No Discernable Relationship between Vaccines and Cases

I tell you what you must do, for your own good.


Looked this up per N.L.'s comment. Kindly sent me German link.
Mild electrical current, .0001 amps can stop spike proteins.
I have heard in an interview that the substance in the vaccine responds to a positive charge to “activate.” I don’t know particulars other than what this reference states about the German Hassel University findings.

Electric fields inactivate the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein

According to the current scientific consensus, the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus primarily spreads through the air. Making the virus harmless there is a promising way of reducing the risk of infection indoors. A German research team has now shown that the spike protein on the coronavirus, which the virus uses to penetrate cells, can be deactivated using electrical fields. This technology could be used in air filter systems, for example. Dandelion lef extract also blocks them.  

Sow and thou shalt reap
Edit: I noticed too many similarities in responses of certain posters, some are here to sow confusion. Not saying JG is one of them, but it is my opinion he is one of them
 Just like a few others. There are some signs: some of these posters give an answer to any counter argument with “@so and so” to feign that they are good listeners, while hijacking whole threads, and stirring up emotions. Others seem to reply, but actually they are in a continuous loop, just like Brandon and his fake news spreaders.
Sure, we are in the midst of something we were never in before in our lives. Discussion is needed as the whole thing develops. And yes, I personally believe that a discourse is very important to not turn into an echo chamber. But, as soon as someone starts to either misrepresent facts, or proclaim that authority and compliance trumps freedom, I’m done with this poster.
The majority of posters here are too polite imo. This is btw a good sign, it means that the majority respect other peoples opinions. And they allow themselves and others to doubt.
There is a phrase of a Dutch poet: “alles van waarde is weerloos”. Without paying attention to the alliteration, this roughly translates to:
everything of value is defenseless


Joshua posted:

I just disagree with Chris's confidence that the study he presented here establishes a lack of efficacy
  My Mother-in-Law went on an airplane trip sponsored by a travel agent with her walking friends. They were two groups of 17 and part of a much larger group. The surprise destination was Albania. She came back home a few weeks ago, and out of the 34 people that formed the two groups - 25 have come down with COVID-19 (74%). Now you can say that inspite of being double-vaccinated the vaccine was not very effective. Or you can say, the Albanians did not respect distancing measures and face-masks; only around 30% of their population is vaccinated. Thankfully through, by being fully-vaccinated, I only came down with a mild case. I have been vaccinated against all sorts of things during my life. In France politicians and police do not have to be vaccinated. You get the idea?
I'm also not sure it's true that the manufacturers have zero liability.
Manufacturers have zero liability. Your being not sure doesn't alter this. Wiki is a source that's captured by Pharma. Hundreds of billions in revenues - per year - are at stake. So Wiki shall be captured.
I have no doubt that the vaccines are profitable, but I imagine that any medical solutions to COVID deployed at the necessary scale would be similarly profitable.
Yep. That's why the Trusted News Initiative is in place. Nothing must disturb this money train that comes only once in a generation. A virus funded by NIH, implemented at the WIV, escaped from the lab, with the "solution" patented by Pharma well before the "leak", with Pharma's patented product mandated by governments worldwide. Man, its GOOD to be a Pharma shareholder.
I understand being suspicious of Pharma.
Well, only because they are serial felons, responsible for killing hundreds of thousands if not millions, and have repeatedly shown they do not care whether we live or die. Just like the tobacco industry. Liberals used to believe this. "Unsafe at any speed." Now that's a Liberal. Where is the modern Ralph Nader, who understands that corporations are endemically corrupt? Because - "maximize shareholder value." Josh you aren't a liberal. You're a corporate tool. Either a paid tool, or a volunteer tool. From this distance, I can't tell which one.
I too believe in choice in general, but this is an unusual situation.
Clearly you don't *really* believe in choice, or else you'd grant us all bodily sovereignty. My body my choice. Pharma doesn't believe in choice either. All must be coerced into taking their product. Gosh. What a profitable viewpoint. Which you share. Because - "unusual situations." Unusually profitable, for sure. So a bunch of Plebes must die? Who cares! Not Pharma. There are an almost infinite number of Plebes. Just another day at the office. HIV patients get to decide - all on their own - whether or not to take ARV medicine. ARV is not mandated. And arguably, HIV is a much more deadly disease than COVID19. And mandate "for the greater good"? Why might that be? HIV patients are allowed free will. (How long will this last, I wonder?) For COVID, under age 30, there is virtually zero mortality. COVID is typically a 3-day affair. Especially with early treatment. And the vaccines neither prevent infection or transmission. So we mandate the mostly-invulnerable youth take them? That only benefits Pharma. Certainly not the youth. If it weren't such a profitable policy, I'd call it idiotic. So given the structural incentives in place, I must conclude that the policy is actually corporate-sociopathic-maximize-shareholder-value. No liability, after all. You remind me of all those smart people running marketing for GM back in the 60s who told us all that the Corvair was a fine automobile. Except, in reality, it was Unsafe at Any Speed. And people died as a direct result. I guess we get to re-learn the lesson of structural corporate sociopathy every generation. "Maximize shareholder value" without liability is a license to kill people for profit. Man. Its almost as if that EUA law was put into place for this very situation. Unsafe at Any Speed.

