No Discernable Relationship between Vaccines and Cases

In this comment and several earlier ones you use "they" to indicate the people in charge across a wide selection of institutions. There is no "they' in that sense. Instead we have overlapping clusters of opportunists who are largely free from accountability. We're grossly misgoverned by people who are convinced they're part of some sort of technocratic meritocracy.
But you've seen the media, the government, and the medical establishment move in lock step towards the same agenda. They've repeated the same lies...not just once but this has happened over and over again. Clearly if groups of people are constantly acting in concert towards the same goal "they" can be considered a "they"? If they are all independent, why isnt there more than one narrative and why is that narrative consistently proven wrong over and over? They are all independently making the same mistakes simultaneously?? Didnt we see the cooperation between government intel, the media, officials, and members of the deep state cooperating in lock step against president Trump every single day for four years? They told us they had proof that he was working with the Russians...high ranking officials came on TV and said they had proof, the media repeated this lie 24/7...they cooperated in a lie. 2 years of investigation found nothing. They lied. Same with the early coverage of it possible that the media [ whose job is supposed be to find the truth and report it objectively ], never asked where the disease came from and never questioned that there was a bio-lab down the block from the "wet-market"? They just repeated what the Chinese government said and called people conspiracy theorists for suggesting the obvious? That doesnt strike you as odd that they would collude in that way? Or that none of our supposed "intelligence" agencies would have raised the point? I mean you can't really believe that "they" arent cooperating, and havent cooperated to push the same agenda many many times?

Thank you, I get what you are saying but I’ll insist there is no one “they”, no one hierarchy that orchestrated both 9/11 and the Covid-19 pandemic. From everything I can tell we have a system of governance in which a handful of people can rig the game in their domain while another set of people can do the same in theirs. In other words, people in the US national security domain can arrange to have their “new Pearl Harbor” while, years later, Anthony Fauci and Peter Daszak can offshore their gain of function research and then take over the investigation when it goes spectacularly wrong. Pfizer and Moderna can then rig the vaccine roll-out while other cliques are rigging the US election. So there are overlapping cliques and alliances chattering, re-calibrating and harmonising as best they can, rather than there being one “they”.

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I think thats probably true but all the people you mentioned…Fauci, Big Pharma, the medical establishment, the mainstream media etc are all pushing the vaxx very hard. They are co-joined and all collaborating on the vaccine agenda. Does that give you pause or raise any red flags?
In other words, if you have all the known liars together in one room all telling the same lie, does that give the lie more credibility or less?


Yes I’m seeing everything you describe but it looks as though they’re far more disorganised and wrong-footed by events than they would be if it were all centrally orchestrated. As I laid out in my comment above, I think we live under an overlapping network of rigged games. They’re competent and coordinated enough to hold their positions and profit from them but not competent or coordinated enough to pull off what you describe.
How does all this relate to the Covid-19 vaccines? I think the SARS-CoV-2 was created and escaped thanks to “regulatory capture” in both Washington and China, that it really does kill and sicken people and that another heavily rigged game made Moderna and Pfizer rich with these mRNA vaccines. I took the Moderna because, in this imperfect world, it looked like the best way to keep me personally from getting ill.

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Those students of “they” like James Corbett may disagree with you, but I am not well enough versed in this area to know. It’s very complex for sure, with interlinks between WEF, Davos, CFR, etc. It’s a web, maybe a messy one. Somewhere near or at the top are the bankers because at the end of the day, it’s all about the system of money, and control thereof. This is the crown jewel.
My natural place in the information wars is fighting the coerced scientism with real science. I invoked “they” because without at least awareness and acceptance of some version of that framework, one can get very distracted and stuck. There is still a chance for many to progress in their awakenings and find the reason and courage to avoid the boosters… Best regards, Jim


“Fauci, Big Pharma, the medical establishment, the mainstream media etc are all pushing the vaxx very hard”. I’ve been listening to them as little as possible. I’ve been making my judgements based on information I’ve gathered here and elsewhere.

