Omicron is the Beginning of the End!

I know why: it is hoped that the “vaxx hesitatant” will take this vaxx, and, more importantly, get a vaccine passport, the first step to a WW digital id. My GP suggested to take this vaxx to me, I suggested politely that he could go and f*** himself.


Hi Izzy Bea, if you are in Europe, and I were you, and I were being forced to take a vax or starve, I would personally try to wait for Valneva, it is far broader and less spike-protein focused.
Novavax has the advantage of not turning your body into a spike protein factory, so the autoimmune issues might be fewer. But remember that Novavax also targets the original Wuhan strain, which no longer exists. Therefore, if the current vaxes are creating ADE, which is still not clear, then the same could happen with Novavax. Also remember that any new vaccine coming to market has by definition no real world safety record. I’m no medical professional so this is just reporting what I’ve seen online, it is not medical advice. DrBeen on YouTube has reviewed Novavax several times, search for that and watch his videos.


So Chris (or anybody): Where can I find that 3 month omicron percentage map?

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caf in Frisia, the Netherlands. Can’t go back to US.


Hi and best wishes,
I would advise all to be cautious regarding the virulence of Omicron, as Dr Geert Vanden Bossche does not agree that the C-19 pandemic is toning down:
Dr Vanden Bossche has successfully been predicting the course of the pandemic and the impact of mass vaccination with these types of vaccines in the midst of the pandemic, so when he urges for caution I tend to listen to what he is saying.


Thanks very much for those links. I too have a very high regard for Dr Geert Vanden Bossche and agree that patience is called for, as well as caution in jumping to premature conclusions about omicron’s demise.


Chris should have divulged the date of that press release
Being a little bit of time ago of course there were considerable concerns about the omicron strain


This analysis of fatality rates also does not account for the difference in Vaccination rates between UK and US. Looks promising but still too early for the US with its terribly low vaxx rates still

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The visitors are fundamentally practical in their approach. This is both a strength and a weakness. As we have observed them, both here and elsewhere, we see that it is difficult for them to deviate from their plans. They are not well adapted to change, nor can they deal with complexity very effectively. Therefore, they carry out their plan in an almost careless manner, for they feel that they are in the right and that they have the advantage. They do not believe that humanity will mount resistance against them—at least not resistance that will affect them greatly. And they feel that their secrets and their agenda are well preserved and are beyond human comprehension. Summers, Marshall Vian. The Allies of Humanity, Book One (p. 42). New Knowledge Library. Kindle Edition.

The WH press release was Tuesday 12/21. It was huge news in the US. The data out of SA, UK and HK was readily available as Chris says, “to anyone with a Comcast connection” before the WH press conference.


Hey guys, I see a lot of people including Chris and Dr. John Campbell saying repeatedly that Omicron doesn’t care if you had previous infections or not… Can anyone point me at the data for that? All the data I found was a study from South Africa (, page 24) but you can clearly see on the study they DO NOT know the vaccination status of the participants… maybe part of those Re infections were vaccinated people (this hypothesis is backed by a more recent study that shows VE becomes negative for omicron after 3 months)

My feeling is that since variants mutations are normally 1-2% (and I don’t think omicron is much different) but even if was more, natural infection immunity should still be enough…
I also remind that Israel study on natural immunity showed a re-infection rate of 1-2% which to me would be compatible with the data suggested on the South African study above…
Appreciate your thoughts on this.


Perhaps 100 million of us will get it, but only perhaps 20 million cases will be detected and 1.5% of those will go to the hospital for an average of 3 days. At the peak, perhaps 10% of them will be in hospital together. So 20 million * 1.5% * 10% = 30,000 or about 3% of hospital beds. Throw in high quality early treatment (which I admit almost certainly won’t happen) and that number would be reduced to perhaps 3,000 at peak.

6. Regarding reports of re-infections, Dr. Chetty indicates: “it’s the first time I see unvaccinated people who have had Covid in the past getting re-infected.” “There is a slightly higher risk of re-infections” … but these are “very mild re-infections.” Hope this helps. At this point in time I trust the front-line doctors -- like Chetty -- far more than I trust the so-called authorities.

this is an excellent interview. He says the vaccines have led to a global immune suppression and that the “antibodies” never had any effect on combating the virus, they were “blank shots” and the temporary symptom relief was in fact due to the body temporarily acquiring tolerance to the virus. He sees no benefit from mass vaccination campaigns - they are nonsensical, given that omicron is so mild. Omnicron is acting like a live vaccine that will give broad protection, far broader than the booster shots. He suggests now is people’s chance to gain broad protection from a mild version of covid. He has treated 8000 patients, including ones with 40% blood oxygen levels !! and has had zero deaths and zero hospitalizations! He says the key is to administer antihistamines as of the eighth day.


