Omicron is the Beginning of the End!

I only know two people who have gotten Covid - both vaxxed.
One was angry. He had expected the vax to protect him. He almost died.
The other sort of expected that the vax would not work. She had been forced to take it to keep her job (nurse) and, through her work at the hospital she knew that the vax was, at best, pretty worthless.



Interesting! I hope your friend is OK. Meanwhile, our gov is chilling in Costa Rica. Must be nice!

Seems our house was given the gift of natural immunity this Christmas. My wife and I, both unvaccinated, and 4 month old son were introduced to the bug by my mother-in-law, double vax w/AZ, who is staying with us for the holidays after flying up from the south of Brazil to meet her new grandson. She was here for 20 days before she started feeling sick so she definitely picked it up somewhere locally. She started feeling a little achy and dry throat on Dec. 19th and took a BinaxNow rapid test and got a negative, so we chalked it up to elevation sickness and dry climate. On the 21st she had a low fever and throat started to swell up. Took another test and got another negative. We got her started on the I-Mask+ protocol anyways, which is conveniently also provided in Portuguese on FLCCC. Lucky for us she has a whole bottle HCQ she takes weekly for her arthritis and she brought me 5 boxes of IVM for my christmas present (She thought they were taken by customs but ended up finding them inside someone else’s gift bag). My wife started the post exposure protocol right away and I, being a curious fool, decided to wait one more day to start my meds, to see what the different stages and starting times would produce. As far as our son, the only thing we could do was monitor his temperature and breathing and keep up with his Vitamin D supplement and Saline nasal spray. By Christmas eve everyone had symptoms and finally my mother-in-law tested positive, and although everyone else was still testing negative we knew we all had the bug. Low fevers and little coughs all around. My wife and I moved on to outpatient early treatment, with 18 mg IVM added Zithromax and quercetin. The baby got Tylenol and a humidifier. Fast forward to today: Mother-in-Law is at 99%, Wife is at 99%, baby is at 99%, and I’m still suffering a bit with slightly swollen tonsils and congestion, but I’ll put myself at 80%. Out of all of us my double vaccinated MIL was affected the worst. We were a little worried when our son started to have a fever but it was easily managed with Tylenol and was gone after a day. Still a lingering cough here and there, and we’re finishing out the outpatient protocol and starting antihistamines now to try and avoid any long term effects. So in our experience, even though it completely messed up our holiday plans, we’ve accepted Omicron as a gift, and abhor the ominous and fear driven message from the white house essentially wishing sickness, suffering and death to the unvaccinated, and can attest that at least in our house, the spread was driven by the vaccinated.


This from ElGatoMalo……

a simple 3 step plan to turn new years eve into the rodeo of 1000 goats and sent hotels and hospitals alike into a tailspin. step 1: mandate covid tests on top of vaccine passports for all large gatherings and for flying into puerto rico step 2: panic everyone into wild over-testing step 3: completely run out of not only rapid tests but even the actual reagents for PCR such that you literally cannot get a covid test on PR for love or money this 3 step plan has literally inundated the emergency rooms with healthy people trying to get PCR tests so they can go to concerts, clubs, and big hotel parties for NYE. pretty much every event over 100 people is demanding it.  
in flawless, on point irony, the ER’s are struggling to provide the actual emergency care for which they are intended because of this and we’re having, for the first time all covid, an actual crisis at the hospitals, not because of disease, but because people want to hit the el san juan hotel party or club 787. it’s going to be the perfect lose/lose scenario as these parties are going to get gutted because guests cannot enter, the ER’s are on tilt, and who knows how the incoming tourists or locals coming home are supposed to get a test within 48 hours of landing (per new rules). apparently, trips and reservations are getting cancelled wholesale over it. probably 1/3 of the restaurants in san juan are closed because staff got a positive covid test and the rest cannot get cleared with negatives as no tests are available. so the health minister responds by cutting restaurant capacity to 50%. so now it’s bedlam everywhere. a restaurateur i know said he’s forbidden his employees to get tested because if they do, he’ll get closed down. i doubt very strongly he’s the only one. cruise ships are refusing to stop here because the rules are impossible. it’s the boriqua classic:  
honestly, i’m rooting for chaos. too many here have been far too complacent about far too much arbitrary and capricious stupidity. i’m hearing endless grumbling and complaint about this. it’s time we demoted this absurdity of a health minister to “assistant dogcatcher 3rd rate” and got back to life. i hope the hotels and tourism based business are livid. i hope the clubs and concert venues are furious. i hope the people are incandescent. maybe it’ll wake some of them up…

The story that el gato malo tells about Costa Rica sounds like an attempt to destroy the nation’s function with plausible deniability.
“We were just protecting everyone’s health.”


