No Discernable Relationship between Vaccines and Cases

vis a vis electric chair; But, you didn’t die of covid :slight_smile:

Hey Canuck21
The dosage listed in English translation was .0001amps or 1 milliamp. Stated could be done with a common battery. A TENS can generate milliamps.

Differences among TENS devices

Portable TENS devices are powered by small batteries that only provide a few volts; for example, 2 AA batteries create 3 volts. Therefore, the devices must boost the low battery voltage to a high nerve stimulation voltage, requiring a specialized electronic circuit. Basic TENS devices have simple circuits that typically generate no more than 40-60 volts. Prescription devices may provide 100 volts. Quell has an advanced stimulation circuit based on a proprietary neurostimulation microchip that reliably generates up to 120 volts, which is 2-3 times higher than most OTC TENS devices.  
Didn't get the details as the original study in German. Will ask my G friends the questions and see if I can fill in. HH
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I spent over 30 years in mid-levels of toxic corporations. The two most common things you saw from upper management were absolute disregard for the well being of the rank and file and contempt for health and safety regulations. I’ve personally heard the discussion that goes: engineer-- we have a health/safety problem, management - what will it cost to fix, engineer $x,xxx, lawyer - the fine for getting caught is only $xxx, manager OK, what about the lawsuits?, lawyer - get rid of this study (copies literally disappeared from the files) and don’t do any more like this and they can’t prove negligance. We ignored the problem.
All hands meeting after a plant fatality - from managers “damn, there go our bonuses”
At a local level, you can see zoning battles decided by who has the biggest pocketbook (usually the developer, but notice the difference in outcomes between rich neighborhoods blocking relatively inoculous development and poor neighborhoods where homes are stolen by developers using eminent domain for redevelopment.
Now this isn’t like my friend who went back to india after spending all her adult life in the US. She was horrified to find she had to bribe people to get power and phone turned on. Yes, it’s in your face there - a fact of life.
Here, it used to be subtle. Now, with big money buying politicians, it’s everywhere in the US. I think elsewhere, it’s as likely to be the working and middle class who are getting the bribes. Here, the higher up you go, it appears the bigger your bribes. Rick Perry, ex governer of TX once said something like “you can’t possibly believe I’d take a bribe as small as $5000.” And of couse, often it’s not money - it’s perks and power - much harder to prove than cash you can follow.


Have circle of friends that are international ethnicities. Of 5 couples vaxxed, 2 women- 1 Brit, 1 American, both developed unexplained Afib with periodic hypertension. One within 6 months, the other within 2 weeks of second jab. All heart tests negative and no previous history of Afib. Seems too coincidental.


A thought - J&J has problems, but perhaps not the long-term ones from MNRA. So if you’re forced to be vaccinated or to end up starving under a bridge would it make sense to take the J&J at this point?
Chris, medical guys - Any thoughts?


I am seeing more and vaxxed friends and relatives with problems that look vaccine related. Often it is weakness in an arm or a leg or both limbs or generalized fatigue. Some connect these problems to the vaccine but they doubt their own judgment since TV news tells them that adverse events are “rare.” Some don’t connect it to the vaccine until I ask them how long it was after the vaccine that the symptoms appeared. At that point, they begin to suspect that the vaccine might have caused it but they “don’t know for sure.” And some seem to be okay.
Overall, I suspect that there are a large number of injuries. But it is not becoming common knowledge since groups of people are not connecting the dots due to the combination of media propaganda and self-doubt. It just isn’t becoming part of group discourse.


Most people with a steady job that they have to go to each morning were essentially mandated to get the jab. Everyone I know got the jab within a week or two of availability. All the school teachers I know, from K-12 to Uni got jab because it was made clear that you had to. Most places where people worked had the jab right there and “asked” employees if the wanted it. If you didn’t you were scheduled to work less hours, put out to work away from others, canceled, shunned, called an anti-vaxer, so most end up doing it. Being called an anti-vaxxer was something no one wanted because it also implied ignorant or conspiracy theorists.
I realize that some of you are in a position to be able to refuse the jab but most are not.
I for one do not blame those who got the jab. Sure I would love it if everyone was as well educated on all the issues as I am fortunate to be but that simply is not going to happen if TPTB have anything to say about it and they have alot to say about it.


