Obama Punishes Responsible Parties

I agree Woodman. This silliness will continue.

It would appear that now is a time for the common man to consider self-preservation and financial protection. Clearly we are heading down the proverbial rabbit hole… each should consider making decisions that are in their own families well being… consequences of said decisions are known, it’ll just take a longer time frame for any consequences to be enforced. I believe the system is beyond capacity in its ability to handle increasing defaults, and it is getting worse by the day. That time can be well used by those who see this for what it is… an opportunity to preserve part of your wealth.

In the future, having some blemish’s on one’s credit report will likely be far more acceptable. Logic dictates that for banks to survive, they eventually need to make loans. I am hard pressed to envision a future where individuals and businesses (in large quantities) escape from this transitory period unscathed.


That’s a fine piece of work there. I hope everyone has taken a gander at it.

My waggish summary for all this is that you get more of whatever it is you subsidize.

Want more bad mortgages? Just subsidize them.

Want more bad investment decisions? Just subsidize them.

Want education costs that rise faster than inflation? Just subsidize them.

It’s really that straightforward in most cases.



I thought it would be productive to post a framework in everyone's mind as to how these subsidies work and what is NEVER mentioned in mainstream.

What we have here is the ’seen vs. unseen’ fallacy at work.

Government produces no wealth. They take wealth from others and
redistribute it to others under their monopoly of the monetary system
and violence. Let me illustrate with an example:

A and B (usually a government comittee, hence A and B) put their
heads together and decide what C shall be made to do for D. All eyes
are on how D benefits. Endless political commentary and punditry abound
around D. A and B is the State. C is the person who does productive
economic work and pays taxes extorted via A and B and D is the
recipient of the swindled money from C, less the cut that A and B
squander on themselves or their favoured insiders.

What is not seen is the economic benefits of what C might have done
if C was allowed to retain his money and spend it as they saw fit.
Existing businesses would not receive C’s money anymore or future
businesses may not come into existence. In otherwords, current and
future businesses effectively subsidize D, favoured by A and B.

A and B have another mechanism to swindle C; devalue the money s/he
has in their pockets by printing new currency into existence to finance
D. This new currency has an inflationary effect on C’s savings for
today, tomorrow, or passed onto C’s children. Government sponsored
inflationary attacks on C by the State/Banking cartel rob C in such a
manner that not one in a million C’s can diagnose. C pays for D via
inflation, not taxation.

The most skilled statistician cannot tell you what millions of C’s
would have done, today or tomorrow, had they been allowed to retain
their money (or the value of it) to spend into the economy.

C is the forgotten man.

I’m looking for the video, Ron Paul said it well, people do stupid things with money when money is cheap. Schiff said something similar, if a kindergarten teacher gives the class a bunch of candy and then leaves the room who is really the bad guy? (My answer: Greenspan?)
Oh well, like the hope video says, lets give the diabetic kid a lollipop and lucky us, we get to pay for it.
Take care
think this is the kids candy one
and here is the lolipop one
Oh well, at least we can prepare and profit from it, hopefully there will be some semblance of a Democracy left. Seems to me like my generation is the generation of smoke and mirrors and phony appearances. Financially we are seeing everyone who had 900 dollar suits in their undies, my greatest concern is all the crap they did to the constitution from gold and silver coins to BS like the Patriot act are going to leave our Statute of Liberty naked. A depression is one thing. Russia is another.
I’ve been toying with the idea of doing a book called Preception. A chapter for cr@p that is named somehting that leads us to believe one thing when it is totally another.
The "Federal" Reserve
The "Patriot" Act
Homeland "Security"
and a million more like it

Punish those that are responsible, make future generations pay for the mistakes of the irresponsible and reward the greedy. Nice.

Ok We know it is not going to work and you can give millions of samples,but what is going to happened to me the reponsable one when my neighborhood becomes a dump and most of the empty houses are damage and can not be sold again. yes, they are groups of people that go to this houses and they even take the kitchen sink,toilet and all the cooper plumbing if available. There is not a win situation for responsable people. We are stock in here with no choices of what to do. Of course, I am more prepare than 90% of my neighbors but who care if they are not going to be here next year why should they prepare.