It’s interesting to note that many younger, mobile, crypto rich have made Puerto Rico home because of its tax laws. There has been a huge real estate boom there in the nice areas as a result. I gotta believe that PR new money demographic is not happy…

Fab compilation of the (thus far) lies.
And here’s to looking at the BC Provincial Health Authority, who is the liar in chief in our previously free province. Tick tock Bonnie Hitler!

The story that el gato malo tells about Costa Rica sounds like an attempt to destroy the nation's function with plausible deniability.
I assume you referring Puerto Rico which el gato malo was reporting on. I provided the current status of Costa Rica on a separate thread.
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We will get through this… In the meantime on the Eastern Shore of Maryland and throughout the UMMS system we are seeing rising hospitalizations, just when I thought I could breathe easier because of the Omicron data out of the UK. Unfortunately the CDC ooopsied yet again and the ratios are upside down from the 75% Omicron and 25%Delta that was reported last week. Which explains the increase in hospitalizations I’m seeing. I’m still seeing hypotension, renal insufficiency, hypoxemic respiratory failure, and Troponin elevations in my vulnerable patients. Generally 70+ year olds or comorbidity patients. So we still have a bit of a rough few weeks before Omicron outpaces Delta.

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@jim-h-2, thanks for that data, and sorry for taking so long to come back to this thread. That data seems disparate from the studies I was seeing thrown around at the time to make this case; it also doesn’t seem to suffer from the same issues of interpretation that those claims did. As the report notes there are lots of potential confounders, but this is still interesting. While some of the suggested explanations (pages 33-34) seem plausible to me, it would be nice to see someone seriously estimate their individual impacts in order to pin this down.

@davefairtex, sorry for not coming back to this sooner.
I don’t work for Pfizer. As far as I know, my only connection to the company is that they supplied my three doses. (Yes, I boosted, primarily to restore any lost efficacy against Delta.) I’m certainly not in a position to judge my own common sense, though.

So you're telling me that Pfizer - accidentally - did a terrible job demonstrating that their vaccine provides an all cause mortality benefit in the middle of a deadly pandemic due to ... what, exactly? Incompetence? On the part of the people designing the trial? They just blew it? "Whoopsie?" Tell ya what. I'll go with the "Pfizer is incompetent at designing a trial" defense. This trial-design incompetence does NOT make me eager to trust their vaccine. If they can't design a trial, I'm going to guess that they are equally incompetent at designing shots-that-save-lives.
At the time the goal was to determine if the vaccine would have some benefit against a pandemic currently in progress. The aim was to secure EUA with the hope of shutting down the pandemic and getting back to normal. Pfizer presumably chose a clinical endpoint that they felt was consistent with that goal and would yield sufficient data to draw a conclusion. They believed that they had shown a benefit, and no harm showed up in the all-cause mortality, so I can't really argue with their trial design given that time was of the essence. Maybe a trial focusing on all-cause mortality could have been designed, but how large would it have had to have been and how long would it have taken? You'd need enough COVID deaths to solidly overwhelm the inherent noise in other causes of death (or, to see vaccine harm, you'd need enough vaccine-caused deaths to overwhelm the noise in other deaths). I'm not sure how possible that would have been.

I find that data really hard to understand – there’s just so much going on there. I guess we’d expect something like those statistics if unvaccinated individuals are more likely to get tested as a matter of course (rather than just when showing symptoms), perhaps due to some “vaccine or test” requirement. However, that hypothesis could be a complete misreading of what’s shown there, and the actual Twitter thread includes a bunch of other relevant questions.