Low vaccination counties have about 500 cases per 100K per week.
High vaccination counties have about 200 cases per 100K per week.
Maybe there are confounding factors, but I would say there is an inverse relationship between vaccination rates and case rates.

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Barbara wrote: A thought - J&J has problems, but perhaps not the long-term ones from MNRA. So if you're forced to be vaccinated or to end up starving under a bridge would it make sense to take the J&J at this point? Chris, medical guys - Any thoughts?
Barbara, Each vax has its own issues. Since there are no long-term studies, there's no way to know which one is the safest. At this point, it's best to assume all the jabs are poisonous to some extent. (After the long-term studies have been completed, and I have actual data to change my mind, I'll change my mind. Not until then.) Any excuse to avoid the jab is a good one. Are you mildly allergic to anything (e.g aspirin ... or coffee ... or whatever)? If so, claim to have allergies to one of the ingredients of the vax. Then, if your company wants to push the issue, take something to trigger your allergy just before getting tested for the ingredient you claim causes allergic reactions. That's one approach. Do you have any religious or ethical objections to having a jab that was in part manufactured using aborted fetal cells? If not, can you become a convert for the time being? Here's a website that has forms for your employer or school to fill out. The point is to insist that your HR department complete, sign, notarize, and place a copy in your personnel file while you retain the original copy that has a wet signature. Let the company know that since they require the vax as part of employment, they are legally responsible for any medical issues caused by the vax. (Imagine what that will do to their bonuses.) This appeals to their selfish greed - especially if you have others in your office you can share this with. Are there other approaches that might work? I'm sure there are. It takes some ingenuity and creativity. The rest of your life may be on the line. Give it your best, Grover

I’ve looked around a bit but can’t find anything about Dr Mikovits clarifying statements about pine needle tea counteracting spike protein manufacture in our bodies. I’ll thank you for posting that info.
As to toxicity of pine needles, yes, a few pines seem to be toxic for cattle—which might consume needles in large quantities—and some trees that aren’t pines—podocarpus macrophilla, or Japanese Yew notably—are mentioned.
So I’m not terribly worried about Long Leaf and Slash pines, common where I am, being toxic in the quantities sufficient for making an infusion. I submit that no one should be, and that it won’t be difficult to identify a species and determine if it’s toxic.

If, in 2 - 5 years from now, 10% of the vaccinated population (or 33% or 50%) is dead or disabled from the vaxx, will we look back on these dilemmas and conversations differently? Will it seem ridiculous to have debated which vaxx is least bad, or what meds/supplements to take to try to mitigate the effects of the vaxx? Will it seem short-sighted to conclude economic necessity “forced” us to get vaxxed?
Imagine the same discussions among Jews in 1942 Germany. I’ve been ordered to get on a train tomorrow for a “work camp.” Should I apply for a religious or medical exemption? What should I pack in my suitcase to make the trip more tolerable? Should I write a sternly worded letter to my elected representative? Who should I get to watch my house and shop until I get back? In perfect hindsight, these would’ve been ridiculous issues to even discuss. Radical, life-saving action was required immediately.
I guess it all depends on where this all leads eventually. Personally, I haven’t been wrong once predicting the worst possible scenarios. Yes, I’ve been early, but never wrong. Events prove me “righter” than ever every week. In a Fourth Turning, it seems planning for the worst case scenario will turn out to be more accurate than any other approach.
So, would you choose to comply with a vaxx mandate if your chance of death or disability was 10%? 33%? 66%? 90%. Would you rather be poverty-stricken for refusing to comply or dead from the vaxx? Are you willing to roll the dice that the future will not be nearly as bad as it obviously looks today like it’s going to be?


