No Discernable Relationship between Vaccines and Cases


One might have been infected with one version of the viral pathogen, such as the original Wuhan strain of SARS COV 2, and developed a natural immunity response for this strain. But, if a new version of the pathogen is different enough, meaning its genetic signature has changed, or mutated, enough, for your T & B cells NOT to recognize it, and react to it, you may be infected by the new mutated virus. Your immune system would then react to this new viral infection as it is able.
Of course, should you survive the new infection, you should have immunity for it too.
Natural immunity is at least 30x more potent, than a synthetic spike induced immunity
if one can actually say a synthetic spike immunity is thing
which one cannot.
Different viral genetic signature
different immune response. But, the genetic differences must usually be fairly substantial
and not just a few genes. Long chain nucleotide alterations in one location of an otherwise similar matching virus is a positive indication of a bio-weapon.
The SARS COV 2 virus is a bio-weapon platform, which may be effectively modified, version to version, for specific penetrations of the targeted subjects.


When a company, like Pfizer, makes 33 Billion, in a very short time, marketing their serums, they are quite able to afford the grandest bribes imaginable. Plus, obtain the strongest “enforcers” to protect themselves, and to direct against those they feel need such attentions.


Ision said,

The SARS COV 2 virus is a bio-weapon platform, which may be effectively modified, version to version, for specific penetrations of the targeted subjects.
So, do you think everything that is circulating now is the result of natural, albeit vaccinal S-protein directed escape mutation? Do you think we have seen, or will be seeing the release of new and different versions of the engineered virus as the plandemic wears on? Thank you, Jim


Jim H:
As you know, the SARS COV 2 development is now well established and the organizations, which funded and benefited from its development, are well known. We are aware of very specific design features of this chimera viral platform, such as its spike-protein Prion domains, which were designed specifically to allow it to firmly bind to the human ACE2 receptors, for example. Much of the development of this viral bio-weapons platform was paid for via DOD channels
as it was considered to be a weapon base, which could be modified for various uses, like an F-22 Raptor can be outfitted to carry assorted, different, weapons, to attack specific targets.
As such, this bio-weapon platform lends itself to being modified, in already mapped ways, to specifically alter its genetic signature enough to fool the human immune response memory cells, which are looking for a prior signature. This is old technology in bio-weapons
as learning how to defeat the human immune system is BASIC to the field.
In fact, we have bio-weapons which are capable of a clocked rate of genetic signature changes, to a specific long-chain gene sequence, which “scrambles” its nucleotides randomly, producing enough alterations to make any immune identification of its prior signature obsolete
and useless. The timing of this viral signature change coincides with the human immune system’s ability to produce targeted lymphocytes against it. So, just as the body starts to produce antibodies for Signature “A” most of the viral load has “shifted” to Signature “B”
which is detected as a “NEW” invading virus.
Such a bio-weapon need do to nothing else to harm and kill. All it has to do is change its genetic signature
and goose the human immune system into collapse. Sound familiar?
But, a bio-weapon platform, such as SARS COV 2, is not the primary bio-weapon, but only the means by which the primary weapons may be deployed effectively.
If we were just relying on a viral pathogen to perform the mission, it would take much more time, and be much more random in its target penetration. Changing the pathogen’s signature(one time, non-clocked)
or using a totally different pathogen
to adapt to changes in the target population is cumbersome.
You must already know, the pathogen is only used, along with a massive disinformation and propaganda, fear campaign, to create the impetus for the dumb-driven cattle of humanity toward accepting the primary bio-weapon
the mRNA serums
along with their “alternative” options, which basically perform the same mission.
So, when needed, new pathogens will be used, as will the results of the current injections, and the disinformation and propaganda shall invent whatever is required for the mission to progress. They do not need to convince the small percentage of people, who might actually understand the nature of this issue in the proper context, who have the ability to fathom the science and technology. All they need do
for the mission
is concentrate on the majority
who cannot
or will not.
The aware and smart shall be suppressed as much as possible, using the usual means, but ONLY to keep their disruptive information out of the consciousness of the dumb-driven herd
being targeted. They do not wish to kill
the smart and aware
just to keep them fragmented and less effective in disrupting the mission.
They are shooting for the sky and are prepared to go to any extreme
and, thus, if they fall short
they shall still have achieved exactly the percentages they wished to obtain
from the start
(sloppy as it may get.)
Remember, even if the vaxxed get sick again
or get sick
with Covid-19, they have already received the primary bio-weapon. So, the “alphabet” variants can be ignored and confused for/with this weapon’s effects. Besides, the primary weapon is being used to augment the bio-weapon platform, not destroy it. Both are equipped with Prion Domains, and both create the same damage and harm
with the synthetic spikes being better at it
than the larger, pathogen.
Yes. Expect more.


