Now We Have MORE Questions (Pointing To LIHOP)

It would be at least strange if the SS was not using that network that was founded exactly to give common channels among all these services in time critical situations. And then we have the new storyline that the SS was completly “siloed”… Mayorkas had personnaly denied SS protection to Kennedy. If he was also directly involved at Butler I simply can not know.


As a deputy coroner of that coroner who guarded the Crooks case?

I got a story from the wife of a promoted colonnel. Shortly, he cannot be the commander of his wife or children. So they had to find another position for his wife when he was promoted.

According to wikipedia, the United States Secret Service is is a federal law enforcement agency under the Department of Homeland Security. Its executives are Alejandro Mayorkas as Secretary, and Kristie Canegallo as Acting Deputy Secretary. I don’t know if this is actual information, because Susan Crabtrees post remains somewhat ambigous in terms of who is who’s deputy.

edit: “Acting” inserted

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I assumed the van was to give FBI jurisdiction as they can call it a terrorist attack. Gives them control over cory murder then too. States do not stand up for their rights.



Hi Commenter,
you asked about a good site discussing North Stream. I follow „Thomas Gast“ on Rumble/ YouTube concerning military topics, „Outdoor Chiemgau“ (YT) on power outages, „Marc Friedrich“ and „Aktien mit Kopf“ on Politics (YT). Hope I could help. :pray:t2: regards!

Check out the “So it’s back to first principles” and Where were two local…" threads. They discuss the location of a shooter of shots 1-3 and many conclude that shots 1-3 came from the vent just to the right of the middle window of AGR building 6.

Look for Roger-Knight’s diagrams.

On the Redacted podcast, they interviewed a lady that lived 10 miles from the site. She was reporting that the van had been towed from a spot in front of her neighbors house. She also said that the SS or FBI (I honestly can’t remember which) had searched her property & told her that everyone had to remain in their homes. Redacted also had video of a white van being towed that looked like it may have been recorded on a phone.
Also, on the sign in sheets for the gun range, Crooks signed in with a redacted person at 9:11 (not sure which day bcz I suffer with CRS). I find this to be a very strange “coincidence”. Coincidence is something I don’t believe in so this little fact just keeps rubbing me the wrong way.
Also, I haven’t seen anyone mentioning the people in the stands behind Trump. (Altho admittedly, I could’ve just missed that part of the conversation) The first time I saw the video I honestly looked straight at my mother & said “Bullshtuff! This is fake as funk! Just look at the ppl in the background. That’s not how normal ppl react to danger.” They obviously knew it was gun fire bcz Trump was on the ground & they’re just standing there looking like they’re bad actors in a play, pretending to “duck” down. Then, I watched a state police officer carry a man I presumed was dead out of the stands by just his back belt loop. I promise! I even said to my mom “That’s not how the police handle dead bodies! Umm hello, EVIDENCE”. It’s all “off”.
Truth has a specific energy & our bodies can feel that energy & it feels good. Deception on the other hand makes my whole body feel"icky" for a lack of a better word. This whole thing just feels ICKY to me.
Honestly is ANYONE getting anywhere with their investigations? Congress… doubtful. Podcasters…most have already moved on. Keyboard warriors are the last hope but I honestly can’t tell if anyone’s observations are leading anywhere. Feels like Wag the Dog to me.
What do you think?

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Speaking of coincidence, I just looked down at my phone and right in my face is a post on April 10th that says “Dismantling the Illusion: How Information Control Shapes Reality” I had to giggle :face_with_hand_over_mouth:. It was like the Universe was giving me a direct message. It’s all an illusion.

I’ll give you my first impression of the people behind the stands and in the rest of the audience. There’s the difference between soy boys and screaming Karens on the progressive left, who expect the government to give them a safe space, and hard working, self-reliant, people of faith who recognize an assassination attempt when they see one. Stampeding off the stands or out of the venue would only increase the risk to their safety. I laugh at the media capturing some running down the road and try to make it seem as if the whole crowd was running in panic. Nope, best to keep a level head in a crisis, not lose your mind.

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Anyone notice that GN has lot of contact w/ Plain Clothes LEO’s in his two minutes outside AGR 6?



here is a swiss physicist who analysed this in great detail:

this site is in english to have a wider reach, but if you need information in german, he will be very happy sharing this with you!

By the way, the neander valley man was unable to speak. The muscles around the chin made it difficult, as I remember.
neanderthal chin
neander valley chin
Crooks' chin
Crooks's chin

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I forgot the conclusion. His chin was bigger than usual. Maybe it was not very confortable to speak. Any biologists or antopologists here?

This isn’t relevant and mocking someone’s appearance, no matter what they have done or what their issues were, is petty.

Behaviors like that just embarass this group effort.

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Very sorry. I just tried to figure out why he was often sitting alone at lunch and why didn’t talk to people.

What’s worrisome is that young people who are alone or lonely can be prime targets for patsy development. They are susceptible to grooming by skilled adults with nefarious goals. We have seen concerning situations where intelligence organizations radicalize, seem to be monitoring without intervention, or have actually developed people like this into bad actors.