Thanks for laying out the case that omicron is likely to be milder than delta in some senses. Whether this is due to intrinsic properties of omicron or properties of the populations it’s hitting – or both – is unclear, but it certainly seems like good news if these results hold up. Still, a reduction in individual danger only takes us so far if omicron simultaneously hits a large percentage of the population, so we should still remain careful.
I’ve seen multiple articles saying that if you have cold symptoms and test negative for COVID then you should still assume that you have COVID, likely omicron. Like you (presumably), I personally consider that advice kind of ridiculous, especially since if omicron really is as bad as a cold – which isn’t entirely clear yet, but these articles don’t make the opposite case – then I’m not sure why we should care.
You brought up the question of whether omicron is displacing delta or just transmitting alongside it. I too want to know the answer to that, and I haven’t managed to find good data. The chart you showed didn’t clearly answer the question, but maybe it’s the best we have at the moment. Let’s hope we see delta drop out.
On the other hand, I’m getting rather frustrated with your tendency to toss out headlines that support your narratives at the ends of your presentations without providing any data or analysis to back them up. Here you finished by suggesting that vaccinated individuals are more likely to catch omicron, but you didn’t provide any links to the relevant studies. If you have the studies to back up the negative connotation here then please share them. All I’ve found so far are studies like this and results (allegedly) here, and in each case they were examining COVID-positive patients to determine the likelihood that they had omicron. It turned out that vaccinated infected individuals were more likely to have omicron than non-vaccinated infected individuals, but this is expected if the vaccines defend against other variants more effectively than omicron, and it certainly isn’t a negative as long as omicron is no worse than the others.

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Replying to myself, I now suspect that Chris was referring to this study, though the commenters there raised some significant concerns. The later version of that study is here – and maybe he was thinking of that version – but it will take some time to digest what it’s actually saying.

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I usually hate Christmas. But this year I took great pleasure in disobeying Bonnie Henry’s stupid rules!


Joshua Green is back. You still think its a grand idea to mandate shots for our children, Josh? Last time you sounded all enthusiastic about it.
Unfortunately, the shots still kill more than they save. According to Pfizer’s own trial. Probably due to cardiac events.
So. Have you changed your mind? Chris says when he gets new evidence, he’ll change. How about you?



@davefairtex, I can’t help but notice that you chose to lash out at me rather than point out what I got wrong, show me what Chris may have been relying on to justify his insinuation, or thank me for clarifying the situation. I agreed with most of what Chris presented here, but I’m still going to call him out when he seems to be misrepresenting data, something which (as I noted) I feel he’s been doing somewhat regularly lately. What I see here could just be an honest mistake – or I could be wrong – but I have to wonder. Given how much effort he puts into tearing down analysis that supports the mainstream narratives, why did he choose to toss that particular claim out without any analysis or even providing a link to the data?
If the (newer version of the) second study is the one he was thinking of, then I don’t think it really justifies the suggestion that vaccinated individuals are more susceptible to omicron. The authors themselves suspect that the apparent eventual negative efficacy is due to behavioral issues, but I wonder if it’s due to people being counted and removed once they test positive, hence unvaccinated individuals would be counted when they contract (say) delta and have no opportunity to show up in the omicron group. (I haven’t seen the latter concern raised elsewhere, and the paper doesn’t seem to include all the details, so I could be missing something here.)
I’m personally against vaccine mandates for children. Though I believe the vaccines are a net positive, I accept that the math is significantly closer than it is for other age groups, so I’d be fine with leaving that decision in parents’ hands.
That chart is an illustration of small number statistics. Lacking baseline probabilities, the best we can do is ask ourselves “If the total count were randomly distributed between the two cohorts (pretending that both have the same number of people, as they’re really close here), how likely would we be to see a distribution at least as skewed as we do?” If that likelihood is sufficiently small then maybe we reject that hypothesis and assume that there’s something causing the counts to preferentially land on one side. However, that’s not the case here. 15/14 is as even as you can get for a total of 29, and {4/1 or 5/0} would occur 18.75% of the time (under the “same size” simplifying assumption), as would {1/4 or 0/5}. That’s not particularly unlikely, especially considering that you had to ignore all the other rows (like the 0/2 for myocardial infarction) to find the row you highlighted. (It’s the multiple testing problem.) In short, that table provides no real evidence that vaccination has any effect – positive or negative – on the listed conditions.