Other Forensics of the Assassination Attempt

Hi Chris

I believe this pic is fake because his hand is already half way up to his ear and the bullet hasn’t even left the frame yet. Reactions like this are not physically possible especially when you take into account that he first did a small flinch and only then reached for his ear. Small detail but it busts the ‘award winning’ photo.

Great work you’re doing.

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I make out 7 shells visible at 6:31pm. Anyone see the 8th?


other side left circle is 2 in there.


The video is here.

thank u for the explanation. appreciate it. aligns with my deductions. i wonder how FBI will cook this up in the coming days.

The video is zoomed in so it’s hard to tell the location. If you look at the photo in Audio & Video of the Assassination Attempt - #9 by drsammyd, you will find two fences. There’s one right behind the big flag. If I move the point to the northern fence then the last shot doesn’t match. The video shows its next to a fence. I used the sound to determine it’s the southern fence. If you downloaded the zip file you can play with it yourself. We know the last shot came from the southern snipers, so that’s a good verify point.

Ah got it. I couldn’t see it at first. Well spotted.

Another take on this whole thing?

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Thank you for clearing that up for me, as that was a red flag (among ALL the other GLARING red flags) that I wasn’t hearing anyone mention about. I had seen helicopter footage of the roof with the weapon separated from him & there didn’t appear that there were officers on the roof with him yet. I could be wrong & just didn’t see them or the footage was later? :woman_shrugging:t3:
Thank you again for answering my question.

Thank you for the explanation.
Yes, if they just plainly stated which counter sniper took the shot, then we can move from there. But they refuse to, even though they know, and testified they did their interviews with the sniper.
It would have easily been a piece of info released to the news if it fit their narrative. Just like any other piece of evidence that got released.

This man has a YT channel that focuses on firearms and he actually owned the same rifle that they claim was found beside Crooks.
His opinion is that particular rifle manufactured in 2013 is not very accurate at all.
If this is true, (and I have no reason to doubt this fellow), AND if Crooks’ mission as a lone gunman was to kill Trump at any distance with a non magnifying red dot optic, AND presumably he went to a range to practice and zero his rifle, well it just does not add up.
Surely Crooks would have noticed while practicing at the gun range that his chances of success with a rifle that inaccurate were not good at all.

The guy mentions at the end of the video that his groupings at 50 yards were huge whereas his Colt rifle was much better and had tighter groupings.

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I positively LOVE your work. Three items:

  1. At least 10 witnesses view someone on the water tower. I understand he may not have been a shooter, but appearance is nefarious: at the 3:47 mark https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEbYs1CwQC8

  2. Why is Crooks body sooo far back from the apex of the roof? I don’t see how he could have had a line of sight to Trump that far from the apex.

  3. Gateway Pundit report posited a VERY good question. Why has there been no talk about the bullet hole at the BACK of Crooks’ neck? Was Crooks neutralized from behind before he could have even shot, but still made to look like the patsy? That would explain there being no blood splatter.

Keep up the fantastic work!!!




I did a rudimentary analysis of Doug Mills’ photo of the 2nd shot passing by President Trump’s head. Take it with a huge grain of salt, but I feel like this photo is important.


Yes, I agree it is zoomed in. However the ending shot of the video is right next to the building Crooks fired from but on the other side of the fence. So its possible the guy was standing nearer the southern fence, but then ran up to the northern fence next to the building. But it’s weird that he would run towards the shots.

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Far right side of the photo?

Your analysis may be correct based on that photo, but is the photo legitimate?
I imagine that what is possible to alter and compose photos these days is way beyond photoshop.
This ‘world famous photographer’ who just happens to be the same guy that photographed Bush on 9-11 and was attending his first Trump rally, and he just happened to be at just the right place and just happened to have his camera focused on Trump to capture this photo at just the right shutter speed for super fast action etc. Well, that’s too many ‘just rights’ for me. I don’t trust that photo as being legitimate.

Try an analysis of a trajectory of bullets coming from the main floor windows of Building 6. The second from the parking lot and the third from the parking lot. We know that bullet 1 hits the bleachers guardrail. You have the estimate of the height of Trump’s ear. I have it at about 10 feet from ground level. Assume the shots could have been from anywhere along the height of the window.
I too did some rough estimates with what I have available which is mostly Google Earth desktop and the line tool that gives an elevations profile and I found that bullet 1 was on an ascending trajectory and clips Trump’s ear and goes on to hit the guardrail of the bleachers to his left.
The rifle Crooks had was a very inaccurate rifle according to a gun enthusiast that owned the exact same rifle. Crooks had a red dot, no scope. No way Crooks made the first 3 shots. Next five? Maybe.
This was a planned operation and there is no way the deep state would trust killing Trump to a lone shooter nutjob. There was way too much riding on this.


The bullet isn’t from the 2nd shot as the second shot can be heard as Trump has his hand on his ear which has traces of blood as Trump pulled it back from his ear (3rd photo from Doug Mills). So it can only be from the first shot however, during the first shot Trump still had his hand on the stand so this photo has been tampered with. This is evidence that a forensics supporting the official narrative (failed assassination attempt) had been faked hence the assassination attempt being staged is very likely.

Watch the video I posted and let me know what ur opinion of it is

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they get tips on where to be and what to expect on a regular basis.

What someone should do is to hack into every major newspaper and see who was busy preparing articles on Trumps death. I am dead sure few of them were all busy in their kitchen cooking up the articles and some editors in news media were already preparing their edits for next day.

Although most news media outlets have a lot of stock reports on politicians untimely death, this was suppose to end up as a successful assassination. Followed by RNC where they would have announced Nikki or Ron Or Christie or even Liz.

Remember it was only a surprise for those who didnt know. But few definitely knew and they were prepared for the scoop and the chaos and consequences that might have followed.

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