One Last Chance

We are already buzzing with excitement for the yearly Peak Prosperity gathering here at Evie and my home. It’s called the Honey Badger Gathering (HBG) and if you are one of those fence sitters who could maybe be convinced to come at the last minute, this message is for you.

If you are already coming, just know that this year is going to be especially powerful and very well run.

As a first inducement, maybe consider that this might be your last chance to travel without a mask for a while. I am only half-joking, of course.

The main reason to come is to be around your fellow Peak Prosperity members. The effects of living through these times are to become demoralized and to begin to feel alone and isolated.

The cure is to come and meet each other in person. We’re real people, at varying stages of life and experience, and having face-to-face conversations is the balm we all need.

This year we’re going to have an immense amount of programming for you to sit in on and learn from, with the highlight being the side-bar conversations and new friendships that will be struck up.

Maybe you just want to relax, and this year the temperatures are going to be balmy (in the 70’s during the day are currently projected) and the leaves will be just beginning to turn on some species so it will be colorful. If you haven’t been to New England in the fall, it’s our signature season and not to be missed.

You’ll get to meet Evie and myself up close and personal, as well as many of the colorful characters you may only know (so far) through their online presence.

We’ll laugh, gather, hang out around fires, talk, learn, converse, and recharge.

And who knows?

The way things are going we can’t take anything for granted any longer. If you can come this year, then you should come. We have no idea how many more can or will be run.

For me, the most important part of these gatherings is to meet you, shake hands, and find out how you see the world. In a world where trust is receding by the day, these personal connections become more and more important.

If any of that has tipped you toward coming, then click here to sign up.

Your faithful Information Scout,
Chris Martenson

P.S. My favorite thing to do with people is run the sawmill…it’s really magic turning round logs into straight boards.

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This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I’m Signed, Sealed, And Ready!

Excited as it’s my first time at HBG! I’ll be the guy handing out the free FOOP to all registrants as they walk in. If you’re not signed up, get to work! See y’all in a week.


Free FOOP!
That is the proverbial icing on the cake. People have gotta come now. :slight_smile:

Who doesn’t like free fish poop?!? Lol.
BTW: It’s really good poop;)

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Hbg… On The Road

Left Tucson Aug 27th for HBG. Telluride, 50th HSreunion (Kearney, NB), two lane HW since. Small towns declining the (d)elites’ selfharm offer. Masks show up @~20k pop. Mostly young. I asked an 80+ @ park, why the mask? He pointed to the playground “so I can bring my grandchildren. Promised not to tell they’re not masking”
See y’all soon


See you soon! Looking forward to hearing about your observations along the way.,

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Hbg - Looking Forward To It

Really wanted to go last year but certain mandates wouldn’t allow border crossings. Meh. All clear this year, until they bring those restrictions back. The reports I love are how the new scariant originated in CANADA! GASP!! Guess we’ll be bringing it with us. LOL.
Train booked (flight just didn’t make any sense), hotel, car… someone to watch the chickens, dogs… house.
Yep getting excited to meet some of the tribe.
John (the other half of Fredricks_teeth)

Went into a pizza place in Jamestown. PA. Jjust for grins, asked if I needed a mask. Waitress paused & said " Haloween’s next month!" (Wink)

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Just A Few Boards…

How about a picture of the saw-mill? We wish we could come but circumstances prevent it from happening this year. We were at Poly-Face Farm when you were there in 2021.

Please Have A Look On This

very compelling: