No Discernable Relationship between Vaccines and Cases

I agree with French Connection. This was never about public health, so it’s not surprising at all that the jabs are not effective. If it were truly about public health, we’d have heard about losing weight, exercise and other terrain preparations. TPTB will not admit that the jabs are ineffective, or that the jab mandates are illogical even if the jabs were effective. Most of the public is too stupid to challenge their logic and those of us who do are merely an annoyance. They simply want you to COMPLY. This compliance is setting the stage for even greater demands from the oligarchy and greater submission from the populace. Think about that as you ponder whether or not to comply with current and future mandates.


I have to say Doc… everytime I read your stuff, I tear up… you are a beautiful human and glad I have had the chance to be in your energy. Such great insight. You’ve saved me and my family a few times and I thank you!


You da doc!


I know it’s ‘not approved’ but when u r desperate well… I live in melbourne and work in the health profession so was pretty much threatened with loss of everything if I didn’t comply. Actually wish I didn’t anyway as u said, vit D, vit C, zinc, magnesium, quercetin (u can get this online) and if u have available, ivermectin. Like in my totalitarian state of Vic, it’s been taken off the market. U can however take ‘horse dewormer’ when it’s a pure ivermectin prep. There is one brand thats called eraquell. You can buy it online. It comes in 35g sachets that’s equivalent to 140mg of ivermectin. It’s in pellet form. You will need to divide the sachet up into doses based on your weight and what you are using it for. Go onto the FLCCC site as they have a fantastic protocol for management of covid including treating vaccine side effects. You can infer from this what u would do to reduce the effects of the vaccine and spike protein.
hope that helps


So how do the people who unleashed this plan to survive it?


Throughout this ordeal I keep thinking about a dumb episode of Star Trek “Next generation”…[the one with Picard].
All of the lies, the blatant-ness of it. The IN YOUR FACE repeating of things that everybody knows isnt true. The shifting narratives and then pretending that the story never changed… It reminds me of this episode;
Picard is captured running a mission behind Romulan lines. The Romulans put him in the hands of their chief “interrogator”. Picard is stripped naked and tied up. Electrodes are attached to his body and the interrogator has a remote control that once pressed, sends Picard into fits of pain.
The interrogator shows Picard 4 lights in a row on the wall. He asks him “how many lights do you see?” Picard responds “I see 4 lights”. The interrogator tells Picard “there are 5 lights.” “How many lights do you see?” Picard responds “I see 4 lights” WHAM! He gets the zapper.
Again he asks “How many lights do you see?” …“4 lights”…WHAM!
This goes on for weeks. Picard is in shambles. The interrogator tells him “the war is over, the federation has surrendered. You are holding out for no reason. I’m going to make you comfortable. Good food. A bed to sleep on, the company of others, no more isolation, no more torture…but you have to do one thing for me”
Picard looks up with desperate longing. Anything to live like a human being again and stop the torture, “what must I do?”
“Tell me, how many lights do you see?” Picard wavers, he pauses for a long time, then gathers his courage and screams…“THERE ARE FOUR LIGHTS!!!”
Immediately guards enter the room and say they have reached a negotiation for Picard’s release. The war didnt end, the federation was never defeated. It was just another lie.
Maybe its a stupid analogy but it sure feels alot like it to me. I sometimes feel like Picard, hooked up to those electrodes, cut off from other people, and being fed a stream of lies…and it can all end if only I take the jab and agree that there are 5 lights.
At the end of the show, Picard is in a counseling session with Lieutenant Troy and he confides that when he looked up the last time…he SAW 5 lights.


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I would like to see a similar study to this one but for Ivermectin. I can guess the outcome as most of the people here could however it would be good to see it all there in black and white (or color).

I have an interest in aviation and I follow general aviation accidents using various websites. There have been a few accidents in the last few months that when I started to research, I thought about pilot incapacitation while in flight . When I first came across this accident, my first thought was adverse vx reaction because doctors are usually vx’ed. Then I found this.
Start at 13:48
And this:

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For not the first time I feel that Chris has accepted a study supporting the narrative he’s pushing at face value without subjecting it to the same level of scrutiny that he would have applied had it come to more mainstream conclusions. Several people have already noted methodological issues, e.g.:

