienced a great deal of discrimination and confusion about what is going on in the world. My choice to not get vaccinated had little to do with fear of the vaccines themselves, even though I am quite certain that serious adverse events from vaccines are underreported. My hesitancy regarding getting vaccinated was primarily related to unanswered questions I had about their efficacy and/or necessity in combination with serious ethical concerns about their availability and distribution in the world.
My experience:
Earlier this month, I participated in a week-long music project in the Netherlands. Our project schedule included 4 full rehearsal days and 3 concerts. We were 30 musicians and throughout the project, in addition to musical rehearsals (up to 6 hours a day), the majority of us also lived, ate, and socialized together in a communal space. Just before the project began, many Dutch rules were relaxed and thus our working conditions were essentially like pre-pandemic circumstances. Audience members were required to show proof of vaccination, recovery, or a negative test in order to attend the concert, but for everyone there was no requirement to wear a mask or socially distance.
Before the final concert I did a rapid antigen test because, as an unvaccinated person, I needed a negative test result in order to fly home after the last concert. This test result came back positive and was the first indication of a possible COVID outbreak in our project. Many in the group immediately did self tests and two of these showed positive results. The final concert was cancelled and most of the group who were still in our shared accommodation left and travelled home early. In the 24 hours following my positive antigen test result, 7 in the group (including myself) had PCR tests. By the next day all of these had come back with positive results. Over the following week reports of additional positive results continued and, ultimately, 20 of the 30 in the group tested positive with SARS-CoV-2. Not everyone in the group shared whether or not they had PCR tests and/or their test results, but most of the remaining 10 either reported no symptoms and/or negative test results.
This situation confirmed for me that my hesitancy to be vaccinated was well justified. 18 of the reported positive cases were in vaccinated individuals (all 4 types of vaccines represented). I have read that efficacy of the vaccines wanes only after 5-6 months, and mostly in elderly populations. Also, advocates for booster shots claim they ā€˜restoreā€™ vaccine efficacy to their initial levels (originally reported as 95% effective for Pfizer). However, our group were almost all under 50 years of age, and most of those people had been vaccinated in the preceding 3-4 months. ā€˜Breakthrough Caseā€™ hardly seems an appropriate term when 60% of the positive cases were vaccinated individuals.
Luckily, all of the cases in our group were ā€˜mildā€™ COVID-19, that is no one reported any serious problems with breathing, and all could recover at home. We were only 2 positive unvaccinated cases, and there was no noticeable difference between the symptoms experienced by us and the vaccinated. However, the case for natural immunity is, possibly, very strong. Two in the group shared that they had recovered from COVID in the past year and they developed no symptoms at all and tested negative. One of these ā€” still unvaccinated ā€” recovered in March. Another ā€” subsequently vaccinated ā€” recovered in July.
The most striking confirmation for me was that it is VERY easy for vaccinated people to carry and transmit the virus. It is almost certain that a vaccinated person introduced the virus to the group as a vaccinated person who tested positive was the first to develop symptoms. Also, of the three known (and likely only) unvaccinated people in the group, 2 got the virus during the project and 1 had previously recovered and experienced no symptoms or positive results. More alarmingly, many of the positive results only appeared after people had returned to their home countries by train or plane ā€” these countries included Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and the USA. Most of these people likely were travelling during their most contagious period (the 2-3 days before symptom onset), and for those vaccinated and travelling in Europe, no official negative test result was required to travel.
I believe it is also VERY likely that positive cases in the vaccinated are grossly underreported. Had I not been required to test to travel, it is quite likely that this outbreak would only have been realized a week or more later (or never). Most symptoms in most people only developed after the project ended and for most they were akin to a common cold. Several people did report loss of smell in the following week, and I suspect this may have led some people to eventually be tested. However, it also became very clear in our situation that self tests (and even some PCR tests) frequently show false negatives. For example, one person was feeling ill and was convinced of being positive, but this person had 6 negative test results (including 2 PCR tests) before producing a positive result 6 days after returning home.
Trust yourself and your intuition!
Even though I believed my own body would be capable of dealing with SARS-CoV-2, I kept with me since before the summer certain treatments on the advice of a doctor who has been researching treatments and vaccines since the beginning of the pandemic. I have no idea if what I did warded off serious illness, hastened my recovery, or prevented me from developing long-COVID (whatever that actually is). However, I share with you that after my positive test result I first took a megadose of Vitamin C (30g in 24 hours, 3g diluted in water every hour), followed by two (30mg) ivermectin tablets taken 2 days apart. At present (2 weeks after my positive result, 17 days after initial symptoms), my sense of smell is returning and I have no further symptoms.