You see everyone as innocent victims - incapable of personal agency, & absolved of unethical decisions or bad life choices, but just found an old 2007 post from Chris Martenson:
“It truly seems that unless one is willing to take control of and responsibility for one’s own outcomes, then bad outcomes are the result.
It is a direct mechanism for health where people’s poor dietary and lifestyle choices lead to ‘diabesity’ and all the metabolic disease issues that result.
But it goes well beyond that where we’ve ceded responsibility and control for a huge number of vitally important things including food, entertainment, security, and everything else vitally important but which can be co-opted and sold back to us.
It feels good to be among those who are actively resuming responsibility for ourselves, our loved ones and the future.”
The image which started this debate:


Brushhog wrote:

Most of the people who were vaxxed [ the overwhelming majority ] got vaxxed BEFORE the mandates were in effect. so, yeah they made a choice. They chose to believe people who have lied, manipulated, cheated and stole from them over and over again for decades.
Yes, those of us who got the vax earlier in the year chose to do so and did so without the strong coercion we've seen since early September. I got it because:
  • Pandemics are real and have happened in the past. Eg. the Hong Kong flu of '68
  • The excess mortality rates around the world are real
  • Even countries, like Russia and Iran were taking Covid-19 seriously and reporting lots of deaths. They aren't part of the Washington / Davos consensus, so why would they be playing along with a massive hoax led by the West?
So as a vaccinated person I'm not a victim and I'm not an oppressor; I'm just someone who made a different call than you did when faced with this Covid-19 thing.

FWIW Sean I agree with you. I’ve got smart friends who made the same choice you did. The whole “vaccine” branding was marketing genius. I have a friend who was in the military and was vaccinated for some large number of situations. Nothing bad happened to him, so he assumed the same thing would be true for this “vaccine” too.
But at this point - with the shots clearly failing, and with the coercion ramping up even higher - things are looking pretty creepy.
Me, I’m just naturally suspicious of Pharma. And the “No Treatments For You” campaign made me incredibly suspicious. When Fauci kneecapped HCQ back in April 2020 - it took me maybe a month or two to really internalize what had just happened, but once I did, I started assuming the worst. (Jim’s forum post: “Hydroxychloroquine And The Globalist Deep State” sure was prophetic.) And when all Fauci did was pump vaccines - I just assumed they were bad news.
Plus I knew my risk was low. And I had family who had been through the illness and came out fine.
And did I mention early treatment?
But if I didn’t know all that stuff - what would I have done? I don’t know.


Option #4 should be called Body Autonomy.
Authoritarians like to gloss over their premises. What’s the premise being side-stepped here?
That viruses have no place in the symphony of life and that it is humanity’s destiny to circumvent the role they play in our biosphere.
We can jokingly call this “Viral Rights”.
Seriously, though: instead of humility at how a microscopic entity can bring us to our knees, we just stack on more hubris, inspiring such nonsensical ideas like contact with germs and microbes is somehow inhumane or gasp! alien to the Earthling experience.
What is entirely unorthodox is the charade being played out by the highest levels of power on Earth.

