No Discernable Relationship between Vaccines and Cases

I think there is a big percentage of people who just follow what they perceive as the strongest, loudest voice in the room. Its hard for people like myself and many others here not to despise that trait.

"I don’t come here as often as I use to because the content has changed. Having said that, in my occasional visits, I haven’t seen any 3 E content." If we all start dropping out like flies as the empire nears its final days, you won't need to worry much about your 3Es....

totally blame a third party for another person’s actions - you take away their agency & absolve them of unethical/bad life-choices.”
Oh the old blame the victim argument
There are two parties, the liers and the lied to.
You take away someones agency, their free will, and their freedoms by lying to them then MANDATING that lie and back it up with real punishment.
Are the several billion people who got the jab acting of their own free will? Acting with agency. Acting unethically?
The cartoon you posted and your comments say that you think they are. WRONG!

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It is the belief in the moral and legal right for government to violate the individual rights of its citizens.
An authoritarian wants, or at least does not object to, government mandates of any kind. He wants to FORCE people to wear masks, get a jab, eat their veggies, go to this church instead of that one, whatever.
The libertarian is the antithesis. He believes in the sanctity of individual rights - that the government nor other individuals may use FORCE to compel others against their wishes.
The last few years have seen a shocking rise in American public tolerance of authoritarianism. The corporate switch from colorblind policies to explicit racial quotas via DEI policies, for instance, or the Big Tech silencing of dissent. The public’s unwillingness to tolerate dissent in the public square shows we’ve moved far from a freedom-loving culture and are now in position to adopt an outright authoritarian government.


Not really, but I’m tempted to reply to around a dozen of the recent comments.
There’s a lot to agree with in all of them. I hope the people being replied to aren’t taking the replies too personally. Vaccines, vaccine passports, access limitations, etc. are deeply emotional subjects, undoubtedly because of how much they impact us and our freedoms.
Most of the people I know, including family members, still put an enormous amount of faith in the mass media. They can’t comprehend how much everything in our system has been corrupted. The lies are so massive and deep that it defies the imagination of almost everyone. It’s in part because of decades of indoctrination, in part because as non-psychopathic people they can’t understand how anyone could do these things.
As to people waking up and understanding that COVID was a plandemic and continues to be used as a vehicle to destroy our freedom and control society I’m not an optimist. I have the unfortunate experience of having been involved in the 9/11 truth movement for its first 10 years. The dedicated researchers in that effort uncovered the details of most aspects of that crime. Almost everything about how it was accomplished and covered up were well known when I stopped following it 10 years ago. The remaining details may have been filled in by now, I don’t know.
The important thing here is to treat each other with respect and try to educate one another about not only what’s going on but practical steps we can take to protect each other from the worst of what is yet to come.
Don’t denigrate people on the site just because they haven’t grokked everything that you have. Don’t look down on them just because they cling to hope in the system or in the people they know.
I probably went too far myself in calling Joshua “hopelessly naive”, I’m sorry Joshua.

US ARMY FLIGHT SURGEON IS GROUNDING “VACCINATED” PILOTS, CITING DEATHS, CALLS FOR HALT TO SHOTS FOR MILITARY OCTOBER 2, 2021 PUBLIUS 3 COMMENTS.... US Army Flight Surgeon, Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long, swore out an affidavit which recommends the grounding of all “vaccinated” pilots. Lt. Col. Long wrote: “Today I received word of one fatality and two ICU cases on Fort Hood; the deceased was an Army pilot who could have been flying at the time. All three pulmonary embolism events happened within 48 hours of their vaccination. I cannot attribute this result to anything other than the Covid 19 vaccines as the source of these events. Each person was in top physical condition before the inoculation and each suffered the event within 2 days post vaccination” According to the link you just provided, DR. Das, the pilot recently had his 3rd jab.