I agree with you @Ision. I find it very interesting that they are now stating its “safe” to use any covid vaccine as a booster regardless of which anyone was originally vaxed with.
I seriously saw this coming and it fits this agenda. Yay it’s mix and match for our convenience.
I also wonder why the non mrna novavax isn’t approved yet (as far as I know).


As someone who has been following Chris since Jan, 2020, I was a bit disappointed in this video. Looking at the data presented and making any conclusions from it seems quite a stretch. I understand that we use “cases per million population” because that’s the “best” data we have but using it to either confer or discredit vaccine use seems to be ridiculous. Twenty months into this pandemic, we know that healthy population cases under 50 have either no symptoms or mild cases. The vaccine is not for them and mandates for them is not needed. The vaccine is for the senior population and immune compromised. I hope that Chris looks at studies for this population and drawing conclusions from that data. My guess looking at last year versus now is that the vaccines are highly effective in reducing hospitalizations and deaths. I believe the last paragraph of the study stated that.


First off if you are reasonably healthy, reasonably nourished without vitamin deficiencies, and without serious underlying health conditions you will not get sick or if you do you will most likely not have serious symptoms even though the virus has lab manipulation to make it more infective.
If you are reasonably healthy as stated above and have had SarsCov1 which is around 87% similar to Cov2, you have significant immunity and will most likely not get sick or have serious symptoms.
If you are reasonably healthy as stated above and have had SarsCov2 you will have significant immunity for all variants and will most likely not get sick or have serious symptoms.
A virus evolving during an outbreak does not mutate enough to escape natural immunity unless your immune system is compromised.
If you are sick, have severe underlying health conditions, weakened immune system, vitamin deficient, very old, very fat, you can get sick and die from SarsCov2 or any of the variants whether or not you have been vaccinated, gene jabbed, had the virus already or whatever.
But keep in mind that even these very unhealthy folks have a better than 95% chance of surviving the virus. So get nourished, move around as much as you can, and stop the fear. Fear kills.
Everything TPTB is telling us to do is making everyone less healthy. Masks make everyone less healthy alot. Not going outside and moving around a bit makes everyone less healthy alot. Fear and anxiety make everyone less healthy alot.



I just stumbled on some sites that are reporting what Dr Judy Mikovits has said about pine needle tea as being effective at stopping the gene jab from causing our bodies to produce the spike protein. I don’t know whether to believe it, but I do know that pine needle tea is effective medicine against scurvy—as was experienced by stricken French explorers who were treated by a native medicine man. What I read is that they were all clear after 6 days.
I read several of the posts and am convinced that, first off, it won’t do any harm, and the health benefits are likely to be significant.
Evidently there are some studies, but it’s not my forte to pick through them and figure out what’s what. Maybe someone more capable than I—maybe Chris himself—will want to look into this.
Whatever the case, I can report that it’s quite pleasant as a beverage. I made a yaupon tea (good caffeine source growing all through the woods here) and threw in a fist full of long leaf pine needles. Steeped it a good long while. Totally drinkable.
As to yaupon, when the supply chain crumbles to the point that coffee and tea are not to be found, find a yaupon. Natives used to trade in it—and for obvious reasons. Pleasant stuff. Plenty of cranking amps too.
It is native to the Southeast, but in last year’s deep freeze here in Texas it wasn’t even noticeably damaged. You might save yourself from the agony of caffeine withdrawals if you plant some in your yard.
Adding pine needles actually improved the taste, and if so doing kills the manufacture of toxic spikes, wow. What a thing!
Any observations from someone who is geared to research—and who is not a troll for Pharma—could be of real benefit to everyone.


