No Discernable Relationship between Vaccines and Cases

Sadly, people are being taught to fear the unvaxxed. In reality, all will likely catch this thing eventually, regardless of vax status.
My fully vaxxed relative just got over COVID. Having had a bad vax reation, now very happy to avoid the booster. Silver lining.
If people exclude the unvaccinated to alleviate their fears, they at least spare that person from being blamed from the inevitable but unpredictable breakthrough infections.


We now know that the SARS COV 2 virus has infected wildlife, such as Deer, and has found a permanent home, where it cannot ever be eliminated.
We also know that the SARS COV 2 coronavirus is the ONLY virus in the entire coronavirus family to possess a genetically altered spike-protein, which incorporates a Prion Domain on each of those spikes.
If we discover these viral prions have the ability to cause prion disease, long-term, in the infected, is it not likely that the animal hosts to this virus may develop brain wasting diseases, such as “Mad Cow?”
We already know ALL the monkeys we infected with SARS COV 2 in an early study, were ALL found to be suffering from prion disease, after they were all killed and autopsied
after six weeks.
Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSEs) are a group of progressive and fatal conditions that are associated with prions and affect the brain and nervous system of many animals, including humans, cattle, and sheep.
Now what happens to Mankind, if our bio-warfare weapon, SARS COV 2, infects all of our meat producing livestock, and some of them develop prion disease? Did you know this disease is transmissible?
Wouldn’t it be interesting if many of the recent livestock kills you have heard about, really have nothing to do with economics
or manpower shortages?

To those who see the vaccines as safe and effective -- which I know is not a popular opinion around here -- this is perfectly logical.
I dare you to read this entire thread of posts on telegram from the doctor, AMM, who has read almost all of the VAERS reports herself, and then tell us the vaccines are safe. This is not an "opinion"... the VAERS database is signaling like crazy, in sympathy with other country's data gathering systems. This is a fact. Read the reports - why don't you start here, with this poor, fucked up baby;    

I dug a little more into the data since I want to confirm some of the conclusions as I decide for myself on steps as they relate to the vaccine and boosters. My dates do not line up exactly with the 7 days associated with the paper but they are within 6 weeks it appears (paper 7 days proceeding Sept 3, my data rolled up for a posting date of 10/19/21 - I wanted to look at testing rates and positivity rates for some of the key countries mentioned. They did not list Iceland for some of the data I was interested but for some of the other countries mentioned in the paper they had the data I was interested in. I attempted to look at testing rates and positivity rates with the hypothesis that if you test more you will find more cases but the positivity rate may be a better indicator instead of total case count. Here are the findings:

  • Israel: Positivity Rate: 1.5%, Test Rate per million: 10772, Vaccine Coverage: 60%
  • Portugal: Positivity Rate: 1.2%, Test Rate per million: 4939, Vaccine Coverage: 75%
    -Vietnam: Positivity Rate: 2.8%, Test Rate per million: 1280, Vaccine Coverage: 10%
  • South Africa: Positivity Rate: 2.3%, Test Rate per million: 457, Vaccine Coverage: 10%
    It seems like the conclusions drawn in the paper may be ignoring some aspect of the data related to actually understanding the rate of cases based on testing. For countries that are more fully vaccinated it appears the test rate is 5 to 10x more than the lower vaccinated countries mentioned and the positivity rate is roughly 2x for less vaccinated countries (for those mentioned).

I’m way past the question of whether these injections might have any positive benefits vs Covid. If data shows that they do, then clearly some DARPA scientist will be punished for their mistake.
It looks like our “elected” leaders and their puppetmasters are collapsing the system, to coincide with the next outbreak (what Bill Gates proudly named ‘Pandemic 2’).
TPTB may have had to adjust their plans a bit, to find a more deadly organism that Vitamin D doesnt protect against, and ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, tamiflu, and Xofluza don’t treat.
If I may ask, do you recommend keeping any other anti-infective medications on hand? e.g. Niclocide (niclosamide) or Daraprim (pyrimethamine), both of which are hard to find in the US? Follow up q: get the pet version, buy from overseas, or get from a lab research supply company? Thank you.



I’m no expert, but it certainly looks legit. One issue that stands out is we have no idea how many adverse events the vaccinated suffered, so it’s not exactly an apples to apples comparison.
Also of note is that one dose of the mRNA vaccines seems more effective than two. This has been apparent in other data.