Perhaps something meaningful can be pulled out of this dataset, but it's not clear that this study's conclusions are to be trusted. That written, I agree with Chris that "immunity passports" would be ideal. When I've raised ideas like this with others, it's been pointed out that the logistics of them would be quite challenging. Vaccinations have been tracked, and each one provides a well-defined dose. Infections, on the other hand, have wide ranges of effects and -- likely -- wide ranges of induced immunity. If it could be easily established how much immunity each person has then we could probably accept it, but that testing costs money, more money than simply paying for a vaccine. We could perhaps allow individuals to pay for their own immunity testing, but that would create a system in which some could (seemingly) buy their way out of the mandate while others could not, not the best optics. Thus, I see vaccine mandates as pragmatic solutions to the situation, cheaper than testing everyone's immunity. To those who see the vaccines as safe and effective -- which I know is not a popular opinion around here -- this is perfectly logical.
Excellent analysis of the ingredients etc. in vaccines per the patents. Shows the documents, gives their number, shows what the thing does.
In the beginning she discusses how the VAERS system for reporting vaccine injuries requires the Federal Govt. to set up a study if they get adverse reactions. Not being done.
56:00 Kingston states there are 12 different Pfizer vaccine formulations filed w FDA.; that’s why not everybody immediately has a bad reaction. Some have no mRNA in them, others high concentrations.The EUA doesn't require standardization.
Dec. 2016 Congress signed off the Cures Act. Under an EUA, you don’t have to give informed consent to implant a medical device.
4:30 48,000 people enrolled in the Medicare system have reported adverse reactions requiring treatment. 40K deaths within two weeks of receiving the 1st or 2nd dose.
5:00 Results on the VAERS system- >2000 miscarriages, >30K immediate allergic reactions
12:51 talks about nano-tubes and devices within them.
15:00 Some of the ingredients were tested on mice. 80% died w/n 24 hours.
17:27 Ability to imbed biomarkers. Target organs are prostate, ovaries, heart. Deliver microscopic devices.
51:00 Probably contains parasites In “live or weakened state” per patent
Monopoly- Follow the Money. An excellent documentary. Touches many of the things Chris talks about. Helped me understand why this is all happening.


Hi Chris,
Do you know of anyone who is looking at Birth Rates and Infant Health of babies born to mothers who had the vaccines either pre conception or during pregnancy? The first babies born to vaccinated mothers and fathers are just beginning to be delivered with larger initial populations expected in December thru 1st qtr of 2022.
Do you have any data or eyes and ears in Obstetrics, PICU, or pediatric neurology, and epilepsy? Early neurological issues will be most prevalent during the 1st 2 years of life as the myelin layers of the brain lay down and begin to make connections. We have Zero Data on how these covid shots may have impacted / are impacting sperm health, egg health, fetal, and infant development. While I have a sister-in-law who is a high risk OB who is devastated seeing unvaccinated pregnant women get sick and die from covid, even she is admitting that she only recommends the vaccine to her obese moms & moms with pre-existing conditions.
We just don’t know yet!!!
Why are there no widely released animal studies!?!
How can we possibly be recommending these shots to tweens and teens without this data? What is the government going to say if something major comes up? Oops - sorry about that…well, it’s better for the environment if you never have kids anyway.
I hope and pray that I am wrong and there is no reason for concern. I’m done having kids, but my little sister is trying to get pregnant, and I have 3 nieces ages 14, 13, and 12 (all healthy athletes) that I couldn’t convince their parents to just wait until Feb or March to have more confidence that things will be ok.
Based on my own daughter’s tragic and heroically miraculous journey with neurological issues as an infant, I started a small effort to raise awareness called and we’ve met and helped hundreds of parents around the world through similar journeys. These journeys are tragic and devastating. Very few end up with the miraculous outcome my daughter had.
Thank you for bringing compassion, science, logic, and unobtanium (common sense) to this dialog. I’m a data scientist and a mom of 4, 3 healthy boys, and a 10 year old girl who had nearly 1/2 of her brain removed to stop catastrophic seizures at the age of 18 months. Miraculously, at the age of 10, she does ninja warrior courses, and makes honor roll in the 4 th grade. As you may imagine, the journey from 100s of seizures a day starting at 8 weeks of age to today has been filled with challenges that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy, but also with great joy.
Like yourself, I have poured over as much data as I can get my hands on throughout this pandemic. I keep reading the studies that supposedly support the vaccine and masking, hoping to be logically persuaded that our public policy is being guided by something that is not simply evil. I want so badly to be convinced that those in power are at least trying to make the best decisions they can based on some level of true and accurate data, but the more data I get, the more frustrated I become, and the more I pray.
My family of 6 had covid (delta) this summer. 2 of my boys, ages 9 & 12 had zero symptoms. My 13 year old had symptoms I would equate to a bad cold, and my daughter had mild fever and headache off and on for about 4 days. I had one day of fatigue and muscle aches & my husband had fatigue and fever over 2 weekends with a bit of a cough. Overall, a mild nuisance, as anyone could have predicted based on our personal health situation. I did lose my smell, but with 3 teen / near teen boys in the house, that has been kind of a blessing. While I hope it eventually comes back, I’m not in any hurry.
I had no fear of covid because we are all slim, healthy, and active. I knew to take zinc & vitamin D, run some hydrogen peroxide in a humidifier, and reach out to a doctor for readily available drugs if we felt it was necessary.
The question that is heavy on my heart right now, knowing how life-altering it is to have a child with major neurological challenges is, What about the Babies?!?!!!
We have rushed headlong into mass vaccination before and during pregnancy. The best data indicates that what went wrong with my daughter’s brain happened around week 10 of her fetal development.
I hope this message falls into the internet abyss on non-importance, but for better or worse, like you, I have quite a remarkable track record of predicting things long before the “mainstream” even considers the possibility.
If you have thoughts or questions or want an extra pair of eyes to crunch numbers and do research, please reach out. It would be an honor - no charge of course for anything I could offer.
Sincerely, Rebecca