  • Pandemics are real and have happened in the past. Eg. the Hong Kong flu of '68
  • The excess mortality rates around the world are real
  • Even countries, like Russia and Iran were taking Covid-19 seriously and reporting lots of deaths. They aren't part of the Washington / Davos consensus, so why would they be playing along with a massive hoax led by the West?
I agree, you're not a victim. You made a decision that may turn out to be the right one. But let me ask you never occurred to you after all the lies and/or errors in judgement [ not transmissible human to human...2 weeks to flatten the curve...masks, suppressing treatments etc, etc ]...that the same people who made all those mistakes and told all those lies, might be lying and/or mistaken again?? Especially now that we know without much doubt that the "pandemic" came from a lab? And that they lied about it, calling it a "debunked conspiracy theory" repeatedly? Or that the people pushing the vaccines were directly involved in the creation of the disease itself? Im not judging your choice, Im just trying to understand it. To me, it was so glaring and ridiculous that I dont fully understand the process by which somebody makes the decision to trust what they are told by these people. [As far as other countries like Russia, etc going along with it, it came out that pretty much the world was taking it's information from the WHO, which it later turned out was carrying water for the CCP. Literally mimicking whatever talking points the CCP put out without any investigation, etc. The USA cut funding to the agency because it was felt that their organization was compromised and lacked credibility for that reason. All of that came out before the vaccines were available, so you knew all that going in.] Again, Im not criticizing, Im trying to understand. It might be that I overlooked something or are viewing your decision from the wrong perspective. It honestly baffles me.
JoshuaGreen wrote: I too believe in choice in general, but this is an unusual situation. We've accepted other vaccine mandates, so it takes something beyond a desire for personal choice to argue against the ones right now. Personally, I'd prefer to see a mandate that gave individuals a choice to
  1. get vaccinated, or
  2. submit to regular testing, or
  3. (somehow) demonstrate immunity from a prior infection.
However, I wouldn't be in charge of implementing (2) and (3), and if those that would be see them as impractical then I'm not sure I'm in a position to argue.
Joshua, I get the sense that you are willing to sacrifice our liberty for a personal feeling of security. You want proof that prior infection immunity is worthwhile, yet you don't question the immunity that supposedly comes from getting the jab. If you value science as much as you allude, you'd realize that viruses make mistakes during the replication process - not with every copy - but enough that new combinations occur frequently. Many of these mutations are dead-on-arrival. Those that are able to slink around whatever immunity the host has - can infect other cells and generate copies of itself. If enough are made, the viruses escape the host to infect other hosts. It's just what viruses do. Coronaviruses are particularly adept at this process. The common cold is caused by a coronavirus. Have you ever heard of a successful vaccine against this? There are none that work long term because of the mutations. The same thing is going on with Sars-Cov2. It should be obvious that the various variants have mutations that allow the virus to bypass whatever immunity (natural or injected) stands in its way. For instance, the original Sars-Cov2 contained a Furin cleavage site in the spike proteins which is denoted by the amino acid sequence as PRRA. The Delta variant has mutated this sequence as RRRA. That was enough to make the original vaxxine essentially useless. That's why having booster shots is so critical. Of course, those will become equally useless over time (because viruses will mutate around the jabs.) How many jabs are you willing to accept? You better plan on accepting them for the rest of your life. Have you considered that? Wouldn't it be better to focus on giving your body the tools it needs to keep pathogens from causing disease? We used to get sufficient nutrition from our food. With the advent of modern farming and supermarket marketing, nutrition isn't as important as having produce that looks ideal. Nutrition takes a back seat at best. More below your quote, but this is an appropriate time to introduce more of your written thoughts.
Earlier in your post, you wrote: I understand being suspicious of Pharma, but accepting claims like those I see around here takes so much more than that. It's not enough to be skeptical of a company (say Pfizer); one has to similarly be skeptical of the other vaccine manufacturers, as well as our CDC and FDA, as well as the similar institutions around the world, as well as anyone who is reporting positively on the vaccines. Maybe you've reached a point where that set of beliefs makes sense to you, but I'm just not there.
Have you heard Fauci (or any of the vax-mad scientists) suggest taking vitamins/minerals to augment what used to be naturally sufficient levels in our food? I haven't. I have heard from others that Fauci takes vitamin D, but he won't suggest that to the populace who pay his wages. Does that instill trust in your mind? What else is he hiding? Why would he hide this basic information? It isn't just Fauci. Why can't doctors practice medicine as they see fit? Why can't a doctor prescribe hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin? Frankly, it's because big Pharma can't make money if these treatments get used. Just like a virus, big Pharma has mutated to become more successful. They found that being a shield for doctors against law suits makes doctors more likely to prescribe "approved" medications. After all, if a doctor prescribes an approved medication for symptoms that said medication is approved, their liability diminishes markedly. Surely, you can see that isn't just a coincidence. It goes deeper. Who is the biggest advertiser on Prime Time TV? Watch the nightly news on any commercial station and focus on the commercials. The majority are pharmaceutical related. Rhetorically, have you ever boycotted a business because you didn't agree with one of their business practices? Imagine if you were big enough and spent enough to influence management's decisions. Would you approve of any news story that contradicts the messages you promote? Would the management get the hint if you threatened to take your business elsewhere? And what about politicians? The first rule in politics is that you can't "do good" if you aren't elected. The corollary is that you can't continue to "do good" if you don't remain elected. As soon as the election is over, politicians start looking for funding for the next election. Campaign contributions flow in when politicians grant little favors. The little favors are loopholes in the laws they pass. Just like the mainstream media, would politicians bite the hand that feeds them? The FDA is about half funded by fees generated from reviewing and approving drugs. The other half is supplied by politicians who are keenly interested in keeping their watchdogs on a tight leash. Have you noticed that bigwigs in FDA get cushy jobs in big Pharma after retiring? Does that raise any red flags for you? I could go on and on. Hopefully, your eyes are a bit more open. There is corruption throughout the system. It doesn't take a conspiracy theorist to develop some grand scheme. It happens in little ways that all support the same direction (more money and more power.) Unfortunately, bright-eyed individuals buy the rhetoric and naĂŻvely push it on the rest of us. The bottom line is that I truly believe the jabs are detrimental because of their prion "zippers". It should be obvious that the shots have a shelf life of just a few months of "protection" before viral mutations bypass that protection. I'm saddened that you (and others) so willingly accept and promote the vaxxines without concern that there are no long-term studies to prove these jabs are safe and effective. Worse still, you would likely vote to force me to receive the jab. I find that reprehensible. Grover