Novavax is being held until it is seen whether the current efforts shall be successful, or not, in obtaining mission goals.
Novavax is being rumored as a safe and effective alternative to the mRNA serums, because it does not hijack one’s cells to force it to produce the synthetic spike-protein. Instead, Novavax directly supplies trillions of the spikes
cutting out the slower, cell-forced, generation
along with any associated issues
people have with this.
However, Novavax is simply directly injecting you with the harming and killing
spikes, each with its Prion Doman
and other attributes. All perfectly capable of traveling to every place and every organ of the body, including the brain.
If they release this “solution” too soon
it will not have as much positive effect in “capturing” those attempting to flee the mRNA serums
as the inescapable side-effects of the Novavax would be exposed
and the diversion would fail
or not be as effective
at getting people injected with the Primary bio-weapon.
Novavax is supposed to act as the escape hatch to run too
in order to keep one’s job, get a job, travel
eat food. The proper hysteria must be staged
so as many can be stampeded through this hatch
before it is slammed shut.


Novavax is supposed to act as the escape hatch to run too.

I’m currently working on my own start-up, but my wife send me a link and she ordered me to share it. It is a summary of an investigation from the RIVM , the Dutch CDC (link). For those who can’t read Dutch, or do not want to use Google Translate, here is the conclusion:

The Effect of Vaccination Status on The Spread of The Coronavirus Conclusions: If a person becomes infected after a full vaccination, the chances of him or her spreading the virus to another person are reduced. This is a modest effect. To become infected as a (non-infected) present in an establishment, it does not matter whether he/she is unvaccinated, partially or fully vaccinated, the chance of becoming infected is almost the same. According to this study, the introduction of a corona pass that may or may not give the right of access to a certain opportunity based on the vaccination status has no effect on spread.
And still, our politicians go beserk, led by a Minister of Health with a brother working in the pharmaceutical industry. A majority of people have become monkey-lizards, i.e., incapable of coherent rational thought induced by fear.  

I have seen a similar cartoon for most of the problems humanity is facing. I am always resistant to the implication that “its their own fault, that is just how people are”, thats not accurate. Most people are responding to what they are being told by the experts, the healthcare professionals, their own government. I cringe when I hear all these tv and radio reports that vitamins are worthless, being healthy is not necessarily better, only pharmaceutical products can make you healthy. The lies are thick and constant. People are simply doing what they believe is right.
I try and tell people that they are being lied to and they always respond with “why would they lie?” and yet they don’t want the answer to that question at all.
On the other hand why do we expect the people in charge, the people who are profiting wildly off of all the lies to tell the truth?


Dear Chris, I think that you are far too nice. This vaccination was never meant to help us stay healthy. Your post September 23 2021 with David Icke nailed it. The They have an agenda, for the time being the They are in control. The Pided Piper of Hamelin (Fauci) has played on the the agnostic society of consumption’s fear of dieing, or just as bad, being restricted from consuming. Many people have warned us about the deaths coming this winter. So far the weather here in France has been absolutely beautiful - except for today. Perhaps today’s full moon will bring a change in the weather. I don’t wish for people to die, but when friends announce that VOLUNTARILY they are going to take their third shots - I try to talk them out of it. Anti-vaxx - if that is what I am - Yes I am.


I’d be interested in understanding what the correlation looks like for vaccinated + COVID recovered, vaccinated only, and COVID recovered only. I also believe consideration should be given to level of lockdown in evaluating this data.
Overall, I understand the goal is to poke at the narrative that vaccinations alone make COVID go away. But if we really wanted to be analytical about this, I feel like natural immunity at least should have been considered in this analysis as that factor could introduce a ton of noise. For example, where is India on this scatterplot?


Chris, thanks for the content over the years. I have followed many of your discussions both on covid and related to the crash course topics. I appreciated your ability to aggregate and interpret data. As someone with one functional lung due to a paralyzed hemi diaphram I’ve worked hard to keep up to date on issues that are related to keeping myself alive based on the pandemic. I was interested in the results discussed here. As an engineer I think there is one or more glaring items related to this particular data that I feel are needed to make more informed conclusions and I’m surprised the authors did not consider them. I feel they really needed to capture testing per capita and the positivity rates for the countries and counties considered. It may not be the case, but if there was little to no testing sought by people in areas with low vaccination coverage I would expect these sorts of results and it may not line up with their conclusions. I would expect the counties with the lowest vaccine coverage to have very little to no volunteer testing. In those cases there may be many cases that go unreported making the data not necessarily accurate. Likewise as an example, I expect a much larger per capita testing in Israel when compared to some other countries. I would need to know the testing per capita and the positivity rate in this case to make more informed conclusions.


