No Discernable Relationship between Vaccines and Cases

Luckily my kids are done but have thought about what would I want for my kid’s teacher’s vaxx status? (I really need to get off my butt and go speak science at a school board meeting). I would pick natural immunity and then unvaxxed if given the choice.
IMO the vaxxed individuals are the most dangerous to others. Which goes back to the asymptotic spread issue that we were all told was the big wildcard that made CoViD19 so dangerous.
I wish one of our medical alphabet agencies would do the research on post vax illness. Does post vaxx illness offer the same level of natural immunity? Or will the vaxxed folks need to be masked and vaxxed forevermore? To “stop the spread.”


I will encourage you to start some 3E discussions. Other than wow, there are a lot of ships sitting off the coast I don’t feel I have a lot to add.
With that said, there are probably a lot of 3E discussions that happened four years ago that I am totally clueless about. What were the big topics? How important is American energy independence? Keystone pipeline? Other than a question or a headline I’m not sure what to open a discussion on but I will think about it.

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I did not say the incidents of General Aviation accidents caused by pilot incapacitation are abnormal.
I said a few. General Aviation accidents are more and more treated as automobile accidents, you never hear about them unless it happens to be a high profile personality.
In the first instance, the video, he comments the pilot made no attempt to recover from an unusual attitude and right the aircraft, taught and instilled from early pilot training to be an instinctive reaction.
In the second instance, the pilot was flying at flight level 200, 20,000 feet altitude. He did not declare an emergency, such as in the event of loss of cabin pressure, but he asked the controller for a descent to 10,000 feet. The controller clear him to descend to 10,000 and that was the last transmission from the pilot. He should have reported level at 10,000, but the aircraft continued its descent all the way to the ground.


I’m sorry, but this study is almost worthless because comparing per-capita positive tests is almost worthless. A county with a 99% vaccination rate is totally paranoid about covid and probably has a very high voluntary test rate. A county with a 20% vaccination rate has a completely different attitude and probably does little testing without an obvious possible case. If those two counties had the same actual infection rate, the county with the high vaccination rate is going to discover a LOT more of those infections than the county with the low vaccination rate.
The only thing useful I found in this study was the fact that 90+% vaccinated counties can still be high transmission zones. This indicates that herd immunity via the current vaccines is a pipe dream.

This year saw a massive jump in inflation that is frankly scary. The drought and heat wave in the Western United States is a major problem and perhaps unprecedented. Yet, Peak Prosperity seems to be mired in the Covid vaccine divide.
My view is that this whole lab-leak-NIH-funded-pandemic+mandated shot program for a virus with an 0.2-0.4% IFR is a shocking move into Biological Authoritarianism by people I used to align with on the "left", and that by comparison, "inflation" is dramatically less personally threatening. To me. I understand if that's not important to you, since you already got the shot. But here's a question. If the Biden Administration forced everyone to eat a plant-based diet, or lose their jobs - and/or be denied healthcare - would you be in favor of this policy? How about if they denied people healthcare because they were too fat? Or they drank "too much" alcohol? Or if they used drugs? To me, this is a really big deal. A slippery slope that leads nowhere good.

I just wanted to let you know that not only do I find your content informative and FUN to read, but I really look forward to a lot of what you have to say. Love all the data dump. Just thanks and make it a great day!


Good point about the study Bader likely being skewed by local factors.

I don’t see that the 3E’s ever go away in terms of content… but for sure the emphasis is mutable around here… and for me that’s a feature. If one had tuned in to a few years ago, during the Fukashima disaster, one could have, I suppose, gotten sick of nuclear power plant disaster commentary… but hey, shit happens.
The Covid-19 Pandemic happened, and it’s still happening, and something is very, very wrong. If you are a frog that has now drawn the line in terms of your personal boiling progress, as I am… then there is nothing more important.
In conclusion I will go back to a portion of what Mots posted yesterday that ties all of the thoughts and content here together into a compact manifesto of sorts, that harkens the 3E’s, the need for re-localization, and the dangers of a corporatized world;

In the present day corporate world such as corporation controlled (ie fascist) America, we can see that corporate solar can be defeated by reality/nature based personal small community effort (my book on explains this); corporate medical can be defeated by reality/nature based personal effort (as seen by the power of repurposed drugs such as ivermec+in). The same observations can be made in the agriculture (no till sustainable ag defeats big ag), education (personal effort vs. credential mills), communication, transportation fields. Just as surely as the repeated hubris-filled authoriton led invasions of Afghanistan failed time and time over history, the present authoriton takeover and elevation in a fascist America/Canada/Australia will lead to its demise. I dont think that we need to do anything except walk away and build our resilient communities, and let evolution takes its course.

Please search up Dr Judy’s response to the media blasting out her pine needle tea statement. Pine needles can be poisonous - it’s where Turpentine comes from. Suramin is not pine needle tea, but she used the statement to intentionally provoke Fauci. I don’t have personal experience in the natural tea arena, I just remember seeing her video on this.
Suramin was a drug that was taken off the market by pharma when it showed promise for treating autism. They stopped the studies - not sure why.


I’m generally quite impressed with Chris’s videos. This one surprised me as a little light on the intellectual side. Looking as just 1 week of data in this environment is one way that data could be used to manipulate support for a certain viewpoint. I think there are stronger data sets out there to support the same conclusions that this study reached, so I don’t disagree with the conclusions, just surprised Chris picked this study. Lots of people would like to discredit him. Why give them the ammo?


