Nomi Prins: Collusion!

Nomi Prins, Wall Street veteran turned financial industry reformist returns to the podcast this week to explain the findings within her new book Collusion: How Central Bankers Rigged The World.

Nomi has put together a timeline of exactly when and how the central banks have plundered the wealth of the masses since 2008, either directly or indirectly through the loss of purchasing power of the currencies they control: 

The relationship between the Central Banks, the major ones -- the Fed, Europe Central Bank, Bank of Japan -- all the larger Central Banks in the world and their private banks was effectively, and is effectively, kept secret. The relationships they have with each other, a lot of it is secret; so you have to really dig in to it to find out what's really going on.

What I did was dig into the documents that I could find and create a timeline. That's why each chapter in each region starts in 2008. It works with Mexico, Brazil, Japan, China and Europe and juxtaposes that with what the Fed was doing at that time to see how that collusive behavior wound up happening. The secret-ness is in the relationships of the banks, where that money that was fabricated by these institutions actually went, and when -- or if -- it's coming back.

The 'cheat and deceiving' part of that definition is also apparent: people have been cheated out of their futures from the standpoint of the central banks' strategies. So when the Feds creates cheap money, companies and banks and countries borrow more from the future because it is so cheap and easy. This deceives many people into thinking that the economy is somehow therefore being helped by this strategy, which is in acutality an emergency strategy. It's an emergency that's gone on now for ten years.

Yes there have been some tweaks here and there -- interest rates have gone up a little bit in the United States -- but all in all, rates are still pretty much 0% on average globally and quantitative easing still exists. The books of the major Central Banks are as big as they were at their heights through this last ten-year period...and they're still growing. Just look at Europe and Japan.

Look at the stock market. The stock market is really high right now in a lot of different places. Why is it so high? Because a lot of this money went into debt which was borrowed to buy corporate stock, to buy the stock of banks, or to buy the banks themselves. That's a major form of manipulation and deception as well.

Why is JP Morgan's stock going up? Is it just because JP Morgan is such a great bank and so helping? Well, no. It's because it received a lot of help from the Federal Reserve. It funneled that help into its own shares, and it has continued to pay settlements and be fined on egregious activity against its own clients, which are many because it's the largest bank in the United States among the largest banks in the world.            

There are multiple points of cheating and deception that have been enabled or that occur because of Central Banks policies. Some of those policies are secret; but a lot of them are public. You just have to piece the documents and the timelines together.

Click the play button below to listen to Chris' interview with Nomi Prins (41m:38s).

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

One of the comments that always bugged me after the banking crisis was underway was this plan to divide the banks into what they called “bad” banks and “good” banks, as if that would solve the problem. You could just feel this desire to ‘fix’ things and not have to deal with anything bad. Well I was thinking, “Where would these “bad” banks go?” Who would “own” them? It just seemed so incredibly naive and simplistic to me as if we could just take all those ‘bad’ things and sweep them under the rug and presto chango… “Look Mommy, no mess anymore!” I knew nothing about banking but was shocked at the simplicity and frankly stupidity of that whole idea that reassured everyone in the financial media. I still shake my head and marvel at what seemingly intelligent people will think. We are in trouble. People actually live in a dream and not in reality.

I guess what I am really trying to say is that I understood on a very simple level that you can’t make something just disappear.

I was actually going to recommend Nomi as a future guest after seeing her excellent performance when being interviewed on BBC News Beyond 100 Days (co hosted by two UK & US news presenters)

New_Life wrote:
I was actually going to recommend Nomi as a future guest after seeing her excellent performance when being interviewed on BBC News Beyond 100 Days (co hosted by two UK & US news presenters)
Thanks for the thought, and glad we had her on again so near to the launch of her new book, and I want to remark on one thing... The moniker of "conspiracy theorist" is one that I now wear proudly because I value independent thought and free thinking, and fresh ideas above everything. Apparently, if you even dare to question the official narrative now you are a conspricy theorist?!? Okay then...if's where I fall. As I've writtten (somehwat) extensively there's been a concerted assault on free thinkers by the MSM. Of course, we here, are affected by that less, but the common experience is very different. For most people anything outside of the commonly repeated narrative is disturbing. Weird, right? Not really, that's what history tells us. So I'll leave you with this...found on Twitter just this moring so it's fresh! :)