The mortgage mess is propaganda. The big money and mess is with the corrupt banking sector. Imagine giving mortgages that reset to twice the mortgage payment and many are also reverse amortized mortgages that are leaving homeowners owning more than they borrowed.

The bad mortgages were given to unqualified borrowers with the intent to dump the bad debt on Fannie, Freddie and unwitting bond buyers. What a rotten and predatory system!

The thing that stinks the most is that over and over, the monetary policies of this nation are being decided behind closed doors. Why is there never a debate…or at least alternatives explored?

The big banks, the fed, and a few corrupt politicians are making decisions without any transparency and in defiance of constitutional law.

Welcome to corporate fascism - as long as banks run the country we will continue to be a client state - not a republic. The real problem that they will never discuss is that the federal reserve bank must be abolished.



emdiaz, I sympathize with your situation and indeed this is how the govt is trying to sell the public on the "package." But understand there is another segment of "victims" that is probably larger than responsible homeowers in distressed neighborhoods - that would be all of the responsible renters who did not buy because they understood home prices were too high (it was really a no-brainer) and who did not get sucked into the siren song. With the latest plan to bailout distressed mortgage holders (really its another bank bailout but that’s not the point here), the plan is actually attempting to put a bottom on the housing market - a false bottom. Ignoring for purposes of this post all of the potential consequences from such a plan, it also shuts a large contingent of future home buyers - those who currently rent - out of the market because home prices will continue to be (artificially) inflated. My only point here is that life isn’t fair; I am sorry you might be living in a distressed neighborhood even as a responsible homeowner, but that doesn’t mean that the big bully can come in and take MY money to make it better for you but worse for others.



You are correct. When we get into the business of State redistribution of wealth, it turns us against each other fighting over our shares of the loot we think we are entitled to. We become a society of cannibals. And such a society is doomed to destruction.

The real culprit here is State intervention in our communities, monetary system, and the way a Central Bank cartelizes the private banks to inflate together - and thus fail together - causing the boom/bust cycles they were supposed to prevent.

I know this may surprise some and many may think I’m being hyperbolic but this has got to be one of the most unenlightened threads I’ve read on this usually top-notch website in quite some time.

The problem I have with this thread is that there seems to be a more than healthy dose of righteous indignation as people claim how responsible they are, while decrying the handouts that, let’s face it, probably less than one percent of the citizenry will actually benefit from. So this is not some widespread program and, as many have pointed out, pales in comparison to previous bailouts. As Chris M. has shown with the math, this plan won’t help most people who it is designed to help. So it’s not as if millions of people are suddenly going to have their homes paid off by the government, which I think is what many (mostly in contexts other than this website) somehow believe. Also, as Chris M. has shown, this program is really yet another backdoor vehicle for propping up the fraudulent and parasitic banking and mortgage industry. It’s essentially a futile attempt to buy some time. Emphasis on futile.

To those who are concerned that this will somehow distort home prices, hurting your responsible home ownership. No go on that one. Housing prices will be falling for years to come – potentially as far into the future as 2014 – and in many of the most inflated places may fall to 10-20% of their peak bubble values. This Obama plan is impotent to influence these gargantuan macro trends. Maybe if he put several trillion into the program but not the pittance he’s calling for.

The mortgage mess is essentially a canard and one of many less significant byproducts of systemic rot and erroneous design, which Chris M. has done a great job distilling for the consumers of this site: debt-based, fractional reserve lending, necessitated growth, wealth created through extraction and not production, etc.

So I hope all of those who are offended by this legislation were also as deeply offended – and vocal about it – by the far more substantial and nakedly criminal TARP bologna and undocumented handouts by the Fed directly into Wall Street’s coffers. If you were/are then this post is not addressed to you. I know Chris M. was, as he called it a wide-scale looting operation or some other equally apt descriptor.