I think the SARS-CoV-2 was created and escaped thanks to "regulatory capture" in both Washington and China,
When you found out that China prevented travel from Wuhan to the rest of China during the outbreak, but allowed travel from Wuhan to the rest of the world did you assume that was an oversight or just irresponsible? Do you think there might have been intent behind that decision? Do you think that this outbreak coming on the heals of a trade war with China was coincidental as well?

“If that proves true, vaccinated people will become increasingly dependent upon boosters to fight the virus. Or: once hooked, a person can become hooked for life.”
I had the foresight to contact my dumb MP last year – who just happens to be UK shadow health secretary:
“I don’t fancy having to go to a biotech company every quarter for the latest ‘patch’ – we’d be the perfect captive market & they’d have the ultimate growth industry… It would be such an easy stunt to pull off as well – holding entire nations to ransom…
Another speculative post I made recently: it ties into the One Health doctrine with personalised medicine & gene therapy applied through the mighty needle, & people being packed into UN-style ‘smart cities’, while large swathes of countryside/farmland are reforested.
I reckon the mRNA jabs are loaded with all different kinds of experiments in each batch… Before the pandemic, there was no way that this new kind of volatile biotech would be rolled out en masse, but in a man-made crisis… The fact that there is no strict quality control or needle-aspiration requirements, is also very telling…
Your quarterly ‘patch update’ will be linked to your social credit score… People favoured by the state may even get their lives extended – whereas ‘the new deplorables’ will have their IQ & life-expectancy lowered etc., a bit like Brave New World. You could still go rural or off grid, etc. & live life as nature intended – away from all the AIs & trans-humans.


I read this this morning and wanted the tribe to read it also. This is only my 2nd ever post because I usually prefer to listen than speak (or write as the case may be) I just felt it really fits the bill!
A Call for Freedom
The President, his advisors/handlers, Representatives, Senators, State Governors, Representatives, Senators as well as City Mayors and Local elected officials.
There is currently an apparent misunderstanding (by most of you listed above) regarding how this country is supposed to function and the principles for which it has proudly stood for more than 245 years.
A war weary former President said it best, “that these dead shall not have died in vain, that this nation, under God shall have a new birth of FREEDOM and that government OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, and FOR THE PEOPLE SHALL NOT perish from this earth!”
Historically, very few of you (listed above) have sacrificed or gave your lives, lives of your family members or livelihoods in defense of this country. Being elected to a political office has NOT for at least a century, been real service, but a means of self-enrichment! By the greatest of margins in every conflict of this great nation, it’s been THE PEOPLE who have paid the price for FREEDOM with their lives, bodies and minds.
With this in mind, it is abundantly clear that you have your elected positions in OUR government and that means YOU WORK FOR US! The above war weary President mentioned above understood this. Currently, it is becoming abundantly obvious that YOU DO NOT. We THE PEOPLE are the ones that tell you what to do! The constitution allows you only very limited authority to mandate anything to THE PEOPLE without due process of law. Nothing in that authority includes what we do with our bodies, how we choose to live our lives or how we raise our children!
Unless your goals and or desires are to become Dictators, Chairmen members of the Chinese Communist Party or Officials of the Politburo, CEASE AND DESIST with your current course of actions. We THE PEOPLE can readily prepare our own actions if you don’t!
PS: PEOPLE, Elected and unelected officials in your government are lying to you, deceiving you with manipulation of the media, censoring any dissenting opinions, killing you with medical mandates and allowing no legal process. They are ultimately attempting to take direct control of every aspect of your personal life for their own profit and agenda. “WAKE UP—THE PEOPLE!” (The totalitarians are coming HERE!)


I add in brackets what I claim you are slipping in without saying it directly:

Perhaps "vaccine passports" is the wrong framing. Parents regularly have to show proof of vaccination for their children to get them into school [And of course we all agree that this is a good idea]. I consider the current vaccine requirements analogous.
I think you will find some pushback here on the hidden assumption in bracketsl  

Active infection? That would be silly because infection status could change quickly. How often would people get tested?
Antibodies? More likely. But as we know from the NHS vaccine effectiveness reports, antibody tests can test for spike protein (S) antibodies (from vaccination or infection) and nucleocapsid (N) antibodies, from natural infection only. So what would it be? And would both infection and vaccination count?
And of course, the privacy implications and the reputation of the WEF make this a no-go for me right from the start.