Nomi Prins posted her forecast for 2018 on her website:
She stated: "The dollar index that tracks the dollar against other major currencies (including the Euro and the Pound sterling) hit 14-year lows in 2017. "
That, surely is wrong. It fell all the way through 2017 but had lower lows than 2017 from 2008 to late 2014. What I think she meant was that it had the worst performance in 14 years. I’m not even sure that is true because my figures suggest that 2010 had a worse performance beginning to end.
The far more interesting aspect is that the dollar index has been steadily rising since a low on April 22nd 2008. That is despite the quantitive easing and other shenanigans. Correlations may seem intuitive but they can lead you badly astray as 2017 demonstrates. Rates then were rising in the US but still negative or near negative in Europe which rationalizers would have expected to increase the dollar index. That is not what happened.
The only forecaster that I know of that were bullish the dollar index back then was Elliott Wave International. They expected the dollar index to rise as equity markets fell. That happened but could have been expected to stop when equities bottomed in March 2009. Instead, it rose but made a higher low at 72.86 on May 5th 2011. It has not seen that level since.
What has been happening? The nominal prices for equity indexes have gone into orbit, it seems, so the Elliott Wave forecast would seem to be wrong. In reality, though, when you measure the equity indexes against the PPI or against gold, they are still well down from their tops around 1999 and 2000.
I have no argument with the general idea that the Fed has a lot to answer for but then so do we all for blindly following. The idea that rising equity markets create confidence which boosts the economy is wrong. Logic ought to suggest that if that sort of feedback was in place then markets would keep going up with barely a setback. History suggests otherwise.
The more logical way to look at is that confident bankers have been printing money like never before because they believe that the system works mechanically rather than being driven by mass mood. Everyone has been in the same euphoric head space where they are so confident that they blithely consign their hard earned cash to ETFs without a thought to due diligence or any form of research. It is the same across property and money markets. Look at the price of housing, junk bonds and sovereign debt. The belief is widespread that the markets only go up.
Well that belief was very firm until the end of January this year. The last 2 months have been messy although the last week suggest that the market has its mojo back. We will see but under Elliott Wave theory that first downward 5 wave jolt suggests another that will go much lower.
Cash is king in this environment.

In brief, what we’re seeing is the FED and Treasury doing what they do best, manipulating the market. They don’t want to buy any more debt which was indicated last year when they said the bond buying binge was over. Question is, now what? Better yet, why? No one else was jumping in, not at near zero rates when the stock market was going gang busters. To get investors interested they had to do something otherwise the government would shut down. The why is the debt was getting so high that it would affect the country’s credit rating. Ah ha, a lower credit rating means steeper rates.
What’s going on now is the stock market is being bumped to get investors away from stocks and into bonds. We need that since Trump popped out another 1.8 trillion deficit. You can’t pull in buyers unless the bond rates are more attractive and or the stock market turns into a stomach churning spectacle. They did both. It’s a given that government is to some degree controlling the market movements. It’s not a “free” market. They have to so I’ll give them a pass on that. Bond rates have been increased ever so slightly although it’s still no where near what most would call normal. Why is that? It’s simple. They don’t want to pay 5% when they can get away with 3%. Remember, the government has to pay the interest on those bonds. I should say we are paying. To offset that trivial increase they shook the tree called the S&P and Dow.
In this new age of being disingenuous to the degree they are, it’s not a problem to whack the stock market in order to shake out a few hundred thousand potential government bond buyers. Ever wonder who determines the price on any given stock? Someone is pulling those levers. I don’t think it was the last buyer or seller determining price.
What we’re seeing is a shift so as to not arouse suspicion with stocks being rocked to ultimately drift south and bonds increasing. Who said the bonds have to go up at all? Supply and demand? Nope, the government is not in it to make money. So what then? They have God like control and will set it according to their needs which are what? To mitigate the interest payments. Don’t expect to see 5% anytime soon unless it really gets out of hand which it could and I think it will with the amount of debt that’s circulating at all economic levels. Student debt is mind boggling along with consumer and home mortgages. I don’t know how people sleep at night with the amount of debt they’re carrying.
I started selling off my rentals last year. They are going for good prices because I invested a little to get them up to par versus selling to some shmucky investor and losing 50+k in potential earnings. I think the crash will be worse than 08 since the amount of debt is so high. The number of defaults will be staggering and it will reverberate throughout the economy bringing the country to its knees. I honestly feel sorry for most people because they’ve got no way out.