I know it’s hard for many to admit – and probably most won’t ever admit it – but to simply be American is to “get something for nothing” and to live beyond one’s means. This is not “anti-American,” so please spare me that and other reactionary rejoinders, but simply a fact of life. A stark truth in a dog-eat-dog paradigm-based world that‘s more a zero-sum game than proponents of globalization are willing to admit. As libertarian and Austrian Schooler Peter Schiff has pointed out, Americans en masse are the ones artificially reaping the wealth created by others, and this imbalance cannot continue because disproportionately prospering due to the work inputs of others is unsustainable and in Ayn Rand’s view immoral. This doesn’t necessarily mean one is a bad person or immoral or even unethical, it just means that one has been fortunate enough in the guiding hands of fate to have been born in the United States at this point in the course of history.

To be truly responsible, to be truly concerned with the path and trajectory of our world is too look deeply and acknowledge this reality. One must put aside – if one has it all – outmoded notions of nationalism or emotional responses such as, “Well, my granddaddy fought for this country…” This has nothing to do with global, objective reality only people’s narrow, emotional defense mechanisms.

So for one American to say to another, “You’re irresponsible because you bought a house you need help with and now the government is going to spend some tax dollars on you. You evil thing. You ruiner of our economy. You corrupter of capitalism,” leaves me somewhat hollow with a pinch of hypocrisy.

To those concerned with transfer of wealth:

The only significant transfer of wealth that has occurred in this country – dating back to colonial times – is from the bottom 80% or so to the top 20%. Propagandistic bogeyman such as Reagan’s “welfare queens” are just that, propaganda to whip up the masses against one another while the real getting-something-for-nothing is going on behind closed doors, out of sight, and with such subtle methods as to be intellectually ungraspable by most.

To fully understand the two-plus centuries of looting, war profiteering, big business subsidies, and currency devaluation that has occurred in this country, Kevin Phillips’ “Wealth and Democracy” is the gold standard.

To say the least, we are at a critical juncture in this country’s history and the last thing we can afford now is in-fighting amongst the masses, which, of course, is to the benefit of those running the show. The longer we cling to the truly false paradigm of political spectrums and affiliations the longer the real divide in this country – the one between the bottom 80 or 90% and those who determine the broad thrusts of government and business – will go unspoken and un-acted upon.

So to all the liberals and Democrats, I say: Get over your Obamas and Hillarys. These people are not more intelligent, more compassionate, more concerned about the little people than anyone else, especially so your Republican shibboleths of Bush and Cheney. Obama, as each day goes by, seems to me already to be one of the biggest charlatans I could have ever imagined.

So to all the conservatives and Republicans, I say: Return to your libertarian, intellectual, responsible roots and toss aside this conservatism-come-lately defined by anti-intellectualism, pro-war and interventionism, and the bogus and cynical “culture wars.”

To both groups: Please realize that when the truly terrible happens, both sets of your leaders will be flying overhead abandoning you because they are not your brothers and sisters, not your ideological counterparts, not your friends.

In the coming years and decades all we have is each other, how ever flawed, vulnerable, and deeply human those people turn out to be. Fighting amongst ourselves at the propagandistic behest of our political and media masters is a darkened road that can only lead to chaos.

thanks maine


You are absolutely right. The 75 billion is miniscule in the big picture. It will make NO difference in the foreclosure "problem". It is merely a log on the fire of keeping the public at odds with each other rather than pursuing the true enemy.


Well said.

I can’t believe how the media is playing you folks for suckers. CNBC is really cranking it out…stoking the flames of envy toward your fellow man. You’re playing right into the banksters’ game…make the masses hate each other so they don’t focus on them. Do I think this program is ridiculous? Of course! It won’t work! But it’s NOTHING compared to the bigger picture.
You supposed free-marketeers and conservatives need to wake the hell up. Don’t engage in your knee-jerk anti-marxist angst. You willingly give trillions to ruling bankers throughout your lifetime, but somebody makes you pay a penny to a middle class individual and you get your panties in a wad screaming "free loader!!!" with such moral outrage. You’re all slaves to the banking oligarchy, so don’t give me BS about free markets unless you prove it by turning against the REAL ENEMY…the Fed. The media-driven conservative side and the media-driven liberal side are so clueless. Just 2 groups of masses being trained to hate each other so the Rothschilds and Rockefellers can sit in their castles eating brie, breeding psychopathically elitist children, developing plans to steal even more from you when they decide to kill the dollar, and watching you all on TV build so much vile hatred for your fellow man.
Step back for a moment, please! Can’t you see how you’re being programmed!? Nobody had their hatred stoked as $10T has been transferred to the biggest banks, with more to come, yet $85B (not even 1% the size of what’s been transferred to the elite) targeted at homeowners makes you froth with rage. The beauty of most revolutions is that they focus on the elite. You’re all starting a civil war focused on each other.