With all due respect Les, in all my time here at PP the only contributions I observe you making on any topic related to the 3Es is to promote a plant based diet. It does not matter what the content/article or forum topics are, it is my perspective that you always find a way to bring your views on that specific topic into the conversation. That is not to say you do not make valid points about it because you do. But somehow, over time, I grew to think of you as being a one-dimensional contributor.
While you may disagree with the heavy coverage re all things covid, this crisis is an immediate, urgent/important concern. Countless people across the globe are in dire circumstances, physically, mentally, emotionally, as well as financially. Try to imagine being in the jab or job situation with a mortgage and dependents to feed and support. This is an existential crisis! Not just for individuals, but humanity.
I too would like nothing more than to go back to grand long running discussions about all things 3Es. But when one’s life and livelihood is on the line, as it is for so many, when the lives of future generations is on the line, and when there is clear evidence of intentional fraud and nefarious activities, it is hard to think about other things/threats that are not of immediate, near term concern. I tend to agree with on the need to reduce meat consumption. But that is not an immediate threat to my life. The covid crisis is!
And as Kathy said, please do start new forum discussions about things of interest to you. Those who are so inclined and who are sick of covid coverage will no doubt be happy to engage and have discussions with you. There is nothing to stop you from leading a discussion forum…


Ha! Jan beat me to it. Les is a vegetarian, so a President Grampa veg-mandate likely would be the bees knees for him.
I was a vegetarian for five years. It’s a garbage diet. Its better than processed foods, but that’s not saying much.
The whole “meat is bad for the planet” myth is predicated on monocrop agriculture as feed for animals. Yet, there’s evidence to suggest that grazing animals (as opposed to factory farms) could be beneficial for the planet.
I adopted a augmented carnivore diet this year, and lost 60 lbs….easily, and without exercise. Inflammation disappeared. Oh yeah, and the best part? Flatulence became history. I stopped farting completely. Folks raised on the SAD diet have issues ranging from inflammation to insulin resistance.
I’ve seen the plate from both sides, now. Carbohydrates are akin to opiate addiction. Your body wants that cheap crap.


Hi Joshua,
I agree that this study isn’t nearly as solid as Chris makes it out to be. There are other comments above that explain why, like #83 and #89.
I disagree with your conclusion that vaccine passports are a reasonable approach because immunity passports are too expensive or impractical. Your assumptions are wrong: vaccines don’t provide a uniform dose since they aren’t traditional vaccines containing the virus being vaccinated against. They contain completely different viruses which will invade your cells and create factories of a part of the thing you are supposedly being vaccinated against. These are supposedly injected into muscle but might actually be injected into arteries, veins, capillaries, so there’s no knowing how much will stay localized and how much may spread to various organs. With multiple levels of indirection like that, and no adjustment for body weight, there’s no hope of consistent anything.
All of which ignores the fundamental issue that passports are an evil idea in the first place. Americans have never before had to carry any identification documents to function in society. We had to prove age to get alcohol (if you don’t obviously look old enough) and drivers licenses to operate a vehicle on public roads. In recent years you’ve had to provide ID to fly, but I’m old enough to remember when you didn’t. Until now if anyone asked for ID, including police, you did not have to provide it. You were required to tell police who you are but weren’t required to have ID to prove it.
Whether the passports are based on vaccine status or immunity doesn’t change the fact that they are the modern version of “show me your papers”. They worked great for the Nazis, not so well for the people in the countries they occupied. If you think the people in government that are pushing them have any less nefarious intentions you are hopelessly naive.


Here is an explanation on the logic of the mandates that is very clear.


Right. The “plant-based diet” line was a test. :slight_smile:
It is really asking Les: “are you a closet authoritarian?”
Are you in support of using coercion/force/full power of the state to force people to do what you think they should be doing?
Or do people deserve free will?
That’s pretty much the question of our times right now.


I get it…you have a very low opinion of people. My point is that they have been indoctrinated since birth and therefore they fully believe that they are doing what is best.
I would also point out that this is a very US/western civ centric phenom. Very few have the luxury to be able to pursue what amounts to an advanced degree in learning some of what is really going on.
Those very same people you disparage, if they had the proper information and a community that supports the truth, would act very differently than they do now.
Thats why we all need to do all we can to edumacate da masses.


This is the case that make judge Netburn the next supreme court justice. Check out S.E.C. vs Ripple case.

Practice sinus flushing

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“I get it…you have a very low opinion of people. My point is that they have been indoctrinated since birth and therefore they fully believe that they are doing what is best.”
No one really knows what another person thinks - so try not to be too presumptuous… The pandemic has hardly brought out the best in humanity - compared to past crises & wars.
We are all products of our environment to some extent, but when you totally blame a third party for another person’s actions - you take away their personal agency & absolve them of ethical responsibility.


For the longest time, I viewed narcissism as radical vanity. I didn’t quite grok the “fetishization of oneself as a victim”, and the way that truly defines narcissism.
Likewise, I believed Authoritarianism to be the textbook state repression and international militancy, coupled with mustachioed white male caricatures of bellicose chauvanism.
Demand-Side economic entitlement is the true nature of the western authoritarian.

  • The light switch always turns on the light.
  • The gas station always has gas.
  • The grocery store always has bread….and toilet paper.
The entire world is a store and everything’s for sale. Veruca Salt all grown up. In this context, authoritarianism is the fetishization of luxuries as necessities. It’s also coupled with a “Let them eat cake” level of ignorance situated up on their high horse. Americans are the spoiled brats of empire, with little care where their coltan comes from. “I want to pretend I’m a fairy princess.” You have the freedom to pursue happiness. “I want to force people to recognize me as a fairy princess.” You have the freedom to fail in your pursuits.