It is my understanding there successful animal trials on the “vaccine” because the animals all died. I may be wrong as I have no first-hand knowledge. My 32yesr-old grandson was I hired by the MMR vaccine and he is autistic, has a severe seizure disorder and is no longer verbal. I will never, ever trust vaccines again. Many of my extended.famiky, as well as friends, have had it. I worry about my granddaughters and the effect it may have.on them either through infertility or in utero damage as there have been no studies completed on pregnant women or young chikdren. I pray we are both wrong about our fears. I am so goad your daughter is doing so remarkably well. God bless you.


Brushhog, that analogy is not stupid in the least. IMO, it is absolutely spot on. I had forgotten about that episode of Star Trek NG but I remember watching it and finding it quite powerful. I have a military background and can attest that the scenario presented with Picard is similar to much of the POW training we receive. Basically, if they can get you to accept or even endorse what you know is wrong, they’ve broken you. Then they own you. I believe that is exactly what is happening in our world today.
BTW, you have a good knack for these comparisons. I remember your reference to The Chocolate War and thought that was apt too.


“…and they did not repent of their murders nor of their sorceries nor of their immorality nor of their thefts.”
That’s Revelation 9:21. After a third of mankind was killed by the army that crosses the Euphrates.
Of note here is the word “sorceries”. The Greek is transliterated “pharmakon”, very obviously where we get “pharmaceutical” and related words.
Murder, pharmacological malignity, immoralities, and thefts… So, um… is it coming into focus? They kill with a toxic jab and get fantastically rich in the process. No vaccine before COVID stayed in play after it killed a few people. These clot shots keep racking up victims—and we may see many more.
It just seems relevant in these unprecedented times. Worth considering.


The people, who unleash the bio-weapons, do not take the Primary weapon via the injections…and are already immune to the pathogen, before it is released.
As a government trained bio-weapon type, we always have “cures” before we release the weapon. Some of these are nucleotide serums, which shut down the biological function of the pathogen, by altering its genetic instructions. It is like having the combination to a safe…which others are forced to guess…but they do not even have the technology to even begin to try to do so.
Remember, the primary weapons are the mRNA vaccines…not the virus they are supposed to fight.
Why do I need to take a gene-therapy, mRNA serum, which creates synthetic S1 spike-proteins, each incorporating Prion Domains, at high risk, when I can choose to take a specific, vaccine, using deactivated virus, which includes a wide spectrum of its genetic signature…and is sterilizing?
Remember, the ONLY reason you were given the “magic” mRNA “vaccine” is that there was NO TIME, and NO ABILITY, to grow the virus in cultures, so they could then be made inert and used…on the scale demanded to vaccinate the planet. It was always possible to develop and use a standard vaccine…in the old fashioned manner…especially, as those managing this pathogen were completely familiar with it…and its nature…years before it was released.
Plus, should accidents happen…there are always the various therapeutics, which they deny you…which they can apply to themselves.
Not very much risk for them…at all.


Your comment reminded me of the great skid about germs by George Carlin.


If vaxes were causing an abnormal amount of airplane crashes then there should be data out there that supports this thesis. Is there?