Omicron is the Beginning of the End!

These signs of negative efficacy showing up in data from the UK, from Denmark, from Iceland... are they all due to "behavior"? I find the vaxed to be much more fearful than the unvaxed... but that's just my observation.

It looks systematic to me and the (ADE, OAS, whatever) effect is stronger in those cohorts with stronger, better functioning immune systems;

I can't help but notice that you chose to lash out at me
Yup. Methinks he confuses "investigative" and "invective".
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Joshua Green-
So I’m not really interested in materially engaging with you until I’m convinced you’re not just some shill working for Pfizer. Which there are lot of them around these days. They have tens of billions to spend for their marketing campaign.
Pharma gonna Pharma, as they say.

I'm personally against vaccine mandates for children. Though I believe the vaccines are a net positive, I accept that the math is significantly closer than it is for other age groups, so I'd be fine with leaving that decision in parents' hands.
I'm glad you're against mandates for children, and that you believe that parents have a right to determine what substances are injected into their own children. Especially given it is these parents that will be bearing the costs of any injury, rather than the government. Or Pfizer. Or - say - you. This is the first time I've heard you say this. That's great to hear. As for your assertion:
That chart is an illustration of small number statistics.
So you're telling me that Pfizer - accidentally - did a terrible job demonstrating that their vaccine provides an all cause mortality benefit in the middle of a deadly pandemic due to ... what, exactly? Incompetence? On the part of the people designing the trial? They just blew it? "Whoopsie?" Tell ya what. I'll go with the "Pfizer is incompetent at designing a trial" defense. This trial-design incompetence does NOT make me eager to trust their vaccine. If they can't design a trial, I'm going to guess that they are equally incompetent at designing shots-that-save-lives. Sorry for not engaging you on the terms you prefer. I just want to get this issue out of the way before I engage with you on other matters. Really I'm asking: do you have common sense? Or are you working for Pfizer?


Yup. Methinks he confuses "investigative" and "invective".
You had me at "methinks." I know. You love the shot. Even if it hasn't been demonstrated to provide an all cause mortality benefit. But that's what Vaccine Church is all about. It's faith-based. Not evidence-based. That's why you had me at "methinks."

Berenson has gone full Terminator against the pharma gods - here’s what he wrote today reacting to another vax death, in this case his sons friends father;

And I promise the billionaire boys this: By the time I’m done the world will know what you knew and when you knew it. This isn’t about depopulation conspiracy theories; it’s about a drug - not a vaccine, this isn’t a vaccine by any reasonable definition - you rushed to market with the promise of zero liability and tens of billions of dollars in profits, a drug that looks worse by the week. It’s about risking the hearts of healthy kids to make morbidly obese adults feel a little better; it’s about getting the result you want in a clinical trial after a few months and blowing up the trial - for a drug that is supposed to be given to billions of people - and not once, but over and over. So, yeah, I’m not going to forget. I don’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear, and I absolutely will not stop until the truth comes out.
So things are just not going well for the Church of Vax... not at all. In fact, as more people wake up as a result of the Vax church revival that has been going city-to-city (and in some cases door-to-door) since the new Covid scrolls were "found" in the cave, some people are remembering that Pope Fauci has pulled this stunt before; Here's one comment from the above Berenson substack article;
Jason M6 hr ago Keep this going Alex! My mother died at the age of 42 in 1990 from AZT and not from HIV. All under Fauci’s watch. I want this guy to be brought in front of a criminal court. I want to watch him go down.
Oh my. Things not going well at all for the faithful. The scrolls were fake, and the pope knew it.

Thanks, Chris!
CrLaan, the Catherine Austin Fitts video was extremely enlightening; thank you! She expounded on one a PP member shared in another comment chain (my apologies for forgetting who)–taken off of YouTube where I saw it–with TPTB’s need for us to move towards digital currency:

Melissa Ciummei: Pandemic Will End When Their Digital Monetary System Is In Place

or on Rumble Ciummei's interview was a lightbulb for me, pulling together many of the things Chris has mentioned: the plandemic's role with incoming totalitarianism (and crushing small businesses) as well as the impending energy crisis...all the pieces falling into place with the "why". However, I like how Austin Fitts gives suggestions for what we can do to steer ourselves (and others) away from falling into "Mr. Global's" trap:
  1. Move your $$ out of big banks and into local ones;
  2. Make contacts with small businesses in your area and buy local (if you can as the supply chains lessen);
  3. Put real $$ in your pocket (cash!); and
  4. Find like-minded people nearby (thank you, Chris, for providing us with this opportunity online).
It was liberating to walk through Target without scanning my goods recently and to buy as little as possible from Amazon for Christmas this year (Bezos's yacht doesn't need my help). Baby steps. Post #44: Thanks also gmk123 for Geert's Omicron articles. In a different PP video comment trail, a member linked to Dr. Robert Malone who concurs with Vanden Bossche's suppositions. If the author of mRNAs and world's leading virologist are saying something different than the immediate data, I'm holding off on a celebration. What's more chilling is the last sentence on VB's Dec. 7 article: "In brief, it [an Omicron "vax"] will allow the virus to make a natural selection favoring hosts who preserved a fully functional innate immune defense." My interpretation: even the unjabbed and/or naturally-immune-from-prior-infection would be at risk from spike proteins. (Any remote, deserted islands up for sale?) Last, call me skeptical, but while I want to cheer along with the Omicron quietude, I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop, especially when the media chimes in with agreement of what the rest of us can already see. Is this the dangling of the carrot, the loosening of grips on the mass psychosis Chris mentioned as the puppet masters sense people's lassitude, before they yank their marionettes back to attention? As our mask mandates have just rolled out again in the greater Baltimore area, I will do my best to stay unmasked, but otherwise will forego my usual bandana for these: My young son will wear the bottom mask when he gets his hair cut tomorrow; we'll see what my "believing" stylist thinks about us afterward. Follow the silence (homage Bret Weinstein).