I guess we all try or maybe try to see different levels of awakeness or enlightenment.
I, like most people , always knew that there was corruption wide and deep. With the government and the media. and even big-tech. Anywhere there is money, there is going to be corruption. I always thought at a local level , the US had more governing integrity. It wasn’t like you could hand a cop a 50 and get a pass on a ticket or some other small offense. Or like you were going to bribe a judge and your crime would disappear. This can be done in other countries. And I could never understand those things. Also paying for kids to get into good schools and not on their merits etc. We just didn’t have this in the US. But there has always existed corruption in the federal government in the US. Congress has no problem taking lots of money from special interests but a kid playing football at college cant get some free shoes from girl who thinks he’s cute. This, i could never understand. Then there are laws and polices that are made to favor the special interests and those congressmen and their friends. Congressmen and other officials think that laws do not apply to them. People who get in their way are arrested with federal laws so ambiguous and far reaching that each and everyone us are basically criminals in the eyes of federal law. And they can and have arrested the whistle blower long before the offender. Then there is the federal coercion. You want your money for schools, you have to do this, you want your money for roads you have to do this
 etc etc 
 then states stopped governing and the federal government became dictator of all. This state off affairs has existed a long long long time in the US. We also know that drug companies will do anything to bury cheap treatments and they do it all with the help of the FDA. We know that licensing boards have and will only back “approved treatments” so doctors have been violating their oaths in a medicine for profit system for very very long time as well. AND we should all have noted that there is no money in keeping people healthy.
You would have to be both blind and and idiot if you did not see this happening. We should all have always been this awake. So, if you were not this awake, you have some serious mental limitations. I am not going to mince words here. Because, I am sure that 99% of the people on this site were well aware of those affairs for a long time. However, though this stuff has always existed, and I was aware of it, I never could have dreamed that the people “SHEEP” were so long gone. This is the awakening for me. AND those so complicit and willing to aid in that corruption and not care , EVEN if it killed people ( tons of people ) This is what i still have a tough time wrapping my head around. Its not even learning about all the false flags, the stolen election, the utter censorship, the labeling of people to demonize them. Its not even area 51 and and the aliens. It is trying to figure where and what the hell the sheep are thinking - that can be so ignorant. There has to be some simple gut feeling, that has to say something is not as we are sold. And then it is those , that will harm and steal from others to make a buck or be favored by the system
 I sit here each day and think this is not only much worse than I could have ever imagined, but it is actually not even in something I could have dreamed. AND it is all because of ignorance at a level that makes no logic for anyone that has half an education or given a 2 ton machine to move along towards other people at 75MPH. I am not sure how these people survived childhood
 perhaps why children today would not have survived when I grew up. Perhaps this is the way to thin the heard. Though , there are people , I would have characterized as smart, asking why would the media lie? And there is no way the election could have been stolen etc. They also want to say follow the science
 When they have little to no knowledge of science themselves and are completely unable and worse, unwilling to discuss such science.
I want to blame my sisters and brothers, parents, uncles, neighbors, mailman, ups driver, my dry cleaner,and others for letting all this happen. It is only due to their ignorance and reluctance to even discuss or debate and remain fully unaware that we are in approaching utter destruction.



Little lamb of the priests.
God doesn't want you grovelling obsequiously. He wants you Free to experience the results of wise and foolish decisions so that we become wise and help each other. Get off your knees, Abrahamist. This lady has work to do to meet up with like-minded womenfolk in order to elect an Overmother, and then get Her recognized as a force of social control, assisted by Maidens and protected by young, armed men. But first she must break free of the Abrahamic thrall.
Oh the old blame the victim argument...Sad!
Whats sad is that you see people who have been given access to all the same information as the rest of us as "victims" for making a bad decision. I can see somebody who was coerced because they were afraid to lose their job, but for all the rest?No. They had access to all the same information that we did.
  There are two parties, the liers and the lied to. You take away someones agency, their free will, and their freedoms by lying to them then MANDATING that lie and back it up with real punishment. Are the several billion people who got the jab acting of their own free will? Acting with agency. Acting unethically? The cartoon you posted and your comments say that you think they are. WRONG
Just because somebody lies to you doesnt mean you are compelled to believe them. Particularly if the liar has been caught lying over and over again. Weapons of mass destruction, incubators babies, we're not spying on Americans....oh, yeah we are, Russia hoax, fake impeachment, covington kids, mostly peaceful protests, two weeks to flatten the curve, human to human transmission is impossible, masks dont work, masks do work [ and you should wear two ], all the way up to 'safe and effective' vaccines. Most of the people who were vaxxed [ the overwhelming majority ] got vaxxed BEFORE the mandates were in effect. so, yeah they made a choice. They chose to believe people who have lied, manipulated, cheated and stole from them over and over again for decades.

