Wray Testimony - Livestream functionality on drone
More problematic in my estimation - Wray mentioned ‘livestreaming.’
If the drone had that functionality, he could use it to ‘livestream’ the video onto vimeo, facebook or any social media streaming platform … my guess, Wray had no idea what he was saying.
Someone told him he could use it to ‘livestream’. Drones with that capability are more expensive and the thought that he was livestreaming points to a conspiracy. Who was watching the video as it was ‘livestreamed’.
Additionally, Wray claimed they didn’t know the flight path … engineers were trying to determine it.
Most of the time, people use SD cards to store images and video. If it had an SD card - they would have the video - and know exactly where it was flown.
Perhaps they don’t want to share it.
Additionally, there was a 2 hour NO-FLY directive in the area - did Crooks know this, and how?
(the guy in the grey suit - who went to the roof to confirm Crooks was DEAD)
… Crooks stopped flying the drone prior to the 2 hour NO-FLY time and SUPPOSEDLY flew it behind him and not over the rally site.
For information on drones and ‘livestreaming’ - check out YOUTUBE channel UAVISUALS - “How to Live Stream to Social Media from ANY Drone.” Could it be that Crooks was flying the drone for others to see on social media or perhaps someone else was flying the drone to follow his actions to make sure he was doing what he was supposed to be doing ??!!
Another unanswered question - how many unspent cartridges were in his backpack? I am not familiar with AR-15s - did he load up 8 cartridges and use them all ??? Thanks for a great video.