Correction, JG is willing to sacrifice our freedom, not only his


Speaking as a UK citizen, I don’t think it’s ever had a vaccine mandate except in, er, 1853.
The 1853 law mandated vaccination of children against smallpox, which had a fatality rate of, er, 70%. Aaargh 
 70% is very different from 0.05%, 0.15% or whatever the IFR really is in the mass of the population who are susceptible to it. Not all are; see Diamond Princess (Feb. 2020) et al.
 land of liberty (relatively, anyway).
The government has tried to mandate the jab for care home workers but it’s almost certainly acting unlawfully. Unfortunately, you need knowledge and £££ to fight it or if you wait to get fired you still need those resources to take the ex-employer to a tribunal.
I don’t know if this new authoritarianism will sweep our liberties aside. Norway, Sweden and Denmark all take freedom seriously - Sweden’s lack of lockdown in 2020 was because the Swedish constitution prohibited it - and all I think have abandoned vaccine passports. You can also I read take an internal flight within those three countries without your private medical data being relevant.


In this comment and several earlier ones you use “they” to indicate the people in charge across a wide selection of institutions. There is no "they’ in that sense. Instead we have overlapping clusters of opportunists who are largely free from accountability. We’re grossly misgoverned by people who are convinced they’re part of some sort of technocratic meritocracy.
So what’s a person supposed to do when presented with yet another pandemic out of the Far East? A person should take it seriously. The fact that it escaped from a lab doesn’t change that. A potential threat had been introduced in Wuhan and so labs around the world produced different vaccines in response. In my corner of the world, only two of them were available when I became eligible at the end of May, so I took one. Why? In order to reduce my risk of getting sick from Covid-19.
The malpractice of journalists, politicians and bureaucrats was mostly a distraction when trying to decide what to do for your own health once Covid-19 was out there. A person can still get sick or die from something created in a lab and allowed to spread worldwide.
We’re governed by stupid, selfish and malicious people and we have to navigate around the messes they make. There is no “they” carrying out one grand and elaborate plan though.