Hi disappointed,
I would suggest that you read up on some more studies, for example, studies from Israel. The effectivity decreases over time, hence the need for boosters.
You are right with your statement about the relation with age. Unfortunately, the “pro-vaxxers” deny this relationship and claim that all human beings, including babies that is, have to be poked. And, as they are on already distributing the fourth booster in Israel, most probably for the rest of their life.
If this would have been a “live and let live” show, we and most others here would have occupied ourselves otherwise. Unfortunately, people that are critical about the vax, the months used to develop and test i.o. years etc etc, are forced to take the jab under the thread of loosing their job, and increasing animosity of vaxx believers.
So, I’m wondering why you are actually disappointed? If you have taken the jab, I wouldn’t worry, after all, we are all adults and fully capable to deal with the consequences of our informed decisions. If you want to take the jab because you believe in the science as proclaimed by politicians and journalists, please do take it, I would advice you however to read the documents readily available on internet. I’m the only one I currently know who read all of it, although every Dutch person got the link to these documents in their invitation for the jab. There are hundreds of pages distributed over several links. I would urge you to focus on the potential “long term risks” of this document


“Most of the people who were vaxxed [ the overwhelming majority ] got vaxxed BEFORE the mandates were in effect. so, yeah they made a choice. They chose to believe people who have lied, manipulated, cheated and stole from them over and over again for decades.”
That is a lie! the vast majority of people got the vax because if they didn’t they would be singled out in one way or another.
I am really getting sick and tired of the direction of this discussion where we blame the victims here. My point here is that as bad as the lies are by TPTB the average joe/jane going up against each other, whether blaming them for not conforming or for conforming, IS THE BIGGER PROBLEM!

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I must not be as smart as everybody else here, but how can vaccinated people be considered “victims”?? According to hospitalization/death rates above the age of 50 (lower if you have comorbidities) I am unable to understand how this vaccine doesn’t IMPROVE one’s health outlook given the pandemic. Sure, I get the cynical outlook of the government which raises queations about unknown long-term effects of the vaccine, but how can one confidently state that these are likely to be worse than the virus itself?
Yes, this picture is murkier for the under 30 crowd with 0 comorbidities (still shocked that “cost-benefit” analyses are taboo) and yes the lack of investigation into certain side effects such as menstrual cycle disruptions is infuriating
but calling anyone who judged this particular vaccine a “victim” or any synonym “dumb” is nonsensical based on the data that I have seen presented, even that discussed by CM.


I don’t know how my investment holdings are currently allocated, and other than those I know of no financial interest that I have in the pharmaceutical industry.
It’s fine to argue about the safety and efficacy of the vaccines. I just disagree with Chris’s confidence that the study he presented here establishes a lack of efficacy. I’m also not sure it’s true that the manufacturers have zero liability. Vaccines would normally be covered by the NCVIA, but the COVID crop are covered by the PREPA (yes, even Comirnaty). That Wikipedia page suggests that manufacturers can still be sued for “willful misconduct that resulted in death or serious physical injury” – and that would seem like a necessary carve-out – but other phrasing there is less clear. I’ll have to look into this more.
I have no doubt that the vaccines are profitable, but I imagine that any medical solutions to COVID deployed at the necessary scale would be similarly profitable.
I understand being suspicious of Pharma, but accepting claims like those I see around here takes so much more than that. It’s not enough to be skeptical of a company (say Pfizer); one has to similarly be skeptical of the other vaccine manufacturers, as well as our CDC and FDA, as well as the similar institutions around the world, as well as anyone who is reporting positively on the vaccines. Maybe you’ve reached a point where that set of beliefs makes sense to you, but I’m just not there.
I too believe in choice in general, but this is an unusual situation. We’ve accepted other vaccine mandates, so it takes something beyond a desire for personal choice to argue against the ones right now. Personally, I’d prefer to see a mandate that gave individuals a choice to