I received my booster on the 16th December and within 2 weeks I was diagnosed with Shingles, cooinderence, I think not! I will not be gettting anymore boosters or Covid vaccines.





You might try IVM for shingles, search around.


You forgot the extra vaccinated deaths that were buried in the supplementary table.


Yes, IVM is short-listed for shingles. Good luck!


RAndomMike, I wanted to let you know that my son who had cold sores his whole life started IVM in 2020 and has yet to have an outbreak. He used to get them 2x a year like clockwork. Now, no sign of cold sores. Don’t know how this relates to shingles but heard there is similarities. I think we cured it to be honest. Miracle drug it is!

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Yes, IVM is short-listed for shingles. Good luck!
I think we need to be mindful there may be powers looking for reasons to shut the website down. To that end I will share my own personal experience, not medical advice, with a cold sore (same virus as shingles). I usually get one every year when the weather changes. This year I took one does of IVM when I felt it coming on and low and behold, no cold sore this year. I will also add I had a friend get the shot and then break out in a pretty bad case of the shingles. Good Luck, Kathy

What started with the strange tale of the pandemic of an easy to beat aerosolized virus has become a global battle over the onward march to eliminate the control group. The bidding began with a clash of the propagandized fear porn-driven narrative. The stakes were upped substantially over hydroxychloroquine and anything else that might treat patients before reaching a progressed disease state. Now that controversy over vaccine harms has ramped up substantially, two sides find themselves committed.

Vicious tribalism is in vogue, and the stakes could not be higher. One side wants the other to submit to a “my government can inject me with anything it likes, at any time” policy. The other has filed genocide and war crimes complaints in at the International Criminal Court.

When the end states of the game involve either of,

1. Rounding up one side into concentration camps, or

2. Holding international or military tribunals to hold the leadership of the other side accountable for genocide,

it becomes harder and harder to imagine either side backing down.

Mathew Crawford


This data suggests the vaxed are not just getting Omicron preferentially, but that they are getting sicker from it vs unvaxed… this is what we have done to young, healthy people in a university population. Click on the tweet to see the right hand portion of the chart.

6 Likes “Note that this is the probability of an infection being Omicron given a person is infected, so it doesn’t tell us how likely a person is to test positive in the first place,” writes Jones. “This means it doesn’t tell us that the vaccines are making things worse overall, only that they are making it much more likely that a vaccinated person is infected with Omicron than another variant. In other words, it is a measure of how well Omicron evades the vaccines compared to Delta. The fact that the triple-vaccinated are much more likely to be infected with Omicron than the double-vaccinated confirms this vaccine evading ability.” Jones concludes from the data that, “The current Omicron outbreak is largely an epidemic of the vaccinated and is being driven, not by the unvaccinated, but by those who have been double and triple jabbed.”
Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche warned us that a non-sterilizing "vaccine" would cause the virus to mutate in order to bypass the protections offered by the "vaccine." Why would the Omicron virus infect the jabbed more prevalently than the unjabbed? Could it be that the experimental vaxxine compromises the body's immune system? Or is it just that the unvaxxed are so afraid of medical facilities that they aren't reporting their illnesses? Grover

This is all extremely fascinating. Right now in NJ, cases are surging. Beyond anything we have seen throughout this pandemic. Also, tests are in VERY short supply. This is anecdotal but my unvaccinated friends and family are fine. My son & I both had tests this week (negative). However, I have family and friends who have Covid- all vaxxed and boosted. Again, beware of anecdotes, I know but this is interesting.
There is also now a pandemic of guilt. Have you seen the articles of people feeling guilty because they listened- they got vaxxed, and boosted, wore masks, the whole nine years. Now they are suffering extreme guilt about having contracted Covid.
Has anyone else experience something similar?


Thanks for the report Grover.
Here’s another confounder. The triple (or - quadruple) vaxxed almost certainly comprise that “30% hypnotized” cadre. (Exceptions for the truly at risk, of course; no fun with age > 70, BMI 30+, and more than one co-morbidity).
But for the rest - many of this group might well get tested “just because.” Sniffles? Tested. Sore throat? Tested. Feeling nervous? TESTED!! Went out to a bar with everyone triple-vaxxed and double-masked? TESTED TESTED TESTED!
Given the shots don’t work, especially with Omicron, its a pandemic of the unvaccinated-and-frequently-tested-due-to-paranoia. CDC is reaping what they sewed.
FYI, “booster doses 18+” are now 35.9% of the double-vaxxed population; that means boosted = 26.8% of US pop 18+.
Thanks Dr Mattias Desmet for providing a fantastic framing for what is going on today. Easy to do with perspective, 20 years from now - much more difficult to provide in real time.