I’ll never forget on a deployment to the arizona/mexico border for a JTF-6 (the original ruse to start what has become today domestic military law enforcement) counter narcotics screening operation, one of my soldiers put a wolf spider and a scorpion in a jar to see who would win. They stayed away from each other until my soldier kept shaking the jar…they finally had to fight. The spider won by the way. Sucked the scorpion dry. We watched the scorpion deflate like a balloon.
If they had a cortex, they might have realized what was happening and jumped out of the jar together to kill the soldier shaking the jar.
Train your cortex folks! Develop consciousness. Jump out of the jar. Stop letting the Rothschilds and Rockefellers shake us all up in the jar to make us fight each other.

Sorry, I stated my concern wrongly. My house can be devalued from today’s market 60% and I am still be Ok. What I was trying to say is that we all know by now that this is not going to work and the money is for the banks but nobody has a better idea. I am getting tired of people complaining and I guess is not anybody’s fault in this site. I also know that life is not fair(I became a widow at 28).

I guess the right thing to do is to let all those people which in a year or two will be thousands live on the streets and die of hunger, that way in a few more years we can all leave in a better place(which we know that is not true). There is no one out there with a better solution. I know what you are going to say-buy gold, move to a community with less people, garden and all that.

I have friend and family that I cannot in good conscious leave them behind. My husband signed for the Marine few months after 9/11 because he thought that this country need it him and they send him to Iraq. It took me a year after Iraq to make him see how wrong the government was. We are fighter and we will fight. His family is from Cuba and we live in Miami. Cubans will not go down easy. In the meantime in my state, they are working on gun registration within 3 days of purchase, raising property taxes, planting more to beautify the county, building more streets, and reducing our public transportation. I cannot imagine my son which is 4 going thru all that because irresponsible& greedy people. After reading Ferfal blog I decided not to go to the farm because is far from all my friends and family and I do not feel secure in a secluded area in the middle of nowhere so I am ready from what is to come in my suburban house. I guess I am tire and this is just starting. I just thank my parents for raising me in a modest way because I live a "poor live" by choice which for me is simple and for most people is poor but I hate to waste. I feel like the person in the corner with the sign that say "the end is coming". Thank you for letting me vent.

Cooncat - I couldn’t agree more that the magnitude of the banksters handouts utterly dwarfs the homeowner rescue plan.

But history is filled with those odd turning points. Finally, after all the prior usurpations and aggrievements, it was the simple phrase, "Let them eat cake" that galvanized the response.

Whether we rightfully raise our voices in perfect proportion to the looting, or whether we finally find some crystallization of our objection in a smaller example, is less important than finally being heard.

And you are spot on that we need to not fight amongst ourselves realizing instead that it is the banksters and politicians that need us 100x more than we need them. It’s important to always remember that. Thanks for the reminder.

Great post Strabes!!

I couldn’t agree more. The way the media has been portraying this whole mess lately has been very, very curious.


Great story strabes, great analogy. But I am assuming, though you don’t say it, that the jar had a lid and getting out for either the spider or the scorpion would not be an easy task - well, an impossible task, I dare say. And even if they could, no matter how many times they stung the soldier, they wouldn’t kill him. So too, we spiders and scorpions can’t easily escape and we certainly can’t kill the powers that put us in the jar. Most of us are stuck for better or worse, we have kids, we have homes, we have jobs and last I checked Galt’s Gulch was just a place in a novel. I agree that "fighting each other" is completely misdirected but I don’t see how we are going to get out of the jar until the jar breaks.