My understanding of the T and B cells and non specific antibodies recognize families of virus, not just a specific part of a virus. Natural immunity rocks, almost every time.


Very informative post. Thank you.


People may remember my various posts here, which were made very early in this plandemic, about the part Canadaā€™s Level 4 bio lab played in the development of the pathogen, and how this Canadian labā€™s lack of security allowed the Chinese Communist bio-warfare scientists to not only RUN and MANAGE this labā€¦but allowed them to smuggle every serious virus pathogen it contained directly to the Wuhan bio-labā€¦before Canada woke upā€¦and kicked all the Chinese out.
The SARS COV 2 virus was first developed in the United States at the University of North Carolina, then it was shipped, along with other viral weapons, to the Canadian lab, where the Chinese running that lab stole itā€¦and everything elseā€¦and took it to Wuhanā€¦where these same scientists continue to work.
Shortly thereafter, Dr. Fauci contracted the Wuhan bio-weapons labā€¦and formally provided the latest SARS COV 2 developmentā€¦for them to perform specific viral enhancements of the weaponā€¦in order to allow it to be able to infect people better.
The Chinese worked on making the SARS COV 2 virus better able to infect people by figuring out a way to synthetically alter its spike-proteins to include a Prion Domain, which allowed this virus to firmly attach itself to the human ACE2 receptor, making the SARS COV 2 coronavirus the ONLY coronavirus in this virus family to possess such a Prion Domain.
I am fascinated how, at this late date, people are still being surprised by the revelation of such OLD NEWSā€¦they have been told many times before.
ā€œItā€™s confirmed! Itā€™s confirmed!ā€
Everything has been confirmed, from before the first person got the first sniffles from being infected with the first case of Covid-19. We know the entire story, all the players, all the funding organizations, all the government officials, everything.
Yet, people are still having a very hard time accepting all this historyā€¦and are fighting as hard as they can to prevent themselves coming to the realization that a deliberate human culling is underwayā€¦and that its primary means of reducing the population is via the ā€œvaccinesā€ā€¦and not the virus.


You wrote:

I am fascinated how, at this late date, people are still being surprised by the revelation of such OLD NEWS...they have been told many times before. "It's confirmed! It's confirmed!"
I'm not sure why people feel the need to pretend everyone else is a benighted idiot but here we are. In my experience, it's usually people who aren't terribly bright themselves who go through life being astonished at just how stupid everyone else is.
Yet, people are still having a very hard time accepting all this history...and are fighting as hard as they can to prevent themselves coming to the realization that a deliberate human culling is underway...and that its primary means of reducing the population is via the "vaccines"...and not the virus.
As I've asked elsewhere, how do you know it's not the unvaccinated who will be culled in this globalist conspiracy?

No one needs to pretend most people are idiots. They are. And, the higher your IQ and education, and the more effective your means of cognitionā€¦the larger the mob of idiots becomes.
If you have an IQ above 135ā€¦imagine how the rest of humanity appears?


It is obvious, really. It comes from knowing exactly what the bio-weapons AREā€¦how they were designedā€¦the tricks usedā€¦and the results seen.
It comes from having worked for the very people, who are carrying out the cull.
It comes from being trained in bio-weapons.

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No one needs to pretend most people are idiots. They are. And, the higher your IQ and education, and the more effective your means of cognition...the larger the mob of idiots becomes. If you have an IQ above 135...imagine how the rest of humanity appears?
It must be Hell for you. No wonder you look forward to the day when we've all died off and it's just you and Bill Gates battling for control of what was once the USA.
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They donā€™t. The type of people who will be left standing after this will not be to their taste at all, not one little bit. The sights they will be shown.