Today’s humour, IMO. LOL

Federal regulators will meet over the next two weeks to weigh the benefits of giving shots to kids, after lengthy studies meant to ensure the safety of the vaccines. Within hours of formal approval, expected after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advisory meeting scheduled for Nov. 2-3, doses will begin shipping to providers across the country, along with smaller needles necessary for injecting young kids, and within days will be ready to go into the arms of kids on a wide scale. -AP source
California should probably have priority given its order for student vaccinations. Too bad it's too late to make trick-or-treating "safe" for this year. Bummer, man.

Everybody understands that the world has gone mad. I seek to not contribute additional madness.
We also know the ideal of “being the change that we want to see,” and that “being-ness” communicates, that behaviors are observed and spread (the hundredth monkey phenomenon.)
How about we just move towards the monster that stalks us.
We stalk the stalker, as Carlos Castaneda said.
I’ve been doing this now for about 12-14 weeks.
I work as a doctor, so people with SC2 come to me repeatedly during the day. Once I find out that they have SC2, I remove my mask and sit close to them. I’m seeking exposure to the thing that I avoided in fear (actually more like terror) for the first year. Breath with me. Let me share your microscopic visitors.
This began gradually with several accidental exposures. A patient with coronary artery disease and aortic stenosis and a fever, dizziness and chest pain. We sat at his bedside as an echocardiogram was done to observe wall motion, look for vegetations of the valves, measure the aortic valve cross-sectional area. After 10 minutes at the bedside–everyone unmasked, his COVID test came back positive. I thought “Oh SHIT!” This is it!
These accidental exposures continued to happen gradually over the next year. An older male patient with poor hearing and dementia and his wife with equally poor hearing but mentally intact. We all removed our masks to communicate (my hearing is bad and I must lip read). It turns out she had COVID. We stood close, unmasked and talked loudly to each other.
The exposures started to add up.
Finally I concluded that I had already been exposed multiple times already. The horse was out of the barn. My puny little surgical face mask did not stop aerosols anyway, (most of the air flow goes around the edges of the surgical mask).
Eating Dirt For Health

I have always embraced exposure to the natural world (including eating dirt!) was the way to make the immune system robust. Probiotics of multiple strains.
Our stool is half bacteria by dry weight. We each have some 3 pounds of bacteria living in our gut. And without them we get sick! We need them and they need us. We are symbionts.
Make friends with our co-travelers, our little buddies that co-evolved with humans to live within our guts.
I avoided the flu shot and saw patients with the flu unmasked. Occasionally I would get a little sick, but that was rare.
Asimov (or was it Heinlein or Clarke??) had a story of a multi-decade duration spaceship trip to a far star system. The job of the ship doctor was to release a virus into the ventilation system every Friday afternoon to keep the travelers immune systems’ robust. Meet and befriend the microscopic traveling companions that we need to be in good health.
Vaccines unbalance the TH1 to TH2 ratio
The immune system has two major arms. The allergy arm and the infection arm. As we are overly clean and overly vaccinated, the immune system shifts to the allergy arm being predominant. This leads to less infectious diseases, but more auto-immune diseases of unknown origin. This is the plight of the modern child–scrubbed with antibacterial soap and not allowed to get muddy while being given 60+ injections between birth and kindergarten.

Pandemic to Endemic
I have a belief that everyone will get SARS-CoV-2. And each year it will circulate and we will meet the next year’s variants. I do not see anyway out of this. Certainly we will not vaccinate our way to herd immunity.

The goal is not to avoid infection, but to avoid a severe course.
We do this by preparing our terrain, and by effective early treatment that allows us to get sick, but not severely. We have to go into the lions den and wrestle with the lion--but, maybe cheat a little with horse paste, so as to not get eaten. Fear Not I believe that it is possible to fear not. I have certain moved from terror to boldness with this little micro-beastie. This has been my way out of the insanity. . Weddings My nephew gets married next month. However, multiple family members have banded together to insist on a rule that only the vaccinated may attend. They will not book plane tickets until they are promised that no unvaccinated will be present. It turns out that I am the only unvaccinated person in the extended family. So I volunteered to not attend. The wedding planning is going much better now. I walked to the dermatologist's office today and saw people wearing masks and avoiding door latches. Read countless signs insisting that the unmasked may not enter. That people who are sick may not enter. Affirmed that I had no fever or cough. I was instructed that when I remove my mask for a skin cancer check on my lower face that I should hold my breath for the 10 second skin check. This all shows a burden of great fearfulness. This isn't necessary, IMHO.