  1. get vaccinated, or
  2. submit to regular testing, or
  3. (somehow) demonstrate immunity from a prior infection.
However, I wouldn't be in charge of implementing (2) and (3), and if those that would be see them as impractical then I'm not sure I'm in a position to argue.
Once you have natural immunity you are good to go.
I'd be fine with this, honestly. The challenge would be demonstrating that immunity. I'm not sure what the proper test(s) would be, so let's go with your T-cell test at $159 as a lower bound. Should we test every person who claims they had a prior infection and doesn't want to be vaccinated? Who will pay for those tests? That's where I think the rub is. Allowing individuals to pay for it creates a two-tier system, but society paying for it is more expensive than paying for vaccines. That some vaccinated individuals can catch the disease, suffer from it, and even spread it doesn't prove that the vaccines are useless. They still seem to be helpful at reducing symptoms, and there's evidence that they continue to reduce spread.

"I too believe in choice in general, but this is an unusual situation. We’ve accepted other vaccine mandates, so it takes something beyond a desire for personal choice to argue against the ones right now. Personally, I’d prefer to see a mandate that gave individuals a choice to

  1. get vaccinated, or
  2. submit to regular testing, or
  3. (somehow) demonstrate immunity from a prior infection."
How about choice #4 -- no vaccine or testing mandate or need to demonstrate natural immunity? How about for most people, this virus just isn't that dangerous? And since these are leaky/non-sterilizing "vaccines" (actually, mRNA serum treatments that reduce the severity of COVID illness [at the cost of wrecking your immune's ability to mount a natural response]), whether or not I am "vaccinated" does not make a material difference in whether or not the pandemic continues. Matter of fact, as a non-"vaxxed" person, should I get sick (unlikely since I'm healthy and have prepared the ever-lovin' heck out of my terrain) I would *feel* sick and stay home and not pass it to other people. Whereas, the "vaxxed" would have mild symptoms if any and therefore be out and about, posing an actual contagion risk. I'm not anti C-19 "vax". But I am adamantly anti-mandate. The stupidity/evil of TPTB shoving this mandate down civilization's throat (and our civilization is already starting to choke) is breathtaking. So is the sadly high level of credulity among seemingly educated and intelligent people out there. MADNESS. Either you're a (pretty slick) troll, Joshua, or you're so captured by the narrative you can't see outside the MSM cul-de-sac in which you're trapped.

I am intrigued by your approach. That has always been my approach with illnesses in the past as a mother, it just felt natural. Have you been tested for antibodies? Or T cells? I’m only asking because I read recently that people who have taken Ivermectin often tested positive for immunity and probably were able to keep the infection asymptomatic. I think it was something from India.

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@richcabot, thank you for your comments.
I agree that the responses to the vaccines are unlikely to be uniform. Still, the vaccines do supply a consistent dose of whatever they include, so I suspect they provide more uniformity than arbitrary infection levels (especially given varied testing methodology throughout this pandemic). Nonetheless, I’d love to see tests of vaccinated individuals’ immunity, as it would be nice to pin down any differences due to physiology. That didn’t seem necessary earlier this year when the results of increased vaccination were looking really good, but I agree that we should get this data now.

All of which ignores the fundamental issue that passports are an evil idea in the first place.
Perhaps "vaccine passports" is the wrong framing. Parents regularly have to show proof of vaccination for their children to get them into school. I consider the current vaccine requirements analogous.
That is a lie! the vast majority of people got the vax because if they didn't they would be singled out in one way or another
I really dont like your choice of words or the way you speak to me and other people here. If you disagree with my point, say so. Calling me a liar is cowardly on an anonymous platform and it makes me see you as a little brat whose using his mothers computer in the basement. Grow the fuck up and learn to behave like a respectful adult. Until then, you have nothing to say that anybody needs to pay attention too. I dont have discussions with morons, so I guess this one is over.

People who want to force on others the “choice” of 1, 2 or 3 as stated above can go and eat a bag of dicks. I’ve had covid BTW but I opposed to mandates in all forms because if the government can force choice 1,2 or 3 on us what else can they force on us? Where does it end? Hey I think you guys all eat too much meat. Let’s make a new law that you can only eat 16oz of meat per month. No beer for you today at the store. You’ve already consumed your monthly allotment. No, it doesn’t matter that you had friends over and they consumed all your beer. All that matters is what your social credit app says.


“Did the World Economic Forum Admit that the Covid Vax Injects Traceable Markers?”