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I was at a party some time ago, everyone knows that me and my wife were the only unvaxxed persons there. They are still good friends and acquaintances. There were also some eldery people, and persons with co-morbidities. I fully understand their decision. So, for now I’m in a cosy respectful bubble, but I notice that also here cracks are appearing

What strikes me is that on PP, as compared to many other sites and social media, you will hardly find any anomosity towards vaxxed, or unvaxxed. If some harsh words, or derogatory descripions are used, it is mainly because people are disappointed, and they usual will also mention that.
In the end, this stupid virus and vaxx-thing are just some hurdles on our road, in the end, we have to find a way to cope with the three E’s, all of us, not some of us.


Grover, well written!
A lie told often enough, gets believed to be truth. Psychologist have deeply studied the Nazi propaganda machine and identified, a person has to hear a lie 9 times to believed to be true. TNG Picard episode is enlightening.


To piggy-back on Grover’s response to Joshua, there’s also this from England’s Vaccine Surveillance Report, week 42.
The report looks at blood samples from blood donors. On page 23, the authors note that the testing showed high rates of S antibodies. They think the observed rate in the sample population is likely higher than in the general population: “Seropositivity estimates for S antibody in blood donors are likely to be higher than would be expected in the general population and this probably reflects the fact that [blood] donors are more likely to be vaccinated.”
On the other hand, the blood samples also indicate “Seropositivity estimates for N antibody will underestimate the proportion of the population [that has been] previously infected.” That is due to several things:
(i) “blood donors are potentially less likely to be exposed to natural infection than age matched individuals in the general population.”
(ii) “waning of the N antibody response over time,”
(iii) “N antibody levels appear to be lower in individuals who acquire infection following 2 doses of vaccination” (according to “recent observations from UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) surveillance data”)., pg. 23.
It’s the third finding that holds a nugget of worrying information. It says that natural immunity to SARS-CoV-2 appears to be lower in individuals who have had 2 doses of the approved vaccines than in those who have had no vaccines. Put that another way: it’s saying that natural immunity appears partially or fully prevented by a double dose of the vaccine.
If that proves true, vaccinated people will become increasingly dependent upon boosters to fight the virus. Or: once hooked, a person can become hooked for life.
Expect every booster shot to further degrade T-cell functionality, hence innate immune response. This, to me, is like assaulting the body with too much sugar, only to become dependent upon the very substance that is slowly killing you by gradually then suddenly compromising the function of most every organ and system.
Worse, if T-cell function is suppressed, the body becomes less able to manage or fight off other viruses, which might explain the increasing finding that people are surfacing other diseases and maladies post-Covid vaccination.
This path does not serve the welfare of the human species over the long term. I think the vaccinated will largely regret it over time. And were I vaccinated, I would be aggressively following the FLCCC protocol for exposure toot sweet, and then the long haul treatment regime for, I don’t know, a very long, long time. But under everything, I would be certain my Vit D level was consistently above 50 ng/ml blood.


Even with all of the required testing for the unvaccinated to work, go to events, travel, etc? I think this is true even in many red states and certainly true in red counties within blue states. In my area, I see most of the vaccinated still behaving as if their invincible. I wouldn’t expect them to choose to get tested. It would be great to assemble real data on this to settle the question.


Sean wrote,

We're governed by stupid, selfish and malicious people and we have to navigate around the messes they make. There is no "they" carrying out one grand and elaborate plan though.
I can't tell you exactly who the "they" is, nor the pecking order among the "theys", but they is out there. Many of us were schooled on "they" when we realized 9/11 was not an organic action conceived by a bunch of middle Eastern terrorists, rather these guys, to the extent that they even existed on the planes that day, were patsies set up by some of "they". They exist. Knowing "they" exist is actually the only way that all that we know about the virus, the response, and the incredible lockstep tyranny makes sense, if you think about it. I understand you are fighting cognitive dissonance... you need to get through it and see clearly. You have been programmed Sean... many of us here are willing and able to help you on your path to the red pill. In the context of Covid-19 and these mRNA shots... you have another choice coming up; Booster or no booster. Let's keep talking...

I’m doing what you described in your last paragraph and am recommending it to other vaccinated people as well.