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That’s great, there is a small problem though imo: how to get a currrent pass through every body part that might harbor this synthetic death sentence?
The electric chair comes to mind, but that will lead to other side effects


A more specific URL would be helpfull :slight_smile:

Good question,
I have a related questions for you: how many adverse effects did actually occur? And, if you can’t tell because the reporting is murky and incomplete, you might have just answered your own question.
Although I tend to resort to “conspiracy theories” only when all other, simple rational explanations fail, I think that you have to agree with me that MSM stands for Murky Shitty Messaging; ok, I actually anticipated your answer to my first question.
Apart from MSM showing signs of brain a brain altered state, one could of course try to answer your question by “following the science”. But wait! The last two years, scientific journals have ben inundated with really, really bad articles, some of them based on fabricated data! It seems that also “scientists” are just thought criminals, either by conviction, driven by pecuniary motives, or driven by fear.
The latter ones I characterize as monkey-lizards, imo the best name that captures all available psychological, neurological, and evolutionary state-of-the-art knowledge; a very scientific name indeed. But, as I’m not too strict in my language, I think that the current state of science is best described by “Monkey-Lizardism”, and now we are at it, I propose another TLA for MSM: MLM, Monkey-Lizard Media.
Here, you have my answer to your question: if there are a significant amount of airplane crashes, or near-crashes, it could be entirely possible that we wouldn’t know about it due to the Monkey-Lizard Media and its monkey-lizard text copiers.
What you get is not what you see


“And if I drop food on the floor I eat it.” That was great Rodster!
I eat oysters each week, rich in ZINC. Part of the muscle fell on the ground while I was shucking - bent over and popped it into my mouth. Now that I have seen Sand Puppy’s comments, I know that I’ve done the right thing.
At the risk of starting a whole different debate post 53 versus post 58. I like both posts - but I love the caustic George Carlin versus the emotional sensitivity of post 53. Granted she is right, we are going to go through hell - why cry about it. People are unsuspecting yet totally fearful of the wrong “dangers”. I have started to play golf again. I have to pay for the test “antigĂ©nique” which allows me 72 hours of golf etc. I phoned a golf buddy, he asked me What are you going to do? Meaning you’re not vaxxed. I get tested each time.
I mean, you have to treat these adults like children reassuring them that YOU do not present a danger! My Mother-in-law went on a surprise trip this month. The destination was Albania. In her group, all living in her locality, they all got Covid including my Mother-in-law - all 15 of them are double vaccinated.


" I am always resistant to the implication that “its their own fault, that is just how people are”, thats not accurate."
“Most people are responding to what they are being told by the experts, the healthcare professionals, their own government.”
But changing one’s lifestyle requires commitment & sacrifice - values in opposition to the western creed of instant gratification & quick-fix off-the-shelf solutions

For instance, when I tell people about my PPE routine & supplementation regime (along with daily nasal sprays & mouthwashes), they say they’d sooner roll up their sleeves
 Too much effort for many.
While people traded freedoms for comforts, a criminal syndicate took over the world - so when that criminal syndicate decided that decimating us is the way forward - there was almost zero legal, political, academic or medical opposition


SHIP OF FOOLS (SARS-CoV-2 edition)
“Nothing the god of biomechanics wouldn’t let you in heaven for
When they said it only affected the old,
lots of millennials chuckled.
So when borders stayed open,
there was no rebuttal

When they said it affected more men,
the man-haters skipped with glee.
But when they ran out of toilet roll,
they got onto their MP

When they said it affected minorities,
the xenophobes sniggered.
But the mere mention of facemasks,
got them all triggered

The decimation in care homes,
came as no surprise.
But intellectuals said nothing,
enjoying furlough on backsides

The banning of mass gatherings,
led to more hysteria.
But when they threatened to cancel Netflix,
there was barely a whisper


Joshua, you said:

Vaccinations have been tracked, and each one provides a well-defined dose. Infections, on the other hand, have wide ranges of effects and -- likely -- wide ranges of induced immunity. If it could be easily established how much immunity each person has then we could probably accept it, but that testing costs money, more money than simply paying for a vaccine.
I think we can be certain that vaccinations will also have had wide range of induced immunity, so suggesting this is a negative aspect of natural infection makes it sound like you approve of the 'rewards for compliance' system currently in place, rather than actually being concerned about health and reducing infection levels.

No, I didn’t upvote my own comment (is that even possible?), and I find it telling that you chose to lash out at me rather than challenge anything that I actually wrote in it. I wasn’t claiming anything about the vaccines here, only that this study is basically worthless and that vaccine mandates make sense under the assumption that the vaccines are safe and effective. Chris has done his best to challenge that assumption elsewhere, but this particular study doesn’t really add to that conversation.

I think we can be certain that vaccinations will also have had wide range of induced immunity, so suggesting this is a negative aspect of natural infection makes it sound like you approve of the 'rewards for compliance' system currently in place, rather than actually being concerned about health and reducing infection levels.
Relying on vaccines isn't ideal either, for the reason you stated, and this is an issue I've raised in conversations on this topic. The response has been that we expect vaccine-induced immunity to have smaller variance than infection-induced immunity -- the standardized dose should help here -- so if the former is sufficient then it's pragmatic to rely on vaccines. Testing vaccinated as well as previously-infected individuals for immunity would be great if we could do it at scale, but that just doesn't seem possible.

