Omicron is the Beginning of the End!


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@Jae888 You should show your family the stats that 80% of new cases are in the fully vaxxed. They are the ones getting and spreading this. This is Alberta:
I believe the stats are similar in the other provinces.


Honey badger had a kitten and it’s cuuuute!
So Covid is over? What’s next? Out of the pot and into the fire…my money is on a cyber attack from “Russian-linked hackers”. We’re not done until 1st world living standards drop to 3rd world standards. Sure would be nice if there was a landing on the Stairway to Hell so we could all catch our breath.


UNVAXXED Russian Hackers.
There. Fixed it! <smile>


Holly crap, that’s a pretty good one on BIS agenda and CBDC coming. I saved the BIS pdfs, but looking for someone with a twitter account to log in and print a PDF of that particular twitter feed.


Canuck09, yes I have mentioned something similar to them but they are still ‘uncomfortable’ with meeting with unvaccinated people now. They are still going ahead with their other gatherings (one at a restaurant), and inviting several vaccinated people to their home though. They say once Omicron calms down they will be comfortable again. They are still hypnotized now. I will keep slowly working to help break the spell.


After 2 years of working in a big box retail store I finally contracted it. I tested positive yesterday. Symptoms started Tuesday afternoon. I had chills bad joint aches in every joint for about 24-36 hours and now nothing. Never a fever over 99.7, loss of taste or smell, trouble breathing or anything else. Feel perfectly normal. I didn’t have access to the monochromal antibodies but I threw everything else at it. I think I’m going to venture in a day or two and pick up a test, my positive one was through a doctor. I am not vaccinated and wore a fake mask at work throughout and never one anywhere else. I was starting to wonder if I would ever get it.


I might believe him(scott Morrison) but it’s too close to elections. Don’t trust a word that exits his mouth


I agree, good news on balance… but, even if this thing is (relative to prior variants) really mild… isn’t it spreading so fast that a 1.5% rate of hospitalization and a 0.1% IFR be a problem if 100 million cases happen over the course of like 10 or 12 weeks? What am I missing about what we are looking at here?


Run a simple model… if something like 100 million people get this over a 12 week period and the hospitalization rate is 1.5% or so (as was seen in S. Africa)… even with a short average stay, that’s a tremendous number of new patients, particularly in the later weeks, who are not getting a bed or going to see a doctor. Will the IFR stay super-low when that happens? I generally agree that this is a good development and that this is what it takes for this to become yet another version of the common cold, essentially, but I think there is some pain coming, maybe quick and then over, but pain nonetheless… am I missing something here?


Novavax jab triggers immune response to Omicron

Positive early results showing ‘broad cross-reactivity’ a boost for Covax vaccine access scheme

  I remember in the past this vaccine has been discussed along the lines of bill gates vested interest in it and why it was not promoted in USA. All of a sudden now it's described better than mRna vaccines, wonder why? How risky is this one as far as adverse effects and efficacy goes for someone to help them evaluate for their individual risk vs benefit analysis? Thanks.
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Jan 7


The lack of severity and the glowing fact that there is no loss of taste or smell makes me wonder whether this is actually a Sars-CoV-2 variant, or just a fear porn hyped up cold virus (which too is a coronavirus and is prone to immune escape).
A month ago, the UK was writing articles about this horrible cold season knocking people out for a week or more. Another recent article in the UK said of the deaths 4 in 5 were vaccinated. Is this just a way for the governments to hide the fact that people are now dying of a common cold amidst a pandemic they have already used for lucrative and ill intent?
What’s the R0 of a cold virus? How do symptoms compare here? While viruses wane in mortality over time, there is too much difference especially considering many of the genes of delta (the previously dominant variant from which this should have mutated were it following the natural laws) are excluded from this one.
I’m highly suspicious that this isn’t just the oligarchy’s way of getting out of the hole they’ve dug with the authoritarian and Nuremburg Code violating policies they’ve implemented.
Highly suspicious overall.


This is really good stuff and thank you! It is right into the whole master plan that Catherine Austin Fitts lays out. Six or seven pillars all acting independently so that we don’t see them as connected. Do you wanna wait to stop at roll out in this country or to slow it, or alter its trajectory, seems to hinge around getting Covid martial law to go away.


Definitely. I’ll join my family. I still have to do it from my far but I call him after I send it


I’ve been waiting too. I have a sneaking feeling I had it at the end of 2019. But I’m still waiting patiently. I’m so happy to hear that for you! And hey most of us can risk at least one personal story if we get this thing and tell it on our social media channels from our own point of view as our own selves. That could be a powerful little touch especially if a bunch of people are doing it. A little gorilla tactic that you would only get a warning for or maybe they would take the post down . But at least it will get it out there and if it’s a bunch of us overtime that will start up to a message. Yeah I like that let’s do that…


That’s interesting. Justice Brett Kavanaugh ordered the White House to have all their data in by the 30th or 31st of this month. It’s possible he could come up with a decision sooner. Not very least he’s really just going to decide what to do with it, and if the issue a stay during the process, that’s overriding the lower 3 Panel Court. I think we keep our fingers crossed I hope they put a new stay in place. He see your mountain of cases all being wrapped into this one thing.


For those about to Rock! Lol. It’s Ac/Dc so I had to