2 Likes There is further evidence of the disconnect I describe in the actions of leftists and the establishment when it comes to vax mandates in the workplace. I can’t tell you how many times I have heard the argument from covid cultists that conservatives “Might say we will refuse to comply, but when our livelihoods are threatened we will submit.” They believe this because that’s how THEY would respond. They are cowardly weaklings with no heart, no principles and no morals. They think that since they would cave in to the pressure, the rest of us would cave in as well. The past month has proven them oh so wrong as millions of people stage protests and walk outs across the country. There is even refusal among around 25% of the armed forced averaged across all branches, as well as up to 50% of city police forces. Most employers and government offices can barely function as is; there is zero chance they will be able to cope with a 10% loss of workforce, let alone a 25% to 50% loss. They would crumble. This was obviously not the plan; the globalists were not prepared for this level of resistance in the US and this is evident in their pathetic propaganda scramble. That does not mean they don’t have contingencies in place. I am already seeing a fledgling narrative in the media which is implanting the idea that any breakdown of the system in the US will actually be the fault of the unvaccinated.
Bolding by Grover to accentuate what I consider the important parts of this snippet. First off, because of the shortage of workers (due to extravagant unemployment benefits,) companies and governments aren't in a position to mandate any changes without shooting themselves in the feet. Who will blink first? Would a competitor drool at the insider knowledge you have? Unless your company is willing to pay a severance package to keep you silent, what would keep you silent? Secondly, just like a pair of rats in a cage will attack each other when electric shocks are randomly introduced, who will the vaxxed VS unvaxxed blame when things fall apart. TPTB are already formulating plans to get us to blame each other. If you're vaxxinated (my condolences,) think while you are still able about how you would respond. Are you going to blame the unvaxxed group and take your anger out on them? That's what the true perpetrators of this hoax want you to do. Don't fall for it! Finally, I will change my approach when talking to my vaxxinated friends. It used to be that once I learned of their vax status, and since they couldn't be unjabbed, I kept my opinions to myself. Now that boosters are being promoted, we're back to the point of deciding whether or not to get jabbed (again.) I will now tell them that they were ill-advised to take the original shot. There's nothing they can do about that now. Since we know that it doesn't protect them from the virus any better than those who don't get the shot, and since we know that there are adverse effects associated with the shots, and since we know that the shot confers substandard temporary immunity, and since we see that those who get the flu shot are more susceptible to the flu in subsequent seasons if they don't continue to take the flu shot ... they'd be better off getting off the booster train before it starts. Grover

Hi ?
I am curious when you mentioned of waiting until February or March to make a decision on vaccinating adolescents, is there some reason you picked that timeline? I feel like mine is years but wonder if that is even long enough. My sister-in-law is pregnant right now and has been fully vaccinated. At this time her baby is super healthy, which is great news. I am worried about this too but I’m more worried for pregnant mothers that are getting it!

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Headline in The Times of London:
“Covid in Scotland: One in three hospital patients aren’t fully vaccinated”
Now turn that around the way it should have been written based on the facts:
“Covid in Scotland: Seven in ten hospital patients are fully vaccinated”
Kind of paints a different picture…

"Almost a third of the coronavirus patients admitted to Scottish hospitals in the past month had not been fully vaccinated. Of nearly 2,500 people being treated for coronavirus symptoms, about 700 were unvaccinated and 80 had had only one dose. These two groups accounted between them for three in ten of the hospital patients."


Wow. The logical extension of that piece of contorted journalism is that the Times won’t be happy until all COVID patients are double-vaxxed and boosted on schedule.
What an evil thrall they work to cast.


MM posted this earlier today and it disappeared and was hard to find.
Really recommended. Documents the consolidation of power in key industries into the hands of a few major corporations. Then it looks at who owns those major corporations. It always comes back to the same financial firms. Firms that serve their own interests above all else.
And those same financial firms own the media. Makes the creation of unified global propaganda make so much sense.
Makes clear the big picture.

MM posted this earlier today and it disappeared and was hard to find.
I also find it very difficult to find brilliant's an area for improvement---such as "search for content by PP member" would be a super function. Thanks so much Sand_Puppy and Meme Monkey - this is a brilliant find. Kind regards, Andy

Sweetheart and I just watched “Monopoly”. The very first thing that we both noticed was: the talking head- is that Tim Gielen? It totally looked like a computer-generated thing. I didn’t see “him” blink once during his dialog. Seemed spooky…Wonder who financed this doc? Aloha, Steve.