What does surprise me, however, is the amount of people who thought that the “vaccines” would work - i.e. that they would be both safe and effective. I also struggle with this in my own industry (rail). For example, medical products generally require around 5 to 7 years of clinical trials to prove that they are both safe and effective. Engineers might not be familiar with previous drugs such as vioxx and thalidomide, however, one thing we are very familiar with is asbestos.
In the 1950s we thought asbestos was brilliant. We used it in everything we could for everything we could, e.g. strengthening agent, insulation, fire retardant. Why did we stop using it? Because decades later we found out it had the potential to kill people.
When it comes to product safety you cannot cut corners. There are no exceptions to this rule. Why do we humans have to re-learn this basic lesson again and again?

I wasn't claiming anything about the vaccines here, only that this study is basically worthless and that vaccine mandates make sense under the assumption that the vaccines are safe and effective.
Oh sure. If wishes were horses, etc - and if the disease had a 5% IFR. But neither are true. The shots are neither safe, nor are they effective. And the manufacturer has zero liability, so there is zero motivation to make sure they are safe. And the disease, for most people, is really no big deal - most especially with early treatment. But the shots sure are profitable. And that's at least one reason we have mandates. Josh, I can't help but notice how closely your views align with the commercial interests of the Stakeholders. If your interests and theirs align due to a shared economic interest (say you were long PFE/MRNA, and/or you were getting a paycheck from one of these organizations), then it would go a long way to explaining your enthusiasm for the shot. Notice I said "if". Once upon a time, back when I was a liberal, people like me were deeply suspicious of Pharma. And that was back when they had actual product liability for the crap they put out and then routinely lied about those products, which ended up killing Americans by the truckload. Sadly, the liberals I once respected - and shared a belief system with - have somewhat shockingly transformed into Pharma Authoritarians. That's why I'm not a "liberal" any longer. I still believe in choice. Not in coercion. But I get you feel differently.
That written, I agree with Chris that "immunity passports" would be ideal. When I've raised ideas like this with others, it's been pointed out that the logistics of them would be quite challenging.
Far easier than vaccine passports. Once you have natural immunity you are good to go. No boosters needed. We’ve done this other illnesses when vaccines came online. People born before 1957 didn’t get the MMR because it was assumed they had the illnesses in childhood. I have two kids, one had the chickenpox so he never got the vaccine.
Vaccinations have been tracked, and each one provides a well-defined dose. Infections, on the other hand, have wide ranges of effects and -- likely -- wide ranges of induced immunity. If it could be easily established how much immunity each person has then we could probably accept it, but that testing costs money, more money than simply paying for a vaccine.
The vaccines don’t stop people from getting or spreading SARSCOV2 so everyone who does not have natural immunity needs to be tested to “stop the spread.” A T-cell detect test costs $159. A basic instant Covid test is $20. So finding those with natural immunity will pay off in 8 weeks. And millions have had a positive PCR, so they don’t even need a t-cell detector test.
We could perhaps allow individuals to pay for their own immunity testing, but that would create a system in which some could (seemingly) buy their way out of the mandate while others could not, not the best optics.
A business would be best served by finding those with natural immunity. All others need to be tested for SARSCOV2. We could save a lot of money be recognizing those with natural immunity. They don’t need testing, quarantining, masks or social distancing.
Thus, I see vaccine mandates as pragmatic solutions to the situation, cheaper than testing everyone's immunity. To those who see the vaccines as safe and effective -- which I know is not a popular opinion around here -- this is perfectly logical.
Vaccines passports are a logistical nightmare and expensive too. Vaccines don’t stop you from getting or spreading SARSCOV2. The only way I know you are “safe” is if you have natural immunity. And sadly at this point we don’t know of post vaccine illness gives you natural immunity. If we wanted to look at this with pure science the only individuals that should be free to roam would be the unvaxxed with natural immunity. Since I value freedom, I believe it is time to learn to live with this disease. Just like humanity has done with all the others diseases since the beginning of time. Life is dangerous, no one gets out alive!

Natural immunity sure does seem to be durable. I’d trust my elderly grandmother to a HCW with natural immunity in preference to one who was coerced into taking the shot - plus booster(s), ad infinitum.
Man. Sure sucks to be a HCW these days. My heart goes out to them. First they have to deal with the pandemic for two long years. Now they have to take a shot that they don’t need, and in many cases, is actually dangerous for them as well.
And for $ome reason, Old Doc Fauci doe$n’t seem to really want to look into natural immunity.


I started with Chris before Peak Prosperity, with the first Crash Course, when he was all about the 3 Es, energy, environment and economy.
I don’t come here as often as I use to because the content has changed. Having said that, in my occasional visits, I haven’t seen any 3 E content.
This year saw a massive jump in inflation that is frankly scary. The drought and heat wave in the Western United States is a major problem and perhaps unprecedented.
Yet, Peak Prosperity seems to be mired in the Covid vaccine divide.
I can get vaccine controversy info, to my hearts content, all over the web. Having Peak Prosperity stuck on it doesn’t add any value for me.