I was accompanying a family member to the ER and visiting them in a shared room - numerous times. During this time, I was close enough to perhaps 10-15 other patients to have an idea what their issue was. In this time I saw sever tremors in a recently vaccinated 70ish woman, a seizure in a youngish woman in a wheelchair in the ER, a highly likely severe case of myocarditis in a 20ish woman, a 40ish woman with little bruises all over her body and a 50ish woman who could not lift either arm above her shoulder post 2nd dose. During this time, I heard from friends and family about 2 seizures in a person with no history, a stroke and a new Parkinson’s diagnosis post 2nd dose. Since then, I’ve heard about 2 more: vestibular disequilibrium post second dose with at least one relapse that started with a seizure or loss of consciousness, and a new diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis.
All from a relatively small group of people I would know about.
I was also aware of the utility of HCQ, IVM, vitamin D, quercetin, vitamin C, zinc, etc.
No way I was going the vaccine route.

When you found out that China prevented travel from Wuhan to the rest of China during the outbreak, but allowed travel from Wuhan to the rest of the world did you assume that was an oversight or just irresponsible? Do you think there might have been intent behind that decision?
China did that because they look out for themselves. Closing off Wuhan from the rest of China was good for China. Whether other countries banned flights from Wuhan was their problem, as far as the Chinese were concerned.
Do you think that this outbreak coming on the heals of a trade war with China was coincidental as well?
Two things: - Is there a trade war between China and the US? - Wouldn't releasing a bioweapon in Wuhan be the clumsiest possible way to get it to the US?

My gf’s mother (early 80s, overall pretty healthy) now has afib from time to time post-vax. Last week she woke up with afib, and took a dose of her meds to control it. No effect. Took a second dose. No effect. Then got all cold and clammy and dizzy and fainted dead away. Was rushed down to ER but doctors couldn’t find anything. Sent her home. She’s been okay for the week since.


Are the electric fields weak enough that the spike proteins could be destroyed in vivo?

I wish the comment section nested replies into threads, so I’m sorry if this has been covered already, but Josh’s links did get me thinking. Although increases in COVID cases are unrelated to vaccination status there does seem to be noticeable trends between total case counts and levels of vaccination in the county level data. Take a look at figure 2 of the study.
From 0-30% there seems to be no effect, then the case rates steadily drop between 30-55% vaccinated. Above 55% there is no apparent benefit from additional vaccinations.
My takeaway from this study is that once around 55% of the population is vaxed (presumably the old and vulnerable) the marginal benefit on case counts from pushing the vax on the rest of society is indistinguishable from zero.


I didn’t read all the comments, but does anyone else see that this analysis completely ignores the NPIs being relaxed in tandem with vaccination rates? Seems to me like its a massive factor that ruins this narrative. Where I am life is basically normal (despite Delta) except for the creepy passports and annoying masks.


We are currently being decimated by our own corrupt & lying western governments - so encouraging people to point fingers at China would be a potent act of misdirection for the power elites…


Jwherr, compare your experience to mine. You say your life is basically normal, but there are creepy passports and annoying masks. The level of NPI’s you are experiencing now are more than what we had at the height of the pandemic last winter.
Where I live (44% vaxed) there are no creepy passports anywhere. Also no mask requirements except in hospitals. My child’s pediatrician doesn’t even require masks in his practice. Their school doesn’t either. Maybe 1 out of 10 people at any store are wearing them.
So no, they didn’t take NPIs into account, but the higher vaxed areas have more NPI’s still in place than lower vaxed areas. If you believe NPIs make a difference ( I don’t) that would actually weaken the relationship between higher vax = lower cases.


Grover- If the virus has mutated away from the gene therapy, then taking a booster that makes the same exact spike protein will not re-boost your immunity. Each booster would have to have the spike protein, or whatever protein they select, to target the new variant, which they are not doing. This reminds me of the definition of insanity.